THE TURNER TRIBUNE Riches Confectionery candies. LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK fo r * Hildred Rones spent the week end in Kaloro, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mundinger B r i e f It e m » C o n c e r n in g the C o m ­ ings end G o in g s o f Y o u r s e l f and Y o u r N e ig h b o r s , as T o l d to T h e T r ib u n e R ep o rters. )One Ting After An Udder You bet, nothing like having a big­ ger and better village. As the fellow once Haul in speaking at u chamber of commerce meeting, i|‘ "the chamber's right behind yon and were all ready In carry it out, • /:• U . *J :7 Clyde Boise underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Saiem hospital Fri­ O n e o f the N ic e s t C ou rtesies Y o u Can Show to Y o u r G uests Is to H a v e T h e i r V is its M e n tio n e d in T h ese Columns. T h e T r ib u n e W ill C o n sid er It a S p e c ia l F a v o r i f Y o u W i l l H e lp Us M a k e This P a p e r M o r e In te r e s tin g to Its Readers by S en d in g in Item s f o r This Colum n. W r i t e us, or, i f C on ven ien t, T eleoh on e Your N e w s Items to This Office. little cinder came from, so we Just dismissed the idea. iV .W / A W V quulity ■ ~ day and is recovering nicely. We think you boys ought to build a big concrete building m some good Mr and Mrs. Lee Barber and child­ district o f the business section to By M a s M c K a y ren are enjoying a visit from Mr. Bar- j bundle your firms business in. VVc'de ber's mother, who came from Salem the 1 like to have a Job an pr.vate iecr« tary first ol the week. Hello people, looks like we're huv- darned tough, so we guess we’d just I or what not, and a lot o f the other -----•----- ! ing u little dust storm or something. better go ahead and raise the levee. [boys might like u job too. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Briggs of Port-1 ® ^ K olly. we hope it don't rain or the By the way, it would improve the , . „ sidewalks would be so muddy w e’d YF. Ol.D D IA R Y land are the parents of a son, born >at-1 , city i f they would pass an ordinance have to wear our gum boots to see K. J. Harrison spent Wednesday in urday Mr. and Mrs. L <• Smith of M a r - i o u r ^ x h a t Ut| bo bat, against cinder nuisance, too. The Home f r o m th# office and to su k Eugene on business. darned things are SO deep in the ing th » la w n which p r«v»d to h* v»ry ion. parents of Mrs. Briggs, and Herbert B) thunderin’ lightning this is the streets that the sparrow and other strenuous labor f o r an ofTn * man. Chili and lunches at Riches Con­ Briggs motored to Portland Sunday to worst storm We VC seen in forty years, birds cun’t even get u bite to eat. Why a f t e r much resting and w a t i h i n g th » see the new arrival. fectionery. ^ i s, sir. the other day wv got a cinder in our bees ami butterflies, to supprr with Mr and Mrs. Arthur Edwards soent R. D. Gray, of Salem, was here Tues- Kxtru! E xtra! The city council will j eye and was going to apeak to the Tuesday evening at Stayton. day looking a fter business and renew- Petla nd, Salem, O re g o n . section. Ye editor acknowledges a Say, why the heck don’t you just pleasant call from Mr. Gray. raise the town instead, it would be a no' lo° muc* wurl‘ pr* Uu '' Z ™ * f °°,t hif!* * r aroun|J I manager about it but then were so ¡ ¡ ^ ‘ " “. ^ U t e / I n d back’ .g ^ .n W U r ing old acquaintances. Mr. Gray was the town. That’ s a tine idea council darn marry smoke stacks soaring into maay , 00,| lim#. lo bed and an on to Husky H ic r a d e Baby Chicks, cata ' • form erly owner o f the Tu rner State ! but whatcha * ° nn» u*«. screw jacks the air We didn't know Where the pour sleep and m any pleasant dreams. lo gu e and prices now ready. S a le m '* Bank and has many friends in this or ^o n * lifters? P h o n e 656 Hollis L. Bones is helping Bob Huns ----- — aker with his spring work. much easier job or you might pass an Marcelling and Finger ordinance to have the town moved W aving 50 cents. Let us explain UfM,n a *“ **• 1hat woul‘* b,‘ b' tter >'* *• Mr and Mrs. J. M. Bonesspent Tues- our Oil Method o f Permanent Still everybody would be tr> ,..g to g, t I $1.00 da" evening at the Hcrmam Wipper horre. -A R ches Confectionery" fo r candies. right on the very top, like a bunch o f Waving. We oiler a complete fleas on u drownin' dog's nose, so the service in Beauty Culture at reas- other guy wouldn't drain the water quality on a ble prices. Beauty Maid Shop down on him. Phone 44?6, Salem, Oregon. Miss Imogene Allsman of Aumsville was a guest at the Geo. Brower home Wednesday 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. L e t u* end y o u r corset trouble. Arrhart A A ld r ic h , corset Hutcheon Paint Store PAINTS, WALL PAPER W e d r a f t p a tte rn * f o r each in d iv id ­ ual. m aker*. B u y Y o u r P a in t at a P a in t S to re 420 C o u rt S treet, Salem. P h o n e 1639. SCHOOL NOTES >e‘ t !ed in the fittle house of Mr* W nods at the end of 6th street. Dr. B. F. Pou nd p ra ctice lim ite d to of teeth, dental X -ray. ga* o r local, and N e w l o c . t . o n 303 F . r . t That would b • too fl.-st place was carried olT by S.ifcm high school. Miss Gilstrup received second place. Mr. Fox. assistant superintendent, presented the prizes. Fust place re­ ceived a gold pin. Second received a silver pin. The grade schools were holdirg a contest th same n ght. Mr. and Mrs Dean Tucker are nicely rem oval — W illiam C. Jones of Willamette u gave a v. r> mtu-esting ad- dress Tuesday, April 21, to the stu- Miss Gilstrap will enter the extem ­ poraneous contest held at Corvallis, A pril 23, 24 and 27. Used 1927 Bunk Coup 325 00 1924 !»odg.- S dan 185 00 1929 Ford Coujie 325 00 1929 Chevrolet C oujm - 425 0O 1929 Chevrolet Coach 425 00 192* Chevrolet Coupe 335 00 1927 Star fi Coupe 275 00 1924 Muxwell Coach AS 00 1926 Pontiac Coupe 223 00 Turner played JefTer.-on high chool Friday, April 17. Th e gun started with J „ ff,.r90n at bat Th.-v maiJi, flV(. BUY NOW Mc K A Y ’ S 333 C E N T E R STR E E T *"• A " * “ " ior * ho on* Three Turner men wen- talk to him personally, a fter the class walked during th a inning and one dismissed. » 1 . 5 00 1927 Oakland Sedan dent body. Following this he address- runs b,.fori. T urnPr came up. JelTer- ed the senior on college. He told them son ma,jp a bome mu during this in- D B. Parks, who has been a parient o f ail the advantages the college had ninp Turner struck out with no rung at the Veterans Hospital in Portland for and an outline o f what subjects were | ----- the past two months, was here and spert taught also what athletics were giv- j The record inning Jefferson made FOR S A L E — 1 portable Brunswick Cars W IT H A N O. K. T H A T COUNTS N a tio n a l Bank Bldg., Salem, O r e g o n , the week end with his family. PCHEVROLET SALEM . OREGON run was sc o red ^ phonograph in good condition. Just Miss Josephone Gilstrap entered the Several fib s were c.u gh t through-j the thing fo r your outing trip. A t the extemporaneous speaking contest heid out the game by our outfielders. The —— Tribune office. ¡a t Silverton, Friday, April 17. The Turner men were walked freq u en tly} throughout the gam»* because o f be- 1 ing hit by the ball. Garner made a three-bi.-o hit during the r.-venth in­ ning. Hu played his first game in th«- catch, r’s postiion. Mitchell replaced Tappan in the pitch’s box during the ¡alter part o f the game. Varner Bros. P I T SALEM OREGON Continuous Show Saturday and Sunday Matinees Week Days and Saturday Adults 25 cents, Children 10 cents All Day Sunday Adults 40 cents FRIDAY - SATURDAY The Wonder Picture of The Century 66 I). W. Griffith’s ABRAHAM L IN C O L N " with Walter Huston Th<- outcom- was 16 4 in Jelfer- son’ favor. -----fr— The next gam » will be played F ri­ day, April 24, with Jefferson at J e f­ ferson. The senior play will be given May 29. The play selected is the Ulster. The cast was pick- <1 this week. Prac­ tice will not begin until the first o f May because the play books ordered will not bo here before this date. Mrs. • an Pearcy will direct the play, ________________________________________ LAUGHS! LA UG H S! “ Hot Heiress” with B< n Lyon— Ona Munson IT’S A L L IN FIJN with William Farnum, Conrad Nagel Sunday for 4 ^ Mnrcul mid F in & < »r W ii vus 50c Reducing Treatments $5.00 per month Si nrling Sunday WOMAN OF PASSION’ Permanent W aving $4 to $7 CHARLEY CHAPLIN in The Geratest Screen Triumph of his Career C IT Y L IG H T S F A C IA L and S C A L P TREATMENTS All W’ork Guarantied Over Steufiloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone ; / . V . V . V . V . V . ’ .V * ,W A ,.V Days Only C WARNER BROS. L S 1 N O R