THE TURNER TRIBUNE A % V iW W V W y V W i% % W A S V , I The Turner Tribune A scientist discovers that the slow­ est thinkers live longest. Thats the kind o f u proposition that cannot be S U B S 0 R 1 P T K ÌN 11 25 P E R VI U t proved at a busy intersection. Unterai ut thè Poatofflce ut Turner, Oracoli, uà second-class matter, under thè Act o f March 3, 1879. TELEPHONE 3441 Issued every Thursday ut Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. — — | V L V W A R iV .% V W .W A V .,. W SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 Meets second Saturday in the month in the Grunge Hall, Turner. Visitors welcome ut the Lecture hour, at 2:00 o ’clock. O re g o n B e a u ty S h o p Glob# Body & Feodor Works MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK 1 Editors and I Publishers CHAS. S. CLARK 428 Oregon Building Telephone 200 Rill Durkee Bear System o f Wheel Alignment Frame and Axle Straightening 444 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon A V A V .V W « W iS W .^ W A V V _______ a _______ Speeches at public dinners in Ja- pan are made before the dinner. This enables the fellow on the program to go home and tell them what he had to e a t- Real Estate For Sale Hutcheon Paint Store PAINTS, WALL PAPER I am connected with both eastern and western real estate buyers organ­ izations. and can put your holdings into the hands o f people who want to come to Oregon to make their homes on farms and in the city. If you have a farm or city property for sale or trade, list it with me. 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. Buy Y o u r Paint at a Paint Sfora Henna Rinse ....... Manicure ............... Salem, Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE— 55-acre ranch, 18 miles south o f Salem. Mar­ ion county, Oregon; 6-rooms plastered house, with woodshed and store room adjoining; 14x24 shop and oil house; barn; 20 tons oat hay; two wells; chicken house and double garage; all buildings in good repair; 24 acres Italian prunes and about 24 acres till- able; 1 acre in bearing cherries and grapes; also 1 acre apples; 5 acres pasture*; school bus passes plac :; one mile to Marion, nearest tow n; good graveled roads; nature o f soii, tlat-t and rolling. FOR SA£E— 1 acre o f ground w th 5-room house, fruit room, front an.I back porch, clothes closets, electric ty, city water on premises, well water, double garage, barn room for six head stock, number chick.n coops, shady grove, located right for chicken ranch, close to town. D r. S c o f ie ld X -R A Y C H I K O P P K A C T O R ■I" ■' 0 *' Lady Attendant "irs t N’ at’l Hank Hld'g., Phone 21**4 Salem, HANDICAPS OF I) I S E A S E Aa you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to Jhe handicap- of disease. Have these elim inated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustmenta given according to a Neurocalom eter reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Chi- rr'pratclc Adjustm ents remove nerve pressure. Neurocalomg »er readings by appointment only. j CHAS. S. CLARK. Real Estate Broker. There are 25,000,000 automobiles _ __ _ „ in the United States and a pedestrian 1 n une c