The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 19, 1931, Image 4

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Easter Canls, Ic anti 10c at Pra­
ther's Drug Store.
H u . k y H i g r a d * B a b y C h ic k » , c a t a ­
l o g u a a n d pr ic es n o » ra a d y . S a le m '»
P e tla n d , S a le m , O r e g o n .
P h o n e 65 6.
Blac Tulip Powder, special witji
puff and black glass powder jar, $1,
at the Drug Store.
Mrs. W. S. Borgoyneis able to be out
again after a seige af flu.
o f Salt ili visite«! Suntlay afternoon recieved a box of candy for the best
with Mrs. Moore's brother and wife, ladies custum and Carl Wipper, the . ox
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gunning.
of cigars for the liest man's cost urn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin en-
joyed a visit from their daughter,
M ¡as Mildred, who came Suntlay (rum
Salem, where she is employed in the
The operetta "Paul Revere” will
real estate office o f l.eo N. Childs.
be presented ill the Turner high
Word wa* recieved here this afternoon school auditorium, March 27, 1931.
that the nine year old ton of Robert The opeivtta is directed by Mrs. Jean
Pearcy, the parts are now very well
Hunsaker suffered severe injuries during j
learned and with more chorus practice
the noon hour, when he was run over by week the cast will be well able to
a car in Salem. He is in the hospital. present the ojwrvtta.
R. Lee Thiessen and family have
Mrs. Reynolds of Salem visited with
bt>en enjoying a visit from his futlu-r
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hale today.
the past week.
The senior conn-s
from Newberg and left Wetlnesday
Mrs. Whitehead Jr. is entertaining the for his home.
miessionary society of the Christain
t'hurch this afternoon.
Geo. McNeal came in from North San*
tim Tuesday and with his mother inlaw,
The play “ Madam DePortment” was Mrs. Ludwig transacted business in Sal­
presented at Marion Tuesday evening em.
before a large and appreciative audience
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris o f Port­
Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Harris, accom­ land visited Sunday aft«‘rnoon with
panied by Mr. Harris’ brother, J. L. Mr. Harris’ parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W.
Harris, and father, W. H. Harris, H. Harris, who accompanie«! them
were in Salem on business Friday.
back to Portlanil for a few days’ visit.
George T. Burnett o f Salem visited
with his brother-in-law and niece, S.
H. Baker and Mr. anti Mrs. U. S.
Talbott, Sunday.
Dr. B. F. P o u n d p r a c t i c e lim it e d to
r e m o v a l o f teeth, gas o r lo c a l, and
d e n ta l X - r a y . N e w lo c a t io n 3 0 3 F ir st
N a t io n a l Ba nk Bldg., S a le m , O r e g o n .
------------ o --------- —
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newman and
«laughter, Helen Jean, o f Salem spent
Sunday evening at the home o f Mrs.
Newman’s aunt, Mrs. L. J. Rowley.
Mr. anil Mrs. Scott o f Salem spent
Sunday afternoon and evening with
M rs. Scott’s mother, Mrs. China
------O-- ---
W e d r a f t p a tte r n s f o r e a c h in d i v i d ­
L e t us e n d y o u r c o r s e t tr o u b le .
A ldrich,
m a k e rs ,
4 2 0 C o u r t S t r e e t , Sa lem . P h o n e 16 39 .
The Delzell family will go to Cor­
vallis next Sunday for dinner. Thelma
will return home for a visit as her
school work is over at O. S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Moon and
family are spending several days visit­
ing his mother, Mrs. Emma Moon,
and his sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Owsley.
Keith Bones, who has been laid up for
the past ten days with a severe burned
back and chicken pox, is able to be up
and about the house again.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moon and
family and his father, G. A. G. Moore
The ticket sali*s is now going on
ami many tickets have b«-«‘ii sold. The
price o f the itekets are 2oc, buy your
tickets now if you want a gootl s*-ut.
They are selling fast; less seats ure
to b«1 bought every day. Buy now—
and come early.
The interschool typing contest for
the first and secomi y«-ar typists will
be held at Jefferson, Thursilay after­
noon, March 19. Thos«- entering from
Turner are: first year class represent-
ativea are Leone Cook and Kenneth
Fowler; se-coml year entries are Sheila
Delzell and Nellie Barber.
Word lias been received lu-r«- that
•—- ».
Sam W« ss underwent an operation Marden Nam-e, a former Aumsville
at the Willumette Sanatorium Mon­ hoy who has been in the navy for
day. He ¡ m recovering nicely.
some time, is home again in Albany.
Mrs, C. I,. Hartley and datiglit« r
Mrs. Nellie Martin, Mrs. Luta Fu
-am and Mrs. Landers spent tin- «lay in-law, Mrs. Rex Hartley, t.|>«-nt Sun
with Mrs. Warner la-e, Wednesday, day with Mrs. George I'ulmer m ar
ami helped her «|uilt.
Mrs. Corser and Miss Eva w. nt t«>
i Mrs. J. L. Sacre is at Crawfords-
| ville, where she is visiting her daugh­ Monmouth, Wetlnesday, to make in
ter, Mrs. Gains Fusoti, und family.
rangenienU for Miss Eva to enter
—- »
school there on Mureh 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Louilen spent the
week-end in Aumsville visiting old
Lee Sutton, who lost his home u
friends o f his.
couple o f weeks ugo by fir«-, is build­
— o
ing a fine n«<w home. Tin- jdac will
It is rumore<l thut the Southern
be plastered ami modern in «-very
Pacific Co. will close the «lepot here
way. Arbie Martin is «loing the elrr-
in the very near future.
trie work.
...... Ch ——
Lloyd Van Nuys and L e s t e r Kill*
o f Girl Reserves were
are «-x|>ect<-«l home Satunlay fr«>m a
vacation spent in Salem.
Hiehes as leader o f th«- high school
Mrs. Susie Ransom, l.eota Hriulley , group und Miss Richards the grades.
ami Mrs. K)n-u Rowlaml are on th«<
Onttnued on supplement
Nut Tree Sale
-------------<»--------- —
The senior class have ordered an-
Mr. and Mrs. Lotus 0»i>urn, dancing nounc«‘nn-nts and calling cards from
with their small daughter in Mr. Os- the Hartel Engraving Company, Cin­
cinnati, Ohio.
durn’s arms, won the prize for orignal-
—— —
The Turner girls graile team anil
ity, a can of Vienna sausage. George
Brower and George Crume acted as the the secomi high school team felt «|uit<-
proud o f themselves after winning
two victories over Stayton grade
teams. Both the Turner grad«: team
Maurice Sparks, the four year old son and the Stayton glade second teum
of Mrs. Ada Sparks, who has been a pa­ put up a har«i fight at the Turner
tient in the Willamette Sanatorium for gym last Thursday. The Stayton
the past two wveks suffering from a eon- school was in the lead until the half,
when the score was 16-9. Then the
jested lung and ehicken pox, is slowly-
Turner girls rallied the last hall and
recovering but it will be s«mie time brought th«- score up to 21-1H. The
before he can be moved home.
teams were pretty well matched,
neither one having played before.
Mrs. F. C. Delzell received the sad
Following this game th«- Turm-r
news o f her brother’s death by drown­
ing at Newport, Ark. He was a paint- high school second team ami Stayton
j er and was fon«i o f fishing anil spent grade first team played. Stayton h«*l«l
lots o f time on the Arkansas r iv e r ! Turner pretty, close the score la-ing
in his boat. The bo«ly has not been 11-9. Both teams put up a good tight.
Mrs. Pcarcy refereed this game. Mrs.
found so far as Mrs. Delzell knows.
Eggelston is the Stayton girls coach.
W h a t! T rade out of T u rn e r? N o!
N ever!
w hy n ot b r in g
sh oes to be r e p a ir e d to E. R o b i n s o n ,
lo c a t e d in M rs. B r i g g ' » h o u s e , in T u r ­
sick list.
V I I } .
3 to 4 ft Trees, each
4 to G ft Trees, each
Special Price« on Quantity Orders
o fc ( t
31/| to 5 ft.
grade, each
$112.50 I»er 100
Seedling Chest­
nuts, each .......
Tip-layered Filberts, ,'l to
$25 00
Transplanted Filberts
$20.00 to $35.00
per 100
Pearcy Bros. Nursery
2 10 N. L I B E R T Y S T . — J U S T N O R T H O F C O U R T
Mr. an«l Mrs. Okie Mills are the
ner, O r e g o n . A l s o f u r n i t u r e r e p a i r ­
o f a boy born Sunday night.
in g.
. .... ■■ —O -
Hi-ar K- lli-ms at Turner Christian
The hard time masquarade dance church Sumlay morning.
----- O--- --
in the Ball Bros, hall Saturday evening
Mrs. Margaret Strayer o f Silver-
die* a good crowd. There w.*re some
ton spent Sumlay at Lyons.
unusally clever costums wern
---- O - ...
Mahle Tucker and Tom Webb won first ( Theo Highberger and J. M. Lindley
prize, a box of candy and a box of rig- ' were Salem visitors Wednesday.
ars, for the best couple; Mrs. Carl W'ipper
Mrs. W. B. Powell returm-il this
First Fifty People
The Story of The
Strangest Passion
The World Has
Ever Known
A Smash As A Play!
A Smash As A B o o k !
— and Now A SMASH As A
Motion Picture!
It Thrills! It Chills— It Will make Your
Blo-o-od Run C o-o-ld!
I have been practicing dentistry in Salem for year 3
and am opening a new office in the Bligh Building
at State and High Streets. To the first 50 people
— my
Made of alumrium dust with gold pin teeth. Regu­
lar $20.00 plate for
Crown as low as
Bridges as low as
Fillings as low as
Th<- fin est d e n tis tr y at m os t
r e a s o n a b l e p r ic e s — all
w ork gua ra nteed
1 make plates that you can chew your food as
nature intended you should. My double suction
plates allow proper mastication and digestion.
No matter how you manipulate your jaws this
plate will remain firmly in position.
Come and see my samples and let me prove to
you that I can make you a plate that you will be
pleased with and recommend me to your friends.
PHONE 3569
124 New B! jjh Bldg, State and High