THE TURNER TRIBUNE BUSINESS PITFALLS IN FARM DISTRICTS N O T IC E O F H E A R I N G O F F I N A L ACCOUNT V .% N V A V S W W W A V A V A V V W i f K K L Notice is hereby given that the Liberty St. Anal account o f Helen Turner, as ad- j nmust rat rix o f the estate o f Clara Bankers Point Out Hazards of Turner, deceased, has been filed in the Building Supplies W ood I ln H c r ic N Unsound P r a c tic e s and Help County Court, o f Marion County, ROUGH AND DRESSED Farmers to Avoid Them. State o f Oregon, and that th. 9th day LUM BER 95 Ex. _____ o f May, 1931, at the hour o f 10 AYS In which bankers may dlscour o'clock A. M .,has been duly uppoint- age unsound farm practices are do-; ed by such court for the hearing o f scribed by President F. D. Farrell of objections to such final account and Oregon the Kansas State Agricultural College settlement thereof, nt which time any AND in the American Bankers Association j person interested in such estate may .W .V .W W . Journal. He says: [appear and file objections thereto in • In Kansas in connection with the | writing and contest the same, importation of dairy cattle, a large 1 Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. shipment of very inferior animals came I H El.EN TURNER, into a county to be sold at auction to Adnt nistr.itrix. local farmers. The county agricultui- i E. L. CRAWFORD, W e T ry to Sell Y o u W hat al agent informed the bankers that the j Attorney for Estate. cattle would be a detriment to tho Iaidd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Orv. Y o u Nead community. The bankers refused to j First publication: April 9, 1931. S o ft Sanitary, Can't Slip finance the purchase of the cattle and ; Last publication: May 7, 1931. G uaranteed to Hold Regardless o f the sale was abandoned. The cattle | O ccu p a tion , A g e or Sex were shipped to another county. The j E varything W e Can A k r o n G ra d u a te Fitter H ere to county agent and the bankers there j A D M I N I S T R A T O R S N O T IC E G iv e Y o u a Trial Fitting did a3 was done In the first instance P. O. Box 208 Phone 275 FREE and the second county escaped. Notice is hereby given th it the -o— “ A year ago creamery promoters be undersigned by an order o f the Coun­ C A P I T A L DRUG STORE gan trying to capitalize the Kanscs ty Court o f the State o f Oregon for Sinte Street Salem farmers' uosire to improve his markets the County of Marion, duly made and by inducing communities of farmers entered on the 27th day o f March, to purchase creamery plants before 1931, was appoint il administrator o f V A V A V W .V W A W A V A W .V .V .V .W /.W .V .U W production and local conditions justi­ the estate o f John Ammann, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such fied them. Informed of this by the All persons hiving State Agricultural College, tho bank­ administrator. claims aga net said estate an- hereby C cru ei M akers and ers association sent warnings to every notified to present the same, duly bank in the state, leading many to re- verified a, sq u ired by law. to him at M illin e rs A M W ^ M '.V i'.W .V W A W W A V .'A S Y .'.'.W .W /A V .' fuse to support the creamery promot- 4$,e office o f E. L. Crawford. Attorney F ou n d a tion Garm ent* era until the college approved the plant for Estate, rooms 20-21. Imdd & Hu-h A n y Style for tho community concerned. This Bank building, Salem. Oregon,­ saved many communities loss frora the in six months o f the date o f t is no­ 420 C ourt St. Phone 1639 S .lam premature establishment of plants. tice. will have a smile anti gi*xl will feeling Dated this 2nd day o f April, .*31 “ A third way bankers can discourage R. D GRAh unsound practices Is to refusa to fin­ after you have had a ance farmers who wish to pyramid their Administrator o f th» Estate o f Jo r. . V A V . * A W . S W . W . V . v . v : Ammann. Deceased. \ enterprises, a temptation difficult to re­ sist This is illustrated among farm­ E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. — at ers who buy cattle for feeding pur­ poses. A farmer feeds two or threo Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg, Silcm Adding Machin«* Oregon. A N D Y ’S I t A l U i K I t S H O P cars of cattle one year ar.d makes a First publicat on, April 2, 193!. ALL MAKES good profit This induces him to bay Last publication; April 30, 1931. “ The W in d -B lo w n E x p o rt” T H O M A S R «» E N twice or three times ns many the sec­ ond year, still more the third and co 421 ( curi Fai* m > on until he finally loses more b;- liarir t N O T IC E or H E A R I N G OF FINAL > Hair Cut 25c Shavlni 15c . W W W A V W W A W W A V too many cattle on feed in a year c.’ ACCOUNT Ladles Hair Cutting a Specialty bad prices than he made in several previous years wjjh smaller numbers Notice is h«-r by given that the and better prices. When bankers dis­ Next to Elsinore Theatre courage bad practices tbeir action is a final account o f McKinley Earle Daue positive benefit to the farmers con­ and Desmond Victor Duue, as execu­ tors o f the estate o f Ida May Daue, cerned.” 182 S. High Street Salem. Oregon deceased, has been filed in the County BY DAY OR CONTRACT Î Court o f Marion County, State o f Estimates Furnished ÿ A V . V A W 1‘ J V W W W A W ,W A V A \ V /A W W .V ., ,V ., A \ V W Oregon, and that the 23rd day o f May, 1931, at the hour o f ten o ’clock A. M. has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing o f objec­ i d V A V I W U W J V W W V W U W W W tions to such final account and the settlement thereof at which time any person interested in such estate may TURNER The farmers of one county In Ten­ appear and file objections thereto in SOU TH ER N PAC IFIC nessee are receiving $400,000 addi­ writing and contest the same. T RA IN SE R V IC E Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. tional annual Income from new farm M c K inley earle daue , enterprises started since 1926 through North Bound DESMOND VICTOR DAUE. the efTcrts of a "key banker” and the i hen 14. 4:36 A M . (Stop. No. Executors. county agent, according to estimates flagged.) from the Tennessee College of Agri­ E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) culture. A "key banker” Is a part of the Ladd & Bush B ink Bldg., Salem, Ore. South Bound state bankers’ association voluntary First publication: April 9 ,1931. No. 5. 11:10 A.M. (Stops when field force cooperating with the Ameri­ Last publication: May 7, 1931. can Bankers Association in Its nation­ flagged to pick up passengers for T u rn e r, O reg o n Route 3 wide plan for bringing about better points at which this train stops.) j ■ ~ricultural conditions through com- No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on flag only, i W . V / A V .'.V / i k:ed banker-farmer effort. New pro- to pick up passengers fo r point- .'or. to started in this particular county Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ r.ra tobacco, Irish potato and cabbage days. On these days passengers can production for cash crops, and dairy- pay fare and have baggage checked and poultry raising for livestock. .v x v y w jw w w v w w The key banker, looking for some­ on trains. UNDERTAKERS thing to do to better his community, points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due first attempted to procure a county 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. r-ront but was unable to get the county Office hours at Turner week days are LLOYD T. RIGDON to make the necessary appropriation, P e r^ O n t 8 A.M. to 12 o ’clock noon, and from : o ho and other leading citizens made County Coroner 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. i ? the requisite funds through private south o f Eugene via Cascade : ubscription among farmers and busi­ ness men and an agent was employed. Line.) Up until 1926 grain was the prin­ No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) Salem Oregon cipal farm production In the county. Following north bound trains stop to The banker recognized the disadvant­ detrain passengers coming from ages of this. It afforded a low cash S - E - R - V - I - C - E W TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. R TR U SSES U Akron SpongueRi'bbcr Pads U NOT s S-A -T -I-S-F -A -C -T -I-Ü -N s Y ou Tool CVP 6 UPRIÎGRS P A IN T IN G WHAT A KEY BANKER DID FOR HIS COUNTY l). S. Talbot •Ve Smooth Shave or Hair Cut Turner •: W. J A Y D E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing W . T .R ig d o n & S o n TURNER STATE BANK Paid on 6 months Time Deposits Fire—Automobie ¡ ■.come, and the land was too hilly and rough for profitable grain raising. His kica was to introduce cash crops that offered more return per acre and were l etter fitted to the county. It was de­ cided that the county should stand­ ardise on the Green Mountain potato rnd to market It in carload lots. ’ 'arcugh his bank he sponsored the buying o f a car of certified seed ' o.atoes. He likewise bought some 1 >h quality tobacco seed and several I -.ndred settings of purebred eggs. Yhete supplies were distributed at cost through the banks to the farmers. After considerable effort a market for dairy products was assured the xers when in 1928 a national cheese < ¡n any located a factory there. A r.ty appropriation was secured for c inty agent work in 1928. In 1929 the cash crop program re- J in farmers selling $45,000 worth < f rr ilk, $150.000 worth of tobacco and fi.'y-five carloads of potatoes and cab- ba:;e, mc*tly through cooperative sales. This was some step from the $25,000 worth of cash crops in 1926,” the county agent says, “and indications are that this amount wil! be doubled.” Insurance W ritten .V A 'W .V W W A V / W W W / W W / W W W / W M W V / A W A W W M V i W / i W W ■*«*■** * «“■*/ / W W / A W / / W W .V / G il,I, B R O S. } O r e g o n G ro w n S e e d s j; ji S p r i n g F ie ld S e e d s Be assured of success with your garden. B uy G ill — -- O--- ■ ■ J> Bros, seeds and fertilize with L illy3 M orcrop and see •; the results. W e buy and sell Fieid and G ra in Seeds of every £ description. See us before buying or selling. £ W e are contracting Vetch Seed for fall delivery. Drop in and let us talk it over. *• "I M a il O rders F ille d Prom ptly I; W e offer you • co m p le te ( l o c k o f H IG H G R A D E Field Seed* all recleaned in the beat possible manner and fr o m selected stock*. S E N D U S Y O U R L IS T O R C A L L F O R P R IC E S "■ ji Y ou will 6nd th* quality the hast the market affords and the prices right f o r that gra d e o f seeds. I* 261 State Street, Salem, O r e g o n S a lem S e e d & \ D. A. WHITE & SONS O r c h a r d S u p ply C o . I i _ 178 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon J W A T A V A W W A ’ A f l A W /A W /A Y W A W i V W A V J 'y V W W