THE Real Estate For Sale TOR SALE— One o f the best prop­ erties in the valley, close to Aurns- ville, Oregon, known as the C. B. Mc- Cully place; 7 Jersey cows, 2 Jersey heifers, mower, rake, com drill, bind­ er, harrow, sulk plow, grain drill, one- half interest in corrugated roller and manure spreader. TOR SALE— 80 acres, good house, tile bam, tile grainery, 80 acres prunes, water system, practically all cultivated, 4 miles from Salem on good gravel road. FOR SALE— Residence and One block o f ground, nicely located, 8 rooms, electric water system, electric lights, fenced, a good buy for anyone wanting a home. Can be purchased right NOTICE OF H EA R IN G OF FINAL A C CO UN T Notice is hereby given that the final account o f June Gaines, as adminis­ tratrix o f the estate o f Carleton C. Gaines, deceased, has been filed in the County Court o f Marion County, State o f Oregon, and that the 1st day o f June, 1931, at the hour o f ten o ’clock A. M. has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing o f ob ­ jections to such final account and settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this SOth day o f April, 1931. JUNE GAINES, Administratrix. E. L. CRAW FORD, Attorney fo r Estate. | Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Salem, Ore. I First publication. April 30, 1931. Last publication: May 28, 1931. TU RN ER TRIBUNE room in Marion County court house admilnstratrix discharg'd WILHELMEN V l.lhH kh, at Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing o f objections to the Administratrix ul the Estate o f Gott­ fried l.ieske, Deceased. said account and the settlement of the . said estate, at which time and p!ac< ELMO S. Will l r.. all persons having such objections, Attorney for th< * may appear and show cause, if an> fried I-ieske, I et >• i there be, why said account should not 1 IOC» Bedell ilui.dmg, in all things be allowed and approved, Cortland, Oregon said estate settled and closed and the \ May 14-21 -2SJum 4 1 I Notice Of Final Settlement Notice H hereby given that the under­ signed has filed in the County Court of the State ol Oregon, for Marion County, bis duly verified final account as ad­ ministrator ot the Estate of Betty G. Briggs, deceased, and said Court has fixed Tueec'ay, the 23rd day of June, 1931, at the hour of ten o ’clock. A. M , of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House ^ in Salem, Marion ('onnty, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, tk.s 20th day of May, 1931. * HAROLD BRIGGS Administrator of the Katrat . of Hetty G. Briggs, deceased. Fred S. Bynnon, Salem. Oregon Attorney for Administrator M 21 28 J 4 11 18 FOR SALE— Close to 70 acres, all under cultivation, all fenced, irriga­ tion ditch runs through place, 1 well, In T h e Circuit Court O f Th e State O f five-room house, one o f the best farms O regon F or T h e County O f in this section o f the valley; can be Marion Notice is hereby given that the final purchased right For particulars about account of .» T. Turner, as Administra­ this place see Chas. S. Clark, at the DEPARTM EN T NO. 2 tor of the Estate ol Julia C. Turner, dt- Tribune office. Turner, Oregon. ceased, has been filed in the County FOR SALE OR TRADE— 55-acre STATE OF OREGON, repre­ Court of Marion County, State of Ore­ gon, and that the20th day ol June, I9.H1 ranch, 18 miles south o f Salem, Mar­ sented by and act ng through at the hour of ten o'clock A M.. has ion county, Oregon; 6-rooms plastered the World War Veteran's State been duly appointed by such Court for house, with woodshed and store room Aid Commission of the State of the hearing of objections to such final adjoining; 14x24 shop and oil house; Oregon, composed of Julius L. account and settlement thereof, at whuh bam ; 20 tons oat hay; two wells; Meier. Governor; Hal E. Hoss, time ar> person interested in such e-tate chicken house and double garage; all Secretary of State; George A. may appear and file objections thereto buildings in good repair; 24 acres White, Adjutant General; Wal­ in writing and contest the s.tme Italian prunes and about 24 kcres till­ ter S. Fisher and S. J. Halsan, Plaintiff, Dated this 21st day of May. 1931 able; 1 acre in bearing cherries and vs. J. T. TU RNER. grapes; also 1 acre apples; 5 acres Administrator pasture; school bus passes place; one Frank A. Lais, Golds May E. L. Crawford mile to Marion, nearest town; good Lais, and John G. La s, Defendants. Attorney for Estate graveled roads; nature o f soil, black J Laad Ac Bush Bank Building and rolling. To Frank A Lais and Golda May Lais, Salem, Oregon two of the above named defendant*. First pohlication, ¡¡cation. May 21, 21. 1931 In tne Name of the State of Oregon, Last Publication June 18, 1931 You are hereby required to appear and answer.the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on A d d in g M a c h in e s or before four weeks from the date of ALL MAKES the first publication of this Summons, Notice is hereby given that the un­ T H O M A S R O E N and if you fail so to answer, for want dersigned has filed in the County Court 421 Court Salem thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded and prayed for 8tatt of Oreg n, for Marion w A v m v . V A 'w w m w in it. complaint, namely: ‘ ount>’ h,i dul* ver,fied final •ccounl For a decree declaring plaintiffs mor- " “ dministrato.-of the Estate of Lou M VW M W A VVA W M W W tgage to be a first prior-and subsisting ? r"“ 9- d* ~ Med’ *nd M,d Courl htt- lien again-t tie hereinafter described Tue*d ,y ’ 23rd day of June, ieal property, foreclosing plaintiff s mor- 1931fJBt th« hour of ten o clock. A M tgage and anjudging that said property | of *J,d d*> “ the t' me- and th* Count-v BY DAY OR CONTRACT be sold in satisfaction of the money de­ | Court Room in the County Court House Estimates Furnished at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as cree prayed for in plaintiff's complaint the place for hearing said final account and forever barring and foreclosing you | and ali objections thereto. from ail right, title, interest or claim in Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th and to said real property described as day of May. 1931. follows, to-wit: H ERBERT BRIGGS The Northwest Quarter and th e - Administrator of the Estate Northeast Quarter of the Southeast of Lois Briggs, deceased Quarter and Lot No. 3, Section 29. PAINTS, W A L L PAPER Township 7 South. Range 1 East of Fred S. By non. Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator the Willamette Meridian. M a n o n 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. M 21 28, J 4 II 18 Countv. Oregon. Buy Your Paint at a Paint Store This summ >ns is served upon you by publication in the Turner Tribune by order of the Hon. Gail S Hill, Judge of NOTICE OF FIN A L A C CO U N T tne above nan.ed Court, the date of; ----- such order being the 22nd day of May, Notice is herey given that the un- TELEPHONE 3441 1931. The date of the first publication j dersigned. Ina Starns Reese, the duly of this summons is the 28th day of May, appointed, qualified and acting admin- i istratrix o f the estate o f Elepha 1931, and the date of the last publica­ Bill Durkee Starns White, deceased, has filed in B ar System o f Wheel Alignment tion will be the 25th day of June, 1931. the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ Frame and Axle Straightening PAUL F. BLRUIS, gon, for Marion County, her final ac­ 4 44 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon count in said estate, and that the said Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Address and court has fixed on Monday, the 8th day o f June ,1931, at the hour o f 10 place of residence: Salem o ’clock A. M. o f said day at the Coun- j Oregon. ty Court Room in Marion County j Court House at Salem, Oregon, as Corset Makers and the time and place for hearing o f : Administrator’s Notice ojectioni to the said account and the | Milliners settlement o f the said estate, at which j Foundation Garments Notice is hereby given that the under­ time and place all persons having such signed by an order of the County Court objections may appea r and show Any Style of the State ol Oregon for the County of cause, if any there be, why said ac- | 420 Court St. Phone 1639 Saler Marion, duly made and entered on the count should not in all things be al- 1 26th day of May. 1931, wa, appointed l? w,cd ®nd approved said estate set- ,% fiA V V V N N V W % W ;V .% W W .% W b S N S W .V .% , .V .V .V ^ S-E-R-V-I-C-E Building Supplies ROUGH AND DRF.SSFD Wood s LUMBER TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. R Notice of Hearing of Final Ac* count E AND Y E S r- W 9 Try to Srll You W h it U NOT S S Everything We Cen • Phone 278 P. O. Bo* 208 s U You No#d S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N V V W 1 V A W V W V \V W V V W .V .l.V .V ,V .V ,V A , .V .,.S W s CYP6UIRIC6RS Notice Of Final Settlement ‘ PAIN TIN G U. S. Talbot H A W K I AND N S ROBERTS INC. a n d Tem er W . C. Dyer I N S U R A N C E Hutcheon Paint Store Agency Salem, Oregon Phonel 637 205 Oregon Building Globe Body & Fender Works SURPRISE G R AN G E No. 233 M c ts second Saturday in the '■onth in the Grange Hall, Turner, welcom e at the Lecture hour, at 2:00 o ’clock. . V . '. V / W . V W A W . W W W TROVER’S STUDIO ^ 122 N. Commercial Street PHONE 8143 J £ School Photos At Extremely Reasonable Prices •" ¡* V Salem, Oregon «J " .V «V v . - , V A ,. V W 2 / A W W , Administrator w th the Will annexed of the estate of John Konrad, deceased, and that he haa duly quilified as such AM person* h a v i n g Administrator, claims against said estate are hereby notified to prevent the same, duly veri­ fied as required by law, to him at the office of E. L Crawford, Attorney for estate, rooms 20-21, Ladd 6t Bu»h Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of May, 1931 JOHN W. KONRAD. Administrator of the Estate of John Konrad. Deceased, v r rruudr.rH ° Attorney for Estate, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg , Salem, Oregon. First publication May 27, 1931 Last publication June 25,1931 discharged I STARNS REESE, Administratrix o f the Estate o f Ele- ! ph« Starns White, deceased, ELMO S WHITE, Attorney for the Estate o f Elepha Stari)» White, Deceased. 1019 Bedell Building, Portland, Ore­ gon. Notice is herrby given that the undersigned, Wilhelmina Lieske, the duly appointed, qualified and acting administratrix o f the last trill, testa- m