/ THIO TURNER TRIBUNE The Turner Tribune UUHSCRIPTKJN »1.25 PER YEAH Knt> n il at tho Puatofltcu ut Turner, Oregon, u- acconti-H im * mu .ter, under the Art o f March 8, 1871*. Education’s Cash Value Tln-re i« no fixi-d meunUre o f the relative value o f trained men and o f I urti »very Thursday ut Turrtir, untralneH men. The de«n o f u Bo*- Morion, County, Oregon. ton college fixi * the average minimum incorne o f the high *chool graduât*- Editor* MRS. CHAS. H. Cl.AUK •t »2200, and o f the college graduate ami j PuHiahen at »0000. Hi* figures may be accurate t HAS. S. Cl.ARK a* uveruge», but ther« are untratned men earning more than trained men, and then- are trained men earning Anniversary Of Atrocity more than other trained mer». But it i* average* in which the world ir interested. Two who have gone through the same curriculum may be pole* apart in the use they rnnke o f th'-ir mind . One man ower more to mother-wit than the bookr could teach him. But he who goe* farth'-rert abaorb* theory and learn* from practice, too. The mont »killful | crafteman at the work b«-nch doe* not pour çontempt on technical litc-ra- I turc, but commit* it at every opjMir- tun.ty, knowing where to put hi» fin­ ger on the reference he want*. ¡ Used Fords ; HAMMAN STAGE LINES »165.00 *^27 Tudor 1926 Tudor 1927 Tudor 135.00 100 00 60.00 50.00 75.00 95.00 1921 Tudor 35.oo 192« Coupe- 1926 Tudor 1924 Tudor Studebak* r Roadster - Leave Salem for Aumsville 6:30 A M. 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. Leave Aumaville for Salem 8:10 A M. 1 :20 P.M. , 5:10 F.M. Leave Aum.sville for Mill City 7:25 A M. 5:25 P.M. 300.00 1927 Dodge Sedan Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. Several Model A'* to Choc»«- from TERMS AND TRADES Thoot* who remt-mher the eventful duy:> from 11*14 to lit IK ore nt ill con­ vinced that the United State* would hive pre-'TVed It* neutrality to the e,ii| o f the World war had thi re been no l.unitttuiii atrocity, o f which May 7 i* the *i«teenth unnlveraury. Although the United State* «¡Id not enter the war until two year* after the winking of the Luaitania. thi* out­ rage agaiiut American neutrality and every humane law wa* the Unit o f that contutenallon o f event* which culminated in tin- cryatallization of public opinion in thi*#c«>untry against the central power* and, Anally, a dec laratlon o f war. Meditation* on thi* tragedy o f the war convince one that there i* a ju»- tice which sometime* grind* »wiftly. The civilized world felt that u nation guilty o f *uch a crime could not win Used W IT H Cars ^CHEVROLET / f AN O . IÍ . T H A T COUNTS :: \slley Motor Co. Leave Turner fo r Salem 8:20 A.M 1 :30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Center at Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Leave Turner for Mill City 5:15 P.M. TELEPHONE 3441 Globe Body & Fender Works 1929 E* -**x Chanllenger 4-door Sedan, look* and run* like a new »495 350 275 t. r> , motor overhauled 265 I92K Chevrolet Coach, very best o f condition, practically new -iM 335 1926 Oakland 4-door Sedan, completely overhauled, new tire*. Thi* cur ha i hud the very la st of care 295 1926 Pontiuc Coupe,-new tir«-s, motor overhaul, n«-w paint 225 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, full equipped, r«-condition«-«*«*rini5 Fnrm M.irli uirry COLDS SPASMODIC Our Stock of Dairy Supplies will be the largest and most complete carried by any store in the Willamette Valley L illy ’» G arden and L a w n Seeds and Fertiliser* CROUP WHOOPING COUGH HOARSENESS A lb e rs' D airy and F’oultry Fee d We invite you to visit our new store and see these goods Oinrlus It. Archerd Implement Co. f ir n f e D I S E A S E LUNG BALSAM SS» jm f e rm f e m f e rjm f e um m HANDICAPS OF /W W r .* .W A V A V M W V W W more terrible ami inexcusable than the alnughtcr o f the million* o f com ­ batant* who lost their live* in the . Oregon 210 STATE STREET— PHONE 4903—SALEM, OREGON T W . . h i t ,o a In .n r. tor *mJ t h .r , * h*< » • « »*prr«— Hu I I h . fiaal t n l >*| p r o . , u h r lh .r ,o a , m Ml T W p a rtk n l.r t r . in .u r .a r . i| ra l a i l w * tW l »o a r ia.ur.H lr ialrrrwa ara o k rii.rr rd .a .) I Hal you m o gi'rm rr lr .h lr « n i n i W r n p n a a i la m ., M T E M IA B L K STOCK FIRE LNHLEA.NCK U ) U PAÑIES. F. P. ROWLEY, Agent General Insurance Turner, Oregon \ BRONCHIAL COUGHS Contain* no Narcotic Only at S c h a e f e r 's DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem 135 N. Commercial PHONE 197 Penclar Agency .S V V V W W V W A % % W A W A V V