THE The Turner Tribune | to pass those stands without stopping, j Fresh green corn, peas, beans, ear- rots, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, cab- SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 P E R Y E A R huge, onions, peaches, grapes, apples, Entere»! at the Postoffice at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under eggs— all are displayed in a manner the Act o f March 3, 187!?. to open the tightest purse string that Issued every Thursday at Turner, was ever tied and load the liivver un­ Marien, County, Oregon. til it looks like a proie tonal truck wagon. • MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK | Editors and It was estimated that there were | Publishers CHAS. S. CLARK TU RN ER TRIBUNE eiples o f the plan, elaborated on a r f W W V W W S V W S S V W u w v w u v w larger scale, may be the middleman's | swan song. Kveh in its present stages HAMMAN STAGE LINKS it is causing that parasitic gentleman 1.1-aVe Sub m for Aum ville <> :30 A.M. 10:3« A.M. •1:4fi P.M. Leave Aumsville for Salem A break in the ranks o f what might be called the democratic party's Big Three Smith, Ituskub, Itooscvclt makes it more certain than ever that the 1332 convention o f that party will be an exceedingly lively affair. .• A V .V .W A V W iV .V .V .V .V .* i; Oregon IScmil.y Shop 428 Oregon Building Ti-lephon« 230 8:10 A.M. I :20 P.M. 6:10 P.M. PF.RM ANENT WAVF. FINGER WAVF Leave Aumsville for Mill t'it\ 7:25 A.M. 5:26 P.M. i ployment and high rents the number NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'this summer will be higher. Most o f , v, .. . , ... Notice is hereby given that the Leave Salem for Turner these itinerants will do their own undersigned, by an order o f the coun­ 10:30 A.M. cooking in the thousands o f tourist ty court o f Marion County, State o f 4:45 P.M. camps located throughout the coun- ; Oregon,^ duly made and entered on ¡try, and will bu> most o f their sup- the 27th day o f February, 1331, was Leave Turin-r for Sulem The trouble with that part o f the ! plies at these little roadside stands, appointed administratrix o f the estate 8:20 A.M 1 :30 P.M. merchandising game which deals in This estimate, moreover, does not in- o f John Boedigheimer ami thut she 5:20 P.M. food stuffs is that there have been, elude the myriads o f city car owners has duly qualified as such. All persons and are, too many middlemen— indi­ who would rather drive out into the having claims ugainst said estate are Leave Turin r for Mill City viduals who eke out a non-perspiring country after the.r fruits and vege- | hereby notified to present the same, 5:15 P.M. existence by fetching and carrying tables than buy them at the co rn e r, duly verified as required by law, at the products o f other men’s toil to grocery. the offices o f S. M. Kndicott, in the the consumers thereof. A fter produce Such sales so far include only gar- ( •''«lem, Murion County, Ore- Jo*. Prop. leaves the farm it has to go on a too den truck, fruit and eggs, hut the ' *«''• within six months from the date W .W .W .W AW .VUVbV5 lengthy journey from middleman to business totaled n surprising aggre- , this notice, to-wit: March •>. 1331, middleman before it finally reaches its gate during last season, representing JESSIE BOEDKillElMEK, destination. Every pair o f hands a tremendous saving to both farmer Administratrix o f the Estate o f John through which it passes must needs an,| consurm.r. It may be that the prin Boedigheimer. .■ .W W A V .W W .V .V A V A W receive a rake-off from what ihould \\ is 19-21 kprt NEW LOCATION have been the farmer’s profit. Tin- result is high food prices on the part o f the consum. r and little or no mar- A W W W W V . V . V A W . S V W A V S V . V / . V A W . W . W A V . V gin left for the fanner. With the collapse o f prices during v the present depression it has become more apparent than ever that the middleman must be eliminated if the farmer is to survive. Just how this MORRIS is to be done is occupying the atten­ Optica] Co's. tion o f economic wizards throughout Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill \ New Type Deeper the nation, but, lacking a satisfactory Bros, seeds and fertilize with Liilys Morcrop and see s Curved Lens solution by them, the public is work­ Beit for Better Vision the results. ing out one plan o f its own which i W e buy and sell Field and Grain Seeds of every on a small scale is turning the trick. Settling The Middleman :j $4 so Shumpoo and Finger Wuv. Marcel Shampoo l 00 76 60 35 Eyi-brow Arch Prlnt 00 60 76 76 « Hot Oil S h am poo Long Unir Shumpoo Henna Pack Henna Rinse I 00 Manicuri- 50 60 Water Wuve 50 Salem, Oregon i Cilia! u H H O S . O regon G row n S eed I I 4M State Street Dr. Scofield X - R A Y CH IKO PPKACTO K ÿ <* — The touring craze is furnishing the j SALEM, OREGON ÿ Lady Attendant avenue o f escape for thousands o f i farmers whose holdings are located on I •>- a V . V A W . Y . V W . W V A W Mail Orders Filled Promptly main highways. The transcontinental : First Nnt'l Bank Bld g.. Phunc 2PM tourist will find all along his route i Salem, O regon this summer little roadside stands at V .V A V A ’.V .’.V/.V.V.VSV.V.' intervals o f a very few miles where [ all the products o f orchard and gar- ilen may be bought at prices much > jV A V A V .W W /.V W A W 178 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon lower than in the city market. í Í ----------- . . 1 . . . . Î < It would take a sturdy soul indeed All Types of Beauty Work Í HANDICAPS OF V.% V .VAV .V.V /A'.V.'.V .,.V .’.,.V .V .V .,.V.V.V.V.V.*.,.V .,.V .V ^ description. See us before buying or selling. iiii S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o . f i lion im sdoppi : Ì D I S E A S E Í Mnr<*<*l mid % A* you travel through life you ** will finil many handicap«, hut W *| V C 8 none rompari-il to the handicap* of di«ea«e. Have these eliminated by <'hi- Facial and Scalp roprnrtic Adjustment« given according lo a Neuroralumeter ^ T rea tm en ts if reading. j! All Work Guaranteed Hrmrinhcr the Ncurocalometer locate« • nerve prr«nure. Chi- Over SteuslolF Market ropratcic Adjustment« remove Salem. Oregon nerve pre««ure. Neurocalome- Phone 47J ■ er reading« by appointment • V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .W . only. J KiitjJpr 50o A U M S V IL L E STATE BANK AUMSVILLE. OREGON Constant Cold Proti 1 Raid on '/our Health «rid Budget m m rm There’s really no need for spending an hour or more every day buying your food . . . It’s much handiod— and a great deal more economical . . . to do it all at the same time once or twice a week. Nor need you worry about left-overs. You can’t get left with “ leavings” because an electric refrigerator keeps food perfectly over ?. period of days. Electric Refrigeration means C O N ST A N T cold always under the 50 degree danger line. There is never any ap­ preciable change in this steady cold that wont let foods spoil. * i Go in today and investigate the advantages of Electric Refrigeration. Your dealer will be delighted to demon­ strate. ÉÉ Mountain States JTO5 -YOUR PARTNERS The Place for Home People fo Bank 256 N. High Street Rhone 87 S A L E M OR EG O N r1* .V W /.V .V .W /.V iW W A W i s * . . . * a ■ .4 m m m m a a a a ■ a a a a a a c a a a a a a i T H R O A T AND LU N G B A L SA M for the relief of Coughs ... I) " 4 -u ^ i •V V j . rr • i 7 t o- * fifia t fifia j fefia * Pov er Company | IN PROGRESS Time Deposits DR. O. L. SCOTT Will Fire Rob You O f Your Hom e? r » « pa* VMN y m ir M vlag* w e a r « H» a n w n il b an k. tha e »r " i «■*« *r MM*fc r - p a ir .n « m • — •■I - . . . I — M A i ll a i <11X 11 * * * Only nt Schaefer’ s M.*, r&; COLDS SPASMODIC CROUP WHOOPING COUGH HOARSENESS BRONCHIAL COUGHS Contain* no Narcotic DRUG STORE ir B „ l . — A.M j I S M a f F. P. ROWLEY, Agent General Imurance Turner, Oregon # * * * # * * * # 4 H M H H * # # * # # * # -* * # 1 H I The Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem 135 N. Commercial PHONE 197 Pemlar Agency U W W W V W U U eV W W 0 o