THE TURNER TRIBUNE New sunshine caps. oOc, at Prather Mrs. Kerns was here the first ot the week to see her daughter, Mrs. Lee Bar­ Drug M is* Mary C on d it en joyed Store. ile n r v . who cam e Mr. and Mrs. F C. Delaell and Thel-1 Corvallis thed on toward the coast for a mo drove to Tuesday. er at Beun. VisU on business Picnic' In the group were Mr. and Mr. Fohlman, Thelma. Faustina and Sheila j and Thurlo Diet* of Salem. S la y to n of joined his hom e Monday. on Rev. Burguyne an d Delzell. James Denyer, Alvin Sherman | non Walter Peterson, the good Semaration, | W est from K. Ilo h in - the 1 tru e r Brotherhood Rev. Wayne Wright and Harry Rowe and motored to Wood- finished planting Mr. Hale's corn while . . . Now is the time to do your painting burn Wednesday evening where he has been laid up with the flu. ... „ , and save your bu Idwga. H P. Jensen they took part in the brotherhood Riches Confectionery candies. fo r carries a full line of house and barn paints, enamels and kalsomine also l in­ meeting it the Methodist ctiurh. quality seed oil and turpentine. Mr and Mrs. Fehlman leave June 1st wh* ‘ * ou want 1 c“ il ,or yt>l to Salem Saturday to get Mrs. J. B. Bowne. who has in Salem and Portland for New sun caps 50c, visors goggles 25c, 50c and 75c Drug Store- Miss Mary Coßdu AMD THIS NEW SPAPER FOR ONLY* senger trains 31 and 32 will be discon- Each y*ar a big dinner is held on the I fo r ... ml I m Why pay more for your magazine« when you can buy Ihom at loss than co«t through your homo town now:- paper? You can actually got live of America'* leading larm and fiction magazine« at thlt amazing prlco If you order wow. If you act quickly you will receive »U tv magazine« during the neat year for just a little more than the price of thlt newspoper. Don't heittate to «end your order If tom e of these come to you now Re­ newal* will be extended tw elve month« ahead o f your expiration date. quality Jonn Cox, Mrs. Pearcy, Mr. and Mrs. —- * Hadley and three sons and Olga Gar Quality candies, lunches and fountain on i ner. service at Riches t'onfectioneiy. the past week. ! -----o----- ----- o----- j 1 Sunday night the Gospel team Letters remaining uncalled for at t e M. E. Men's — ----- of the ...» » 1 Mr. and Mrs Beistint, Mr. and Mrs Brotherhood conducted Nelson and friends of Salem came Post Office. Turner, Oregon. Mr. A. B. church services Hilton, at Jefferson. here Members Sunday and joined Mr*. Jacobson and F P. Rowley, principal speaker; E here Sunday and they all enjoyed a b-s -----o----- Robinson and D. B. Parkss. Though ket dinner in the park near Mill Mrs. Bulah Boge and three children o f j the attendance was small a good m eet-1 paid a short visit to her ing was reported E grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hale, Thelm a Delzell will go who live east of town. - — o -------- Mr. and Mrs. H a rris are with Mrs. Sloan to Eugene Friday where Mrs. here I Sloan’s daughter, Gladys Morgan, and for a visit et the Jack Brooks home. h ü ll e c h a n RJ ÍMEC Creek F ra n c e - Parsons o f C aliforn ia were united in m urnuge hv R e v . \V 8 Rur^oyne at the M ethodist ( hurdh Hazel Bones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. parsonage w ith .Mr D avis of S ib - GonComen | «Ith to tak« «dvantsg« ol yoof magano« bargain oltaf 1 am an g . p Tucker, and dishes, at Riches Confectionery. b*-r, Marjory Pickard. H'ldred B<’n p Q R S A L E -A u s tro lo r p s hatching . - eggg , 5 f o f ?5 centJJ. ont. mile north. ® ' D ‘ * ’ ... . „ , " M «'-*• H elen a and H « .* n " * z,?*. F ra n k S ack«, L» R >y W a r : n*-r,8 or. Smith, Wallace Chandler, K nr.e’ h IB ckh ck ¡v a n STATI fo l- ----------- dental X-ray. New location 303 F .r.t National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Uni, W ■ Kimball of S • lem and Mre. H a rris and Mrs. Brooks art. J-M Bones graduate as nurses from ||n»ito and Mrs. B 'ir g o y i.e as w it- . © ' of the team were Ivan Hadley, leader; chidren and Hans Jansen «r.d children J. E. Whitehead. P M. Beaverton ON tV C A N H A V E YOUR CHOICE OF ANy FIVE OF THE MAGAZI NES LISTED BELOW FOR A FULL yEAR (TWELVE MONTHS) roof on her house. Mr. Hwmmer of N >rth S m tiatn pul the roof FOR you Oregon ( ity last Sunday to atteud a family reunion ol relatives in Oregon, j by Mr. Hadley and Olga Garner. C ov-j Rjcht>8 Confectionery trs were placed lor Mr. and Mrs. candies. a new 60 and Mrs. Nichols of Slayton drove to tinued. Trains 34. north bound due at banks of the Molalla where they have a his mother, Turner at 4 .36 a m and 33. south bound tine cabin and boating, fishing and feast; been visiting due at 10:20 p. m will do all local work. ing are enjoyed. some tim*. -----o----- Mrs. Ivan Hadley was pleasantly sur­ Graduation Cards and gift* at Prather 15c and 25c; prised on her birthday Tuesday evening I Drug Store. at Pratuer’s with a lovely birthday dinner, planned has 6 OOD MAGAZINES Mr. and Mrs. F. U Beiseli and Mr ,tt Effiective next Sunday, May 31. pas- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bowne motored ; SIMD Y O U If I haven't for Santa Anna. Culif., where he has a short order, good position as orange inspector, W ILL visit the first of the week w .th her broth* ■ ■ o - ■ The Delsell sisters and friends went to ber and family- a «■ailcoii Poultry Journal Th« Country Homo Itwybcdy'l Poultry Magatine Th« «arm Journal Gonttawoman Magazin« Good «tortas Moma Circi« Homo Friand □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Household Magnino llluitratad Mâchantes Pathfinder (Weekly) Peoplo't Populo» Monthly Poultry S ikcom Standard Poultry Journal Succottlul «arm ng Woman's World M < K «y - Harland B » Maurice m<| John B 'i » ‘ r. Th* r r r « a ' d H iiold C SALEM Warner Varner Bros. T A P I T 0 L OREGON Sw alev, K en n eth Fowl-r — W ARNER ■ ---- L Hans Jen«en damaged his car when he S I N O R u drove into a fire hydrant near the Bon­ es Garage. inaurence When he went to see about adjurtment they informed Make Warner Bros. Theatris Your Habit him thet in order to collect instrance Make Warner Bros. Theatres Yonr Habit BROS O-—*— - the car must come In contact with a moving object. Hans contends it was F R ID A Y - S A T U R D A Y moving— right for him and it was im­ possible to miss it. Ruth Chatterton The accident hap pened Saturday when he was returning the first Lady o f the screen in the crowning achievment o f her entire cureer Irom Salem wdiere one is quite »fit to be­ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY come dizzy from looking at the high buildings, (erris wheel« and pretty girl*. The Surprise Sensation o f THK M OVIE W O H L I) RANGO’ W E IH I)! M Y ST EH I ES! •H\NO i. ES, TEKHOHS Til K IL LS A.NI) ACTIONS I BEAUTY MAID SHDPPE \ M zircol FinjJcr W ll v e s dik I 50 e Reducing Treatments $5.00 per month Permanent W aving $4 to $7 F A C IA L and S C A L P TREATMENTS All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone 4486 .• .v .v .v .v .v / .v .v .v .v .v .v ; * ‘Unfaithful’ with * Paul Lukas SUNDAY M ONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY The mest important theatre announcement o f the year! The Long Awaited Trader Horn 3 years in the making, actually filmed in the heart o f darkest Africa. I t ’ s Real, the first Sound and Talking picture ever made in the African Jungles