I TH E TU R N E R TRIB U NE SAVINGS PASSBOOKS SOUGHT BY CROOKS llae Them to Steal Money by Forged Slips — Should C? Guarded as CarefuHy as Cash. Continued vigilante in safeguarding savings pass books, as well as blaiA and cancelled «.hecks, against theft by crooks, who use this material la for­ gery operations, is urged on bank cue tomere by James E. Baum. Deputy Manager of the American Bankers Association, In charge of Its Protec­ tive Department. This dspartmeot is continually vigilant la promoting means, both among bankers sad the general public, to thwart the operation of bank crooks. It annually Investi­ gates hundreds of crimes against banks and Is responsible tor the m.i Jorlty of arrests among this cl*.** ut criminals. “Is a large majority of cases of forgeries on checks or savings with­ drawal orders Investigated by the American Bankcra Association, stolen blank checks or savings pass books were the forgers' chief stock in trade." Mr. Baum says. "In may Instances the temptation presented through the Vn K I Synopsis «»' A imkin Statement *-t lite Southern Kir»* Inaurxnre Company of York tu lh** Slat«* o f N p » York on ih«* thirty firw» ili\ of Ite*e***nil*er I P i i t -i»i-t to f *ie lfl»l|rg||i»r nn.-r of Use* State of Mr« .mi »»••»«••¡ant |«t ; c a p it a l A m ount #»f c a p ita l < Ofl.iMlO.uo. up U. I NT« IM K Net prr n iiun « n r e i t n l «1 ring Ihn %*nvk *-iv • I . T I T M il 99 In ie rn * d 'v ilf«i<|« imui an ' •Hr-nt? » ‘to o*»r. $lH*i,7AA 21 Inborn*- fr*-m during »hr v e » r Total inrfimi* oil«»*» su» *»-**« r r r n « vs! $»24.469 1 ». >1 *»fij.7wy ’ *» D IS B U R S E M E N T S Net (-‘KM»« paid d u n n r thr r e « r »n rill«!? ns «d jiu lm e in rtpe nsn« $¿98 ¿6«» 82 D’ f id e n d » ’ *ai on raoital atnrk d*ir*ng »h r r e í r . il. Cor *«#*n« «nd «alarie« oaul during t he c a í r $5*2 >9.7 21. Taxe*. »tren «•*« «nd fee« nai#l diir-ng lb** vear $ *4 163 17 \ moon » of all ex net» i f ii res other * *38 240 .43. í l . c » i ■ ST r.1 T#?al t-Ipa’i ■M ur ., ASSKTS Value of real estate ow ned (market ▼ a lii r '. 0 Y a ’tir of «tn rk i and hnnde owned ¡mar erl «*iue> $2.352.983 00. lecember. 193«». f^ade to the Insurance Commissioner of the State o f Oregon pursuant to law: C A P IT A L Amount o f capital stock paid up, $1. » 'Mr.000.00. IN C O M E Net premium« received during the year $195.446.78 In te re s t dividends and rents received during the vear. $165 486.63. Income from other sources received during the vesr. $840.036.18. Total income $1.200.969.59. D ISB U R SE M E N T S Net losses paid during the year nclud ing adjustment expenses. $943.805.36 Dividends paid on capila] stork during vear $ 1 85.00o.oo. Commissions and salaries paid during I ’ .* year $27.885.08 Taxes, license* and fees paid during »♦• vear $96.906.46. Amount o f ail other expenditure«, $1, 4<»5.299.68. Total expenditures. $2.603,216.47. ARPETB Value of real estate owned < market va lue), 0. Value o f *tor k « and bond« owned 'mar » • t value). $2.134.187 00 Loans on mortgages and collateral etc . ti C^sb in banks and on hand. $283.018- 05. Premium* in course o f collection writ 1 since September 30. 1930. $ 286.903 54. Ii terest and rents due and accrued - .’ 87.459 08. T » f « l admitted a«set«, $2.971,517.67. L IA B IL IT IE S Grn*« claims for losses unpaid. $206. 27 7 86. Amount of unearned premiums on all • s t a n d in g risk«. $»85.002.47. Due for c.i • mission snd brokerage. — All other liabilities. $815.989 37 Total liabilities, exclusive of cap tal •'•k of $1.000.000 00. $1207. 269.70 BU SY NE SS IN OR EGON FOR T H E Y E A R Net premium« received during the vesr. 075.82 Losses paid during the year. $4.402 I I . -usees incurred during the vear. $*<35. Nome of Company Knick erb ock er In .nee Company. Nat»# o ' President, R. A. Corroon Nume o f Secretary. A. E. Hostin At itntnrv resident attorney for serv»ni- old aay- inK* hinted that if a man went to bed at ditrk and crawled out o f the hay before .sun-up, he would become healthy, wealthy and wise without full. This Kuidintc principle, together with the one about the "early bird" were instilled into the minds o f ull growing youth during the gay nine­ ties. Their authenticity was never (|Ucstionrd ami il a diligent disciple failed to attain the prises held out by each, he blamed the hand o f fate hut not the wisdom o f the proverbs. llt-nlth Ulckii to cloni» chlcl;*! By followIni; four *lui|>lc point* lu liro.nl. Inj; poultrynu-ii cun u v e 1*1 |»-r coni of tlioir clilck*. Not only more clilck. will I h * mi ve.I hut they will ho moro prout it hie hlrUa to keep a* layers anil breeder*, »¡row them clean, mid Ite ■ It li and vicor w-dl ko wit ti them ti» ronco life. The four points In the Kan*;i* "healthy chick" protraiti calls for demi house*, denti ground, mid clean food At the time, all such teachings were lly follow In» these four simple rule* i‘KK production Uns been Increased .'«• to the good. Sine«- hog-tullow candles t-KK* per bird In furm tWk*. This and smoky coal oil lamps were the Increase at 23 cent* per dozen men ns only methods o f illumination, the busi­ an nddllfonal return of »K» cents per ness o f staying up lute was a weari­ ben. some proposition und often called for more strength o f character than was possessed by the average human. It whs easier to turn in than stick it out until 11 o ’clock by a sputtery hall light which was little better than nothing. Purin.T thè ohi copy hoo!: era, r'cx.m s unti proverb* intcndetl t > im- l>re<* thè pla*tic mimi of youth and n- I in it correct principici ot l»v- .n.i, were tra ceti in u fin.- ponceri.»n Since th«- bodily organism can use hand ut thè top o f each p::K-' for crnnìpi-d finger» to copy ¡ah . 10 usiy only so much sleep, one nuturully t!u ¡n-r lite daily writlng lesion. awakened early und got up. Simple as unything. Karly to bed und early No. 69 Synopsis of the Annual S i» ?-ment ••( the Am erican M '» to n » t« Insurant** < «'m pan« of Chicago. in the State of lllitmta on I bo rhirty first «1st of t*-rei»il»er. |93i* mad*« »«» thr Insurance fonintissiimei of thr Siau* ol Oreg-m. pursuant to law . C A PIT A L Amount ut capital stork :»ad up. 000.00 iN tx m ic Net premiums received during the %e«r $-'». h J.oi'2 62 Interest dividend« an r»*n»« rrc -ixed during ih** year. $79.640.24. I nroiur f r»»«U oth er re « received cl ring II*-* vear. $6.494.?«* Total imumr. $3.169.1.(7 24. IMSRI K S E M K N T S Net Ins»»-« paid d or ng t'»e jr .tr in« lu*» ing »•Ijultmrnl **xpeo«e« * 1.6 t » 86* 67. Diviilrn«!* p a d on «apita» kto k during Ihr » r a r $ I5.IHKMN). Commission* HO.I salaries paid during thr * rar. *37.5.91.V39. T ax e». license« and fee» r»Aid during th«- vrar. $6 696 3 1 A'ftoiim of m I i «»'.hrr r X|»enditurr» $4 40.801.91. Total r x n rn iii ln rr« $'2.529 3*?2.2H A S S E TS Aalur o f rral estate owtird ( Hiarkrl tal* r i. I» \ alur of stock« and h o »d * u « m il mar krt t a lu r ) $1 875.640.50 Loan« #«n mortgugr» and roifatrral. rt«* $360.300.00. » ‘a*h in bank« and on hand. $7-54.048 89 Premiums in course o f eollartmn writ ton since September 30. 1930. $246.563 - 22 . Interest and rrnta due and accrued. $28.859 15 $140,2o2.01. Total admitted »»sets. $3.414,013.77. L IA B IL IT IE S Gros* claims for louses unpaid. $1.300. 889.00. Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. $699.903.93. Due for commission and brokerage, $65.504.64. All other liabilities. $337.529.01. Total liabilities, exclusive o f capital Stock of $500.000. $2.403.826.58. B U S I N E S S IN OR EGON FOR T H E Y E A R Net premiums received during the vear. $50.178 06. Lo-ses paid during the year. $21.- 454.21. Losses Incurred during the year. $26.- 250.09. Name of Company, American Motorists Insurance Company. Name of President. -lames S Kemper Name of Secretary Edwin E. Hooper. Statutory resident attorney for service, -I. Gordon Baker. McMinnville. Oregon. No 58 Synopsis of the Annual Statement of The Fidelity Mutual L if e Insurance Company o f Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania on the thirty first dav of Deeember 1930 made to the Insurance Commissioner o f the State of Oregon, pursuant to t a w : C A P IT A L Amount of capital stock pa d up. None. IN C O M E T o t a l premium income for the vear. $14.624.502 37. Interest dividends and rents -eeeiv ed during the vear $5.310.425 45 Income from other source« received during the v*-ar $748.310.67. To*a! income. $20.683.238 49. D ISBU RSEM ENTS Paid f o r *ox«e*. endowment*, annuities and surrender values $9,091,120.55 Div idend* p* d to policy holder« iltinnr the year. $3 048.47.1 62 D iv iden d« p a d *»n capital «to»-k dur m g the vear. — — Commission* and salaries paid during the v-ar. $2.327 927 80 Taxes license« and fee t paid during ti e vear. $372.88 <47 Amoun* o f all other expenditure« $1 4 15.174 22. Total expenditure«. $ 16. 283.379'-O ASSET« Value of real estate owned » m .rk e f value $3.203 9 6 21 Market ••«hie o f stocks and mnort **•<| value o f bo» ds owned $28.534.275 26. l o a n « on mortgage« $39.436.453.92 Premium notes and nolicv loan« v » 8 1 5 1.068 .79 Cash in banks and on hand * !7^ <*9u 04 Net nttcollecfed and deferred premium« etc $2.257.780.85. Intere«» -ind rents due and accrued f t »78 914 17 (» th e« a*«e t« f net ) - — » . T o ’ al admitted a»«e ts $93.513 I ’*« -4 L I A R l L I T I KB Net reserves. $76.067.339.00 <»ross Hnlma for lo**es unpaid $ %o6 1.71 84 All other liabilities. $1 1.742 4 1 1 ?H Total liabilities excfnsive nr capita' • :ock. f 8 « 7 »6 113 22 B U S I N E S S IN OK EM>N FOR T H E Y E A R U r o « « premiums received during the je a r. $122 470.25. Dividends returned during the vear *18 719.38 Losses naid during the vear $39 6 «3 40 Name o f Tompany. T ba Fidelity Mutua' L if e I nan rane*. Company Name o f President W a lt er I«eMar Tal bot. Name of Secretary K. Tull Sta tutory resident attorney for s e r v e r T .1 M*-ndenhfl!|. Portland. Ore. \o. 1H Synopsis of the Annua Statement o' thr Horn«* Fire ana Marine Jn»uranr*- rottipaitv of San Erantisco in :hc 8t*t,. • lit• r ’• » -ii tfe# Hn rt y f i m - •» Ihrcrmbcr 1930 uid* to «he |n*u « n r * Cumin is uontT of fh* Hi »tc ut O r r f o n Uhratiaul In .aw C A P IT A L Vmount ot capital stock paid up $1. coo.ooo.oo. No. Aé Mvnnptlt of Anntial Mtatrmrnt of Ihe Hun Onde rw ri te r» Inaurane#* Company of New York in Ihr 8 lat#* of N-w V-»fk on Ihe thirtv f l r t l dav of l>efrotb*r |9*(» nia»l<* to thè Imurane«* Cnm»rtis»)«»n#-r of Ihe Stata o f Orcguo t»itr«ttanf •#* itiw C A P IT A I. At” ount o f capita» «torli pau| up f o n o 00»» OO IN C O M E Na»» prarnlum» rt-raivad dunng tba va«r. $679.767.07 Intaraat. »!ivb|rn»f« and r#-nt« reaalvad during iha vear. $ 11 0 0 2 29 Incoro.- fr»»m othar sonrc#*« rrcetvrd during thè v»ar. $575 00 Tota» Incoine $724.344 56 DISMI K S E M E N |*S Net l o « « e « pnid during thè year Inehid Ing 4 »l)n»lment <*tnr n »e», * 1 5 2 26* 26 D'VÌden«la i » » « »1 oo* capitai » 1 « m *I» during thè vear. 0 C o iw m u i' o n i and « a U H e « oa»-l during th#- vear 6169.372 68 T a t a « . | -r*«*n«e» i n o T o: - loco*’ »• $7 059 218 70. D IS B U R S E M E X T s X *t .oases f»-«id dtir'fig 1 1* *- w a r n <•’ i J i n ; idju*tmvnt expense*. -I 4 77 U ‘4 9 : D m l end « Haul on rnpita! st»»-k h r ng the vear *2 00 000.00. (■ un rn w ion * and « a la rie » • i»l dur mg I i* v*?ar *1 02C 816.76. Taxes licence» and fe e « paid dur n t »• » « r *!•• » 241 40. \uwuf-t of »11 o her expenditure« $2 » 0 *8 f»| T " » . t ’ expru lif '»r-s $3.019.329.! 7. ASSETS \ »t ie n# re«, estate nwn*d iu»»k»*t r il' el Value of «»■»■ W» and bond« owned t».*r ket v p u e i ?4 996.780.50 Loan« on mortgages snd co lst**r*il - t r $106.902.89 Cash in bank» and on nand. $ 4 4 6 ’.#** 99 Premiums in course of eollertion writ lea a 1110. I 31. Interes: and rents doe and a<*rnieISI(C RSE M E N T S Net In««#*»» r*.iid «luring the vear ineliid ing adjustment expenses $719,358.55. Dividen.Is ?.»»•/' on capital «fo rk during the year $.(.*» 000.00 Commiss;nn> an»I salaries paid during the »ear $ Taxes license« and fees paid during I l e year $79.064.50 Amount t-f «II other expenditure* $1 4 16 229 47. ASSETS Value of real estate owned »marke? value). None. Value of stock« and honda owned »mar ket value) $2.632.344 On l oans on mortgages and collateral. e?c $641 43| 39 Cafch in banks and on band. $ 100,883 II Premiums in course o f roMect on writ ten sine*. September 30. 1930. $264.“ 3 1 . 55. Interest and rent« due and accrued, $39.21 3 95 Reinsurance Batanees $16.367.16. Total admitted assets. $4.015.074 76 L IA B IL IT IE S Gros« c.aims for Inas«-« unpaid. $165. 613.09 Amount of unearned premiums on all • •lit«ran«hng risk« $|.688.n|( (2. Du»* for eoumiUainn and brokerage $6. 50A 00 All «ither liabilities. $90,0.70.13. T»»#al liabilities, exelusive o f capital stock n< $1,000 OOO.00 $ 1 9 5 0 / 8 7 61 B U S I N E S S IN O R EG O N FOR T H E Y E A R Net premium« received »luring the v»*ar. $12.370.32 l osses paid during tIi*- year. $4,354.21. Losses incurred during thr year, $4 4 55 56. Name ->f Company. Michigan Eire A Marine Inaurane* Co. Name of President. George G. liulkley Name o f Secretary. W T Benallack. Statutory resident attorney for ervic # Inaurane#- Comm fax ¡oner. Salem Santa nf H ecretarv, Ellinft i (*«» * rn '» « i| » n a l 0 T*ti«i expenditure» $6|M.3$7.8rt A 644 E T 6 Valli* nf reai e « t * l * «»wned 1 market ta l l i r ) , None. Vaine of *tn« k* and h«*nda nwned u n ir . . |l.9 f A f.nnii» ut» m o rlg a gr» md c#*i»a»**ra), eie . Nn»ie Uaah in b»nk* and un hand $ 1 2 » l o « 33 Premimi»* in r e t ir ir n' coMa(»!lecember. 1970 made «o th#« Insurance ( »>rnm»ssi(in«-r of the State of Orwgon, pursuant to law : C A P IT A L Amount o f cap'tfll »l o ck paid up. $400. 000.00 IN C O M E Net premium« received riur ny the vear. $7.398.949 34 Interest dividam i« and rent« received during the year. $296.742.33. Income from other «curerà received during the ve»r. $1,035.999 01. Total income. $4 986.690.68, D ISBU RSEM ENTS Vet fosse« paid during the y- nr indud «r»Z fidju «» meni «»apenara $2. * 87,768 01. Dividends p.-i’d on capital stock during the vear. (#. Commission« an»l «ala rle» nani during ft,,. v»*ar. $1.267,752.05. Trtxe». Iirer.se* anrl fe«*s naiil during the vear $242 267 96 Amount of all other expenditure«. $2. 173.083 03 Total expenditu re« $5.820.891.07. ASSETS Value o f real estate owned ( m i r ket value ) 0. Value of »took» and bond« owned 'm ar krl t a l n O $5,716.158.66 Lnana on mortgage« and collateral, efc , 0 Cash in banka and on hand. $ »5 1 .(5 7 39 Prem ium» in ennrae o f collection writ I*-n since Hepteiubor 30, 1930. $739. <47 I Amount '»f uneam#-d premium» un al» »»nf standing risks. $ Due for rommlaaion and brokerage $ 22.0 00 no All other liabilitlea, $238.460.11. Total liabilities exclusive »if Deposit o f 8 (Or# OOD OO. $5 026 064 25 B U S I N E S S IN OR EG ON FOR T H E Y E A R Net premiums received during the * , » r • :i* A i f . 65 Lo »# e« paid during the rear $16.126. 1 ( 6 . L o « ’ .*» incurrerl during ihe vear. $20 •*5| 56. N 1 »» • ol f'oinpnnv U. M Brand». So< 1 ••«»irjMire Offi c e Ltd Name 0 » fi H Attorney. O Tr#-g-ski« N mm #*r Sec re tarv F ' ljo ft MMdlefor» tatutorv r#*al»1e»'t «»(»• rnev for $©rvlc» r-'i'-w ( ’ »»mmistiooer, Salem. 1 Vaine nf «'ompnny IVnua) Ira n i» Miti er» Mutua» ( » r e lr<*nranee Uompany v * ••• «il Preaolenl ».* » M u»-r. 5 Iti. ,,f «i.-er.-l r», ,I ii | i ti I 9 «s f f • Bia’ utnrv rcalde<»l altnrney tur a#rv»ee. Uotnuiiaainner nf Inaorance Salem. *»te fon. 1e »» Interest and rents due and a err -td, $57.506.40. Other « « s e t « . $78.632 51 T o t « I a»lmitted assets. $6.949.103 62 L IA B IL IT IE S Gross claim» for loase» unpaid. $*00 With th*- invention o f electricity, however .things underwent u change. Folks hi-gun tu dread going to tx-il for fear o f toning out on some ot tin- interesting things Just getting under way when, according to the old pro verb, it was time to go beddy-bye. Thu final straw was added when it became fully appurent that early to bed meant missing the most interest ing people. Instinctive colonial ideals die hard, however, and long ufter the "early to bed” sentiment had begun to slip, the "eury bird" superstitution still hovered around the outer edges of the nutionul consicence. The two were so indelibly associated in the national mind, however, that a means wus .-.ought whereby it might be possible to reconcile disregard o f one proverb with strict observance o f the other. Finally a lucky flash cleared it all up, making it beautifully apparent that the early birii gets the worm all right, but in these days o f lively competition lie may have to sta> up all night to do it! » H »6 64 t 3 t St.»r»t|#»rv re*»»#le#»t af|nrrt#-v #or aerate»- I» «t|i;«n#*e fe m l. Ma. T0 rt>f>op*i» t»f A ’ hum St «tetti «'Ut of (he iVnuayl vati • M iller » Mutual E ire luaur ant e Un rtf W ll k r a Barre, iu Ihe Ht«te of Penney 'vanta, nn Ihe thirtv f»rat »1 «y #•( Deceiubfr, 1930. m«Ue I#» lite ln»ur ani*- ( ‘ «immiaalnner #»( Ihe Blata ut »»re K'tn. (»uraliani In i « a C A P IT A L Amount nf capitai «tock paitl up. klu lual. 1NUOMK Net premium* re«*ivr«| .lurtng th» vear. $65 f.671 III. Dite#e»l «Mvi< cause there wa* nothing better of- j No. 60 Avnopata of Annual Statement o f Th<* NVw Brunawtck Eire Inatirance C«» «#f New llrunawick In the Stale nf Naw Jer *e y. on the thirty firal day nf December. 1930 made to the ln*urance Commia»i»n *»r of the State o f Oregon, pursuant to law : C A PIT A L Amount nf capital atock paid up. $1.- »•no nut» no IN c o m E Net premium« received during the yaar. «1 07 956 99. Internet, dividends and rants received dur ng Ihe vear. $217.440 86. Inutma from other eoureas received luring the year. $137,771.16. Tula» Income. $1.863.171.01. DISB U RSE M E N TS Net |«»«*e* paid during llte year indud • ng t»1jn«tment expeua«*a. $721,611 66 Dividends paid #»n capital stock dur ing the v e » r $ | .5 0.000 00. < «»mmiaainna and aatariea paid during the » a i r $506.347.60. T*xe» lirenxe» and fee» paid during »lie v*-a r 8 14 3 I 6.62. 5 » mini of all other expenditures. $t*J I 24 «»7 l u rtl eapefiiliture*. $ 1.466.4»M .97 ASSETS Value nf real estate owned (ma»k»-* vwlue). *2 50 1)00.00 Value of htnrka arul lionda owned ( m u k .t value) $7.520.133.00. Loans nn rmirtgagea and collateral. * »«• •rt.Nrt •••»(( on Uaali in hank« and nn hand. $463 .591 t I Premium« in Course nf toflcgftloft writ ten alnce September 30. 1930. $267.601 77. Iniereiit and renta due ami nerru.-d $ I 937 OO. Total admitted »»«xeta, *4 914.556 M L IA B IL IT IE S Gross claim« for loxaea unpaid. $ to « 967.00 Amount of unearned premium« on «• *» niit«fandtng rlak». *1,530.080.00. Due for rummi««ion and brokerage • AH other liabilitlea $790.788 26 Total liabilities, exclaslve of cap«» •! «loek. «¿.629.4 51 26. H U H IN E S S IN OR EG ON FO R T H E Y E A R Net premium« rereived during Ihe v-ar $2,363.66 f.o««ea paid during Ihe vear. *3.111 . * l.o«««-« incurred during Ihe vear * » 149 72 Name nf Uotnpanv The New l i m n * « irk Eire In « u m o re Company Name #*f PreaMent. W ilfred Kurtli Name #»f Serret arv Vincent P Wv i l t Strttntnrv resident nMornev for xerv«ce. 5V It R««m u «en