TH E TU R N E R TR IB U NE The Turner Tribune tfU B N C K im o N *|.25 PKR YKAR Knt> rot ut the JWtoffliv ut Turner, Ori"'mi, a» »«•cond-clu.1 .« mutter, under tly Act of March 3, 1871*. I nett every Tliurmluy nt Turner, Mmion, County, Oregon. MUS. CHAS. S CLARK I CHAS. S. CLARK Editor« I “ /"l J Publish« w IH R [[ D tILM fi LICENSE fit F I M U HITOS 1« OIE. I M K H . Peculiarly timely In u |><>litlei«l way I» ilio «gllallM i for the etti o ffriv a te |.io»» niter unto fee* to the *3 level of ' Nllfurnla and Washington For righi now la the lltne for renewal of lie u. m b , and thoitaanda of Ore'MUi niotorlata are wondering whether tliev will '»• alile to renew at the high ratea our alale had t«i establish a» the p rie«of coiiairuotlnit and iiinliiiuliiii.g one of I lie world'» I.eal highway ayalema. If the rutoould l*e made right now, II w< bid bring elieer« or |oy. Tliut la, un lea* thoae rt*flv l»8 It were to fall In atop to consider Ita ultimale « Heel up. upon them aa uaera of the highway. Itili It oantiol t>e made right now, «veil with a aja rial aaalon of the legla- taiur«, and the earll»l it could tannine effect IVO under the orderly pWC»»Oe* of regular leglalatlon w ould be for the liia uae year hegionlug July I IWW two year» hence, — a-—— Cnder Washington'» few ?'i flat f«« for motor velitele Ile» n»* », the Verugi coat to the velitele owner In that alale will be approximately *44 2* |ar ve­ hicle, wlileh Is approximately the merii{<' rial In Oregon under our ex latlng high license aehedule- Wa»h. Iia» a 6-oent gnauline lax, which on the haala of eoiiaumpihui now prevail* log amount» to an average of *2U.2* p< r motor valdele p» r year It aUo hna |M*rantoli pro|iertV lax »Verging *12 fa'r motor vehicle |a-r year for llioae vehicle» upon whlidi the lax la «•oiled'd The |N-raonal properly tax la collected from all owners of motor Vehicles who pay r« al eatnle laxea or who ale Ieapoualhle for paymcota of P'Taon pro|M'rty taxes. Her« 1« lina Washington lax auina up: 9 100 L e n a lee I I Average gasoline laa Average per tonal peoperty laa FOR S ALK Northerly 100 acres building funds W. T. Van Scoy, of the Richter farm in the Pringle E. K. McKinney arid James Duncan district, 7 room house, silo, burn with were loyal workers, hut ilro. Hood did stantions for 10 head cows, spring not stay to see the church finished as hr water pip' d to buildings. This place had to leave on account o( hi« wile's will make an ideal dairy ranch and health. H M. Corner took his place; cun be purchased on terms. and the church wan dedicated in Oct. j FOR SALE — I acre o f ground With The coat of the church was close t o 1 5-room house, fruit room, front and ♦2 tOO. The dedication sermon was de- buck porch, clothes closets, electricity, liverrd by Rev' John N. Dennison as- city water on premises, well water, dated by tbe pastor. The money was double garage, burn room for six head stock, number chicken coops, all raised but *100 which wa* borrowed from the church entenaton. Then com­ menced the struggle to gel an organ, TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC bell, hymn books and carpets. In the T R A IN SERVICE ■ ■ —.— O'" ■ — - fall ol 1H' j 6 an Kpwoith League and North Bound Sunday school was organized. No. 14, 4:3« A M . (Stops when In the summer ol 1000 Hro. Cordon Hugged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) came remaining until 1004 when K. I' South Bound Crandell and in 1007 S. O. Oliver came; No. 5, 11:10 A M. (Stops when Mugged to pick up passengers for then liro. Pepper lor one year and in points at which this train stops.) 1014 brother J J. Mickey was here No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on Mag only, to pick up passengers for points for & years llrnthers Hallingworih and ( Station is closed on Sunday anil holi­ Lurrnan came and in 1020 Hro. Ktfler days. On these days passengers can instructed us for one year. Hi* was fol­ pay fare and have baggage checked on trains. lowed by liro. Thomas who was with ur points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due when the purs«.huge was built and In i .> :36 A. M.; No. «, due 6:06 P.M. Office hours at Turner week days are the (all of 1023 Hro, Pogue was sent 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from lulo the held, tie was followed by j 1 :00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. south o f Eugene via Cascade lint, (¡roves, then Miss Driver and th *rt ‘ Line.) I No. 81, 8:45 P.M. ( Regular stop.) Kev. Hurgoyne. Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers coming from TRUSSES Akron Sponguc Rubber Oregon Tonsils Removed £ without operation or I . / v v w a v . w w ^ f . ‘A w / f w w f , • Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M 1:30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Jos. Hamman, Prop. W . T .R igdon & S on i U N D ERTA KERS LLO YD T. HIGDON County Coroner Salem Oregon P / A C A V A V W W A IW W J W «V W W .W W A V / A W A W A KRUSE & R Y G H Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing DR. LEWIS 408 Oregon Bldg. Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A.M.- 4:45 P.M. Leave Turner for Mill City 5:15 P.M. Salem D r . S c o f ie ld X - R A Y C H IR O P P R A C T O R Lady Attendant New Jewelry Made to Order .W / W A A W A W W V W A S W j First Nat'l Bank Bld’g., Phone 2194 Salem, . Oregon Prices Reasonable 484 Court St. Salem, Ore V .V A V / / , A ’A V A W A V W A V A V W A W H A N D IC A P S O F •N AM tuent* «»•IC.UUTO« /I / W .V W A V A V A W A A W A W / / X MORRIS Optical Co’s. / . New Type Deeper Curved Lens Best for Better Vlslom SAVE YCU MONEY AUMSVILLE S T A T E The day an electric refrigerator B A N K AUMSVILLE. OREGON starts working for you, you can start slicing the edges off your household expense. It saves time, steps and labor— supplies ic« cubes— makes froiee desserts D I S E A S E L O C A T IO N / / As you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to the handicaps of disease. Have these eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Xeurocalometcr reading. Remember the Neuroealometer locates nerve pressure. Chl- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalome- ier readings by appointment only. DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON Á A A fV W A V W V V V W U W W V W V 4 % simplifies marketing prob.ems prevents food spoilage and waste. Paid on Time Deposits y . v . ’ . '. v . v . v . v . '. v . v . w . v . y , The Place for Home People to Bank THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the relief of SAVE AS YOU P A Y O N EASY TERMS Concluded (fom Pint Page Geo.Tnrner and also a liberal donation B. J. Sharp was very active in securing í H í i I I i t Í ch $ 5 .“ E‘ loss o f time C A P IT A L DRUG STORE State Street Salem Methodist Church Homecoming owne i by Mrs. Barr. Dec. 30, 1888 the Ladies M. E. Aid society was organ­ ized. Five more points were added to the Turner charge Slayton, Mehama, Mill City. Fox Valley jnd the Waldo Hills. Jefferson was dropped making 10 preaching point«. In the spring of V2 a move wa« started to build a church in Turner. The lots were given by Mr. Pads FREE y verage total taa C«ldu pastor. He came from Western Nebraska conference to Turner Sept. 1888 and it wa* during the drat year I e was here we bought our first parsonage at a cost of $435. The house is now ( ) n n lit y -• A W .V W W W A J V A W A V A 1 V Soft Sanitary, Can't Slip Guaranteed to Hold Regardless of Occupation, Age or Sax Akron Graduate Fitter Hare to Give You a Trial Fitting 1200 *11.2* In Oregon, with our 4 cent g.iaoiiue tax, and gua«dllie Consumption nu «hr Willie haala,Ili Washington, llie- average guaollne consumption a g g r e g a l e » 121 .'al. The agernge motor velitele II- «eli»*, lee is *22 44. \N e have no p«T- astiai properly tax. The»* agni agi a Include i rock» and hu»»e». Figuring private pn.aaruger auloa by IheUiaelvea, the agerage gaaolitu lav la approximately *20 III Oregon ntjd the average lleeliav fee la *21.30, milking *41 35, a alilo materially lea» Ilian the Washington agrrnge lor ul! motor ve­ hicle», anil not materially higher than lh«‘ brolmtde Ctilllhloeil eoal In Wash­ ington for *3 I Ice U bo lee, gnauline tax |M*raoli»l pniperiy tax on private pi»»* aeng, r cars In Washington. Oregon Voter. ! .shady grove, located right for chicken ! W A W A W f / W W / A V W A rirli I'lfiut- t/i t/iu/n j ! ru ranch, clow to town HAMMAN STAGE LINES CHAS. S. C LARK, Heal Estate Broker. Tribune Office, Turner, Oregon, Leave Salem for Aumsville 6:30 A M. 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. W ///M W W W W V W W W W Leave Aumsville for Salem 3:10 A.M. K. II. R U R R R L 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. 464 N. Liberty St. Leave Aumsville for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU Coughs I kfc COLDS SPASMODIC p . CROUP W HOOPING COUGH 7 HOARSENESS K e n n e d y '! CITY CLEANING WORKS ('loiiiiinú— Dyeing of all kinds 1245 State Street, t u r , wbat vaa basar, fa r aad Ikal', abai jraa rapar«— bai ibe t a s i b a i wtU «•a r s wbrahrr yom *M HI T b r partir alar firr I n u n a m ««r a t «H I a . «hai .,-ar ti»a ra b i« ■------- p n , g a a lrir r a .e r e g aad «bai *— v e aiata rrliabla a r a b a . W» rrp rra rn l STOCK P A N IE «. HRF. lavar. nETEM U R U l.Nsl K A .H X C U » La* aa baip ) a a Salem, Oregon F. P. ROW LEY, Agent General Insurance Turner, Oregcn BRONCHIAL COUGHS Contain* no Narcotic Only at S ch a efer’ s DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store o f Salem 135 N. Commercial PHONE 197 Penalar Agency J a w w w a s v w w w w a v