he T urner T ribune T H U R S D A Y , M ARCH 1», 1931 A N D C O N T IN U A T IO N O F T H K A U M H V IL L E S T A R OI UM E XVI IM I PROBLEMS B S tlf rlla a B B M '.c H ««»! M. E. BROTHERHOOD VISITS ! • STAYTON TUESDAY ■ ■ SED II [DIKE MEET- •- « — — Lu#t Sunday the pastor gave two sermon* outstanding in Chri#tian truth# and #piritual fervor. CLOVERDALE ■ ■ Mr. and M r#. Pearcy, Mrs. Lola Burgoyne and son, Lester, and Larry Burluwn o f Salem. Mr. and Mrs. F r«d Gunning, Mr#. Burgoyne and little Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hudlcy and their three little boys, and Mr». Olga Garner surprised Mrs. Mazio Garner at her home Wednesday evening. The occasion was her birthday. The evo# ning was spent in music, readings and game*, hugely enjoyed by all. — ■ ■ ■ »■ - ■ - Light refreshment# wen- served at a late hour. — - -O* ■ —— Mrs. Williams underwont u very serious operation Wednesday at the Lebanon hospital under the care o f Dr. Irwin. Lust reports were that she is doing very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley attended the convention at Woodburn. Friday evening and Saturday. Mr. Dad oy was one o f the speakers there. ■ — .■. Earl Hodges has returned from eastern Oregon, where he was called on nccount o f sickness. — O -- ' — — Mr. anil Mrs. Albert Hennies at­ tended a party in Salem, Friday eve­ ning. — •— O--- Miss Katherine Schampicr has been home the past week with the measles. ~ “ — E. Baker and his mother o f Salem pent Sunday afternoon with Nellie Hamilton. O Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook spent Sat­ urday shopping in Salem. — -O — Mr. and Mrs. Juy Cook attended a party in Turner, Friday evening. — -O--- — Mrs. Maaie Garner and daughter, Olga, were shopping in Salem, Sat­ urday. Mrs. Louise Dye o f Portland is here visiting her sister, Mr#. Fred SchiflVrcr. ' T - ■» Mrs. Margaret M iller’» father ported better. re­ ---- o.— Tin re were more than twenty young p< ople in each o f the two Christian Kndeavor #ocietiea. A t each there wu# a rousing meeting. The Intermediate# were led by Ruth Gil* »trap und the ¿¿eniors by Nellie Bar­ ber. Nearly h :!f a hundred Christian Kndeavorer# may make some prob­ lem but they solve more. — n •— A full orchestra rendered beautifu' music at the opening o f the evening service. <■#— ««■ ■ — . a As a glorious climax to the evening worship a husband and w ife came for ward uniting u fam ily in Christ. . A good Kuster program, with beau­ tiful decorations. — . "fri —» A good turnout o f the choir met for practice Tuesday. Dr. Kpley was hindered from attending by the ill­ ness o f a relative. In hi# absence Mr. Ilickok directed the chorus. «—• -o-- * There will bo baptismal service# at the close o f the next Sunday morn.n : worship hour. Sunday School Convention Here The regular meeting o f the San- tiam Sunday school will meet at the Christiun church in Turner on Sun­ day, April 12th. Owing to the regular date falling on E a a L r Sunday, the date has been changed to Aprii 12th. » c h u r c h ; ATTEMPT TO BOB CHICK­ EN COOP NIPPED ■ ■ IN THE BOO Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley brought back a fine report o f the county Sun­ day school convention which wa# held in Woodburn, Friday and Saturday o f last week. Dr. K> llem# will speuk next Sun­ day morning. Du- Turner Grange hnlil an ull «i*y meettng Saturday with a dinner at the noon hour, followed with a social hour. First and second degree# were con­ ferred on four new member#, and a report o f committee# in chance r< - ported that 111.Of» wo* realize«' from the play put on here by the L nion Hill Grange, a couple o f week# ago. In the afternoon Mr#. Gulvin, D-c- turer, called the roll which wa# re- • ponded to by member# each giving their pet economy. Mr#, (¡ulvin ah. » gave a »ketch o f eight rioted char­ acter# who celebrated their birthday# in March, and ul#o gave an interest- ing talk on the life o f St. I'utrick. “ The Wearing o f the Green," wn# given a# a group song; Mr#. Fred Steiger, reaume o f Iriah music; Herna- dine White told a #tory o f the many interesting thing# a child would #ee on a trip through Ireland. The main apeaker wa# R. W. Clark o f Salem, who spoke on dairying and it# product«. Chicken rai»ing, garden­ ing, their profit# and operation#, were ably discussed also. Mr#. J. W. Bone») gave a reading on “ Helpers in the Garden,” und A. I>. Hale gave n read­ ing on the subject o f peace. A gue##ing content on Ireland wa# conducted by Mr#. Gulvin, which wa# won by Mr». A. E«Jwards. "G o With Me to Irelund," wa# played by the chidren, and every one pre#ent en­ joyed the duy very much. The neat meeting will lie held in \pril and u postal’ cante t on “ Peace“ will be conducted. NO. 23 • Tuesday evening eight member# o f the Methodist Men’s Brotherhood o f Turner journeyed to Slayton und assisted in the organization o f a brotherhood in the Stay ton church. The meeting was in charge o f Ivan Hadley, president o f the local brother­ hood. A long table, set the full length o f the dining room was loaded with good thing# to eat, around which gathered 26 men. West Salem was represe nted by four men— the pastor, M. A. Grove#, A. N. Merrill, editor o f the WeHt Salem Clarion, and Messrs. W right and Simmon#. Following the banquet the meeting wa# opened by prayer by Rev. W. S. Burgoyne o f Turner, a fter which Chairman Hadley called on the .dif­ ferent member# o f the Turner Broth­ erhood to tell what the organization had accomplished in Turner. Those coming from Salem also responded. The Slayton Brotherhood wa# or­ ganized with the following officers be­ ing elected: President, L. H. W right; vice-president, W. C. Pelham; secre- 1 tary-treasurer, H. E. Bennett; chap­ lain, F. F. Foster. The second Mon­ day in each month was selected a# the meeting dates. ■■ - ...... . Within a few years the public war : debt o f the United States will prob­ ably be reduced to the point where ' the foreign war debt payments* to | this country will gradually wipe it ; out. That i# the sort o f cancellation that we learned in the old home town school. ------ ° Our Santiam district convention will not be held until the second Sun­ day in April on account o f the first .‘»unday being Easter. The convention is to be held in Turner this time and it is our turn to entertain them. • !—-O--- — Our Sunday school will have a fine Hast« r number during the Sunday- school hour two weeks from next Sun­ day and an Easter pageant entitled “ In the Garden” during the regular church hour in the evening. — —..* Last Sunday morning Rev. Bur- goyne brought a stirring address on “ The Value o f a Soul,” that which no mathematician can compute. Jesus is the only one with the proper compre­ hension o f its value, and he tobt us its worth more than a whole city! a nat:on! no the wholq world! And He by hanging on the cruel cross made a bridge twixt God and man whereby we poor souls may be saved from our lost condition. Wonderful, wonderful Saviour! W e missed Sister Burgoyne so much from our services Sunday. Her friends will be glad to hear she is re­ covering from the flu and hopes to be with us next week. Last October, William Musgrove, who lives on the C. F. Hein place south o f Aumsville, lost about 70 fine chickens by thieves and he made up his mind he would put in a burglar alarm and replenish his flock. He pur­ chased a number o f high grade chick­ ens, put in a burglar alarm and wait­ ed. Last Saturday night just as he was getting ready to retire, the alarm sounded. Mr. Musgrove grabbed his gun, climbed out the window and spied three people who evidently heard Mr. Musgrove get out o f the window and they were making their getaway. Mr. Musgrove gave them four charges from his gun, but does not know whether he hit ar.y o f them or not, but the supposition is he did as a doctor was called into the neigh­ borhood Sunday morning. Chicken stealing has b¿cn going on in the neighborhood fo r some time. Raymond Titus lost 50 fine hens a short time ago, and rumor has it that the chickens have been taken to Port­ land, dressed and sold on the market there. The shooting o f last Saturday night v ill probably put a stop to the chick­ en stealing in that section, fo r some time at least. I t ’s just too bad that Mr. Musgrove’z aim wasn’t a little better. The Epworth League was led by ' Russell Denyer and a very profitable time was had considering the most practical subject, “ Really Getting Ac­ quainted With Jesus.” The social de­ partment is beginning to function al­ neral. ready and the society is getting a fine Mrs. Mary Forrette had a family , start. dinner at her home last Sunday. The The Brotherhood had charge dur­ occasion honoring three birthdays ing the evening church hour and “ The which were very near each other. Mr. Steps to Salvation” was their theme. and Mrs. Arthur Forrette and chil­ Each speaker brought out his “ step” dren, Vincent, Cyril and Bernadine, ! so clearly! That service was their best Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted •yet. Terera and two children, Mr. and Tuesday night eight members o f the Mra. Oliver Forrette and the hostess Brotherhood went to Stayton and enjoyed a bountiful birthday dinner helped them to organize up there. and had a -very pleasant visit. Our Brotherhood is certainly proving -----o----- a real asset to the church. The social meeting o f the West I Stayton Community club was held in Regular services next Sunday every* the hall Tuesday evening. The main one is most cordially invited to wor­ attraction was the “ fish pond” where ship with us. each one “ fished” just most any kind o f a “ fish” you could imagine. A ft e r the fish pond was all fished out genu­ ine “ Irish stew” was sold. Mrs. Irish and daughter, Martha, and Mr. Mc­ Clendon sang some Irish songs before the fish pond opened. West Stayton Meet With Seed Men Monday Mrs. Lora Rand and baby, Georgia Ellen, are spending a few days with The Growers club held a spec.al Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs. meeting Monday evening to make out Stewart has been on the sick list the lists o f s«*eds fo r their gardens. Very last few days. few were ready to turn in the lists at H E L E N C H A u D L i.C ., BC.LA, L U G O S I d s d O V l G H l F R Y E Harold Firschel, who had such a that time as they hardly knew what < n ."O C A Q l H A " s o e ro -ra .o o u c .rro * amount they neede«i at the present bad case o f poison oak is much better Screen actor# have again become ! film player ,nnd there was even a ten­ time. A plan was discussed on a mar­ and was able to return to school Mon­ natural. This i# the declaration o f dency to glance upward, to make sure ket fo r the produce raised here, but day morning. Toil Browning, one o f the industry’s that he was standing in the proper no definite action was taken at this Miss Martha Irish, who has been time. Mr. Helgerson, o f L illy ’s Seed most successful directors o f strunge place. quite sick fo r few days, was able and unusual motion pictures. “ But now, through growing fam ili­ company, was present and is giving a to return rn to sen« ool Monday morning. “ Up to two or three years ugo,” arity with the new medium, as well as lot o f his time helping the members 1----o----- said Browning recently, “ film actors the heightening o f its sensitiveness o f the club with his advice. Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Comstock and were entirely natural, and perfectly and the consequent widening o f its fam ily went o fe r to Newport, Satur- I-ast Thursday the Women’s A lli­ at home in the environment. They hail field, the actor is again moving about day evening, , returning home Sunday ance met at the home o f Mrs. Belle thoroughly mastered screen technique naturally. Relieves! o f the necessity evsning. Woosley. The quilt on which they I---- o---- - — which, by the way, differs very ma­ o f literally toeing u mark, he is freee have been working fo r some time was Mr. and M4;. Forrette were visit­ terially from the technique o f the to give his entire thought to the play­ almost flnishe«! but lacked three rows ing at the ho^o o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed stage. Even though the actor must al­ ing o f his role, and this fact has i o f blocks which were pieced and Hankel last Friday afternoon. ways go through his actions with the brought a vast change in the quality handed in at the meeting. They plan location pnd limitations o f the camera o f acting on the talking screen. The j on a program and special evening Mrs. Bruce Bowne has been on the in mind, there was nothing to indicate talking picture now displays a smooth­ when the basket quilt will be raffled sick list fo r the last few weeks. that he even realized its existence. ness and an -unconscious precision off. The club will meet at the home "Then came the talking picture, which were never exceeded in any Mrs. Shields a form er resident o f o f Mrs. Peggie Comstock, Thursday, introducing a new feature which must silent picture ever made.” this place left for her home in Idaho ’ March 26. be kept constantly in mind— the mi­ Tod Browning was the director o f last Saturday. crophone. On accont o f the mechani­ "D racu la," Universal’s startling dra­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles W ise received Mrs. Thurston Kearns was visiting cal limitations o f the earlier instru­ ma o f human vampires and their the sad news o f the death o f their at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Royse, ments, and the limited field o f their strang«* life after death which comes brother-in-law, Mr. Chetfor«!, last Friday afternoon. reception ,the actor could only speak to the Elsinore theatre starting Sat­ Friday. He ha«l been sick fo r several hie "lin es " at some particular point urday through Tuesday wwith a cast weeks an«l passe«! away last Wednes­ Mrs. H. W. White went to Portland or points on the “ stage,” or “ set," in­ which includes Bela Lugosi, Helen day. Mr. and Mrs. Wise went down last Saturday where she will spend a stead o f being allowed the latitude Chandler, DavUI Manners, Edward to stay until a fter the funeral which week. that had always been possible in the Van Sloan, Dwight Frye, Frances was held Saturday. Mr. Chetfleld ha«l ---- » ---- T. Y. McClellan has been quite silent picture. As a result there came Dade, Herbert Bunston, Joan Stand­ been a fireman fo r the last 23 years a certain restraint on the part o f the ing anil Charles Gerrard. and the firemen conducte«! the fu- sick fo r several days with the flu.