THE TURNER TRIBUNE The Turner Tribune S U B S C R IPT IO N Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to Y M V W W W V V W W W V W W W ) removal of teatb, gat or local, and We draft patterns for each individ­ ual. Lat us and your corset trouble. >1.26 PE R Y BAH dentai X-ray. New location 303 First Arehart A Aldrich, corsât makers. Enter«-«! nt th« Postoflicn ut Turner, National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. ni ' c oi u I- c I iihn mutter, umb-r Ori'Kun, as t ne A n c»l Murrh 3, I H7Î* Husky Higrada Baby Chicks, cata­ every Thur««lay ut Turner, logue and prices now roady. Salem's Mnnon, County, Oregon. Petland, Salem, Oregon. Phono 086. Editors MHS. CHAH. 8. C L A UK Issued ? O re g o n B e a u ty Shop i ■P 42« Oregon BuiMing Telephone 296 unii CHAR PE R M A N E N T W A V E .... »4.00 Publishers S. C L A R K Real Estate For S ale Kite Flying Hazards Explained FINGER W A V E ....................50 Shampoo and Finger W ave 1.00 Marcel ..................................... 75 I am connected with both eastern and w««t«-rn real estate buyers organ­ Kite (lying «euxon is approaching izations, und can put your holdings with the wnrnier days o f spring. Offi­ into the hands o f p«-o|de who wunt to cials o f Mountain States Power com­ come to Or«-gon to make their horn«-« pany are cooperating with local safety on furms und in the city. I f you have organisations in an effort to prevent u farm or city property fo r sale or M n rcel and senous accident« which occasionally tra«le, list it with me. F in g e r Tribune Oftlc«-, Turner, Or«gon. happen us the result o f kite flying. W aveH O U C - ■ ■ a ■ — C. M. Brewer, vice-president and FO R S A L E OK T R A D E —-6&-acr< gi-nerul mu nager o f the compuny, to­ Reducing Treatments day declared, “ It is not our desire to runch, 1H miles south o f Salem, Mar $5.00 per month unduly ulurm childn-n nor their par­ ion county, Oregon; «-rooms plastered house, With woodahed and store room ent« over the dungers o f kit«- Hying. Permanent Waving However, it Is our civic duty nnd our u-l!s; FACIAL and SCALP possible manner to assist in the pre­ chicken house and double garage; uli buildings in good repair; 24 acr<. TREATMENTS vention o f accidents. It is fo r this reason that we respectfully call to th«* Ituliun prunes und ubout 24 acres till­ All Work Guaranteed attention o f parents that it is denger- able; 1 ucr«- in Ix-uring ch«-rri«-s nn ' * * * °m m F. P. R O W L E Y , Agant GanaraI Insuranca Turner, Oregon I Tho Original Yallow Front and Candy Spacial Stora of Salom 13S N. Commercial PH ONE 197 Panslar Agancy