T he T urner T ribune AND CONTINUATION OF T H E A U M S V IL L E ST A R VOLUM E XVI T H U R SD A Y , MAY 28, 1931 NO. 20 R e m e m b e r A nnual H om ecom ing New In d u s try F o r Of M ethodists H ere T u rn e r—Fin e S aw Mill May 30 th H isto ry Of Ghuch Now B e in g B u ilt It liftn bi« ri tin* talk by h r r n m and min i« nf the Turner •■oniiBUnlly for «•■mi* time, l im i u u w mil! I i h u U k I j b* Tf would Iw oiMi nf ih r bint Indù» t u - from a tlumirlul standpoint for | iln- i'ing in unity al largì*, Unti ornili] li* started. and will» till« In mind W. A. M aitln. nf Ui# Turner Lum ber Manu- intilurliiK < ' Ui|i»ny, a rn t in work, In •-aru<-»t, and Ima «nei ••• ded In bl« un* MEMORIAE SERVICES HERE SATURDAY MAY 3 0 --M . B. HEYDEN SPEAKER OF THE DAY The program at Odd Fi*l|nw* and deriaklnff. Twl u Oak» cemetery at Turner; mi Wednesday nmmlnn bt*»iuru*d pour May ¡mili, will «tari at 10 mid II a. in lug tlx* onucrelt* fnumlallnn fnr Ida »hard a« the V. F. W . |*n»t will go di­ new mill, the alte nf which w ill lie rectly from the ceremnnial In the me­ 22 s* cel with a o a p n lty at I Vion ft. morial day parade In Halciu, which ot • lab t hour« run. M»y Stilli, we reineuilier; and n lueiidierllig, Judge ouritelves. A nallnti, like an individual, i» the »um of all Die preceding character that ha« contributed to it. There I» ( the best ami the worxt, both Iliade prftHtahle by n ju»t cou»clence w Idoli recognize« and decide» ta-lweeu them. The light of high endeavor never goes out ; the torch paste» from generaliou i to generation, borne »ufely amid lu- mull aud pene»-, amid onaluught and reverenoe. Civilization, through th e j Sunday evening, M ay31, Dr. Donald «ervlcu nf ita belter m endier., ceaæ» w . M MacCluer will preach the Bacca- urver. laurate Sermon in the High School Audi Today the nation »land* on the gol­ torium. The Invocation will pe given den hlll-crcat of which only the l«dd- e«t had dared to dream, and look» Rev. W. S Burgoyne of the Methodiat hack along the road A long, m agni­ church and Kev. Gilstrap of the Chris­ ficent road gloriously alive with the tian church will give the Benediction. ligure« of brave men amt brave women Russell Denyer and Kenneth Fowler of loyal heart», of undi»couruged pur- will aiug a duet and M.a. Mac Hadley |>o»e«, of Hod-fearing munii«»«!. Il timi», a» it look» ami reflect», th at a piano solo. : BUUIEITE SEHIM FRIDAY, JUNE 5 The Homecoming was all we had hop­ ed A very inspiring day! Sunday »chool session as usual in which several ormer members Joined. The morning -ermon was given by Rev. Pogue of Sa­ lem. ‘‘Everyone Went To His Own Hous«" was his pecular text, but be gave a very fine discourse. A basket dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Small read a paper and Mi. Duncan gave a talk from which we learned that Mill Creek Circuit wls organized Ju ly 29. 1854, with F H. Pearn Presiding Elder and Wm. Helm pastor in charge. In 1868 the name wai changed to Jefferson circuit. The annual confer­ will «tart at 2 n'nlrx-if. ence at Eugene so changed this circuit The new plant la t-elng built Just The Xeleran« will be at Turner with as to include Howell Prarie and Silver- e a » ln f the preaeot p'suln g mill and » „ i . ra and Firin g rtqnad fnr a r. gu the many little road» which liegin on (tie m argin of national ld»t«>ry have Nine Students will graduate from ton on the northeast, and all railroad will have eutm ir aaw . edgt r, M id the j U r « t u u r y ceremony. j come together »ml now for these many Turner High achoo1 on Friday evening, stations along the O. & C . H. R. from in itn »aw 64 Inch. I he main rig or Following 1» the program: yearn have flowed in one broad and j carriage will have au opt ning of .’>4 in * A »»cuddy, ttugler June 5th. They are Helen and Helena Brooks to Jefferson and west to Salem, broader highway. I t percievea a K. E . Royal was the circuit rider. Next A .Vi horw power engine, *k& home j Am erica, led tiy ipiartet »Hange Intimacy of blue and grey Witzel, Sheila Delzel. Lela Wilkening. the eastern section was cut off and with |»iwer boiler, with Duteli uven, w idth and dim m er figure» in tatter» or in (Gerald Given; Harold Smith, Kenneth Invocation, Carl Duncan added territory organized into a new will Iw a fuel »aver (burning »Ini«) will Itcading ot Oeueral l» g n n 'a Me. ■oiled red c««al»; it sees unremarked, Fowler, Russell Denver and Seymour circuit witn Scio as the nucleus and plain |«eople, ennobled by service, who ! Stewart. I«* installed and the work cull» for tlie inorial D.iv order No II establishing g a v « to civil life a little mmietliiug I com pletion ef the mill by July Ht«t. The invocation will be by H. S. Bond. called Scio circuit. H. Hulburt was the Memorial Day, NV. W. Oglesby more of Integrity and fineness; it see« 1 preacher in charge. In 1881 the con­ Mr. Martin Informed the Tribune Heading nf Commander In t liter» ail aorta ami conditions of man and I Vocal duet Helen and Helena W itzel; ference met in East Portland and chang­ editor that the mill will be for the Oeueral Order directing nhaervauce of womou, and of little children; and it I Salutatory, Sheila Delzel!, Class Ora ed the name from Howell to Salem cir­ bene II l of the farm er* in the com- M* n orlal I>ay Hyron Conley, Cooi- notice» th at there i» this common thing tion, Kenneth Fowler; Address, U.jG amiiug them , that they all tuce for- Dubach; Vpledictory. Russell Denyer; cuit as that was the port office address com ity W ho have tim er to cut He pr of Marion V . F. W . wuid hi the future w hich now la mini. of the pastor and a number of the »ays all the farmer or logger has to do ‘'T in tin g on the Old Camp (iro a n u " Fin ally , It recognizes, with gratitude presentation of class, John Cox; award members. Two churches were built on I* to cut the titulier and he will go aud by rm ied quartet. aud promise, that ooripw here in thi» 'n* diploma», L. E . Denyer, \oeal the circuit during F. F. Royal's time, 1 It. T h is w ill tie a great help to farm , Addreaa ul the Duy, Miller It. H ay­ I vast and diversely-liorti people there «olo, Jean Pearcy; recessional. Turner at Silverton costing $2500 and one in ia the binding loyalty of a co m m o n p j ers who want lumh r for building pur­ den, the Jory district at a cost c f $1500 in­ |«ervlce. I o poses ua A log may lie put oil the »aw Ve(ca»^nf Foreign War« C'cnuoulal , . I There 1« a Mag, seen tiny against a cluding lot and fencing. ut one run if Ifiw m ill, from there to Taps. I »|ieek of green and w hite, which flut-1 In 1883 Salem circuit was out up into ► he plainer and en v * out to »ult the 1 lent above the bivouac of Arlington. ! three circuits known as Jefferson, Salem, builder. There ia a wreath invisibly adorning Silverton. The former embracing Jet- the home of every family whose fath­ Truck» will »tart hauling logs abort- j I ferson, Marion, Turner and Brooks with er» gild mothers lived worthy that ly wi a* to have ample tim ber ou hand ! the race m ight be uobly preserved. W\ T . Van Scoy pastor. In 1885 VV. T . w hen the mill is ready lo »lari. ' There 1« a faith w hich, enriched by For I he pr«*»col the mill will ««iterate Van Scoy was teacher in the Turner Mrs. I H. Small was the recipitant of i all these lives, 1« the deathless guer­ w ith atxnit six men ami together w it It pubiic school also. In 1888 the confer­ don of the people that dare not, nor many pretty handkerchiefs at the sur­ the logging crew the payroll will tie ence was agrin held in Eugene and they Friday afternoon .Mr«. Mae Hadley wishes, to forget. f.lU a day, which will help In a big prise shower given her Th irsday after­ transierred the Jeffeison circuit into the Today, we rem em ber. There is a way; the tln au d al depression of our will present her pupils in tecital in t i e noon when the ladies of the Mtthodist 1 heritage preciously formed by the Turner charge and included Hope Chap little com m unity. Hi School Auditorium in the lollowing Aid met at the home of Mrs. T . T . Pal­ The new mill I« l« lug built by Mr. program, piano Duet. Mrs. John Cox and lives and deutbs of many millions pei, Squirrel Hill and Pringle, Rev. They are the past which »ceded the mer. They also elected officers for the Martin who I» owner aud m anager. Mrs. Hadley; Vocal solo, Betty Peetz; present. We honor them by relieving coming year. Mrs. I. H. Small, who Continued on editorial page T h e mill will lie a «epurale unit from their service or sham e them if our Rhythm Bund, | rimary room; Mother has served that organization as presi­ the plainer now opeiaied by tin* tu r ­ ner Lum ber A .Manufacturing Coin- Goose party with Ruth Burgoyne as «• n*e of citizenship is ignoble. dent for 20 years, was reelected. Mrs. pany. Mary Quite Contrary, Edwin Theissen, CHRISTIAN CHURCH J . W. Ransom, vice president; Nellie Drying »lied» will I k * erected later, Jack Horner; Betty Peetz; Miss Motfitt; Gunning treasurer. Present were Mrs ThI« I» not a cannery dream. I t i « Robert Edwards, Jack Be Nimble; Gor­ .Sm all, Mrs. Mable Martin. Mrs. H. a real «tory. The Sunday school has an en­ don Theissen, Tommy Tucker; Lowell S. Bond, Mrs. Ora Bear, Mrs. J . W rollment of 120, there were 9<> Hadley, Little Boy Blue; Olga Garner.. Ransom. Mrs Doris Burgoyne, Mrs. present last Sunday morning. METHODIST CHURCH Queen Of Hearts; Emma Denyer, Moth* Mae Hadley, Mrs. Mildred Coz, Mrs. L. MUSIC RECITAL AND 4H CLUB FBI. AFTERNOON " m I er Goose and Mrs. Hadley as the In the evening Bro. Burgoyne brought a message on “ The God Blessed Man,“ u s i n g the 1st Psalm for the scriptural found»- tion. This was a fitting climax to the wonderful day. He said in part: “The God blessed man is one the world cannot under­ stand, a mystery. We must be clean cut wholly the Lords, if we hold back the least sin. it keep pulling us back; te Tra hap­ py we must lean all for Jeasus. I»et us not hang onto the least little pet sin but live so the Ixml can depend on us. June 1th is our last quarerly conference. June 5th the Aid Society’s Sil­ ver Tea will be Riven at Mrs. C. A. Bear. Indies are all invited to attend. --------- - O » ■ ■« Next Sunday we are to elect a delegate to the annual conference All members should be there to vote. Old ! Wom“n In The Shoe’ ° " theero*'*m «• Vuc“‘ Solo.M r« w . *S’ Burg,,yne: Pi“no So,°- M" H*d'*y TW ENTY YEARS PREIDENT OF LADIES AID i TURNER WHIPS LEBANON Ï Ï THREE TIES NOW IN CASCADE LEAGUE J. Rowley, Mrs. R. Lee Thiessen. Mrs. Nellie Gunning, Mrs. Pearl Witzell and At the close of Sunday school a beautiful and impressive pro­ motion sorvice was given, the platform was covered with those receiving certificates. Mrs. Ruth Riches was in charge. the hostess Mrs. Palmer. Turner met Leba on last Sunday and Summer Holiday«, Home Economic C lu e caught them unawares, When the «moke Accordian s°'"‘ Mn ° rehw cleared the final score was 13 to 4 in favor of Turner. Lebanon made six er­ tr* Numb* r' Economic Claw. l.nmedietly following the recital the rors to Turner’s one but nearly caught The Pastor’s morning sermon gisls of the 4H Club, under the leader them in hits, making nine while Turner on ‘The True Road to Dominion’ A very pleasant day was spent at the • hip of Mrs. Jonn R. Cox, will put on an got eleven safe blows. C. T . White home east of town by the was an inspirational address to Arhievment Day program. The girls, Rankin, for Turner, had a great day ladies of Hurprise Grange Work Club the students who are making life sixteen in number, will also exhibit their collectiug four out of five trips to tbe and visitors from other Economic clubs decisions. finished work in / sewing, of five articl­ plat a. This was the first game Leban­ of the county, Tuesday. A pot luck Mrs. Gilstrap led the C. E. es each’ on has lost this season. dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour, meeting Sunday evening. It was R U E with several gentlemen Grangers joining 4 9 6 a good meeting. T lia Senior Class piny “ The U lster” Lebanon •----- O------ Turner 13 11 1 the them The ladies worked on quilts will he given In the High School Aud­ Batteries—Lebanon; Stricmater, Har- for the club. Visitors present were, Mrs Rev. Crites spoke at the even­ itorium Friday evening. tzel and Hassler. For Turner— Russell Luta Fuson, Aumsville; Mrs. Louise ing service, his sermon was a and Shultz. Umpireo: Keith and Mor­ 1 Johnson. Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Farr, Ank- helpful discussion of Bible char­ ris. E. Robinson, the handy man, is still ney Grange; Mrs. Julus Krinz. Union acters. Following is the standing of the Cas­ -----------O---------- Hill: Mrs. May Ledgerwood, Salem; loc­ in business and wishes to thank the cade in the south end of the county: Next Sunday morning Bro. Gil al club members present, Mesdames A. peopled this community for their pat­ Won Lost Pec. ronage, and is resdy to repair shoes tin­ Turner L. Denyer, W. Gulvin, Elsie Lewis. Car strap will give a Memorial day 5 1 836 ware, clocks, or what have you, at a Lebanon rie Mitchell, Birdie Denyer, May Pal­ address. 5 835 1 6 1 885 rersonable price and guarantees satisfac­ Tuckers mer, Jennie Wallace. Viola Cook. Alice 3 600 2 tion His slogan la "T rad e in Turner Hills Little. Hester Crume. Anna Farris, An- Mrs. E. L. Martin, who has spent a 2 Stayton 500 3 and keep the home fires burning ’, lo c a t­ nabell Webb, Eleanor Titis, Stella Mil­ couple of weeks here with her mother. 2 Jefferson & 400 ed in the Gower Building next to the Mill City ler, Elisabeth McKay, Agnes White and Mrs. M. J . Watson, h is returned to her 1 169 5 Tribune Office.. Shoe Shine anytime 5c. Aumsville Maud Bones. home at Lewiston, Idaho. 6 000 0 GRANDE WORK CLUB