The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 12, 1931, Image 5

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    Supplement To The Turner Tribune
K. I*. Rnwlay he» a new chicken hou»« • lays In Oregon City.
nearly completed.
It ia
--------- o —
I k being constructed along modern line«
In tha way ol rooat. lead traya ate.
Fred Garbe wa» looking after buaine»»
in Salem Monday.
Club jointly last Wednesday and owiug
to the nice afternoon a large crowd waa
Mrs. Laura Rand and amall dau­
ghter, and Mrs. Shields, who has spent
Coach K. Warn* Kmpey, was brought the past three months in Idaho, were
with home from tha McMinnville ho»pital present and enjoyed vsiiting with old
two table» of 500 Wednesday evening, Monday and 1» recovering from a recent friend» and club member*. Mrs. Edith
with Mr»
Stella Miller holding high operation for appendicilia.
Mtewart and Mrs. Elsie Bone were
M|aa Helen
In the group
were Mr*.
guests, with Mrs. Bone joining the club
Miller, the Muses Gertrude Anderaon
and Mable Tucker. Herbert Briggs, Max
W e a lt h to thank the many friend»
at the close of the meeting.
sandwiches, salad, cocoa and coffee was
Lout*. and neighbor» for the «ympathy ahown served by the hostesses. Those present
Hennitr, the ho»tr»a Ml»» Helen Peel* u» at the death of our little »on, and were Metdames Goss, Asche, Stewart,
and her parent* Mr and Mr»- Herman also for the beautiful (lower*.
Forrette. Gilbert, White. Bone, Johnson
Mr and Mr». R. D. Pomeroy
IVetx and little Hetty Peetx.
Chamberlin, Rand, Shields, Dickman,
and family
Royae and the hostesseaa.
W A N T E D Garden plowing Tim Pal-
Mr. Helgerson. field manager of the
Mr. and Mr». Charles Martin and
n er. Turner. Route 2.
Mr. and Mr». T. Y. McClelland o f Lilly Seed Co. waa here Tuesday making
W i»t Slayton motored to Slayton, contracts for squash and pumpkins to
Wednesday evening.
be raised for seed. Quite a bit of in­
llickci ck.
Mrs. Susie Kun»om and nephew, terest is being taken in the project.
J untm Ransom o f Shelburn, John
Mr. and Mr*. Howard Gilbert and ion
The four one act play» given by the
Sucre Jr., and Troy Nance o f Albany Johnnie spent Sunday with her parent*
the Studint Body of the Amo» M. Dav- mootred to Portland, Wednesday, fo r
Mr. snd i f ' » Ed Hankie.
:« Memorial High School, drew a very a several day» stay.
Mr. add Mr*. Harry Stewart were
good crowd Friday evening
Mias Merle Martin was home from Sunday evening visitor» at the W. O.
It haa been customary in the past to Monmouth fo r the week-end.
Royse home.
give but one play but owing to the num­
Mr«. Brower, Mr». Whitehead and
A Health Clinic was held at the school
ber who wished to taka part it wa»
Mr». Ptersoni »hopped in Salem, house Friday. In the morniug. School
thought best to give the four one -«cl
children were examined in the morning
play* and give al! a chance to do their
pre-school children in the afternoon.
bit. Tha Thom »» orchestra of Shaw
Cooking Club entertained their moth­
afternaon the West Stayton
played between act» which added much
er» and other invited guests at the
Jolly Girls Club and their leader, Mrs.
to the evening» entertainment.
home o f their leader, Mrs. A. E. Brad­
A matinee waa given Friday afternoon ley, The club ha» forty-fou r mem­ Elsie Bone enlertained a group of moth­
lor the school children and a few of the ber» and from reports the little folk« ers and the teachers. A short business
session, in which they all seemed very
mothers, thereby assuring more room are royal entertainers.
The reception committee consisted much interested, preceeded the serving
for the evening crowd.
o f Violet Perkin*, Jane Pomeroy and of refreshmeut consisting of cake, salad
Mr» Ella England directed the play»
Mary Luca«. The decorating com­
and thirty dollar* waa reatiied Irom the mittee, Ralph Alsman, Orval Prunk and cocoa. Guests were Mrs. Irish, Mrs
Firscbel, V rs, Fred Comstock, Mrs
evenings entertainment.
und Viola Bradley; the refreshment
and Mr». Royse. The Boy's Hand
committee, Lois Turner, Lucile Eng­
Frank Simpson was in Turner on land and Doris Nicolson; the serving icraft Club met at the home of Mr. E l­
committee, Charlotte Martin, Vilis mer Asche, who is a most efficient lead­
businc»» Wednesday.
Howard, Alice Titus; the program
Mr. and Mr». Waldon have sold committee, Alice Brown, Cleo Barry, er.
The grade girls played their first bask­
their farm (the old Pound place) and Mildred McNeil, Ralph Alsman, V ir­
will move to the old Swank place ginia Swanson, Mary Lucas and V ir­ et ball game this afternoon with the
next to the C. B. McCully place.
Stayton grade girls and as a result are
ginia Garbe.
walking in the clouds as they won with
Mr«. Margaret Martin entertained
with an all day quilting on Wednes­ Alsman, Mrs. J. H. Prunk, Mrs. C. B. a score of 21 to 18.
day. Quilting a beautiful butterfly Semis, Mrs. Maude Howard, Mrs.
quilt fo r M i»« Gwen. Misa Eva Cor­ Charles Martin, Mrs. T. Y. McClellan
ser assisted Miss Gwen in serving the and Mrs. A. A. Nicolson.
12 o’clock dinner. Present were Mi*»-
T E L E P H O N E 3441
name» Ruby McClellan, T. Y. McClel­ and Mabel Hrown, und Mrs. William
lan, Luta Fuson, Millie Martin, M. Gray. There were 44 club members
Bill Durkee
McCollough, Mary Hein, V lrgie Brad­ ami the leader, Mrs. Bradley present.
Bear System o f Wheel Alignment
ley, Ralph Waldon and »mall son, P.
Frame and Axle Straightening
T. Mountain, Landera, Mr. T. Y. Mc­
444 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon
Clellan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar­
tin, Miss Eva Corser and M i»« Gwen
Mesdames Clyde Comstock and Fred
Could she live down he rpast? See
W. B. Powell i» spending several Comstock entertained the Birthday March 26, 27, or 28.
Globe Body & Fender Works