T he T urner T ribune VOLUMK XVI AND CO NTINU ATIO N OF TH F A L M S V IL L K STAR H ig h W a t e r P la y s ' H avoc W ith Business T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 2, 19:51 NO. 21 FIFTY DOLLARS MADE JIT B e rry G ro w e r W ill OPERETTA BY TURNER H ire Home People ¡CHUS F M METHODIST CHURCH ■ Picking Will Start Sidewalks Floated, * CHRISTIAN CHURCH " c Basements Wet, About The Last At the c!«*>- o f last Sunday morn- Parts Well Takén— tie are thankful to have our pastor »¡th u s again after bis tuccesoiul trip ! ¡rig's «crvic« there was another con, Roads Blocked Of April fcssion o f faith. Costumes Were into Caldornia. Hrotle-r Gi strap's .Sunday evening The two addresses Sund iy prepaied Turn' r ruine in for her «hur*1 of sermon, “ A Tragedy from Throe O f Colonial Joe Morris, who has close to fifty high wit* r owing to th«* recent henvy Viewpoint«," wu* « vivid picture of the minds oí those present for the com- acres o f berries and cherries in the rum*. Old Timi r* remember the llooil the crotw. It will be followed next j emoration of the saddest and glaudest Cloverdale district, was in town last Days o f tome twenty yeurs ugo when the , Sunday morning (E id e r ) by hi* sor­ time when satanic hate and devine com- weelt antn wiit washed out nnd uiruln in n:,,n« D>,! Heiiurri ct on. ’ j pass-on met A vtry unique and un- Plea8an* C*H- 1927 when tin- water wu up uguin, in .-pite of the stormy weather(both Amitl a colorful rcltiny o f flower:; , „ . , . . Mr. Morris said he has thirty acres ^ . . . but they nay ttmt the wuler of thin 1 Lr*i»tian I.nili uvor r.ocietie were and old fashioned furniture, the opi-r- usual Easter pagent is being prepareo for o f r Marsha I strawberries, ten acres of time wu i i-vin more severe then for Wl d attended Sunday evening* • etta “ I’aul It. vert-” wa* presented by the evening service (7:30) next Sunday IioyaJ Anne cherrjes and seven acres mini) .M-aru. Arrangements have been modi 10 t ie high school chorus, who w< r • j at the Methodist cnurch and in spite of o f blackcaps. The mill race III ed up Tuer.dny aft' _________ ____ t<. lumes o f 1775. much sickness and the high wu'* r *te ; in ____ colonial H.- tra-.v berries will ripen earlier ••rnoon uud burked the water up so *'* ' ‘dp t " aged, nick and lielpleiei ,n t s • gir s with frill* and crinoline and think it is going to be good enough to this yfcar than usual and picking will that it flooded the yard and cairn very h Tiy hornet and the old people’* , |onjf cur|w un,j the young min with , pay jou well for makings., unusa! effort start about the last of A PriL near getting into the reuidenco o f Mr. . ^orn<" ' n 9t. Iiouine, Mo. Thi* is a wai*tcouta and knee breeches. Mr. Mr. Morris says he wants to give to get out to s. e it. - . . . . . .. , , Ilurriiion. It washed away the ride- j r,-n* ** nevob-nco. k nneth Hickok, one o f the fa u lty, . the picking job to the home people, walk that lead* to the residence of *' Sun*.ay morning then a i l le- a |<>uding part, John I axton. * • | "that is, if they want it.” He will Mr. Kerri* ami came ulong down to n n' 'n*M‘r o f p! «'pb baptised. High school students taking part were Easter number* w j! be given at the pay the going picking price and a the Jensen property where it filled * * • L. Society is planning a Shelia Dclzell, I>-onu Co /*, Lolita Sunday School hour. bonus to those who stay through the hi* gas tank, washed uway hi* tire *unri*c prayer meeting and are in­ Skipper, Gladys Given, Anna John- -----«----- picking season. He has made a ru e setting machine, and some wood. Mr. ¡ viting everyone to join them in the*-- on, Jesse cyers, Nellie Barber, Mabel The District Brotherhood meeting is that all who sign up must pay dollar early devotions Easter Beards ey, li.hired Bones, Stella Ma­ Jensen will have to pump hi* g.i.> tank beautiful to he heid in t-ur church soon. Watch down *n K°°d faith that they will be morning. out which will spoil about •• gilt do lur* | un, Katherine Shampier, Zona Hig- on the job when he is ready to start Some o f th<- nv-n of the church beo, Josephvie Gilstrap, Opal Micken- this cvlnmn for futher notice. worth o f gas. picking. The dollar will be refunded The home* o f Mr. M itbiu*. Charles ( spent mo. t o f last Saturday spading ham, Emma Denyer, Marjory Pickard, when the picker gets fired or quip; the Owing to the high water it was thot job. Mr. Morris says he has inaugu­ Stundley Sr., and Mr. Gore were sur- ! the border o f the church lawn for Aurdey Shoan, Jean Snyder,-Tom rounded and the family hud to b - flower beds. Swales, Esmond Tappin, LeKoy War- best to pospone the Silver Tea indefi- rated the dollar down plan in order tak h out Tuesday evening. '1rs. I The Ea. tor program to be given n-r, Jean Wilson, Seymour Stewart, natly. that he may know that he is going to Steele’s lioin«- in the north part o f j Sunday evening will be enjoyable. Alvin Garntr, James Denyer, Russell | -----«----- have his pickers ready when the crop A own wa.“ completely surrounded,! The decorations will be b autiful Denyer, K -nneth Fowler and Wallac The pegeant i* a dramatic presentation •* ripe. leaving the bout» on u small island, j The county evangel stic meeting ( hand er. Bemndine White, a primary 0f the song "In The Garden.’’ Every There are good camp facilities with The basement ol Mr. and Mrs. Tu - ¡ I k ng he <1 in Salem are attracting pupil took the part o f B tty Faxon. ___,______ _________ ,______ , a l conveniences and as above stated hot, who ree htly hu.lt a new nome, ¡ large crowds and many are deciding Mrs. Jean Pearcy, g e e club instructor body loves that song, you know it begins the home people will be given the was fio h !ed, and the tw<-nt>‘ foot for Christ. has put in much t me rehearsing the " I < ome to the garden alone, ect. The chance tQ work first I f they don.t bridge tîiut run* rfom the pavement ! o-----— young people and wa* well rewarded song ’Sunrise Tomoriuw'' is worked ,a want it Mr. Morris says he will get to the old Miller sawmill was floated T ) ___I T~i* i j in the splenditi presentation. The very prettily too. outside help. out uero. s the pnvem* nt on the high- j u.-hei*, Margaret Robertson, Lela Pickers may sign up at any time way and n cr< w o f nu n removed it \ W’ ilkening, Helen and Helene, Witzel now.- and in a short time arrangements Wedn»-day morning b fore trafile j and Wul ace Chandler, sold candy be­ will be completed fo r pickers to sign Could be re ut.led. tween ucts, n< tting a neat little sum. The Tribune The wat r came up to tlur li ill ; Fifty dollar? was realized from the announcement. Bros, garage hut did not get Into the ] seat sale. place. Miss Jesse Richards spent the wcek- The W. C. T. U. meets next Wednes- Mrs. Fred Comstock received the The home* o í I’roí. Cox, Merle i The Royal six K class nu-t at the j end at f the parental home. She is a day with Mr*. Geo. Farris. A very in- sad news o f the ,,eath o f her mother, Pearson, Rev. Burgoyne, Vextor Bones ‘ church Tuesday evening nnd enjoyed teacher at Orville. _ ..___ . . . . . . _ . ,, Mrs. Lamb, at Lake Stevens, Wash. tere-ting debate is being prepared on the .. „ . , ................ . .. '• * " 11 1 ru an I ister eg;- ,.unt and well Hirtze and i The section crew wn on night duty Clark, Vern McGowan, Bert Peter-