r THE TURNER TRIBUNE family o f Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Mother's day with Mr. Barber’s par­ address, the response wus given hy l.yle Sacri* o f Salem spent Mother’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barber o f Miss Sheila D eliell, president o f th„ Prather’s Drug Srore. senior class. The bunquet started at day with Mr. and ¿1rs. H. M. Crane. HayesvUlc. - o - — 8 p. in. The first course served con Mrs. Geisse and chidrcn came to Summer Fountain Specials, drinks Kenneth Witael of Longview, Hans Jensen is having several living sisteil o f fruit cocktail. Following this visit Mrs. Martha Helden and sons Washington, visited home folks on and dishea, at Riches Confectionery. rooms built in the back of his store. \V. interesting talks wore given by the Mother’s day. a — E. Harris and father are doing the work- faculty members. The second course The West Stay ton boys baseball Mrs. U. S. Talbot is ill with the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little visited was served, which was follow« d by FOR S A L E — Seed corn. Yellow team played the Stay ton boys on the Mrs. 1 ittle’i sister, Miss Mury W alker speeches from members o f the senior mumps. home diamond last Sunday. These Dent, price 5c per lb. Cell on class. The third course ton isteil o f o f West Stayton, Sunday. teams are signed up with the Inter- Spa strawberry sundae and Included Quality candies, lunches and fountain days. Donker Bros, Aumsville, Ore. Riches Confectionery fo r quality urban League. The game resulted in choice o f drink. service at Riches, confectionery. a score o f 14 to 1 in favor o f the candies. --------©-------- During the meal telegrams were ■----------------- — ----- ----------- a Stayton team. Mrs. Barz^e is having her home delivered for Harold Smith and Sey­ The senior class play "T h e Ulster’’ Mrs. Barxee joined Mr. and Mrs. painted. \ Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McClendon and more Stewart, respectively. These hud its first practice Monday, May I I . Charles Brasher o f Salem on a picnic daughter with Mrs. Binkley and Mrs. were read to the people present by The play, a comedy, will be given Mr. and Mrs. 1. E Putnam motored Sunday. Miller went up near Detroit, Sunday. the toastmlstroM. One was signed May 29. Mrs. Jean Pearcy is conch. W e did not see too many fish us u President Hoover, who offered his sin­ to Yamhill Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prather’s Drug The que.-'tion o f where the school Graduation cards at result o f the trip but suppose he got cere regret thut he was unable to at- W’ m. Howd of Shaw. picnic will be was also decided upon. Store. them just the same. tend the bunquet and requested liar The student body decided to go to old Smith to deliver u speech in his Riches Confectionery fo r quality W A N T E D — 10 acres suitable fo r Wednesday afternoon the West Huxel Green. May 25. place. The other us wed that Se>mour candies. chickens and garden. Want to buy Stayton Birthday Club met at the The May Day festivities and crow n­ like rent. See Chas. S. Clark at T rib ­ home o f Mrs. Helen Gilbert. A nice ing o f Queen Gertrude that were held Stewart hasten east >to take Babe Ruth’s place whilt* he is laid up. Clarissa and Frances Clark spent the une office. Turner. orowd came out to enjoy the meeting. at the high school gym on the evening Tile bunquet table was n j.d y dec­ week end in Salem with Miss Margaret A fte r u short business session and a o f May l were enjoyed by the largest Maurice, the small son of Mr«. Ada orated with the senior class colors crowd that has ever attended such an McAlpine. much longer social one delicious cook­ green and gold. Green anil gold paper Sparks and grandson off Calvin Small, ies, fru it salad and lemonade wen- occasion. Husky H igr.d e Baby Chicks, cata­ ! was brought to his home here today. served by the hostesses, Mrs. Allen The student body o f the Stayton cups and saucers served both a place logue and prices now ready. Salem’ s ■ He ha.* been in a Salem hospital for the and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Those at­ high school has been making prepara­ card and fuvorx. They wi re filled with Petland, Salem, Oregon. Phone 656. | past two and a half months recovering tending were Mesdames Peggie Com­ tions for the annual carnival, but due after-dinner mints. A iurge bouquet which del orated stock, Forrette, Chamberlin, Dickmun, to the conflict with review week this Miss Mabel Tucker left Sunday fo r from a severe attact of pneumonia the center o f the table was | n*r nted Allen, Lottie Comstock, llunkel, W al­ year, it has been postponed until next Saginaw, where she is enjoying a visit Mrs. Sparks has been with him the en* to the c’.a ■ es by the llrcithaupt I-lor year. lace, Bowne, Woosley, Goss, Royse, with her father and grandparent*. | (ire time and her daughters have been Johnson, Stewart, McClellan and J. The high school semester exams nl To. Guests present w ere: Ehella P e 'tell, • I staying with Mr. ond Mrs. I. H. Small. B. Bowne. Mrs. Kenne from Shuw, will be given June 3-4. School will be Quality candies, lunches and fountain Edith Stewart, Ruby Comstock and ,-dismiss.-*! the 4th o f June. The 5th Helen W itzel, Helena Witz. I. Is*la Dairy Fly Foil is a proven fly killer Geneva Williams w ere guests o f the will be compiling o f records and the Wilkining, (¿ raid Given. Run I Den service at Riches Confection«y. Prather’s Drug Store. club. The club decided to hold one , commencement exercises will la* in yer, Seymour Stewart. Harold Smith Miss Hazel Bones was here from Eu- \ more meeting this month which will the evening. School will open next and Ki-neth F’owler. Faculty members FOR S A L E — Austrolorps hatching present were: Mr. and M p. ( ’ ox, Mrs. be at the home o f Mrs. J. W. Wallace. fall on September 21. gene, where she is a student nurse. Fri­ | eggs, 15 fo r 75 cents; one mile north­ Jean Pearcy, Mrs. Ivan Hadley nnd The junior-senior banquet was held day, for a visit with home folks. west o f Aumsville, on route 1, Tur- Elda Johnson invited a number o f at the Spa in Salem, F’riday, May 8, Mr. Hickok. 1 ner. B. F. Tucker. her friends anil schodlmates to help 1931. Everyone present enjoyed the Hosts nnd hostesses were Mnrgart-t W e draft patterns for eacb individ­ celebrate her birthday last Sunday. evening. Robert .son. Opal Mickenham. Audrey ual. Let us end your corset trouble. Betty Peetz spent several days this A fte r a pleasant time .-pent in playing Miss Margaret Robertson, president Shoen. Katherine Schampier, Gladys Arekart & Aldrich, corset makers, . , „ „ , . . games refreshments were served con­ eek with Mrs. Nellie Hamilton i o f the junior class, was toustmixtr*-**. Given. Nellie Barber, W ilfred Harri­ 420 Court Street. Salem. Phone 1639. - t h Mrs. Nellie Hamilton at her sisting o f sandwiches, cake, cookies, j Miss Robertson gave th-» welcoming son and R lldrc‘1 Bones. farm in the Cloverdale district. fruit salad and lemonade. Those American Legion dance at open air Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to present were Iwa and Virginia Dar- pavilion, Stayton, Saturday nite, 7- , removal o f teeth, gas or local, and ley, Bessie Downer, Grace Bowne, piece dance band. ---- O dental X-ray. New location 303 First Grace Bates, Antionefte Irish, Franees Summer Fountain Specials, drinks National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Killers, Angus Snoddy, Velma Royse, Hazel Comstock, Hazel Shelenbeiger, and dishes. Riches Confectionery. Florence Crane, Hope Wilkinson, -----O----- Naomi Chamberlin, Ruth Kohl and W A N T E D — Sixty strawberry p'ck- i the little hostess, Elda Johnson. Elda ers, commencing picking about May Mrs. Bone, who has been in Salem received some very nice presents. 20 J. C. Morris, Route 2, Box 62, most o f the time fo r the last three Tu irner. Ore. HOW ran we afford to hr-oat U w priced weeks, is home again much improved ■ A W A W A V A V A W W W W tires? Easy I We carry Kelly Lot la Mrs. Lloyd Jarman has been assist- .. ■" ® . . ... *». v ♦ t v Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nipple and Mile* — the SAFEST low priced tires ing with the work at the J. E. White- . , , , * son, Edward, were home to spend on the market. ea ome. g Mother’s day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 4.50-21 only Built anJ guaranteed by the bu ldrrs of the World’s finest tires, Made not Mrs. Laura Morris, who has been p just to sell at a price, but to give caring for her mother, Mrs. L. E Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Hankel and sons, Ed- 475-19 only SERVICE. If go*x| tires at a itv.nry. son. became quite ill Wednesday with ward and Donald, made a trip to New 500-19 only |6.7j saving price arc what you want. r.-e'\e tne measles and was taken to her home. ^ ra* Sunday, t0 v'* 't relatives. ■ 1 ■■ —O" 1 • 1 * it ’em! 30x2 1-2 only $4.7 j Howard G ilbert’s sister, Mrs. Keene Austin Farrens, w ife and daughter o f Shaw, visited at their home last 408 Oregon Bldg. Saler o f Portland were here fo r the a fter­ Wednesday. noon Sunday at the George McKay A W J ’W W W A W J W W W U V Koonz and home. TURNER n Sunshine caps in assorted colors,50c at Sunday. SCHOOL NOTES WEST STAYTON inside in f ormo tin Tonsils Removed without operation or loss of time DR. LEWIS $5.65 90x4.60 $.66 Ball Bros. Turner, Oregon CRAWFORD Warner Bros. T C A PIT 0 L OREGON SALEM F R ID A Y - S A T U R D A Y BEN L Y O N and L IL A LEE in M IS B E H A V IN G Ladies” Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus attended grange in Turner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W alker o f Port­ land spent Sunday with Mrs. W alker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thoma- i son. ---—O---— » Mrs. R. O. W itzel is entertaining the ladies o f the M. E. church o f Tur- ! ner with a silver tea Thursday a fte r­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. F. F\ Town.en.l o f Salem were over-night guests at the ; Raymond Titus lium«. ---- O----- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber spent BEAUTY MAID SHOPPE C H A R LO T TE G REENW OOD M t ir e e l mul R E G IN A LD D E N N Y Finger C LIFF ED W ARD S W lIV C H Hilariously Funny Comedy Drama ‘Stepping Out’ L S I 50c Reducing Treatments $5.00 per month Permanent Waving $4 to $7 F A C IA L and SCALP N O R ■ ---- Lr LA S T D A Y — S A T U R D A Y RO NALD CO LM AN in * DEVIL TO PAY’’ SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Parnmont’s Super Production . of Percy Crosby’s J V W V W V J V W V V V V V V W /U V W U V . SUNDAY - M O ND AY in E W ARNER BROS 44 SKippy” with Jackie Cooper - Robert Coogan M itz Green - Jackie Searl TH U R S D A Y . F R ID A Y - S A T U R D A Y RAM ON NOVARRO In His Latest TREATMENTS Romantic-Adventure All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone 4486 Daybreak