( J. B. Peterson Place, 7 miles south of Silver ton and 12 miles east of Salem; 7 miles north of Stay ton on the •WVWWWW%WWWVUVS%VWVWWVSiVWWdSVWdVSilVerton-Stay ton road V%SVWVWV\AW.%W^%V*VWWAVVWVWAflAW 4th S t a r t in g a t 1 o ’clo ck S h a r p T h e Following StocK, M achinery, Etc. 1 Dark bav Mare 7yrs. wt. about 1350 * l Bay 1 Bay horse lOyrs. wt. about 1200 1 Jersey-Gernsey Cow 4 yrs. old l “ 44 “ 18 months l 4‘ 44 44 8 yrs. old 1 44 to freshen about Sept. 1st 1 44 Cow 11 years old 1 O.A.C. Brood sow, farrow by sale date l Binder, 1 Mower, 1 Hayrake 1 Manure Spreader, 1 3in Wagon 2 l-Horse Cultivators 1 Truck Wagon, 1 12ft. Kimbel 1 Spring tooth harrow, l wheel Harrow 1 Two-section harrow, 1 Scalding Vat 1 Van Brunt Drill, l No 50 Oliver Plow l 40 Oliver plow, 1 2-horse cultivator l Double harness with breeching 4 Collars, 2 Incubators l 6-horse Fairbanks Gas Engine 1 Diamond Chopper 1 Clipper Fanning Mill 1 Merry-go-round Household goods and other articles i 1 DeLaval Cream Seperator No 12 Nearly New All Cattle Tuberculin and Abortion Tested am T erms: Sums of $20 and under Cash, over that amount 8 months time with Bankable Note. Arra or credit before'date of sale Ben Sudtell Auctioneer . • E.T.PIERCE J. B . Peterson * % CLERK Sale Owner Tribune Job Print, Turner I i