THE pci.ionultv appeared Chun. H. Clark, TURNER T R IB U N E NOTICE TO CREDITORS ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE W . '. W A 'A V / r . V . V / . V A V . V Silage Excellent for who, having been duly »worn accord- Notice i« her* by given that the in« to luw, denoKc» and Maya that h<- i» Notice U hereby given that the ij Winter Dairy Feeding the editor o| The Turner Tribune, and u,nier».gned by an order of the Coun­ undersign' |i(lun of* If^u iiick In ty Court o f the Sute o f Oregon l'or the diiiry rollon, there I k notliltiu thui will uuiku hk much Improvement or help iik much In winter fucilili« hk silage. “ SII iiko I k o f iidviiiilii«e In dairy fucilili«, for It furnlKlicH Kucculuni'u It I k iik nm rly mi approach to kiiiii mcr (maturn iik It I h po»«lhlu lo «ut.* accordili« to J. W. Liuti, uriun«lnn dii I ry iiiii il. K iiiikiih , Mtniu Agrlciiltiirnl college, In wiiy of uncoil rii «In « i lo- «r o w lii« o f Kiln«** for «re n ic i ilulry protliK In K iiiihiik tin* cornili« yuiir "M ila«* fiirulKticK it cheap curhohy ilruiu rnnglni««* with more poimila of finn) volile por acre ttiun any other cninnion farm «m w ii feud.** Ilut to «ut Ilio uioKt feed pur acre It In enneiillnl to nelucl the rl«ht «I In«** crop for nny particular «ectimi o f the »lulu wiinin Ihe dairy nimm 'I i i I Int. Since It I k forn«u Hint thu dairy mail Minim In h II iiku and liecnunu ihe r y ie **r nweut »talk variety of the Mir«huniK iiKiially «ro w more forn«u yield and I he »talk rutiilfin more jtii^u or Kiip. they lire tiNtmlly «•on»li|ere