TH K TURNER TRI BUNE T I TURNER He says business is the best he has seen for years. He doesn't keep these things in stock but will pet them with in 24 hours. j J Mr. and Mrs. Jarman and Mrs. Those wishing to pick berries in the S J. M. Bones were Salem cisitors Tues­ Joe Morris yard should sign up immedi­ day. ately as twenty more pickers is all that Riches Confectionery candies. for Graduation Dresses Chiffons, Crepes, Shantung’ qqality is needed. There will be no reistration fee charge. You can sign at this office. Sunday quests at the E. S. Prather What about that screen door? Does home were Mrs. M. Brock and Miss it need a new screen? If so, 1 have it Mona Brock o f Portland. or if you need a new door I have it. Also a good line o f hardware, plumb­ Mother’s Day stationery and cards at ing supplies. Can do your plumbing Prathers Drug Store. for you. Electric lamps and supplies. .. - O- ---- Electric water pump system. I have WANTED— 10 acres suitable for a few second hand articles for sale: chickens and garden. Want to buy- I Davenport, 1 sofa, 1 cupboard, 1 like rent. See Chas. S. Clark at Trib­ pump jack; these are in good condi­ une office. Turner. tion. H. P. JENSEN. W e dra ft patterns fo r each individ­ To the Mothers of the Community: ual. Let us end y o u r corset trouble. Arehart & A ldrich, corset makers, The Turner Cnristain Endeavor 420 C ourt Street, Salem. Phone 1639. invites you to attend the evening service Plain and Light Pastel Fancy at s W » S S W s W .V (D White Oxfords, Pumps, Straps ? From Sunday, May 10, 1930 at 7 o'clock. FOR SALE— Austrolorps hatching This meeting is to be kept in memory eggs, 15 for 75 cents; one mile north­ west o f Aumsville, on route 1, Tur- Mother's Day. Signed Hildred Bones, Leader ner. B. F. Tucker. $ 2.98 and up at special sale R. Hlckok, President Riches Confectionery candies. j! THOSE W HO TRADE AT for quality- You have no doubt heard them over KEX many times It will now be your Mrs. Ameck and children o f Salem j spent Saturday with Mrs. Bone. Mrs. opportunity to see and hear them in Bone is still in Salem but is very much person this summer at the Turner danc improved in health. es every Saturday nice. F O R S A L E — Seed c o rn , Y ellow Dent, price 5c per lb. Call on week days. Donker Bros, Aum sville, Ore. i inal arrangements BLOCH’S GOLDEN ROLE STORE 2 2 0 N. Liberty Street, Salem, O r e g o n S A V E A S U B S T A N T IA L DIFFE RE N C E were completed Wednesday for this d .nee band to furn ish music and entertainment for the Tur­ ner dances beginning Saturday nite, W'ord has been received here that May 16th. “ Aunt” Milinda Chambers suffered a The ball has been completely re-wired paralytic stroke last Friday. She is at and re-Light?d with beautiful col. red John Day with a son. lights throughout, also t pw decorations ° i Graduation cards at Prathers Drug have been installed for this special aer- Store. ies of dances possible to secure It will be well worth 1 >’oUr * hl,e ‘•ver' thouBh >ou do n° l d*0«* to come out and enjoy this musical en- t»rtainment. You are cordially invited to join them in many Satureay evenings Thirty five colored lights produce the of entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Given and small most beautiful moonlight effect possible son were here the first o f the week Hoping to meet you next Saturday from Marion to see his father. Geo. to produce. In bringing Thoms.* Bros. Band to nite, we are yours for the best time you Given, and daughter, Gladys. Turner we feel we are giving this com-, ever had at any dance, Husky H icra d e Baby Chicka, ca ta ­ nr.unity postivly the best musical talent Lee and Bill log u e and pricea now ready. S a le m ’ s Petland, Salem, Oregon. Phone 656. RUBBER • W 'W '" V A \ W .V .V .V .m , .W ., .V W iV .V /A V A V .V .V W iV A t 8c A Makes It Possible for You to Purchase G For C a sh of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lennon o f Olympia, Wash., were here Friday and Saturday to see Mr. and M rs., A. D. Hale, Mrs. Lennon’s grand­ parents. t o i i i LEE Conshohocken Tires & Tubes With the Same Guaranteed Quality at Prices 0 At One-Malf Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. La Rue Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. White motored to Rockaway, Sun­ day, but were a little early as most every place was still closed. What They Were a Year Ago V W .,.V / A ,.V M W .V //.V W W A '.W /A V /A W V W A Dresses W A N T E D — Sixty stra w b erry p c k - ers, co m m e n cin g picking about May 20. J. C. Morris, R oute 2, Box 62, T urn er, Ore. Leeland 29x4.40 30x4.50 28x1.75 31x5.25 32x6.7)0 30x5.00 33x6.00 Prints and Voil Prints ------o----- Chili and lunches at Riches Con­ fectionery. H. P. Jensen has the contract for plumbing the new home o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Highberger under construc­ tion at Aumsville. ? !.» ),) 5.20 6.15 7.85 10.55 6.50 10.65 Lee Ball. Da L u x e H. D. 5.55 6.15 7.25 9.45 11.20 7.80 1 1 .65 S 7.55 8.60 9.75 12.96 11.85 10.80 15.40 8 All other Tires and Tubes not listed will be given the same low cash price for a liimted time. A. W. and Archie Rankin o f Mar­ ion were in Portland, Tuesday, on business. Mrs. Stella Miller motored as far as Brooks with them and spent the day with friends. Linones | Newest Patterns S é ------O----- - Mrs. Wm. Orr, mother o f Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap, is slowly recovering from injuries received when she fell while having the Christian church Sunday. Another daughter, Mrs. Cotton came from Eugene, Tuesday, and remained until today. \ S I.2 5 -té Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Peterson are the parents o f a 5 % -pound son, born Sunday, May 3. This is their sixth <>n and their 13th child Mrs. Dean Morris is here carimr for her mother. ä Men’s Dress Shirts Broadcloth Fast Colors 8 9 c Mrs. I. H Small, Mrs. T. T. Palmer, Airs. Alice Asquith, Mrs. Miller and Mrs W m. S. Burgoyne went to Silverton Tuesday where they attended a council » of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church. Tuesday morning H. P. Jensen took Pound H arrison’ s General Store TURNER OREGON abrasali.£.:«■ a load o f new steel stanchions and drinking bowls to Hovt Cupps barn. i Don Madison J HOLLYWOC )I) UPER ERVICE TATION €> Fairgrounds Road and Capitol Salem, Ore. Phone 6482 ^.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V /W/WAWWW Extra Special Price in Addition to the Above While the Supply Lasts 30x3% Leeland Cord ................................................. 30x5 8-Ply I)e Lube H. D..................................... 32x6 10 Ply I)e Luxe If. D.................................... 8.25-20 10 Ply Truck and Bus...................................... 9.00-20 10 Ply Truck and Bus.................................... 30x4.75 6 Ply I)e Luxe II. D............................. 31x5.00 6 Ply De Luxe H. D..........................” S :• : =: $ j (>(> 18.25 30.00 35.00 10.00 g 5 (> 25 t)