The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, May 07, 1931, Image 1

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    T he T urner T ribune
THURSDAY, M AY, 7, 1931
NO. 27
S u n d a y I«
Chemical Ensines
Community Tryouts
To Be Held May 15th M o t h e r ’s D a y
Prove To Be Joke
The xaving tenderneaa o f a feverish
ago ia the immortality o f the home
tie*, whose chief sentiment envelop*
Semi-final* o f the Marion County
Wednesday afternoon about 2
the motherhood which cradles u*.
t'ommnunity contest* will bo hel«l in
o’clock fire wa* discovered in the
Ever since mankind discovered ca-
the hiirh school auditorium in Turner,
building on the Hans Jensen property
*. ^
i pacity for emotion the world’s sons
Friday evening, May 1ft, It la ex-
and by the time help arrived the
The Joint May day program put on and daughters have striven to express
In the baseball game here Sunday whole structure was a mass o f flame*.
|n ctr*l there will be four communities
by the North Nantiam and West Stny- something o f the gentleness, some­ between Turner and Hill’s team of
represented and maybe morn.
The fire started from a short circuit
Immediately after the program a ton achool wa* •» great nucce**. The thing of the profound love and sacri­ Salem, the fans were treated to some in the Ford sedan belonging to M.
free feed will b« aerved in the gym. teacher* from each achool are to be fice, something of the great and noble real baseball. In the first frame the McCullough, who also operates one
Tlie ladle* are naked to brintr sand- complimented on their work with the symbolism embodied in the word visitors went in the air allowing two o f the school busses. In getting the
runs on errors, but soon settled down school bus out Mr. McCullough re­
wichea and cake. The committee in children. The children from each "mother.”
There Is sentiment, and there is and the last aix innings it was goose
charge o f the aupper are Mr*. M, A, achool did extra well with the
ceived slight burns about the face
Hill, chairman; Mra. Crum, Min. ami both May polea were a delightful sentimentality, but the feeling which eggs for both teams. The final -core and hands.
Tho*. Little and Mra. Fred BchlefTer- ulfair. The kiddiea were well trained bid* earth’s children to bear thought­ was 4-2 in Turner’s favor. A good
The building which was formerly
and proud to do their work which ful remembrance towards the genius crowd witnessed the game.
used by Mr. Jensen as a blacksmith
of the home defies the straight boun­
President C. A. Hear of the Turner made u very plraaing program.
shop was used by Mr. McCullough as
Turner competed against Stayton,
daries of definition; it is the truest,
Community Club aaya th a will be the
a garage, chicken house and work­
purest impulse, neither arguing nor Wednesday, April 29. The first in­
big meeting o f the year and extend.*
shop. Mr. McCullough lost five hens,
explaining, but Justified in love and ning was played with four runs in
an invitation to everybody to come
favor of Stayton and six for Turner. “ U " ork* 10018 and h“ f ord 8* dan’
and enjoy the program and feed.
besides fruit trees and berry vines
second inning marked one point
The above date, May 16, ha* been
Mrs. II. I.ei- Thiessen entertained a
along with some early garden. The
for Stayton. At the beginning of the
set for all community content* in the group of the younger matrons and ; and the verm s of poets one may ever
heat was so intense that it was diffi­
fifth inning the score was nine and
county, and the final* will be xtaged maids with a May Ituy party Friday
cult to save the residence on the
five. Stayton added two points and '
at the Elainore theatre in Salem on evening, May 1. The evening was loftiness o f motherhood; but, for the
same grounds.
Turned added seven, making the score
May 22.
pleasantly spent in making candy and
The schools were dismissed and the
16-7. Denyer and Mitchell each made
popping corn, also the singing o f old * beyond the walls of one’s heart and
high school students and those from
within the versos of individual experi- two-base hits during this inning. Oft-
the grades formed bucket lines and
The W .C. T. U. will hold a Moth- ti™'' songs and conversation. In the ence to know that the loveliest thing
during the game Stayton would
er’s meeting at Mrs. Thiessen’s ».ext group were Mr*. D. II. Parke*, Mrs. o f creation is enshrined in the word bunt *nd consequently through quick helped in a large way in saving other
property close by from destruction.
Wednesday. These gatherings are al­ Neal Edwards, Mrs. Dean Tucker, "mother.'’
playing of the Turner team were out
The two chemicals recently pur­
ways very interesting and profitable. Mrs. LaKue Stevenson, Mra. John
I f it be nocssary to set aside a day | at first. The outfielders caught sev­
Come and Join in the open discussion Cox, Mrs. Earl Bear, Mrs. Ted White- to urge us to to turn back and smile eral flies. Throughout the game Tur­ chased by the city council were finally
head Jr., Mr*. G. A. McKay, the
brought out but owing t£ the fact,
o f these most vital subjects.
ner was ahead making few errors. The
Misses Helen Peetz and Mable Tucker I* meMa*'*
»hose ^ u re s o f *ublim-
nobody knew how to work the
final score was 19-11 in favor o f Tur-
und the hortess, Mr». Th essen.
then lct il *•* with <«uick’ ^ ner‘
things it was some time before the
ous and lasting sincerity. For on ner.
machines could be made to disenarge
Mother's Day, not only this happy
The Turner high school baseball (they having never been tried out
little woman or that grave grey figure
team won its second game Friday ®*nce being purchased). One chemi­
Mr*. Barbara Neibert Klass, age
to know that children do not for- . . .
cal did some good shooting but the
get. but all the mothers of all the !'whe"
Wenj *° Stayton. It was a
87, died in Portland, Tuesday, and
very close and hard fought game, other one was useless. It is a good
was laid to rest in Lincoln Memorial
Rev. Burgoyne spoke Sunday morn­ year* can share something of the spir- the final score being 13-12 in favor thing for the town that the fire of
l*ark, Friday. Mrs. Klass was well ing about bootleg religion.
.tual benediction which springs from
o f Turner. In the la 't half o f the Wednesday was where it was instead
known here by old residents, having
universal tribute.
There is a lot o f bootleg whisky,
n neth inning it looked like the Stay- o f in one o f the business places, as
spent her early life at Sublimity killing people, making them blind or
boy* were going to win when the loss would have been much heav­
where she was married and lived on insane. Much* o f the reigion in the
was only one out «nth a man ier.
what is now known a* the Starr world is killing the souls of men, mak­
In all probability the council and
base, and the score 13-12.
place, loiter they moved to Aumsville
ing them blind, hardening their what did God give you to do, Mother By some tight playing by the Turner fire department ?) will do some prac-
where many recall Mrs. Klass as a heart*. This kind o f religion is not |
'joys made the other two outs before ing with the chemical engines ( i f it
splendid neighbor nnd good friend. the religion o f Jesus. It is not true
Over there in that land so fair,
Stayton could get in another run. does cost a little money) and learn
In It9 4 tin- IClaM* built what is now religion but moonshine religion. Many Where >ou
* * * " th>* lsurt lon,K Due credit should be given to Tur­ how to work the infernal machines
known as the Oregon Grain property
o f the gifts o f thousand* of dollars | Aw a/7rom this obi world’s care? ner’s pitcher, Easbond Tappan, who before another fire hits the town.
where the A. K. Bradley family live. given to religion is squeezed from the
Both Mr. Jensen and Mr. McCul­
I pitched a very good game until the
They left here in 1902, living lor a poor. Jesus does not want this blood
lough were without insurance. Mr.
time in San Fruncisco and later mov-
U 'a8t innin* When C0ach C0X pUt Bud Jensen will rebuild some kind o f a
money.. When an employer takes Did ^ fives>OU * 8CraP
. ,
, .
, And «Tbunch o f tangled skeins,
Mitchell in his place. There were »ev­
ing to Portland, where four daughters .
il read from the mouth* eof hi ngry And
you ^ pjece them together, eral good hits, the longest by any o f SaraKe an(l chicken house on the
survive— Mr*. Amelia Field, Mrs.
chidren and gives it to some good
Into something pretty and useful the Turner boys «-as a three-base hit i property soon.
l.ixzie l.xinenhaut, Alma and Koseta
cau*e he has bootleg religion. Some
h>. De|l>eit Davidson.
Mr. Jen®«" wishes to thank the
people are not so much fallen as they p jd yOU
mistake*, and un-
The last two games have shown ^hool students and the firemen for
are beaten down into the gutter by
kin(J words,
! much improvement in the Turner their services in helping during the
social forces too powerful for them j Dark sin* and broken hearts
team. The team plaved hart! and fast fire.
. . . .
to cope with. I f our religion alio«** And join them with atonement and i .
J°love " " " "" "
....... “ ‘" ‘ throughout both games. The next
us to accept these condition as law­
Till those lives were no longer in game will be played May 8 at Aums-
West Stayton Community Club held
ful, we have bootleg religion. Anyone j
Jagged parts
| ville.
its regular meeting Tuesday evening.
Wurren Walker and hi* sister, Miss «'ho feed* upon the cream while hi*
A good program as given and a good
Mona Walker, with a group o f friend* neighbor ha* not even skim iViilk has Join Faith and Strength with weak­
The West Stayton boys baseball
crowd was out. The next meeting
spent Sunday with their grandparents, not the true religion o f Jesu*.
nine played with Sublimity on the
And Courage with sad despair?
will likely be the iast meeting until
Mr. und Mrs. P. E. Thomason.
Three men united with the church Repentence with sin oppressed sinner school diamond Sunday. This was the
And Grief with humble prayer?
first league game and was won by
Crawford school pupil* with their Sunday.
The Brotherhood had their regular Then ’broider them up with threads o f the West Stayton boys by a score of
teacher, Mis* Helen McCullough, took
12 to 4. A large and enthusiastic
part in the May day exercise* at monthly meeting Monday night.
Drawn from the tangled skein—
The Ladies Aid was represented in
crowd watched the game.
Aumsvilb, Friday.
Ruth Bawling*
'Till the crooked seams were beaute­
sang u solo and Je**e Fuller gave a another get together in Silverton,
Members o f the Dramatic Club en­
West Stayton and Stayton played
And life made worth living again?
pleasing recitation.
a weinie roast on the hill north
off the tie in the league games at
The Aid Society silver tea will be
Mr. and Mr*. K. O. Witzcl and helil at Mr*. Roy W itzel’s next Thurs- , AH about u* are storm-swept souls— Aumsville, Tuesday afternoon. Stay- o f to«m. Those spending a very pleas­
»„ , „
„ i Some have found great Peace,
ant evening were the Misses Helen
daughters, Helen and Helenu, and Mr. day afternoon.
All ladles are cordially Di(, you find them in God’s scrap bag, ton won b ya score o f 18 to 12.
Peetz, Mable Tucker and Gladys
and Mrs. Raymond Titus and family invited.
Mend them and give release?
"Hub” Briggs, Max and Ivan
shopped in Sulem, Saturday.
Ehe Epworth League is putting on „
... ,
. .
Dr. B. F. Pound practice lim ited to
. „
Or did he give you a fairy paint pot.
McKay, Cecil Martin, Vernon Coates
the following program in observance
And Mnd you
you out on morning’*
rem oval o f teeth, gas or local, and and Archie Rankin. They have de­
•Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Budkin* and
o f Mother’s Day, Sunday evening.
son, Ronald, o f Salem, Mr. and Mra.
X -ray. N ew location 303 First cided to meet twice a month and the
May 10, at 7:30 p. m. All mothers To paint us a beautiful sunrise
Frank Carlson and Mr. nnd Mrs. Bar­
Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. next meeting will be with Miss Given.
are urged to be present but dad* may-
ber of !lnye*ville spent Sunday at the
come too:
Cha*. Barber home.
Then did you ride on a fleecy cloud,
Congregational singing.
Mr*. Ruth Riches entertained Sat­ I
The wonderful day all through,
Prayer, Rev. Burgoyne.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richmond o f
afternoon for the pleasure of
Then paint us a glorious sunset
Accordian music, Mrs. Hadley.
Salem spent the week-end with their
Mrs. L. E. Peterson with a miscellane­
Ami sprinkle the world with dew?
Scripture reading, Louis Hansen.
daughter, Mr*. Raymond Titu*, and
ous shower. Many nice gifts were
Mrs. A. E. Kunke and children
Talk, "The Origin o f Mother’s The flowers in the garden are heavy received by Mrs. Peterson.
the week-end with her mother,
. i
Day,” Alvin Garner.
Perhaps you passed with fairy paint i Riches served refreshments assisted Mrs. M. F liflet near Chemawa.
Mr. and ’dr*. Fred Lamb o f Stay-
Harmonica solo, Rachel Garner.
by Mrs. R. Lee Thiessen, Mrs. White-
ton visited Sunday nt the R. O. Wit-
And lightly your brush on them head Jr. and Miss Dora Hall. Pres­
Reading, Nellie Barber.
Mrs. May Hadley and children ac­
zel home.
Talk, “ Mother o f Moses,” Kenneth
ent besides the honor guest were Mes- companied Mr. and Mrs. Mickey o f
dames Hatfield and small daughter, Salem on a trip to Waldport. They
We look each day for lovely things
Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Little were Bear.
In which you’ve had a part,
Violin solo, Albert Jensen.
Bernice Baker and children, Melvin left here Friday afternoon, returning
Salem chopper* Friday.
And try with these happy fancies
Musical reading, Mr*. Burgoyne.
and Shirley, Vivian Ensley and small Saturday evening.
To soothe our aching hearts.
Mi** Ruth Morri* o f Cloverdalc
Selection by E. L. orchestra.
«laughter, Pearl Given, G. W. Farris,
spent the week-end with Helen and
Miss Olga Gamer and her mother
Scripture reading, Glen Garner.
E. J. Gilstrap, M. O. Peterson, W. J.
Oh! it’s surely a work o f beauty
Helena Witzel.
in Salem, Saturday.
That you are doing there.
Talk, "W hat Mother Should Mean
Harris, E. S. Prather, J. L. Webb,
■ ■' ■♦■■■
You created with such simple thing* Charles Standley and daughter, Sarah
to Us,” Olga Garner.
Mr. and Mr*. H. R. Crawford and
Mrs. Hedges’ daughter from East­
So much beauty while here!
Duet, "Mother Knows,” James and
Given, Dean Tucker, Sur*an Girardin, ern Oregon is expected to arrive soon
daughter, Harriet, o f Salem spent
Russell Denyer.
So we wouldn’t call you back, dear,
Mrs. William Orr o f Eugene, Mr. R. fo ra visit here.
Sunday ut the Cha*. Burber home.
From your work so wondrous fair, L. Thiessen, Mrs. Charles S. Clark,
Collection for Children’s Farm
But try to find in the beautiful, here,
Mrs. Raymond Titus attended the Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Little visited in Clov­
Miss Do da Hall o f Monmouth and the
Something you’ve sent u* from over
May duy program at Aumsville.
Closing song and benediction.
district Sunday.
— H. M.'B.
P ro g ra m
H mk <> H all D ope
May Day Party
Barbara Neibert
Wienie Feed