The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, April 09, 1931, Image 1

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T he T urner T ribune
NO. 'll
THURSDAY, A P R IL 9, 1931
Two Hundred Fifty
Hoolal Base Ball
Dollars Dog And Boy
Jacks For Openers '
Several New Players Will Be la
Sail Sanday. Saappy Kg-
gregaiioi 1» Expected By
M anger Mitchell
The Bible achool wua fine Sunday.
O - -------
At the cloae of the morning aervice
eight people were bapt zed.
Thera will be baptiamul aervicea
Sumliiy, April 12, murk« the open­
Sunday following the evening
ing o f the 1931 Cascade l**agu« an
far a» Turner ia concerned for the
—-—O' — —
Mill City Lumberjack* ere to play
The apirit and the meaaage of th-
the Turner Cackerjack* on the Urey resurrection were in all aervicea Sun­
Digger ( Cloverdale) diamond, weath­ day morning.
er permitting.
Jim McGowun led un unusually
A good game ia aarured for these
two team* have alwaya put up a acrap good C. E. meeting Sunday evening.
for the full nin# inninga, ao come one, Thank* to the loyalty of the young
come all, give Turner your aupport people.
and help ul duplicate the feat of
Sunday even ng'* Euater program
i wa* enjoyed by a full house. Both the
Manager Fred Mitchell ha* aeveral
program and decoration* were very
new men and haa guaranteed a team
1 beautiful.
Juat aa anappy and powerful (i f not
more aol, aa the one that repreaented
The choir member* and a few
Turner laat year.
I friend* aurpriaed Dr. Epley, Tuesday
There will be sixty-nine game* . evening, irith a flower and card
played in both the north and aouth ahower, the occaaion being hi* birth-
diviaiona. Becauae of the location* of 'day.
• o .... -
the team* the two diviaiona have been
The county revival meeting beinj-
made with the leaat travel.
The winner* o f the aectiona will held in Salem ia go ng well. Large
play a three-game aerie* for the crowd* and many are becoming
championahip, with the first of the Chriatiuna.
»erie* to be played on July 19th. Each
team muat be in uniform.
Turner won the championahip laat
year and ia getting ready to repeat
again thia aeuaon.
The weuther haa been unfavorable
for practice, but it ia hoped to be
able to get the bunch out before Sun­
day'* game with Mill City and get
• he boys placed for the opener.
Aumaville and Stayton are in the
league thia year and between the
three town*— Stayton, Aumaville and
Turner— there are good game* aa-
a u red the fan*.
The achedule in the aouth end ia aa
Fir*« Half
April 12—
Aumaville at JefTeraon.
Mill City at Turner.
Slayton at Lebanon.
Hill* Candy Co. ut Tucker* Real­
April 19—
JefTeraon at Mill City.
Turner at Stayton.
Lebanon at Hilla.
Tuckera at Aumaville.
April 2ft—
Aumaville ut Turner.
Mill City at Lebanon.
Stayton at Tuckera.
Hilla at JefTeraon.
May 3—
JefTeraon at Stayton.
Turner ut Hilla
Lebanon at Aumaville.
Tuckera nt Mill City.
May 10—
Stayton at Hilla.
Mill City at Aumaville.
JefTeraon at Turner.
Tuckera at Mill City.
May 1 7 -
Turner at Tucker*.
Lebunon ut JefTeraon.
Aumaville at Stayton.
Hill* at Mill City.
May 2 4 -
Hill* at Aumaville.
Stuyton at Mill City.
Turner ut Lebanon.
Tuckera ut JefTeraon.
Second Half
May 31—
JefTeraon at Aumaville.
Turner ut Mill City.
Lebanon at Stayton.
Tucker* ut Hill*.
June 7—
Mill City at JefTeraon.
Stayton at Turner.
Hill* at Lebanon.
Aumaville at Tucker*.
June 14—
Turner at Aumaville.
Tuckera at Stayton.
Lebanon ut Mill City.
Nation’s Typical Boy and
The Turner Com- METHODIST CHURCH i Dog Sought Here; Prize
Offered Pair
m u n i t y Club will The choir sang a beautiful anthem, and by Fame
Kennel Foun­
morning and evening. Lester
meet again Monday both
Burgoyne favored us in the morning
with a saxophone solo, besides there
Wanted — America’s typical boy
evening, April 13. were
several recitations. Rev. Bur-
; and dog!
Easter message were the
The Chappel Kennel Foundation,
There will be a pro­ goyne's
words of Christ, “ Because I live, ye Rockford, Illinois, in its search for
shall live also,” which answers so
{ the nation's typical youngster and
gram, readings mu­ satisfactorily
the age-old question, “ If
! canine pal, has appealed to The
man die shall he live again?” Resur­
sic, and a skit by a rection
Tribune for aid in finding them if
to the central theme of the
they happen to be located in thi3 sec­
and spoken word. The Chris­
the boys from the written
tian's title to eternal life. Moral.ty
Two hundred and fifty dollars in
life. Many are in bond­
C. W. N o­ age today give worshipping
cash and immortality by having their
a Christ on the
likenesses reproduced in oils on can-
Thank God for an empty cross
ble, o f Salem, will cross.
i vas by a famous artist await the chos-
and an empty tomb. We have a living
I en pair, which the Foundation is
talk on Conditions redeemer.
anxious to preserve for the inspiration
pageant in the evening was of future generations as a symbol of
in Japan as he saw such The a success
we have been asked to the high type of companionship rep­
repeat it. So let everyone who did resented by the boy-dog combination
them on his recent not hear it last Sunday avail them­ o f our own day. The winning team
o f the opportunity next Sun­ will also be presented to many
world tour. Every­ selves
day night. It will begin promptly at notable, will probably be starred on
(¿o'clock. It puts forth the Easter the radio and in the movies, and in
body invited.
story in a new but very convincing general enjoy the plaudits o f an ad­
Old Landmark De­
stroyed By Fire
Next Sunday morning after the
communion aervice the congregation
will go to the convention at the M. E.
church. A fter the morning aermon a
banket dinner and convention rally
Tuesday evening another old land
and report* in the afternoon.
mark passed when the old Riches
house north of town, now owned by
Geo. Thompson of Salem, burned to
the ground. Mr. Winkey, who was
living there and wood had
Ernest Robinson wua the principal retired early and narrow ly escaped
speaker at the Brotherhood meeting suffocation. Carl Owsley, who was
ut the Methodist church Monday eve- the first to arrive saved most o f Mr.
! ning. Mr. Robinson, who was born Winkey's camp outfit and clothing.
1 and raised in England, coming to the
United State* about 12 year* ago,
gave a very interesting talk on men’*
work in the church o f England. C. A.
Bear made a short talk, taking a* hi*
subject, “ My Brother'* Keeper.”
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason spent
Preparation will be made to entertain Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ham­
the Salem men’* distict convention mock o f Clear lj»ke.
here on April 15, with the visitors
Miss Nellie Barber has recovered
conducting the progrum. An early
a siege o f the measles.
dinner w.ll be served by the ladle* of
the church.
John Ammen, who lived alone, was
M E. Brotherhood
found very ill with pneumonia and
taken to a Salem hospital but died
soon after his arrival there. He was
buried at the Twin Oak cemetery
On Tuesday, April 7, Mis* Marie
Monday with funeral services in Sa­
E. Rice became the wife o f John
Cooper o f Coquille at the home o f the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little and
Rice, who live southeast of Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus, also
Rev. W. S. Burgoyne read the mar­ Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Palmer of Turner
riage lines. Preceding the ceremony attended a meeting o f the agricultural
a wedding dinner was served to the committees of different Granges of
immediate relatives and the pastor, Marion county which was held at
Rev. und Mrs. W. S. Burgoyne.
Liberty last Wednesday.
M. J. Bones narrowly escaped a
broken ankle Friday when one o f his
large horBo* stepped on him. He was
forced to hobble about for several
days but is thankful the injury was
onl ya bad bruise.
Jefferson at Hills.
June 21 —
Stayton at Jefferson.
Hills at Turner.
Aumsvillc at Lebanon.
Mill City at Tuckers.
June 28—
Hills at Stayton.
Aumsville at Mill City.
Turner at Jefferson.
Lebanon at Tuckers.
July 5—
Tuckers at Turner.
Jefferson at Lebanon.
Stayton at Aumsville.
Mill City at Hills.
July 12—
Aumsville at Hills.
Mill City at Stayton.
Lebanon at Turner.
Jefferson at Tuckers.
W ittel
Wash., visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. Witzel, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason were
recent visitors o f Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hammock of Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus were
Salem shoppers, Tuesday.
miring multitude.
Selection of the winning pair is to
1 be left in the hands o f a jury o f
prominent men and women which is
now being completed. The choice is
to be made from nominations which
the public is invited to submit to the
Foundation prior to September 15,
Next Sunday, too, is our district 1931. Photographs o f contestants may
(Santiam) Sunday school convention. be submitted with the nominations,
Our church entertains it this time. but a final decision will not be made
Program begins at 9:45 a. m. The j by the judges until they have seen
morning sermoi^ is at 11 o’clock by and investigateti the leading candi­
Bro. Giistrap; basket dinner will be dates.
eaten in the Wright building. Let's
To be eligible for nomination to the
fill up those basket good that every boy-and-dog contest, a youngster must
one may have plenty.
; not be under four or over fourteen
years o f age. The dog must be his
Lota o f big things on this month:
own or that o f a member o f his im-
The district Brotherhood hold their
! mediate family. The age, size, color
big meeting in our church the 15. Re­
| or breed o f the dog are o f secondary
member that’s next Wednesday. The
i importance.
Ladies Aid are planning a chicken
In inaugurating the boy-dog search,
dinner for them. It will also be given
L. J. Brosemer, director o f the
in the Wright building. All the men
Foundation, stated:
o f town and surrounding communities
"Character building in the young
are urged to attend. The banquet
is one o f the great problems o f the
wii be 50 cents a plate. The after
times. The Foundation is convinced
program, of course, will at the church.
that a dog makes a boy a better man
W. C. T. U., Marion county con­ and is encouraging every home with
vention, will be held in Turner the a boy to keep a pure-bred dog. A re­
last Wednesday in the month, April cent study o f a large penal institu­
29. Particulars will be printed later. tion revealed the fact that less than
one per cent o f its inmates had a pet
to play with in their formative years.
Through the boy-dog contest, the
Foundation hopes to catch the spirit
o f this comradeship and perpetuate it
While W. H. McNeal was taking
in some tangible form for this and
his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Mc­
future generations.”
Neal and children to their home at
North Santiam, Friday, his car col-
irded with a car from Vancouver,
Wash., at the three corners at West
Stayton. All the occupants were bad­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer and
ly shaken and four-year-old Standiey
McNeal suffered a bad cut on the face Mrs. Arthur Kunke were over to
which required four stitches to close Scotts Mills, Friday, returning home
by way o f Salem.
the wound.
The opening pantomime
where Christian walks in her garden
is so beautiful it alohe would pay one
to hear it; then the college youth has
all his doubts fully satisfied. Come
Sunday night and hear it for your­
Auto Accident
Former Turnerite
Visits Here
C. M. Barber lost one of his work
Mrs. H. L. Earl o f Ardenwald, Ore­
horses this week.
gon! formerly o f Turner), has been
renewing the acquaintance o f her
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason had
friends for several days, leaving on
as their guests Easter Sunday their
Thursday for a visit to some friends
children, Owen Thomason ami Mrs.
in Salem. Tuesday and Wednesday
Paul Walker and family, all o f Port­
Mrs. Earl was entertained at the
home o f Mr*. G. W. Farris. On Sun­
Misses Erma and Faye Barber and day last Mrs. Earl took dinner with
Henry Barr o f Salem spent Sunday Mrs. Wes. Smith. On Wednesday Mrs.
Prather and Mrs. Earl drove out to
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber.
the Delzell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little were
Salem shoppers last Friday.
On Thursday afternoon o f next
Mrs. Neymire and Mrs. Busick o f
Salem spent the afternoon here with
friends recently.
Ivan Hadley and family spent East­
er Sunday in Salem.
Olga Garner spent the week-end
with Mrs. Fred Gunning.
Mrs. Dumbeck expects to leave for
Michigan the later part o f the week
to visit her mother, who is verv sick.
Frank Schampier and Albert Hen-
nies began work with the bridge crew
The W. C. T. U. were entertained
April 1st by Mrs. John McKinney. A
most enjoyable and profitable day was
spent in spite o f the very bad weath­
week the missionary society of the er.
FOR SALE— 1 portable Brunswick Christian church will meet at the
phonograph in good condition. Just home o f Mrs. H. S. Bond. The study
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lewis were
the thing for your outing trip. At the topic is “ Poland, and Barriers to Bol­ Sunday visitors at the Fred Mitchell
Tribune office.