The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, May 21, 1931, Image 1

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volum e
T urner T ribune
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1931
NO. 2
Turner Wins First
Community Contest
Go To Elsinore
The program at Odd Fellow* and
Twin Oaka cemetery at Turner; on
May 30th, will atart at 10 and II a. m.
aharil a» the V. F. W. Poet will go di-
reotly from the ceremonial to the me-
Tuckers base ball team took the Grey
digger* into camp Sunday at (Hinge*
Field in Salem, by a score of 6 to '
The game was featured by a number o!
costly errors on the Grey Diggers par*,
mortal day parade in Haleru, which
(i. A. McKay, J. Cook and O. K. decorute the ronrua,
will atart at 2 o ’olock.
H i« nudllorluin » » « packed l o i n .
I>arity with an enthu»lu»tlc crow d w h o dent to nominate a grou|a* of new of. I preaented which Included the follow -! The Xelerana will lie at Turner with
Heading« on Child Bgglera aud Hiring Myriad for a regu
w« n- ««r> iuiic I i I n lin t lr d In Ih« con - fleer« fo rth « oomlng eleeUon at the *ng number«;
| Welfare by Mr«. Karl Hear, Mra. G. lar military ceremony.
i - ■( num ber« and very Ida rul with ap next meeting.
who outhit Tuckers but were unable to
make the breaks of the game come thei*
Turner goes to Lebanon nea
Sunday where they play the only unde­
feated team in the southern division :■<
the Cascade league.
Mra. Karl Hear and Mr*. John Co*
O iim o f the A ve a*ml Anal tryout» of Mra, Cliaa Clark, of the Federation.
Joint hoateeaea with Mra. H. I-ee
A «hurt bueineaa meeting wan held
iIn- Marlon County Federation of
<‘■•inliiillilty l'lub« w»» held here at JuMt prior t<> the program, and a nom­ Thheacn at her home for inemliera of
Turner Friday night lit Ilia HI school inating iumpoM-d of H. H. Itoiul, Mra. the W . C. T. U. and friend« Lovely
auditorium, wlih Autnsville and Tor- H. A. Hiebe«, Mra Meyro McKinney, bo(|U«ta of »weet pea* were UM*d to
n»-r »a tin* only contestant»
pi a him *
Turner won by ho point" with a very
original «roup of song» w llli uroheelra
a coinpainrnt.
Taking part In the
number are Helen and Helen« Wltael,
Jiawphln« Ollslrap, (H ad)« (¡Ivan,
Walter Miller, tiro
A . McKay, Jamea IWnyer, Harold
Eowh r, A. Skipper, W allure ( ‘ handler,
Deane Tucker, M eiw ell McKay
K-mund Tappin with Kenneth H ie.
lb-abb» the coiiteet
j Mra. Thieaaeu, reading. Margaret Gil*
America, led by quartet
I ■•rap; poem Mr«. Delzeil; eklt by Ruth
Invocation, Carl Duncan
Burgoyne, Marjory McKay, Kleaoore
Heading of General Logan’s Me.
I’ arkea, La Verne Whitehead, Kernel
Day order No. 11 establishing
Glrod; aong, Ituth Kawlluga; Duel, UiUtrap, Ali ta Mae Boue»; reading,
Memorial Day, W . W . Oglesby
Mr aud Mr«. Farri Cook; platiotogue, Mra. T hli aaen.
Heading of Commander in Chiefs
Mildred Hone», Margaret and Ruth
Gllatrap; trio, School Day»" Leona liotiteese». Present wen* Mrs. Howard General Order directing observance of
Baker and children, Mrs. G. W. Ferris Memorial Day Byron Conley, Com-
Cook, Helene and Helen Wltxel.
Mra. J L. Webb. Mra Heeler Crume M n K J O I M n p and daughter., mander o f Marion V. F. W .
following ex I ra numbera were inelud
ed on the program. Duet by Gl«n
Tltua arid Violet IVrkloa; piano mo I..,
Hetty Peelx; Telling He.*reta, Nellie
kiM-k ne director.
and Mr.. Tima Little eerved .and-
Aiiinevllle had a clever r.'.Mlilier, a wh iles, cake and punch In the gym
t'oinmnnlty chorua with 4* people after the program.
t.iklnK part and Prof. p. T Mountain
Krldav night Turner will compete
d lre cilntr
T h e » »eng -M l o ri*y I . i k I i I m
ii | H o m e ,"
“ rtleepy Hollow ' l u n e ' * wlih Liberty, Belem Might»,
burn, Hllverton and Hayeavllle lo the
and " A i i h l Lang H y n e . ’"
flnals at the Kleinere theatre, in Sa-
Mr». H< »e K«>n/< k and W. A. Wed*
lem. It promises to be a splendid
d i e o f rttayton and Mrs. Otto K I’au*
program wllli s 4A pi««« baud from
lui of Salem, acted ae Judgce
University of Oregon and s Nor­
M i« Y ’ Vonne Graham, an a repre.
neiiUve for Auin»villi* and A : Edward*
of Turner, acted «a liaie k e|a re with
Bro. Bate» announced that the Sunday
School Is planning s lull Children’s D«y
program. This will be on« of the big
events of the season.
“ The Mercies of God” ws* the Pas­
tor’ * Sunday morning sermon
whole service was spiritual and many
«poke of the g»od they received.
Sunday evenimng the young people
enjoyed one ol the best C. E. meetings
they haye had. Ther* was a good at-
t»n ance and a lively discussion Frank
Sark* led.
Mr“ Hu' Än U,rwMo’ “ **• C* A pM r
Mr*. Wallace Rich«-* and eon, Mr*. M.
O. Pearsons, Mrs. L. J. Rowley, Mrs.
F. Dclzell, Mrs. Neal Edward*. Mrs.
Margaret Tucker Mrs. O. W. M cK sv
B, ar, Mr,. j acntiton HUti
children, Mr». Win. Burgoy—
me, “ Mrs.
,« »
Gayette Barnett, Mrs, Ted W hile-
. head,
. Mr*. Chiua d
. - 1 Mr*.
Neal i
“Aunt” Malinda
important event in life.
, i as
were viritors at Caecadia recently.
j When 26 year» o|d »lie moved with her
Allow ing aparalyth stroke.
Their daughter Lora Rand is there
Hhe was married to E. J. Chambers for the sum iter.
Jim Rand who
- - «------
, parents lo I’ endletou, Oregon.
Don t fail top e in attendance next: In the fall of 1900 she waa united in about So year» ago w In- also proceeded was injured recently, is reported to
be improving rapidly.
Sunday. We are trying as far as pos- marriage to John P. Durfee, makihg her iu death several years.
“ Aunt’ ’ Malinda was one o f the best
■ible to get word to all the sormer mem- j their home at Drain. To this union
The Women’ s Auxiliary Club
bers as well aa former pastor* and hope » M born on« daughter Harriet Helen, lieloved citizen» of Taruer, always
evening open tir church meeting« dur- dinner spread at the noon hour. Help
ink the summer' The river bsnk in the to spread the news, everybody Is invited
church gardens is an ideal spot for such
gatherings. It is being put in shape.
The Ladies Aid of th* Methodist
The first open meeting will soon be an- church will meet winh Mrs. T. T. Palm­
Strong outside ta!»nt will er today and it Is planned as a handker­
helb you from time to time. Dr. Epley chief snower for Mrs. I H. Small, who
and Rev. <¡ilstrap are working out the has terved the Aid as preident for the
past twenty years.
o —■ -
Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to
morning and Rev. W. U. Crites of Bell, removal of t««th, gas or local, and
Calif., will preach Sunday evening. dental X-ray. New location 303 First subject will be ’Peter’s Vision ”
National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon.
Soon after her marriage she changed ready to leud a helping hand to her met in D*rl*y ’ a office ' last I hura
dav. After a short business ses­
her church relationship joining the relatives, friends and neighbors.
Mt-thodiat church in w hich she has
Besides the two sous who came
been an errnest member up to the from Eastern Oregon to the fuueral
time o f her recent illnesa
and Mrs. Haggey, the daugbterflwho
August 4, 1914, her husband lost his was unable to he present, she is sur­
life in a forest Are and in Jun« 1920 vived by a number of grand childreti
the mother and dahghter went to Sa­ and great grand children.
lem »vhere they reaided up to the
She made her home with one grand
time o f her death. Beside« her dau­ daughter Mrs. Jack Brooks, here prior
ghter, Mrs. Frank Ralston and son-
togoiug to John Day.
in-law, Frank Ralston o f Brockton.
Funeral services were held from the
Montana, she leaves a step-daughter
Turner Christian church Wednesday,
Mrs. Marie I-eightou and graudson,
at 6 o ’clock with Rev. Grove of the
Muster Jackson Leighton of Nan Fran­
Ford Memorial church of WeasNalem,
cisco, also a brother J. W . Wilson and
and Rev. Gilstrap, officiating, with
a sister Mrs. Jenula Hlmons both of
the Richardson Fuueral directors of
Walla Walla, Wash., and a »inter o f
John Day, assisted by the Terwillinger
Portland, Mrs. Carrie Fishman, a uum-
Funeral directors of Salem, in charge.
t«*r of nieces aud nephews and many
She was laid to rest beside her Aral
loving friends survive.
in Twin Oak cemetery with
------------o-....... — -
graveside services in charge of the
The 8th Grade Graduation exercises
Eastern Ntar, o f which she had been a
will beheld in the High School Auditor­
member for inauy years.
ium Friday evening. Marion, Battle
Creek, North Santiam and ICIovedale
schools will come here and join Turner
sion refreshments of sandwiches,
salad, cake and coffee were served
A short program was given. This
was tba last meeiing until fall
Mrs. Martha Belden and sons
Victor and Benjamin went to New­
port Saturday, staying over Sun­
day. They report a very pleasant
outing at the beach.
The West Staytou boys base
ball club went to Central Howell
Sunday and were defeated hy a
score of 7 to 4
The Weat Stayton Community
club held its regular meeting Tues
day evening. The school put on a
very good program which was en­
joyed by all present. This was the
last meeting of the club until fall.
West Staytou school will have
their annual last day picnic at the
school house Thursday.
A picnic
dinner and games will be in order
with a hall game in the afternoon
if one can he arranged. Friday
night in the hall the Nth grade
in graduation. Each school will take
part in the exercise«. Mrs. Mary Fulk­
pupils will have their graduation
erson, County School Superentendent, May 25 in the Morris patch. All pickers exercises and the girls will put on
should be on hand at that time.
a short play at that time.
will be the speaker.
Notice To Strawberry Pickers
Mrs. Neal Edwards entertained th-?
7th and 8th grade girls at her heme
Tuesday from 3:30 til 6 o’clock. Mr.».
Ethel Edwards was a special guest for
the afteruoon. The hostess served de­
licious refreshments. Girls present were
Marjorie Fowler, Ruth and Margaret
Gilst/ap, Mildred Bones and Clarissa
Clark. The girls ail report having spent
Ella M. Durfee
started, more are coming in. Mr. Feslcr
The Brotherhood has been invited to
made a short talk and the music was
put on a service at Jefferson next Sun*
furnished by the Home. Bro. Gilstrap
eoy night.
spoke at the riuse of the services.
The Silver Tea at Mrs. W in d ’s last
Tuesday Dr. Kpiey h|d a good choir Thursday, was enjoyed by all. It was a
practice. The new music h«s arrived, viry pleasant day in every way.
It is splendid' and the choir hopes aeon
to be present some of it at the services.
Don’t forget the Homecoming service
— .— «
next Sunday put on by the Brother-
Plans are being comyleted for Sunday I hoon.
All day aervicea with ba»ket
pJeaeh Sunday
Mr*. F. Gunning, Mre, Allee Asquith,
Teacher Gives
Party To Grades
Malinda E. Cliambers, hetler known
a very pleasant afternoon.
Aunt Msliiida,'* died at John
- ■■ ------O----- ■ - . ■
E -te r n Oregon „ D May 18,-31
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Harris will leave
and her remains were brought here Friday for Portland and in company
for burrlal Wednesday May 2<Hh.
with their son Pay and wife will leave
Born November 2, 1851, ’ the daugh-
the 24th for Idaho where they will
Edwards, Mr-. LeoU Hloan, Mr* ter of sturdy pioneer parents, Mr. and visit relatives. They will also visit in
weglan male eh oro. taking part, not|Je#n ,W c y (lfHalen.. Mrs. Ruth Fre-1
K<‘ uUfn Lewis, who lived east of Utah before returning home. Ray and
aa oontestauta hut *« feature numbera. den o f Klamath Falls, Mr*. Clara Turner, she lived her life in this vlcin- w ife will journey on to Vermont for a
visit with her relatives and on the re­
Martlu of Idaho and the hoslenes Mrs.
trip they will pick up the Senior
Cox, Mr*. Bear and Mrs. Thlesscn,
1 Sunday, the <lh day of June, 1868,
and wife and return to Oregon.
Mrs. Jean Pearcy will entertain the »h* was married to Wm. Porter of
W. C. T. U. at her home iu Salem, ou Aumsville and to this union 4 children J. L. Harris will look after his parents
Jnue 10th which will be annual flower ! were born Minnie, Essie, Frank and property while they are away.
The Baptismal service last Sunday
--------O— ...- -
Marion, two o f whom survive, Essie
was preceded . y a very searching dis­ Mission Day.
Haggey of Hanford, Calif., and Frank
count by our Pastor at the 11 o'clock
of Pendleton.
hour on the subjest of Regeneration.
»■Several years following the death of
He Mid in part: “ Regeneration is not
.Miss AHdieCondit left last week
W m. Porter January 29, 1880, she was
morality—it D more. It’s a religion of
a visit in California. See went
man led to P. H. Janney- To them
power. 7 he soul that is born again
Ella Marie Wilsou was born June
her brother Everett and wife.
knows it. It'» an original, unborruwed II, 1872 near Riddle, Oregon. At an ! one son Morth, was born rud it was at
experience, The experience where we early age »he gave her heart to the his home at John Day where she went Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Stewart
come to know Go»!, the most vitally Lord and joined the Baptist chu’.oh. 4 weeks ago, that she passed away
— - -o— —
Last Sunday evening the enurch ser­ to have an opportunity to renew many
vice w*« d fVerent. Turner Boys Home old acquaintances. Whether you are a
had it in charge. A good number of member or not come and biing your
chickens ana baby chicks were brought basket of eats and enjoy {the fellowship
in. the Home now has a nice little flock with as. Everyone is welcome.
Rsv. Gilstrap will
Following la the program:
Aasembly, Bugler
numbera the! W. Farri» and Mra. ( . C. Bear; aong,