% TH E TU R N ER TRIBUNE sires and sons with 1000 lb*. daugh­ Herb K. Sharp and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Anne R. Hunter. ter. So other such list exists. Reality carries no less than 1020; official records of 1000 H im . butter TELEPHONE 3411 each, mad' in one year’* work. Mover S«ddom h thu lurth o f h calf, even lias any unmuil faced the world with j Rdl lJurkee a world beater, real news in thiH part | such a wonderful inh. ntaiice, or such 1 li ar System of Wheel Alignment o f Oregon, our neighbor* have bred | u positive guarantee o f value. No race Frame and Axle Straightening and tewted mo many great town that 1 horn«-, or draft horse, no beef or dairy I 441 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon their mere greatness in no longer an animals has ever come into the world oxceptlon in the dairy herd* o f our with a better indicated ability to sur- pu s in its c I uhk , und if Beauty can community. However, over at Moke Park, *nuth have only u fair chance she will un- j o f Stuyton, last Sunday morning a ! doubtedly render a great account of new addition to the herd luid claim to Imr inheritance. PAINTS, W A L L PAPER more than usual attention, the calf in conformation, she has a baauti- ; 164 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. wu>i a heifer, her mother Iwing a ful face, line buck, and un exception- j daughter o f Spok Ahne Rioter, and ally rugged constitution. A mugnifl- | Buy Y o u r Paint at a Paint Stora out of a daughter o f Spok Ahne Pitot. I cept he.irt ind paunci^, und a tegular Spok Ahne Pilot being an Inbred moii old dish rag hanging where the udder o f Rioter. 1 will some day appear. She is absolute- The wire o f thin calf win a non o f i ly the highest pinnacle o f achievement Spok Ahne Progpect, another inbred ever attained by the l.vcstock breed­ moii o f Rioter, and out o f Stoke Park er’s art. Rita, whone Mire wan Spok Ahne Pilot, The Stoke Purk herd has an inter­ and who dam war a duughu r o f esting history, iK-gmnirig witii the Rioter out o f Spok Ahne Tuttle, in- herd o f Mr. Phillip Dauncey, in 1826, bred Mi ter to Rioter. Rioter and u system o f intense inbreeding has (¿u tility lSntt<‘ ri«‘ M Tuttle being by Eminent’» Pilot und been consistently followed until to- out o f hiu own daughter*. ! day ufter 106 years o f time they have Thin calf named Stoke Park Marie'a produced this calf with utmost two $ . “ E‘ Beauty trace» to Spok Ahne R oter 1 thousand records b«-h nd her o f 1000 eight time»; to Eminent’* Pilot tw<-n- lbs. of butter, tnut she will be able ty time« and to Stok<- Pogix 120 timer. to produce an enormous quantity of Salem Oregon Spok Ahne Rioter wan acknowl­ milk und butter goes without Maying, j edged during his life, to be the "great- That this line o f inbreeding has ■ ¡VWW’J W V W A V / / A ,J,/ A ,. W A eut bull that ever Mtood on four feet.” not brought any undesirable results is j He wax the only Jersey animal o f cleurly proven by the vigor, and vi­ either sex for which un offer o f $100.- tality o f the entire herd, and whih 000 wum ever »nude and refused, and official te«ts o f the closer relatives if that offer had been accepted he m ghl hi Ip to advertise the herd, the would have been the highest priced S o ft San itary, C an ’ t Slip tests thut have been made are more Jersey animal in the world. Kminent'a G u a ra n tee d to Hold Regardf .-as o f thun ample to prove the value o f the Pilot's daughters made eleven records O c c u p a tio n , A g e or Sex ' line o f blood. on official test that average 871 lbs. A k ro n G ra d u a te Fitter Here to A calf from a proven blood ine i iiutter in one year. Three o f them G iv e Y o u a Trial Fitting nndi d in the list o f Five II ghest cows c-rtain to be more dependable than a FREE when made, each cla«s by ug This calf from a proven cow or bull, and war 16 per cent o f aU h's tested I jvo proven parent*, or four proven C A P IT A L DRUG STORE ■ laughti rs, and n* other hull hn: r grandparent*. that were not all from State Street Salem put in over j per cent. Stoke Pogis, tin- same line o f blood given far less bred at Stoke Park, Winslow, lluck.i, assurance o f inherited capacity. Birth Of A Wonderful Calf s w jv y w v w w M W J W s V A /w w w v s W Ä V d V v v y v v w S-E-R-V-I-C-E Globe Body & Fonder Works B uilding Supplies ROUGH AND DRESSED TRUSSES AND U W e T r y to Sell Y ou W hat NOT S I < iii.i, lin o s . ;i O regon G rown S eeds i V ÿ i ? I; Phone 275 S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N iiA % W A V A A M A V Y o u Too! will have a smile and good-will feeling after you have had a Smooth Shave or Hair Cut - a t— A n d y ’ s B a k b e k S h o p The W ind-Blow n Expert’ Hair Cut 25c Shaving 15c Ladies Hair Cutting a Specialty Corset Makers and Milliners F ou n d a tion s W A V JV W A W a The Stoke Purk herd is owned by • V V U % A V W A W V V V % W W A W V \A V V V U V W y V A A V W A A r W V W V V y S E veryth in g W e Can P. O. Box 2 0 8 s U Y ou Need AkrtD Spongue Rubber Pads Knglund, I h T'J, h< ads u list o f sixteen s TURNER L’b’r E M.F.G. CO. E Y R Hutcheon Paint Store 5 W ood LUMBER T s Garm ent* A n y Style 420 C ourt St. Phone 1639 Salem. Oregon Salem £ CVP 6 WRIC 6 RS W A V A W A W /J W A W iW - .; Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill Bros, seeds and fertilize wich Lillys Morcrop and see the results. W e buy and sell Fie'd and Grain Seeds of every description. See us before buying or selling. A d d in g M a c h i n e » ALL MAKES T H O M A S R O F. N 5 421 Court Salem yW A V W W V W A V W A V A W Mail Grders Filled Promptly A V A % W i A S V V W A V i W i W S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o . $ PAINTING ^ 178 S. Commercial St. BY D A Y OR CONTRACT Estim ites Furnished Salem, Oregon ;t| V d % A W V W W A A A A A A A ^ V W W ^ W r fV V W V V V W V V W W d V S ^ W b V V W W . .V U. S. Talbot Turner ^ W A V W V A W A V »W W > V ■ A V ^ V W W M Y A S Y .S V V W A N W A V V V A A Y A V iiV Y A W A V W TURNER S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC T R A IN S E R V IC E TURNER STATE BANK ------O----- I ch f v r o i f r W IT H A N O. K . T H A T 14, 4:36 A.M. (Stops when flagged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) CO U N TS 1929 Chevrolet Six Coach; dark blue color; new tiros, com- p etoly roconditione