TH E TU R N E R The Turner Tribune TRIBUNE start and instead o f following Tim- j berlick's directions. Red Mike took them on another trail which led out by his shack. They had not gone far when they hoard the Indian war dance tom toms. Kittie shouted: "Indians!” Red Mike said: “ Don’t shout, Kit­ tie. They’ll hear us." Just then an arrow sang through FRESH A IR CURES the air and struck in a tree just u CHICKEN’S COLDS litt’e way from them. The four o f them got behind trees to hide, but were soon surrounded by Ventilation and Dry Litter Indians. W ill Prevent Troubles. Red Mike went out to make peace with them. Chickens are unlucky In the struc­ “ Me friend to redmen,” said Red ture of llieir heads, for ll tunken tlieit susceptible to colds. PouUryiucn Mike. “ Huh! White man kill redskin,” | shouhb try to avoid conditions that will bring ou eohls. Buys l*r. K. I» said the chief. Brünett, of the New York Stute Col­ “ No! No! Me friend,” said Red lege of Veterinary Medicine at Cor­ Mike, holding his hand out to greet nell university. In the head. In front of ttie tirala the Indian chief.” cavity, are thin cones of bones locat­ (Continued) ed la chambers. The use of these Will the Indians make peace or not. j chalutiers Is to provide a space in POULTRY SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YE AR Entered Ht the Postoffice at Turner, Oregon, as second-olaas matter, under the Act o f March S, 1879. Issued every Thursday at Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK 1 Editors f and J Publishers CHAS. S. C LA R K Timberlick Or The Two Girl Hunters CH APTER VI “ This one is Kittie O’Neal, and this one is Addie Sherman.” “ I f this is Addie Sherman, who are you?” asked Frank Temple. Before he cou’d answer, Frank grabbed him and the bunch tied him and left him tied when they had pre­ pared beds for the night, for a half- breed was not to be trusted. The next morning when Timberlick got up the halfbreed had gone, and had taken Hunky Jim’s gun. “ Well, he sure know’s a good gun anyway,” said Timberlick. (When Timberlick and his friends first got the two whites and the half- breed in the house he called the whites lads. When he found they were girls, he caled them gal boys.) “ Now, gal boys, you get something to eat and I’ ll go and get some fresh meat.” “ We don’t want’ to stay here alone,” said the girls. “ You won’t be alone. I'll leave Frank and Mike here, and me and Calamity will bring in the meat.” In a short time Timberlick came in with some fresh meat and breakfast was soon prepared. A fter the morning mea' was over. Hunky Jim and Red Mike went to their own shacks to go around their trip lines. Timberlick went around his trap line. When he got back to the shack he found ^ Red Mike had come back and was sitting in Timber- lick’s shack with Kittie, Addie and Frank Temple. When Timberlick came in with his game, Addie came to him and said: “ We are leaving early in the morn­ ing for Salt Lake C ty, Utah.” “ Well,” said Timberlick, “ you had better ook out for Injuns, and if anything happens, let me know some way.” The rest o f the day was spent by Timberlick directing them over the best trail out to the main road to Salt Lake. The next morning they got an early which the Inhaled air Is warmed lie fore It is taken Into the lungs. When a chicken develops n simple cold, mi excessive amount of secretion forum iu these cavities. As this liiereuaea. Ilio poor drainage of tlio cavities al­ lows It to accumulate. This accintiti, lallen Is an Idcul place for bacteria to multiply ami the resulting bacterial growth makes the foul odor which Is often p£caeut with roup. A simple cold may he avoided <> corrected hy Increasing the wurnith with plenty of fresh air and providin'; plenty of dry litter. If the first stage Is not checked the cold may end In roup with Its characteristic head swell­ ing and foul odors. The opinion that roup Is a conta­ gious disease Is not well founded, ac­ cording to Doctor Brünett, for there Is usually some underlying condition that Is Indirectly responsible. This may be tuberculosis, or worms, hut whatever the cause It should In* re­ moved before a euro can he expected. A third type of cold Is more of a «listiti-t disease, commonly known as bronchitis. This condition I« a* u'o and tlm hlrds ilio ipilckly. The caute of ilio dl-oaso I n noi kliovvil. The beai treatment Is lo luereuse thè tempera* turo of ilio house, »diber by «'otiirollini; Ilio ventilatimi or by uslng brood*r storca. In thè «sirly pari of thè otti- break lt Is well lo «nuove all slck blnls and pili tbeni In beateti brooder house«. Must of tbeiti wlll «•«•over when placed In heate»l houscs. Sono» dtslnfectants wlll ulve rellef, bui «juack retuedles ahoulil noi be u »« d. Prevent Cannibalimn Cannlhall*m umy devehip In a largo hunrh of rlilcks, no mattar bove *-««u • pletely fed or Imw fr«*e finta purmdtea. The lllwrnl ose of tar la ubout a« eiTcc- live as auythlug In checklng II. Wntcli many limisi a day for tho«e tlmt bave hoen plek»*«l «-noitgli to druw blood and dnuh thè tnr on thè wnunda. If ymi can fimi soniethliig tlmt thè elilrks <11*. llke thè tuate of more ttinii tar, use lt. If thnt falla try parlng ofT thè p*ont *f thè upper mnndlhle, uslng care uni •c cet too d<“*p. .S V .’. V . S W A ’. V A W A S V . V A W - V A W . V . ' A W A W . V A - , T u r n e r S t o t e I 3 cink Ê & te t R E P O R T OF C O N D IT IO N O f the Turner State Bunk, at Turner, County o f Marion, at c!o <• *>f business March 25, 1931. . o 'U Ixian.i ami «liicounta . ()•. rdraft Sl2.«;o> 13 10 . 11 » Bonds, Mtnritioos «’tc. INVEST & ! J ÌÙ IN a n ll ELECTRIC Ì " X REFRIGERATOR// I 7,412.54 25 0s 210.00 $70.022.85 Total Linbititia Capital stock paid in Surplus ................................ I) marni ih-posits ................. Time certificates ......... Bills payable and rediscount- > $ 10 , 000.00 2 , 000.00 31.331.M3 2l.flS7.52 5 0( 0 00 . 0 0 Total WHILE ON TERW S t » f K. T. PIERCE. Prcshl nt. r m %% T C. A. BEAR. J. B. W HITEHEAD. URSULA ll PIERCE, Directors. \ ^ anil worn to b«-fori> me this 2Hth «lay o f March, ** ^ MAE B. T A LB O T T. Notary Public for Oregon My commission rxp in * November 30, 1934. ’ \\ ^ •• I" J •* < > •! Correct— Attest: Subscribed it# ! State o f Or« gon. County o f Mar on, n*. 1, E. T I’icrc' , Pr»- 'dent o f th ab v r: and bark, «io >!«»mnly swe ir th; t tin above statement u, true to t-o b< t o f my known . F. E A 8 T B U R N , K. T. PIERCE, URSULA 11. PIERCE, Directors. ti 124 New Bligh Bldg, State and High m Subscribed and sworn to bi fore me this 28th day of March, 1031. MAE B. TALB O TT, Notary Public for Oregon. f My commi don oxp'ms November • 80, 1984. •; V . ' . V ^ . W A V . ' . ’. V A W . ’ . V . V A V . M ’ .V r . a V v . V í V / . w V . ’.V w , w P j w W