4 THE TURNER TRIBUNE All Due To Slump In The Market (From Salem Hollywood Prcsa) s CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE OF H EA R IN G OF FIN A L ACCO UN T (V W W W W W W W V W W W W W W W U W Y W W W W Y V W .Sealed hid* will lie received by the school board o f School District No. Notice is hereby given that tin 01, Marion County, Oregon, up to filial account o f Helen Turner, ns ad­ 7:30 o ’clock P. M. on April 16, 1931, ministratrix o f the estate o f Clara at the hchool house near West Stay- ton, Oregon, for the sale o f the old Turner, deceased, hus been filed in the rchool house in said district. County Court o f Marion County, so< Euch bidder will be required to sub- Stute o f Oregon, and that the 9th day , mit with his bird a certified check for o f May, 1931, at the hour o f 10 ten , per . cent , o f the amount o f bid, ch check 0 clock A. M., has b ..n duly appoint-, >Schooj ( s t r i c t No. 61, Marion Coun- • d by such court for the hearing o f ty> |n caju. th(. bidder to whom the objections to such final account and building is sold fails or refuses to settlement thereof, ut which time any ! »cc.-pt and . pay . for building. ink- The person interested in such estate may hoard re serves the right to reject any appear und file objections thereto in ! or all bids. LEONARD W ALKER, Cl-rk, writing and contest the same. S. D. No. 61, Marion County, Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. W ist Stuyton, Oregon. HELEN TURNER, Administratrix. ' S-E-R-V-I-C-E Building Supplies W ood ROUGH AN D DRESSED The paii'l« ring Salem dailies »re »till telling their reader» that the whole LUM BER trouble ut the state flax plant 1» due to "slump In the market," for which Col. liartram, the “ flax expert,” is not to blame, The Press has no desire to keep on pounding a dead rat, but Is AND ready to discuss this mutter in detail ut any time and does not propose to allow untrue statements or inferences to go unchallenged. At the pcnitentlury there is a bi|( warehouse full of manufactured tow which is worth nothing, is unsalable at E. L. CRAWFORD. W s Try to Sell You What Attorney for Estate. any price, although it is carried on the You Need inventory at a high figure. At the time 1 .add St Hush Bunk Bldg.', Salem, Ore. First publication: April 9, 1981. it wu., being manufactured real exports S oft Sanitary, Can’ t Slip I^ist publication; May 7, 1931. from Belgium und Ireland warn«! Col. Guaranteed to Hold Regardless o f Bartrum that there was no murkel for Everything W e Can O ccupation, A ge or Sex such a product and urged him to make ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE A kron Graduate Fitter Here to a different kind for which there is un- P. O. Box 208 Phone 275, Give You a Trial Fitting limited demand; but the Colonel flatly Notice is hereby given that th<- ' refused and continued his grandilo- FREE undersigned by an order o f the Coun­ ijuint strutting. The flax from which ty Court o f the State o f Oregon for that tow was made coat the state a the County o f Marion, duly made und C A P IT A L DRUG STORE large amount of money. The money is entered on the 27th day o f March. ! State Street Salem gone; the tow is occupying space in the 1931, was appointed administrator o f I W V V U W U W tM W V U W W V W V W W W W W U W V V V V V W warehouse; there was no demand for It the estate o f John Ammunn, deceased, und that he has duly qualified as such before the "slump," there is none now, administrator. All persons having and there will be none next year nor claims against said estate are hereby Corset Makers and the year after. Is this large loss due notified to present the same, duly Milliners to “slump in the market," or to bone- verified as required by law, to him at ! /A V A W W A A V .V iY W W V W A V V W W A W A Foundation Garments head mismanagement by the “expyrt"? the office o f E. L. Cruwford, Attorney for Estate, rooms 20-21, I add & Bush ' The going price for upholstery tow Bank building, Salem, Oregon, with­ Any Style was «MO a ton. A farmer out toward in six months o f the date o f this no- j 420 Court St. Phone 1639 Salei Aumsville got the necessary machines Uce. Dated this 2nd day o f Aoril, 1931 for processing the flax and begun mak­ R. D. GRAY ing upholstery tow out r»f his crop. Administrator o f the Estate o f John j When he t.ot a couple of truck loads Aminann, Deceased. mad • he hauled it to Portland furniture E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. factories, received payment and return­ A d d in g M ach in e»« ed home feeling that he in.gtt b. able La id S: Bush Bank Bldg., Silom, j O i gon. to make a living that year after ail I First publicnt on, April 2, 1981. ALL MAKES Col. Burtram did nut like that farmer. Last publication, April 30, 1931. T H O M A S R O E S The farmer could not make enough 421 Court Salem tow to make u dent in the demand, but NOTICE OF H EA R IN G OF FIN A L vvvvw w w w vvvw w vw vw Col. Burtram went to Portland nnd vol­ A CCO U N T untarily offered to fumuh the factor­ ies with tow at $50 a ton. and of course Notice is hereby given that the A V U Y Y V W W U V W M V W W W W got the conlruct. The idea was to make final account o f McKinley Earle Daue the price so low that the farmer could­ and Desmond Victor Duue, as execu­ n’t compete, and it succeeded. The tors o f the estate o f Ida May Daue, farmer couldn't sell the tow at >50 deceased, has been filed in the County BY DAY OR CONTRACT without a loss; neither could the state, Court o f Marion County, State of Estimates Furnished but the Colonel didn't care anything Oregon, and that the 23rd day o f May, 1931, at the hour o f ten o ’clock about that. 11c was out to bust that A. M. has been duly appointed by farmer, nnd ill order to do it he will­ such court for the hearing o f objec-1 fully imposed a loss to the state of $30 tions to such final account and the I a ion on every ton of tow sold. Was settlement thereof at which time any j TU RN ER that loss due to unavoidable) "slump in person interested in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in SOU TH ERN PACIFIC the market"? writing and contest the same. TR A IN SE R VICE In order to produce a very high Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. McKINLEY EARLE DAUE. quality of flax the Colonel brought North Bound DESMOND VICTOR DAUK, down from Canada a large quantity oi No. 14. 4 :3 « A.M. (Stops when Executors. pure bred special flax seed at $5 s E. L. CRAW FORD, fugged.) Dushel. The crops produced were s So. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) Attorney for Estate. neterogenous mixturt of blue and Ladd & Hush Hank Bldg., Salem, Ore South Bound First publication: April 9 ,1931. white fa x bloom and a million new So. S. 11:10 A.M. (Stops when Last publication; May 7, 1931. Kinds of weeds which no Oregonian flagged to pick up passengers for Route 3 Turner, Oregon ever saw before. Th< flax was of all points at which this train stops.) heights and characteristics, some of it No. 13, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on fl g only, getting deud ripe while the rest war to pick up passenger* for points still rank green. Inquiry in Canada ! Station is rinsed on Sunday and holi­ fulls to reveal any sales to the Colonel days. On these days passeng rs can of anything classed by the Canadians pay fare and have baggage checked as seed flax. Doubtless the sorry result ’A P l ' A V V V V W W W Y W y ' m V V W W V W M W W U W V W V W U W on trains. of its sowing here wss due entirely to points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due “slump in the market." 5 tM A. M.; No. 6. d m '6 :0 b P.M. h ss not necessary for the state flax Office hours at Turner week days are P e r -C e n t plant to work under high pressure or 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from moss production methods in order to 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. satisfy the demand for its product. The south o f Eugene via Cascade principal reason for its existence is to Line.) give the prisoners something to do. No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) Governor Pierce left the plant suf­ Following north bound trains stop to ficiently equipped with machinery—not detrain passengers coming from up to date or 100% efficient, but ade­ I quate for the purpose sought. Yet the first thing the colonel did was to reap y W W V W W V W V W V W V W W W W ^ V W W W W r t / V W V V W ^ W V W V W A W A W J V A W A W A fA W A V W W A V /A V V W V W A W many columns of enconiums in the Salem papers by junking most of that equipment and replacing it with other A V A W /A V .W A W A V .W W W A W W A A W A W A V .1 machines which cost many thousands of dollars. (It should be remembered that tne colonel is primarily a sales­ --------- ---------- ^ man. He jocamc a “ flax expert" only Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill ^ after getting his job at the pen.) A salccmnn makes his living by selling. Bros, seeds and fertilize with Lillys Morcrop and see !■ W e offer you a com plete stock o f HIGH G R A D E Field Seeds all That fancy equipment is now idle, but the results. ^ rccleaned in the best possible manner and from selected stocks. is proudly pointed out to visitors, and W e buy and sell Field and Grain Seeds of every ^ thte many thousands of dollars need­ description. See us before buying or selling. lessly spent for it and now so badly SEND US Y O U R LIST OR C A L L FOR PRICES needed in the flax funds should, of W e are contracting Vetch Seed for fall delivery. course, be charged entirely to “slump Drop in and let us talk it over. in the market.” Y ou will find the quality the best the market affords and the Mail Orders Filled Promptly The Press has a whole sackful of prices right for that grade o f seeds. data on Col. Bertram's interesting ca­ reer as a “ flax expert” in Salem—but what's the use? The Colonel is pre­ sumed In be a dead issue. The Press I is only trying to correct falsehoods j ,■ 261 State Street, Salem, O regon "Z disseminated by the Salem dailies. It 178 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon is a very busy job. X w W /W V V V V S A A A A A N W A A A fW Y W W W W A /V W J V V W V V V V V V V V ' s T TURNER L’b’r E M.F.G. CO. E Y R TRUSSES U Akron Spongue Rubber Pads S s U NOT s S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N s CVPEWRICERS PAINTIN G l). S. Talbot T im er W. J A Y D E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing i i TURNER S T A T E BANK Paid on 6 months Time Deposits Fire- - Aut omobie Insurance W ritten GILL BROS. I O r e g o n G r o w n S e e d s i; S p rin g Field S e e d s S a le m S e e d & O r c h a r d S u p p ly C o . 0 D. A. W H ITE & SONS