111 » wm ■ 1 . 1 . ■ I— The Turner Tribune Spending -------- — ■ .... ..... I ............ SU BNCRI I'THIN » l i f t I .....« . PER YEAR E ntered a t th« I’ostolllce ut T urner, O regon, a recond-clae* m utter, under t h«’ Act of March .1, 1871*. N*u«-d every Tliurxduy Marion, C ounty, a t T u rn er, Oregon. MRS. CH AS. 8. C LA R K CHAS. S. C l.A R K ■ ! Editora und Publish«-rs The Home Town Newspaper In C O H lC On find reaction the announcem ent th t the houaewife apenda 8ft per cent o f the income of the average Am er­ ican fumily inakea the houaewife up- pear a apendthrift. Figured do not lie, hut they aom etim ei leave the wiong impreaaion. Eighty-five per cen t of the family income may be «pent by women, but not for women. The alatem ent aa- aumea th at the average houaewife puya from her 8ft per cent uli the hilla of the home from ren t to food urid fuel, h aving 1ft per cent to the huabatid for m iacellaneoua exp« naea and the operation of the family uuto- mobde. The aurpriaing thing in the aitun- tion ia th a t the average home can be properly m aintained on 8ft per re n t of th«- fumily income. The average in­ come in not ao m unificent a a to «.bvi- ute goo«i m anagem ent and there are- valid reuaona to believe th a t many men would reaign th«- job if given the en tire inrom e with which to operate th«- household. Courta fre«|uently hear im provident fiu-hinds explain th at th e ir wiv«.-a spend every cent th« y get. Inveatiga- : tion usually reveula th a t the w ife’s | allowance not only prevents and sur- |dua, hut muk«-.« u d< flc.t pardonuble. E xperience an«l necessity combin«- to pro«lun- good manugem«-nt. Poor m anngem ent *ia as excusable in the brble ua in the apprentice, an r than no a d /c r- on county, O regon; (»-room plastered tising ul all. Every advertisem t nl house, with woo«lRho«l and store room piac.-d by a busin«-aa house should atijoinm g; 14x24 shop and oil house; blend into every oth«-r advertisem ent b a rn ; 20 tons oat h ay; two wells; it places. The m«-rchant should tiiink chicken house and «loublo g arag e; all in term s of a cam paign ru th cr than buildings in good re p a ir; 24 acres Italian prunes and about 24 acres till­ in t. rma of the single insertion. Vu.,t progress has b«-en niude in aii- able; 1 acre in bearing cherries and vert .-dug within rec« nt years. O ut­ g rap es; also 1 acre apples; 5 acres standing exam ples of it ar«- to b«- p astu re ; school bus passes place; on«- mile to Murion, nearest tow n; goo«l found in tin- national Acid. Locally, graveled roads; n atu re of soil, black however, advertising has much room and rolling. for «1 -velopm int. Aai«ic from on«* or — ---O--- - two of the big stor«-a, the uverage FOR SA LE— 1 acre of gfound with mi-rchiint in the average small town 5-room house, fru it room, fro n t an«l give.-, too little atudy to the power of buck porch, clothes closets, electricity, advertising. city w ater on preniis«-s, well w ater, Hut conditions n rr changing. More double garage, b arn room fo r six and mori- m erchants are coming to head stock, num ber chicken coops. realize th a t they an- losing money shady grove, located right for chicken an«l prestige when they are not to be ranch, close to town, fouiul in the advertising colum ns oT FOR SALE— Residence and one the l orn«' town pa|n-r. This is one of the h< nlthi«-st signs in the field of block of ground, nicely located, 8 m erchandising. — E ast Siile Jo u rn al, rooms, «dectric wat«*r system , e lw tric lights, f«-nced, a good buy fo r anyone K irkland, Wash. w anting u home. Can be purchased ------ - — f>--------- ------ rig h t Is there a light« r o r sum m erw eight —----O--- - typ« of hair short for the president— FOR SA LE— 6-room house, with o r docs the ««Ijournment of congress bath, store- room, womlshed, barn, and am ount to the same thing? tw o lots in T u rn e r; all fenced. Cash O — . o r term s. Som ething el.««* thnt does the nerv­ FOR SA LE— Close to 70 acres, all ous rystem no good is w atching n 4- under cultivation, all fenced, irrig a ­ year-old m aneuver a large piece of tion ditch runs through place, 1 well, c u rra n t jell onto a small m-gment of five-room house, one of the best farm s cracker. in this section of the valley; can be O - — purchased right. F or particulars about A large percentage o f houhehold this place see Chas. S. C lark, a t the casualties, says an accident actuary, Tribune oflice, T u rn er, Oregon. nr«- caused by slipping in hath tubs. W<- don’t know w hat can be don«- CHAS. S. CLARK. ab out this:Y ou enn’t sprinkle ashes in Real E state Broker. Tribun«- Office, T u rn er, Oregon. bath tubs. THE TURNER TRIBUNE COMING TO SALEM Dr. Mellenthin Hutcheon Paint Store SPECIALIST 154 3. Com m ercial, Salem, Ore. \ \ PAINTS, WALL PAPER S h o p Buy Your P a in t a t a P a in t S tc ra in I n te rn a l Medicine for th* p a st aightaan year* » 428 Oregon Building Telephone 296 D O E S NO T O P E R A T E — -—a--- —■ K R U SE & R Y G H Will Be a t Marion Hotal E x p e r t W atch a n d Jew elry R e p a irin g T U E S D A Y , A P R IL 28 Office H ours! 10 A. M. to 4 :0 0 P. M. f i i Price* R easonable f f f 484 C ourt St. Salem, Ore. No C h a rg e for C onsultation P E R M A N E N T W A V E ...... »4.00 F IN G E R W A V E ................... 50 f Shampoo and F inger Wave 1.00 f Marcel ...........................................75 f Shampoo ...................................... 50 New J a w e lry M ade to O r d e r O N E DAY ONLY *■ Dr. M ellenthin is a re g u la r g ra d u ­ / A W ä V W J V W ^ / W ä VWVW ate in m edicine and surg«-ry and is li­ '• censed by the state of Oregon. H«.- HAM M AN S T A C E L IN E S do«'H not operate fo r chronic appen­ dicitis, gull stones, ulcers of stom ach, Leave Salem fo r Aumsville tonsils o r udenoitis. 6:30 A M. He has to his cred it w onderful re­ 10:30 A M. sults in diiM-as<-s of the stom ach, liver, 4:45 P.M. bowels, bloo«l, akin, nerves, heart, Leave Aumsville for Salem kidney, bladder, bed w etting, catarrh , 8:10 A M. 1 :20 P.M. w«-uk lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg 5:10 P.M. ulc'-rs and recta! ailm ents. Leave Aumsville fo r Mill City Kem«-mb«-r above «late, th at consul­ 7:25 A M. tation on this trip will be free and 5:25 P.M. th at his trea tm e n t is «lifferent. • M arried -women m ust be accom- Leave Salem fo r T u rn e r 10:30 A M. pani«-d by th e ir husbands. 4 :45 P.M. A ddress: 4221 W<-st Third S treet, I/Os Angeles, C aliforn a. Leave T u rn e r fo r Salem 8:20 A M 1 :30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Eyebrow A rch .......................... 35 P rin t .......... .50 Hot Oil Sham poo........................75 Long H air Sham poo................... 75 H enna Pack ......................... 1.00 H enna Rinse ............................... 50 M anicure ............................. .50 W ater Wave ............................... 50 Salem, Oregon Dr. S co field X-RAY CHIROPPRACTOR Leave T u rn e r fo r Mill City 5:15 P.M. Jos. H am m in, Prop. Real Estate For Sale a O regon B e a u ty M W M W A W 8A M M V A W W NEW LOCATION Lady Attendant F irst N'at’l B ank Bld'g., P h o n e 2194 Salem, . Oregon //^ A V ^ ^ W A V « W W A V W W HANDICAPS OF D I S E A S E MORRIS Optical Co’s. New Type Deeper Cursed Lens for Better Vision 444 State Street SALEM , OREGON A V A V V A M flA V A A V ^ V V W A NEW LOW ONE-WAY AND ROUNDTRIPS TO SOUTHERN OREGON STATE BANK Now you can save money on sh o rt trips—and now you can go as you pltase. O ur new low one-way tickets have a 10-day limit (10 days to get there). The roundtrips are good for 60 days. On sale EVERY DAY. Stopovers allowed within the limit. At these new fares, we are sure you w ill appreciate more than ever the economy, com fort and swiftness of Southern Pacific travel. AUMSVILLE. OREGON AUMSVILLE As you trav el through life yon will find m ar./ handicaps, but none com pared to the handicaps of disease. Have these elim inated by C hi­ ropractic A djustm ents given according to a N eurocalom eter reading. Remember th e N eurocalom eter locates nerve pressure. Chl- ropratcic A djustm ents remove nerve pressure. Nenrocalom e- ier readings by appointm ent only. DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON 4% Paid on Time Deposits Th« Place for Home People to Bank V .W .V .V .V .V .V A V .S W .V .V , THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the relief of Goughs * SOME EXAMPLES: R o t* b u rg One way R oundtrip .............. $4.50 ................ 8.05 I U G ra n t* Pa»* Will , One w a y ..........- ............... 7.33 R oundtrip ................ 12.55 M edford One w n y ........................... 8.29 R oundtrip ................ 14.50 Southern Pacific H. S. BOND, A g o n t T u r n a r E. M. K E IT H , A g a n t A um .ville il | CO LD S SPA SM O D IC CROUP W H O O P IN G CO U G H Fire Rob You * Of Your Home? re- a« «■ • —» « r « ! k —*■*■ «a-ar «• r-w a « —* * ■»!« *» .......... b-fcr«— r—» w»»«m -*• *r i *DegC*TXLT]k F. P. R O W L E Y , A g e n t G e n e ra l In su ra n c e T u rn e r, Oregon rw w m rw in riM M tw w w w ft w tt1 tfiM titlrl HOARSENESS B R O N C H IA L C O U G H S C ontaina no N arcotic - Only a t Schaefer’ s D R U G ST O R E T he O riginal Yellow F r o n t a n d C a n d y Special S tore o f Salem 135 N. C om m ercial P H O N E 197 Penalar Agency