é~ TH K TURNER TRIBUNE LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK B r i e f I t e m » C o n c e rn in g the C o m ­ i n g » and G o i n g » o f Y u u r » e l f and Y o u r N e ig h b o r » , a » T o ld to T h e T r ib u n e R e p o r te r ». O n e o f the N i c e » t C o u r t e » i e » Y o u Can Show to Y o u r G u e » t » 1» to H a v e T h e i r V i s i t » M e n tio n e d ir T h e » e Colu m n». The T r i b u n e W i l l C o m i d e r It a Special F a v o r i f Y o u W i l l H e lp U » M a k e T h i » P a p e r M o r e I n t e r e i t i n g to I t » R ea d ers by S en d in g in Item s fo r This Colum n. W r i t e us, or. if C o n v e n ie n t, T e le p h o n e Your N e w s Item * to T h i* Office. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKinney have been moving to their home on the west side this week. Mrs. FYank Cook and Mrs. Ivan Hadley have been on the sick list for several days. Confectionery Riches candies. for quality L e t u» end y o u r c o r » e t trouble. Arebart & A ld r ic h , cor»et m a k e r», 420 C o u rt S tre e t, Salem. P b o n e 1639. If you co n te m p la te rero o fin g you r buildin gs c o m e in and see H. P. J e n ­ sen f o r f r e e estim ates and »ee sam­ ples on C h atfield com position shingle. W e have co m p le te line o f H e x square butt and o th e r p atterns in a w ide WEST STAYTON Frankie Hnoddy, who hits be« n in training ut St. Vincent’s hospital in Porltund since last full is ut homo for I the present. , Mm. T. Y. Met’ Iellan und Mrs. Frank Williams were dinner guesti at the home of Miss Mury Walker mid her niece, Mubel Walker. You bet, \ou know how a little oak acorn will swell and swell and then k'nda p* k out from under the leaves and say, ” 1 hop«' I’m a btg tree jomeday, etc. Ju t ti1:«- a vt.»t that’s too short and pants t .; won t meet a‘. the top button. Used , . . ___ __ . . . .. . . J *, o i! top, you dc better watch 0 ,, tti. t pretty close caUjl0 W(. d Garner; Solo, Mrs W. S. Burgoyn* and music by the Turner r.rch« *• Cor body -iu| Lee Barb r had x- tra 5,-ood uck the first m o ri..n i and cc.'.’!»’!*. I, while t ue youngi r Barb« r was catching six. Sham e, shame L< •, let a litt’e boy lik • that c;:tch more *‘,an >uu. u . , . , . - , K0„h, we’re tempted to go fish- in’. All wc neC(| ¡„ the tackle and li- cense, yea, we got the bait. -----o—— Peetz next time you go uptown after a bale o f hay you wanta take 1 » lot chains and padlocks, You know the darn things will get out o fthe back end o f that auto o f yours. Burn our pants if wc a n’t remind- ed o f another good on*. Happy Crume Husky H i^ r a d e B a b y Chicks, c a t a ­ w, nt out into the country to buy her- price right. A l s o enam el, varnish, lin­ lo g u e and prices n o w ready. S a le m ’ s j self a wee hog. She put the darned seed oils and tu rpentine. J. P. Jensen. Petlan d, Salem, O r e g o n . P h on e 656. littie devil in a guny sack and tossed him into the rear end o f the flivver and started home and low and behold when they backed up to the pig man- nion Mr. Hog was nowhere to be seer. All that was left was a hole in the -lack and a f< w hairs on the lid o f the I car. Warner Bros. A P I T 1928 Durant Coach, new tires, perfect shape Ob, boy. we’ll g - t the ft. ’t :ffered ye.itcMay, poor devils. April 16th ought to bo made n holiday f >r them or maybe it would he calle«! r urrec- t on da>. y o u r p a in tin g jobs I have fo u r good lines o f paints and w ill make you a "CHEVROLET W IT H A N O. K. T H A T COUNTS May. The Tryout for the southeastern ur. hate to see you walking around part of the county will be held at Tur .ookin lik<* Martin Kerrey or . me ner on May 15 this year. Jl th oth‘ r bi«f *»>■«. FOR SALE— 1 portable Brunswick phonograph in good condition. Just SALEM : By M a s M c K a y Mrs. T. Y. McClellan went to the be Joiut host, with Ankney. .S , r . , i , . , . V i V . W . V i , . V . V . V . V . V . % W i V « Y » % S \ A S W i V i , i S V i V « V - Sunday school convention which wii Grange members attending from here Hello, people! Whodu we do, Y E O l.l) D IA R Y 1,1 Turner, Sunday, it were Mrs. Crume. Mrs Mitchell, Mrs whodu we do on a nice auiwhiny «!uy Mrs. Ilunkel viisted ut the home of Miller. Mr*. J. M. Bones. Mrs. J. L — piny golf and pick (lowers by gum- Up early after much pounding of Mrs, W U. Roya«, Friday. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards. M r. go, >os sirce. With the aid o f several the cornea or better known as (e a r) | Mrs. Snoddy und daughter Frankie of we'uns we hud a big game o f golf and many wierd dreams and to eut; and Mrs G W. Farris. Mr. and % Mis. C. today, oh boy. It’s sure great dope to then to the city for a druyloud of visited with Mrs. Helen Gilbert one White. Mr and Mr* Raymond Titu*. take off the excess bay windows with boards and slatts for the roof; return j day last week, Mr. and Mrs. U. Denyer. — take notice Joe McKinney. and to picking flowers and playing ye Some o f the young folks gave a olde golf where much amusement do good program at the school house By thunderin’ lightnin’ that little oercome us— and to find wo lost many $1.00 Marcelling and Finger Saturday night. After the program Waving 50 cents, Let us explain ov * s**l‘ food pocket of Joe's reminds golf bulls which be too much expense. was over the basket quilt was raffled our Oil Method o f Permanent Ui> of two thi,igs— one of ’em is a Then to dinner and up again feeling off und H. M. Snoddy was found to ... . ... .r „ „ little o.tk tree just peepin out o f the much filled -then to Salem with H. \\ avtng. W e otter a complete . . . . , held the lucky number. Ten dollar . . ground and hop.ng someday to he u H. und M. Buck home to our com­ service in heauiN ( ultureat reas- sturxly o!d papa trie and the other is forter and to slumbers. sturdy o.’«l I ondimeli oll »uppMnef t onable prices. Beauty Maid Shop ou- mustache. Mrs. Riches had rharice of th“ pro- Mr. and Mrs. W olfe and little Alma Jensen were here from Portland. Fri- gram which included Mu«ic by the Foo day, for a visit at the home o f Mrs. ler orchestra. Recitation, Gertrude Cook W olfe’s brother, Hans Jensen. a skit. “ He. Her, Hun” by thr«-e l>oy» jrom the Turner Boys Home. Song. Ma*- Dr. B. F. P o u n d p r a c tic e lim ited to rem ova l o f teeth, | « i or local, and jory McKav. Margaret GdMip. Marjor« dental X-ray. N e w location 303 First Fowler and Lucille Bon.** with Ruth Gil- N ation al Bank Bldg., Salem, O re g o n . »tap as accompanist; M »tm.ngje, Olg • J. M. Bones and son, Hollis, arc cutting wood on the Arthur Edwards place. Dean and Keith Morris, with their drag saw, are helping them. --O----- ) One Ting After An Udder ler, Mrs. Hester Crume and Mrs. Fred Mitchell of Surprise Grange of Turner. , The next meeting of I'omon i Grange will be at Ankney on the third Wednes- j day in June when Surprise Grange will Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell visited Phone 44^6, Salem. Oregon. Marlin Chapter No. 124 at Mill City. Monday evening. Chas. A Be ir. president n| t. •> Com James O’Shea o f Montana, na­ munity Club, presided at the Monday tional organizer of the Farmers evening meeting * hen a «ery brief busi­ Union, was the main speaker at a ness meeting was followed bv a splendid meet'ng held in the hall at Shaw, program It was decided that Turner Thursday evening o f last week. ---- O----- would enter the Marion County Com- W e d r a f t p a tte r n « f o r eacb i n d iv id ­ munity Club T n o n f« to be held i . ear’v ual. IW .V.'.W W ASW AW .V.W .W V.VAW .W .V.V.W W YW Woodbnrn and But'.eville were joint hosts to Pomona Grange at B itteville Wedneebay. with twelve of the lour teen granges of the county represented. Twenty three took the tilth degree and among them were Mrs Stella Mil Robert Montgomery in v; Strangers May Kiss VAW W VW W VW AW W VW / The Bat Whispers with Chester Morris OMITI MHO SHOW Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Bert Wheeler and Robt. Woolsey M.truul mid in F in g e r W avi’H 50c Reducing Treatments $5.00 per month Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Permanent Waving • $4 to $7 I T S A W IS E C H IL D F A C IA L and SCALP with Polly Moran, James Gleason, Marian Davies TREATMENTS All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone 4486 .W A V .W .V W W A V W J Cracked Nuts E W A R N E R BROS ■ ----- L S I N O R u