T he T urner T ribune volum e AND CONTINUATION OF THE AUMSVILLK «T A U XVI T H U R S D A Y ; J U N E 4. T Î5 1 NO. 30 Community Club Election Monday Night M.E. BROTHERKODO HOLDS ¡June ¡Graduates LISI MEETING LOU THE SUMMER June, Di»- unnitii of roses ills»* the mon'li of brille«, aweet girl graduates, unii other thing* that The lift regular meeting o ft » Math prete rave over and the lena poetic odist Brother nood for the suinrn-r wim rive h Im h I in this particular June held in th* church, Monday evenlnir, tune, ia pulling forth the sigt a and June 1, The program contlstod oi group peonia ol ita presene« in the usual Ringing, devotional, led by the Chap* iaaiiion, aaid« from no in« vagaries lain, II. Bond; Solo, I> H Fa.lt- in cunntclioo with th«; weminr «a. Some of the problem« and an explain- ITh« annal «videur« that .lun«, anon of tie working* of the prohibition apart from the calendar ia in the enforcement, by State Prohibition Kn- breaking out of the b t r c * l l l i r n l e forcen ent Agent, George Alexander; and add res* and the harvesting of the annual crop of dif Ionian by th* the Insineee aeaaion. 1 he greateat problem in the enforce­ Voline n.en and young women who ment of the prohibition la »« l* the mi* repr« *'ntation of the law*, their ei7„rl* and method« of enforcing them If the people would take ar. inter«*! there would be nothing to enforcing the law*, aaid Mr, Alexander. Some suggestions were given »howing bow « e can all help hi* department and aeveral bulletin* were left (or more detuned information. The ladfe« of the community were in* viled to be present at iris meeting to b ar Mr. Alexander and several mem* bera of the W. C. T. U. were interested JUtenei*. Mr. K. t ibi-oon gave a very interest- ing repert on the diatrict Hrotherhood meeting held at Woodburn last week. During the buem e*a »«»»Ion .»everal STUDENTS GREETED II FULL HOUSE FRIDRV The "U lster,” a three act com edy, was preaentetlehy the Hi School Stu­ dent, Friday evening, with Roswell Denyer taking the leading part. Oth­ er aludeiita In the caat were Harold Hlllith, Sheila Delxelt, Lei» Wllketl- Mythical “ Summer Slump” In early and experimental sta­ ges of advertising certain months of the year were poor in business Mid summer was one of these per­ iods and “ the summer slump” be­ came a byword among merchants. It was accepted as a necessary and incu'able evil. Instead of increas- in« their advertising to improve bu»iness, merchants virtually sus­ pended advertising on the theory that business was not to be had. E STUDENTS WILL RE­ CEIVE DIPLOMAS FRI- Friday evening, nine students w ill graduate from the Turner Hi School They are Helen and Helena Witxel, Lena W ilkening, Hbeila Delzell, K en­ neth Fowler, Harold Smith, Gerald Given, Russell Denyer and Seymore .Stewart. ing, Helen Witxel, Josephine Gilstrap, Senior Students and members of the Kenneth Fowler, Wallace Chandler, faculty left .Saturday for Newport lyeona Cook, Seymour Stewart, Alvin Huddenlv someone d iscov ered w here they spent a rn » t e n jo y a b le Garner, Cluylou Neer, Le Roy War­ that “ the summer slump” was an week-end. ner; Tom Swah-s, Homer Mllchel. Mrs. Join. Cox furnished the piano hallucination of an unhnsi nessi ike go forth to solve the problem s 'djniuaio while Mrs. Mae Hadley played mind. It must have been a dis­ Mrs. China Bone» and her family Ibe world tinct shock to the old timers when held o picnic in the grove acroae from the accordion. J n n « should not allowed to The auditorium *'ua filled to capa­ thev discovered that the reason the garage Saturday. A bountiful page without a tribute t(> these city with an iuterekted and apprecia­ they were not doing business in the basket lunch waa served at noon and j summertime w as bee« us, they were the day waa well enjoyed. graduates o f the schools and c o l­ tive audienco. Those dui pc advertising It did not, leges, Hies* their hearts, every one Margaret Rol*ertson, K a t h e r i n e present were Mr. and Mrs. Martha of them ! T h ev furnish inspiration Aliampler, Helena Witxel and Opal speak w»-II for the vision of these Winkler, Vancouver, Wash., Mr. aud for the hum orous and satiric para Wickenham, ushers, sold candy dur­ pioneer business men that they Mrs. C. M Mundiuoer, Salem; Mr. and grapln-re. hut their ¡denis and their ing intermissions for the benefit of the were *o long in le-rning th:s sec­ Mrs. J. K. Scott and Grandson, Salem; ret of advertising; that .dvertising Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stanford and dau­ e n th u -is -m serve the c< 11 r.try well, Student Body fund. should he u»ed mprt extensively at ghter, Salem; Mr. aud Mra. A. I.. even if the harder school of exper those periods in the vear when Bones, Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Bones and b l u e in to wnich they are entering business need* an artificial stimu- family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones aud is disdained to take a lot cl the lent. The husines* of advertising family, Charlie Bone*. Mrs. Mary l tea I ism out of tbem. Some of the is to make business. Utter quality may stiuk—enough Barr ana Mrs. China Hones o f Turner. perhaps to m ake itself felt in the With the aid of newspaper ad­ years to c o m e . vertising many businesses have Mrs. Margaret Orr, mother of Mr* t There was a tim e when idealism Friday waa in everyway a big achiev- transformed the ‘ sommar s'ump” E. J . Gilstrap, has returned to her hilla were ordered paid. On a m >tlon by of the kind that has characterised ment Day at the Turner School, com- 1 it to a ‘ summer boom.” They have home In Eugene after a three weeks C. A. Hear lhe prein nt officer* were el* the baccaiaureatc rerom n « cd the menci g at 2 oclock with Mrc. Mea Had- > produced goods the public needs visit here w ith her daughter and fam­ ected in a body for another year. A men of m any sch olastic degrees ley‘a piano student* in recital, followed • and wants during the warm months ily. motion by H. S Bond that the next Land the es*ave and orntiona o f the by a style show and musical program ai d have carried the news to the r* gular meet ing of the Hrotherhood be bu dd in g cilixsnry since college^ by the Economic Class of the High school, consumers through advertising Mrs. Jeau Pearcy will give a weinie held the first Monday in October, waa were founded in tha cou n try , was| At 3'dock, under the leadership of Those who have something to roast to the Junior class ol the High carried. The meeting then adjourned Consid«:cif “ academ ic ” Hul it bn* 1 Mr*. John It. Cox, the 4H Sew and So tell— locally or nationally— will school at the home o f Katherine Sch- to the i araonege for a short social hour. com e to pas* that leaders in gov »«wing club put on their Achievment neiiher see nor feel this mythical anipier on the evening of June 4tb. . — -• *•———• ACHIEVEMENT DAY AT TURNER SCHOOL summer slump if they do more snd better advertising. There is more employment and therefore money in circulatidn during June. July and August than during any list&o reward, ill sotre measure. th, Marjory Fowler; hotdi*h holder, first other three months in the year. : t h a t is c o m i n g a t l e s s t to t h e |*cr LaVerne Whitehead, second. Aleta Bon- Then why should there be less bu­ 1 « ij j sev« ranee o f youth through several «* third, -Marjory McKay fourth, Eve- siness? ernm ent and in the I usine*s world { Day program They also exhibited their Mre. L. J. Rowley and a n K P. mot. are no lon ger asham ed to urge and sewing in the Science room and award* or»d to Amity Friday morning. Mrs. strive by precept and ac'ion to were made as follows, tea or hand tow­ Rowley remained for Memorial Day. rnak« ideals operative in statecraft el, first, LaVerne Whitehead; second, returning home Sunday. and ,n commerxe and industry. It A let a Bones, third, Ruth Gilstrap, four­ METHODIST CHURCH Those who will attend w ill oe Mar­ garet Robertsou, Opal Mickenham, Audrey Shoen, Gladys Given, Hildred Bone», Katherine Schampier, Wilfred Harrison and Mrs. Jean Pearcy. Guests at the party will be Atle Pearcy of Sa- leni, Albert Holier (son aud Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schampier. I generations of gradu atin g ho|>e end |yn Jensen; fancy hot dish holder, Lu- eiithufineii). The sweet girl grad­ eille Bone*; bags napkin holders, etc , Mrs. J. M. Bones recieved word Sat­ Last Sunday we celebrated the uate. especially whose essay, pret- first, Margaret Schitfer, second, Geneva urday that her cousin Dr. Lester Smith 1/trd’ « Sti|>|>er. A very sacred, tily tied with pink or blue rib b on . I Barber, third. La Verna Whitehead; had died in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. beautiful service. ....—O— ■- ■ — At the business meeting of the church I). B. Parkea *vas elected delegate to the Laymen’s con­ ference which meets in Eugens the 26th of this month. Ivan Hadley was elected alternate. A verv interessing and profit­ able session of the Brotherhood was held last Monday night at the church, The ladies were in­ vited in, also members from the other church as many as they could pret wotd to after hearing at a lat“ hour, definately as to the speaker of the evening. At the close of the meeting the la­ dies invited the Brotherhood over to the pttrsonage where they had a little surprise for them in the form o f light refreshments. —--- O----- * Only three more Sundays be­ fore a n n u a l conference. Let everybody come and enjoy the fine sermons Rev. Burgoyne gives us. We never know whether we’ ll get our good pastor hack from Conference or not, they so often send them elsewhere. had bourgeoning needle case, first, LaVerna Whitehead. Smith both held government position second, Stella Barnett, third. Margaret until a short time ago when they found Gilstrap; stocking darn, first, La Verna it necessary, on account of the ductor* Whitehead, second, Margaret Gilstrap, failing health, to return to the United third. Frances Clark; fourth, Eleanor States. They were stationed in the ------ — o------------ . j Park«*; pajamas, aprons and gowna, Hawaiian Islands. | first, Mildred Bones, second, LaVerna , CHRISTIAN CHURCH poor ch an ce o f into deeds, has been constitution­ ally qualified to make her ideals felt throughout the ballot and in places hetetofore limited to man. TURNER LOSES SUNDAYI“ BALL GAME TO LUMBER JACKS 4-3 ^ ! Margaret Gilstrap.second, Marjory Fow- ! ler, third, Margaret Gilstrap. I • La Verna Whitehead won the scolar- Half Of Cherry Crop Stolen "Am erica The Beautiful” was sung by a giri’s quartet Sunday morning. It was much enjoyed. • The Pastor gave a s p l e n d i d memorial day sermon during the church hour. Twenty nine young people en­ joyed t h e Christian Endeavor service Sunday evening. Jose­ phine Gilstrap led the meeting. ship at Oregon Mate College, Mildred Last week while Mr. Endieott was Bones, second and Margaret Gilstrap third. The later two girls recieved a looking over his hay uni cherry crop, The young people are planning he woe well satisfied with the outlook, to hold their meeting on the riv­ l.a*een stolen. I not gel started right and consequently arship will be available. have a full line of good padlocks that Clarissa Clark was tne only one taking lost. are rust proof pjiced from 2fic and up. The Lumber Jacks out hit Turner second year work and as there was no mid when the smoke cleared the score compition no awards were made in this Lock up your things and be safe. Bet­ was 4-8 Mill City made four errors division, however much favarable com­ ter have your mowers and binders re­ ment was heard from both judges and paired now. Donjt wait till the last while Turner made seven. minute. I have sections, guards for Batteries, Mill City, Meyers and Llb- visitors in regard to her work. mowers and binders on hand b‘*,v. Turner, Webb, Russell a n d Mr*. Iloksey and Miss Blankinshipof H. P. Jensen Stiulc. Salem served as judges. high school graduating class, was enjoyed by a full house. Tuesday evening a good crowd met for choir practice. Our state secretary C. F. Swan- der, will be with us next Sunday. He will give two splendid ser­ mons. A basket dinner will be enjoyed at noon.