( ) 4 T H E TU R N E R Mr| Kunutson, who hus been staying at the home ol Rev. und Mr*. GiNtrup fof , he pait wwk, t |*ft the lust Í . . ol the week (or a visit in Eugeni*. , _— . . 4 ) . Mrs. D. II. Parks and children wont to Portland, Saturdav, to s««> Mr. LOCAL ACTIVITIES Parks, who is in the veterans hoep.tal. DURING THE WEEK Mrs. Parks became ill with the I , . , . . 1 measles and was forced to remain Brief Item» Concerning the Com­ ! until Tuesday evening. She will be ings and Goings of ^ ourself and back at her duties a> teacher soon. Your Neighbors, as Told to The She is suffering from a severe cold. Tribune Reporters. One of the Nicest Courtesies You Can Show to Your Guests Is to Have Their Visits Mentioned in These Columns. The Tribune Will Consider It a Special Favor if You Will Help Us Make This Paper More Interesting to Its Readers by Sending in Items for This Column. Write us, or, if Convenient, Telephone Your News Items to This Office. TRIBUNE Investigate Coti Liver Oil for Laying Fowls The Kummnry of export menta III Knghuid wlth end liver oil for laying lidia, aaya : (1) Fovla imt eonfined or In open- fnintcd houacs do imi rcqulre cod liver oil to prevedi aduli rlcketa. (2) Kovvla eontlned liehiiiii ordinary gius» requlre nome adequate source of VltlllllilK» P. (Il) The eod liver oli mlxcd to thè extent of 2 per cent of thè grulli fee»l stipplled thè vltiimliie l> requlreiueutn of thè fowls under experliuent. 11) One per cent of medimi eod liver oli In thè aerateli feed inni imt In- s utile leni to ineet thè requlreiiienln of luyem eonltlled hehltol wllnlow ghisa. The murre of oli used muy he a fuetor. (.*>) It I* noi ponifllile to ntute If fini li\«>r «di la heneflclal to fuwla noi eonfined or in open-front ed p«n* get- tlng a tioriiiul rutlon tliat liielu Club w nich will meet the first Tuesday in each month. Muc . Mr. anil Mr.;. Gf,o. D. Thomas and merriment wi* created when the follow-; daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newman arid small daughter, iug officer- wire elected. Maxwell McKay Helen Jean, visited Sunday afternoon president: Miss Mahk Fucker, secretary with Mrs. Thomas' sister-in-law and treasurer; » h il Martin, t.u-n* - and n phew, Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son, advertising manager; Carl \\ piper, «.tag>- All Work Guaranteed Over SteuslotT Market Salem. ()regon . i'hone 47J É shoes to b? repaired to E. Robinson, located in Mrs. Brigg’s hotfse, in Tur- r.cr, Oregon. A lio furniture repair- inf- Real Estate For Sale —---O------ ! am connected with both end r~> and wert rn r a! t tat< buyers organ­ Brig;». Refreshments » r p M-rved a: a izations, and can put ycur holding! late hour, In ti e group were Mr and I into the hands o f people who w.,nt to Mrs. C ari V.';(i;.»r M ss Helm F’.-elz. COlfit. vJ Or gon to m:ik< their homi Miss c’ty. If you il Marlin, avwell aril I>jn AtcKay, ,a farm or city property lor .a e 01 trade, list t with ir «-. .Miss Tucker and .Mrs. Mdler Fiibune Office, Turner Or g n. .1 t e c 1 1 I Werner Uros. I ELSINORE STARTS SUND AY Í li even t've first lesson on me L- in <5 love. The stago h’t is now a talkie riot! ‘tta r r in o FOR S ALE— il alerce and on b’oek oi ground, ni-e.y locat d, 3 room , (n e'.- ti-r . yvU-m, elect» ie iig.it., nc. d, . good buy for anyone .. ant in a in . . ( 1 : L s f:u : c . right. % FOR MALE- <»-room house, with »J 1 , ' >• rootn, wooil da il, barn, e nd 5 two lot in fu n r; all f n e l . < • J or terui-. BUT B u s t e r didn’t k n o w > FOR S A LE — ! . c.e o f ground w tli •.* Z n o m hou.a.', fru.t room, front and ijiclt pi:ch, clo'. c m t . electricity, ¡S ? double ■ , barn room for 5 * li d .-i.j k, numb, r ciiick> n coo|ii, 5 » . i> iri >-. , i-.e t il right for ci Ick« n •2 ianch, eloi .a t .v/n. ^ ,* Js ¿ í ? £ PARLOR BEDROOM AND BAT+i bUST’ R KEATON with CHARLOTTE GREENW OOD REGINALD D ENNY CLIFF ED W ARD S Mr. '11111 Mm. Ilatlb Id o f Salem spent several days with Mr. and Mm. I’aul McClellan. IF The intermediate g.rls Hewing c ub, the Needle and Thread, had 11 real party ut the school Ivo use Thur day and invited the boys o f lie Handicraft Club in when refreshment were served. (t Mr. und Mrs. Bruci How tie and family and Mr.«. J. II. ilovvnc were dinner > u> >t 1 at the home of Mr. .irei Mr.. T. Met'lelhin, Sand, y, AUMSVILLE Hans Jcn e » and fainiiy ■ |> ' Sun- duy bere ut tlic C iris J. ii - h i home. ss— I» Mrs. J. J. Richard* hm .. lov ly pirik rose, Empress o f t.’hina. ili Healthy Chick Program bioom. Brings Higher Returns il • - Miss M ere Martin, w > ha ;>eiit Health sticks to clean chicks! By following four simple point* In lirootl- tht pnng vacation w ; ; ■ i . r |i.;i ni , Ing poultry Mien run save ill per cent Mr. und Mra. Charles Marlin, re- of their chicks. Not only more chicks lU’ ned tO Ilei choo! ! ub . » ut Oli gOll will I h - saved but they will l>o more Noi'mul, thè f!rer hlrd In farm llocks. Tills .Increase at 25 celila |>er d »r-n m n* business tr p to Indi pendi • - • ?! • t ) . t an additional return of HO ceni» t»-r o f thè week. «* hen. Mri Music Riiicont spont Monduy nigh'. ut thè |»r. lUn.-om homi in Tur­ Move Brooder Houses Brooder liniisri are commonly mad« ner. -?» «• f»...—» movable In order I» change their loeo T .M ..-i ! ’,va Cor.tr in . (i w n lion and ki ep tbh chicks on domi .4 :rt'e, two Aum die. h gh v adu- ground. But much of the convenience of « ate-, li f: th-' li.'-t o f thè v. ek for brooder liou <* Is |n«t when It I* move I M.>.im< Jth Nomivi, w l.’ r- they w jl to a point disiant from oilier farm fit tl • rateivi,« for l -.c'.ing. buildings. a • The- problem of finding ch its ¿mutui E W irne F.’upcy, cicnce tcichcr nml keeping If fro« from Ul*e.is germ« and rtliletic roieh in th> A u ti’ vill !» a dl!t!'nil one under nver;'-'.* farm chooh r< tumcd to hi:> dut'.< thè fl«>t condition«, but U Is a sure road is o f t ' •* v-i ck ofter 11 monti»’* forecd • ill r»14K liivnlf orni -r ation. Vi’nrm ' nv.ny fr • nd» ; . 1 th v .v .v .v w .v .v .v / .v / .v .v itodent' r.r< ciati t > * him out ngain. KRU5F. & RYGH Expert W itrh and Jjwelry Rop ‘ ri-ig manager; offu- ai K E Y carrier, Herbert What! Trade out of Turner: ? No! N iv er! Then why not bring your were there during the honing ma son. 1 * ' under cult. rti. 11 , all f.-nced, ir. -a- '- tion ditch run t.irougr place, 1 vv 11 , fi ve-r 0 0 m houh , ore o f thè best f:;rms in tiiis .a ction o f th< valley; cari bo purchaKfd r ght. For particulars about ..ili • pince se.» Chas. S. C al li, at thè Tribune olfice, Turner, Oregon. CHAS 8. CLARK, R il Instate Broker. Tic», .y evifi.iiij'. Api 7. thè Colo* miniti 1 lub will iceet l< r thè usuili fi 80 iVlock |»it in k dinne I)r. Dsvi I Nrw Jewelry M id i to Ordir BenMt? ! • hs* .1 ncryint*-r -tiog group of i'i>* i.mb he v i «h"w mm-distly Prices Reasonable iol'OAir.g ’ l ” mru.r I r H ■ 1 » lo» ** 4 I fo u rt lit. i'a!cm. Ore sir'inpsr hi»r” hsviijg sho-« n »ore« very :: ■< ¡nfsu »leu «llife» bere a yesf or *0 Ugo. .■.V.’ .V .V . V .- ‘ . w V .V / .’ . W . V 1 av C VVar rtcr Bros. P I T 0 A F SA I. KM L OKKC.ON Continuous Show Satunlay a”.il Sunday Matinee ; Week Days and Satuiday Adults 2fi cents, Childmn 10 e< nts All D.iy Sunday Adults 40 cents I — -- - 1 TTr- _ ___ui.w i i ’I" ----- -- F r i d u y tind S a tu r d a y A picture Everyone will enjoy “ BKIIIND v.ith Harry Astur. O M ’ f Ui ; HOOIIS** Rohert Am s, Ricardo Cortes JOIN THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUB 1% Special Show at 10:30 every Saturday morning FREE Dancing Instruction?! Contests,.Fun Galore Sir.idfiy M o i u l i i v O n l y The Mighty ¡"etjual to “ lien Gue.ste” “ BEALI DEAI/* with Ralph Forhes E»retta Younjf rueml.iy find Wetliiesdi.y .T W E ST S T A Y T O N J il • calli d at the Van Osdo home Monday . viirng. Mr Van O-dc! it h -Iter at the present time. ----O------ Wiiiiam Woosky and wifi returned I from the Yaquin* hay country. They The “ Queons H usband” the Comedy Supreme is now the picture “THE ROYAL PED" with Mary Astor. Lowell Shermen and Oh! Boy. What a Show f