THK TURNER TRIRUNE Real Estate For Sale FOB SALE— One o f the best prop­ erties in the valley, close to Aunys- ville. Oregon, known as the C. B. Mc- Cully place; 7 Jersey cows, 2 Jersey heifers, mower, rake, corn drill, bind­ er, harrow, sulk plow, grain drill, one- half interest in corrugated roller ¿ n d manure spreader. FOR SALE— 80 acres, good house, tile barn, tile grainery, 80 acres prunes, water system, practically all cultivated, 4 miles from Salem on good gravel road. FOR SALE— 8-room house; wood­ shed; well in shed; 1 lot plowed; lo­ cated in Turner, Oregon. FOR SALE— 54 lx acres; 17 acres fru it; 2 C* miles north o f Aumsville, Ore.; 15 acres pasture; running water 7-room house; barn for 10 head stock. Will also sell sotck and machinery with place. s May, 1931, at the hour o f ten o ’clock A. M. has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing o f objec­ tions to such final account and the ................. ..... ........... . _ any settlement .............. thereof __ at which time p(,rson interested in such estate may up|,,.ar and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 9th day o f April, 1981. McKINLEY FA RLE DAL E. DESMOND VICTOR DALE. Executors. E. L. CRAWFORD. Attorney for Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, On'. First publication; April 9 ,1931. Last publication: May 7, 1931. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hen*y given that the un­ dersigned, Ina Starns Reese, the duly appointed, qualified and acting admin- istratrix ot the estate o f Elepha Starns White, deceased, has filed in the County Court o f the State o f Ore- gon, for Marion County, her Anal ac­ count in said estate, and that the said court has fixed on Monday, the 8th day o f June ,1981, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock A. M. o f said day at the Coun­ ty Court Room in Marion County Court House at Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing o f ojections to the said account and the settlement o f the said estate, at which time and place all persons having such objections may appea r and show cause, if any then' be, why said ac­ count should not in all things be al­ lowed ami approved, said estate set- \ tied and closed and the administratrix , discharged. INA STARNS REESE. Administratrix o f the Estate o f Kle- j pha Starns White, deceased. El MO S WHITE. Attorney for the Estate o f Flepha j Stums’ White, Deceased. 1019 Bedell Building, Portland, Ore- I gon. —I V i% V y W A V \ iS % % % % W A \ % % % W iiS W V .V W .S V d ,A V i - 1E - 1R - V - 1[ - C LUMBER R UNDERTAKERS TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. AND u We Try to Sell You What U You Need NOT LLOYD T. RIG DON County Coroner Everything We Cen P. O. Box 208 Salem W ood Building Supplies ROUGH AND DRESSED W. T.Rigdon&Son NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL I - Phone 275 Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE— 55-acre ACCOUNT . W A N W W . '. V A W W ^ ranch, IS miles south o f Salem, Mar- Notice is hereby given that the final ion county, O regon; 6-rooms plastered account o f June Gaines, as adminis­ tratrix o f the estate o f Carleton C. house, with woodshed and stoie room Gaines, deceased, has been filed in the WV.V.WSSV.W i’.W V W W W . adjoining; 14x24 shop and oil house; County’ Court 0f Marion County, E. IL B U It It E L barn; 20 tons oat hay; two w ells; State o f Oregon, and that the 1st day \ chicken house and double garage; all o f June, 1931, at the hour o f ten % 464 N. Liberty SL /.V .W A V A W A W i V .Y Y A S W A V .V .W .V .W A W .V .V .V buildings in good repair; 24 acres o ’clock A. M. has been duly appointed ,. .. , . . 0 . ____ by such court for the hearing o f ob- Italian prunes and about 24 acres till- . ¿ tions tQ S(jch fina, aecount aml able; 1 acre in bearing cherries and settlement thereof, at which time any (¿ u tility Iltittrrie M grapes; also 1 acre apples; 5 acres person interested in such estate may w ill have a smile and itock I- w ill feeling appear and file objections thereto in pasture; school bus passes place; one S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N s Y ou Too! after you huve had a rv rt — “ 1931. $ 5 . “ El graveled roads; nature o f soil, black • JUNE GAINES, Adm nistratrix. and rolling. E. L. CRAWFORD, —at Attorney for Estate. FOR SALE— 1 acre o f ground with Oregon Salem Ladd & Bush B ink Bldg, Salem, Ore. A n d y s H a intuit S h o p 5-room house, fruit room, front and First publication. April 30, 1931. back porch, clothes closets, electricity, Last publication: May 28, 1931. W V W W W W W W A V .W W ,* . **Tho W i n d B l o w n E x p e r t ’ city water on premises, well water, double garage, barn room for six NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL head stock, number chicken coops, Hair Cut 25c Shavlnf 15c ACCOUNT shady grove, located right for chicken j Ladles Halt Cuttin® a Specialty Notice is hereby given Ahat the ranch, close to town. final account o f Helen Turner, as ad­ Akrcn S p o n p e Rubber Pads ministratrix o f the estate o f Clara Next to Elsinore Theatre Soft Sanitary, Can't Slip FOR SALE— Residence and one Turner, deceased, has been filed in the i„-ot„a s ' County Court o f Marion County, Guaranteed to Hold Refardlexa of block o f ground, mce.y located, 8 Jf Qrt,gon> amJ that the 9th ,lay Occupation, Ana or Sex 182 S. High Street Salem. Oregon rooms, electric water system, electric j ¿ j May, 1931, at the hour o f 10 Akron Graduate Fitter Here to lights, fenced, a good buy for anyone o’clock A. M., has been duly appoint- A 'A W A A ’ A W A W W A '/ A W / A W / W . V V / . V A W A V i V V V v.anting a home. Can be purchased ed by such court fo r the hearing o f Give You a Trial Fitting • ,. | objections to such final account and j FREE o ! settlement thereof, at which time any , i person interested in such estate may , FOR SALE— 6-room house, w*th | appear and fi!e objections thereto in CAPITAL DRUG STORE bath, store room, woodshed, barn, and writing and contest thejsam*. State Street Salem Dated this 9th day o f April. 1931. two lots in Turner; all fenced. Cash HELEN TURNER. or terms. Adm nistratrix. E. L. CRAW FORD. FOR SALE— Close to 70 acres, all i Attorney for Estate. under cultivation, all fenced, irriga- | Ladd & Bush Ba.,k Bldg.. Salem, Ore. Corset Makers and First publication: April 9, 1931. tion ditch runs through place, 1 well, Milliners Last publication: May 7, 1931. five-room house, one o f the best farms Foundation Garments - - ............ ..................... ... in this section o f the valley; can be NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Any Style purchased right. For particulars about ACCOUNT 420 Court St. Phone 1639 Salem Smooth Shave or Hair Cut TRUSSES W. J A Y DENHAM General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing this place see Chas. S. Clark, at the Notice is hercbv given that the final account of McKinley Earle Daue I Tribune office, Turner, Oregon. and Desmond Victor Daur, as execu­ tors o f the estate o f Ida May Diue, CHAS. S. CLARK, has been fi!> C< unty Real Estate Broker. Court o f Marion County, State o f i Oregon, and that the 23rd day o f j Tribune Office, Turner, Oregon. Route 3 CYP€IÜRIC€R$ Ì V d d i i i g M o t liiiit-s ALL M AKES ' T H O M A S 421 Court R O E N Salem .W x W b V U V V V J W .W V W U W V W H A W K I N S B E R INC. 10 ÆÎ 1 S and TS BY D A Y OH CONTRACT Estimates Furnished II. S. Talbot hmyestmemts INSURANCE TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN SERVICE No. 14, 4:36 A.M. (Stops when flagged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) South Bound 5, 11:10 A.M. (Stops when flagged to pick up passengers for points at which this train stops.) No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on flag only, to pick up pu.* -engers for point Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) A ^ V A W > n A W M ,A ñ ¿V W JlA W r W A V W ^ M W W V W . * Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers coming from V . W W /A V A '/A V A W A W /A W /- W W A W W A V /M W I g A g e n cy QENEML No. V V W / A V A V W i J W V / J W .V J Y .V A V W A V W A V A W STATE BANK < D o r /| O u t f j 4 - Paid on 6 months Time Deposits £ Fire—Automobile Insurance Written m W .V W W W A f W A ’J V ^ A V . W • Turner North Bound W. C. Dyer W \ TURNER PAINTING I AND RO V A W Turner, Oregon G .W J W ^ A '.W J 'M f V V V ,' -. I L L B R O S , O regon G rown S eeds j „ £ Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill Bros, seeds and fertilize with Lillys Morcrop and see the results. W e buy and sell Field and Grain Seeds of every description. See us before buying or selling. W e «re contracting Vetch Seed for fail delivery. Drop in and let us talk it over. > C > ^ Mail Orders Filled Promptly S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o . 178 S» Commercial St. Salem, Oregon •!