s THE TURNER TRIBUNE ? . jOne ’Ting Alter An Udder iiW A % W J W W W \ V W W W iW .W A W .' TELEPHONE 3441 f Globe Body 4 Fender Works Bill Durkee f t • V W W W V S ftW W V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W U V W S -E -R -V -I -C - E Bear System o f Wheel Alignment Frame and Axle Straightening 444 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon B uild in g Supplies ROUGH AND DRESSED Hutcheon Paint Store ,V i% % S S S % S S % V S % S S V A W .N % W iS % S V iiS S % S S S ,y S % S % W W W ! Cherro people— for goodness sake loail the other barrel, here comes an­ other one— yes, sir! Hiram Hayseed was telling Joe Bumstarter about a bull he had, and he went on to say that his farm was five miles wide and the railroad track ran clear across it. He said that darn bull got wise to the schedule and would be waiting for the trains to show up so he could race them across the field. “ By golly,“ Hiram says, “ you know that blasted bull will get clear across the five-mile field before the train gets half way.” N O T IC E Take heed, you big he-men football players o f the high school. Knute Kockne just passed away and left his coaching position open to some one. Boys, don't all rush at once, take your time, you’ll get there sooner. You know we always like to help the fel­ lows out by giving them a tip like You tellum Hiram, old boy, you got that. Don’t forget to thank us, gentle- the “ bull,” you bet, some “ bull.” men. Old Joe, just to get even, says, “ you know Hiram, old scout, I was in I Oh boy, if you want to get a bang New York yesterday and was out here outa Hub Briggs, just ask him what on the coast this morning, and I didn’t makes ’em jingle. He can tell you, he come by airplane, boat or rail. How knows. did 1 get here ” Hiram scratched his Well, were running short o f some­ head and said, “ I give up, how did you?” “ Why,” Joe says, “ I rode your thing to say, and also pencil, so we’ll have to discontinue. bull?” Uh! uh! some bull. Well people if the weather con­ tinues as it has the last three or four days will have to begin naming the canals and change our fair c.ty’s name to Venice. You know how it is, you travel by boat instead o f auto. Oh, Minnie, won’t we guys get a thrill outa singin’ “ Walkin’ my baby back home.” Whenever the water gets too high folks to suit you just go out and dig away the dykes and drain it down on the other guy, he can stand it— and if he can't that’s just hjs hard luck,— but you wanta have some kind o f authority, office or position before you do this. 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. Buy Y o u r Paint at a Paint Star« The Monday afternoon ladies aid will not be held on Tuesday as was announced last Wednesday, but will be held Thursday, the day before Fri- day because Saturday is too close to the Sabbath day, Sunday. ' ' I j ; TRUSSES S o f t S a n ita ry , C a n 't Slip Notice is hereby given that the undersigned by an order o f the Coun­ ty Court o f the State o f Oregon for the County o f Marion, duly made and entered on the 27th day o f March, 1931, was appointed administrator o f the estate o f John Ammann, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to him at the office o f E. L. Crawford, Attorney for Estate, rooms 20-21, Ladd & Bush Bank building, Salem, Oregon, with­ in six months o f the date o f this no­ tice. Dated this 2nd dav o f April, 1931. R. D. GRAY, Administrator o f the Estate o f John Ammann, Deceased. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. First publication, April 2, 1931. Last publication, April 30, 1931. N O T IC E O F H E A R I N G O F F I N A L ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account o f Helen Turner, as ad­ ministratrix o f the estate of Clara Turner, deceased, has been filed in the County Court o f Marion County, State o f Oregon, and that the 9th day o f May, 1931, at the hour o f 10 o’clock A. M., has been duly appoint­ ed by such court for the hearing of objections to such final account and settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. HELEN TURNER, Administratrix. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. First publication: April 9, 1931. Last publication: May 7, 1931. N O T IC E OF H E A R I N G O F F I N A L ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account o f McKinley Earle Daue and Desmond Victor Daue, as execu­ tors o f the estate o f Ida May Daue, deceased, has been filed in the County Court o f Marion County, State o f Oregon, and that the 23rd day of May, 1931, at the hour o f ten o ’clock A. M. has been duly appointed by W e T ry to Sell Y o u W h i t NOT S , S E verythin g W e Can A k r o n G ra d u a te Fitter Here to G iv e Y o u a T ria l Fitting P. O. B ox 2 0 8 s FREE [ C A P IT A L DRUG STORE j State Street Salem E U Y o u Need O c c u p a tio n , A g e or Sex Phone 278 S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N V V W W tfV W V % W V W V V W W k V W U W W V V V V V V V V V V V V V W s Corset Makers and Milli.reré F o u n d a tion A V .W A S ,AN%,.N SVAVVW AVAVVVVA,A SV,,I Garm ent* A n y Style 420 C ou rt St. P hone 1639 Y o u Too! Salem will have a smile and goodwill feeling after you have had a YE OLD DIARY CŸP6UIRIC6RS W /A V W A W W A V .V Up and betimes to the food table, where much grub is consumed, then to a few hours o f music lessons, where Addim i M a ch in e* we do disgust every other person in the domicile, but we are too interested ALL MAKES to notice ungodly noises. Then to T H O M A S R O E N counting our money to see onjy twen­ 421 Court Salem ty-one cents to the good. We do then walk our body to the city to play I W A W W W W A W V V A V A V W i checkers, where we become so in­ volved in the game that we do miss our lunch and supper. We do then travel to Salem to see much noise and hear many bright lights, anon back home after a goode trip, to our house BY D A Y OK CONTRACT and to bed and pleasant dreams. Estimates Furnished Smooth Shave or Hair Cut — a t— A ndys S hop Hair Cut 25c Shaving 15c Ladles Hair Cutting a Specialty Next to Elsinore Theatre 182 S. High Street Salem. Oregon j| Turner . such court for the hearing o f objec- f t W A W A W A V A W W A A W ! tions to such final account and the settlement thereof at which time any TURNER person interested in such estate may S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC appear and file objections thereto in TRA IN SERVICE writing and contest the same. Dated this 9th day o f April, 1931. N orth Bound McKINLEY EARLE DAUE, DESMOND VICTOR DAUE, No. 14, 4:36 A.M. (Stops when Executors. flagged.) E. L. CRAWFORD, No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) Attorney for Estate. Sou th B oun d Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. First publication: April 9 ,1931. No. 5, 11:10 A.M. (Stops when Last publication: May 7, 1931. flagged to pick up passengers for points at which this train stops.) No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on flag only, to pick up passengers for points Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ days. On these days passengers can pay fare and have baggage checked on trains. points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. Office hours at Turner week flays are 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, anil from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. south o f Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers coming from Salem B akiuk “Tho W ind Blown Export PAINTING |}. S. Talbot A D M I N I S T R A T O R S N O T IC E U j G u a ra n te ed to Hold Regardless o f E AND Y Ikroa Spongne Rubber Pads j j TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. R PAINTS, W A L L PAPER s LUM BER T By Max McKay W ood Oregon G IL L B R O K I W. J A Y D E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing Turner, Oregon Route 3 V e V V W V W A A /V W V V W W W V W W W W W Y W Y W V W V W W V W U W \ T U R N E R S T A T E B A N K P o r^ C e n t i i Paid on 6 months Time Deposits \ g Fire—Automobie Insurance W ritten . • ■ V A V W A V W J Y i W A W / A 'A V A Y / A W W W V A V A W J O regon G rown S eeds ji S p r in g F ie ld S e e d s — 7 * ---------- . Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill Bros, seeds and fertilize with Lillys Morcrop and see the results. W e buy and sell Fieid and Grain Seeds of every description. See us before buying or selling. £ •; £ a" •; £ £ i Mail Orders Filled Promptly W « offer you a co m p le te stock o f H IG H G R A D E Field Seeds ell re cleen ed in the best possible m an n er and fr o m selected stocks. SEND US Y O U R LIST OR C A L L FOR PRICES ** "■ Y o u will find the quality the beat the m arket affords and the price* right fo r that grade o f seeds. S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o . \ !; D. A. WHITE