THE TURNER 1’ . E. Thomason has been doing jury lo c a te d in Mrs. B r i g g 's hour*, in T u r ­ ner, O r e g o n . A l s o fu r n itu r e r e p a ir ­ duty. ing. I. L Robertson was here from Mil- Rev, and Mrs. Gilstrap were in Port­ wauke. Or* , the first of the week on land Monday wh re they attened the business. Northwest Treacher* At 3 H u sk y H i g r a d s B aby Chicks, c a t a ­ o'clock they heard Royal Ji. Dye tell of lo g u e and prices now ready. S a lem 's missionary work in Africa and they P e tla n d , Salem , O r e g o n . Ph o n e 656. heard him again »t the 6:30 o'clock bun- W A N T E D — A day old calf. Inquire at puet w hen he spoke on his experiences Tribune Offices. in the Congo. In the evening they at- . tended services, being conducted by Jes­ Mrs. McCormick caine from Portland se Kcllrms at l-auralhaurst in which, Sunday to see her father Cal Small. nine churches have joined. M. C. Bond, Station Agent at Suther- Let Polly show you the past she lin, with his write visited at the home of his brother. H. S. Bond and wife, the had. Don't miss your big date March 26, 27, or 2S. first of the week. ■ —-o ______ Will your own past stand the spot­ FOR S A L F —Between 20 and 25 sacks light Save March 26, 27, or 2S. of Burbnk seed potatoes at 75c per sack SchitTerer Bros Turner. Oregon, Phone TRIBUNE Don’t forget that you buy just as cheap at H. P. Jen sen ’s and in many cases cheaper than in Sa­ lem. I carry barbwire fencing, poultry netting, Oliver plow parts, dairy supplies, paints, oils. M S W A V . '. W A V . l It was consumed by fire. Charley you are growing old, We are sorry to ridato; itut many birthdays more we hope, With you to celebrate. ■: W . T. H igdon & Son 5 UNDERTAKERS Ch i*., we tn ver hi# w you were u retired bar tender. You should join the Magie* lodge. I.I.O tl) T. RU.DON 0 — County Coroner It i* rumored that It. It I’ei-tx and Gov, Meier were ..een h tiding toward j Portland. Darn you I’cet*. why don’t you leave your ear ut home when you Salem Oregon go to tow n. Au Revoir. A W . V . ’ . V . V W . W . V J W . V . '/ D on ’t forget to see me first before buying elsew here. H .P . Jensen Turner. 426—526 Turner. Mr*. Walter returned to their first of the week, visit at the U. E. * )0 n e Bruce with h»r baby home at Falls City the following a five weeks j Denyer home. Ting After An Udder Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Titus are la­ menting the loss of 50 fine Rhode ls-M land Red bens which were stolen from j tceir place Friday night. By Max McKay W e d r a f t p a tte rn * f o r each in d iv id ­ ual. L e t ut end y o u r corset trouble. Arehart & A ld r ic h , corset makers, Howdy folks! Looks like old Ore-. O f course he’d have to I iunc goii's at rest again— legislature over, great big pair o f bluck shoe« to go and several thousand don’t» and do's with the outfit und the city could i ire Mrs. D. B. Parks went to Portland are on the books for us to try and a young valet to keep them und ih< Sanriay to see her husband, weo entered abide by. Yes, sir. buttons and straps polished up. *---- © . . the Veterans Hospital there two wee’.s We wonder how the heck those leg­ Officer, we’re sure pullin’ for you. ago. She found him resting easier than islators have time to make breau and Anything to make a bigger and better he bad been for several days. He issuf- \ buttcr money between th(. timo the>. city. 420 C o u r t S tre e t, Salem. P hone 1639. ferii.g from a bad kidney; il it doesn’t take their vacation’s and serve their respond to treatment he wdl undergo an allotted time in the law-making halls, operation. i U’s a t0UKh oW * " "'* • The Misses Margaret Lutell of Myrtle Ma'’ * Tncker w:,he* us O f course, for summer wear there will have to be a suit o f light mntcr- ial— say, silk anil a sJ»eve- announce !e.* coat an.l nice straw hat or some- Pcint; Dorathy Shaub, 1 r— well; Eva that *hp * " not the Mable who had 10 th“ ’ or,l‘-r’ >ou k, ow so'n1, r. , walk home the other night. 'S all right, 1 " n8 “'l.e tnc coolies wear. Rothery, Dufer; Margaret Oates. C am*, __ „ ... , ... , ,, , big girl you'll get a chance yet. rv i . „ „ , Wash, and Hazel Bones all senior Mud Did you ever slip into a s. t o f warn- ent nurses in the Eugene Christain hos- , . , ... ,. en * cI°the» and see just hi.w unconi- . , . . ,, . . . B°sh, there • something we d fsrtable you coubl be and especially pital motored here on Monday and v,s- nk„ tQ ^ arond hcrc and tbat o f. ' b- fore a large audience. My, but it's ited with Miss Bones parents Mr and fleer Givens sprout out in a brand fun. H. Briggs and us tried it out Mrs. J. M. Bones In the afternoon spankin' new uniform. Boy. wouldn't Monday nite and were we cuta p! ce late Miss that be jumpin'. Just imagine “ chi. f ’ Qb> boy¡ they went to see an old clasmat with a nice blue outfit with shiny Helen Oliver who is a patient in the T. _ . buttons protruding over that vast bay The heck o f it was aft r all our B Hospital, leturning to the lUne. window o f hig. WouI(in-t that mak,. feminine “ it” .stuff, wc liad to walk heme for dinner. an officer outa anybody? Then too home. Aint that a dirty shame? -----0----- think o f how one o f those little hard A glance at the paper tells us that W h a t ! T r a d e out o f T u r n e r ? N o ! declining slant'd top pieces would Never T h e n why not b rin g y o u r look perched upon top o f six feet o f ( Brasher the mad carrier, who once lived in our fair city, celebrated shoes to be repaired to E. R obinson, sleuth. ids k9th birthday with a big party, att-mled by his /-Mow mail cam m of Salem. Here i. a little poem sub- > i tt- d by one o f the boys— Charily is a nice young man, Now Charley b a dandy; LAW RENCE TIB B E TT A fter many years o f carrying mail, Playing At last he is quit- handy. AND Il l patrons write him note o f thanks, For service he doth render; GRACE MOORE UN IVER SAL He i a better carrier now. N E W S That barber or bartender. L O D G E -N ITE ' On mornings when the boy* are g.iy, He is oft. h made the goat; But there is no id will on h s part, in For fun it doth promote. ?» He sometimes tell» a story, And hi* e>''s with fun v.ill gleam; As he tells of “ Patrick Murphy,” Or who wvot the “ Amber Stream.” “ Id : C lire," and “ Slim P licitj,” Are patron» on his rout;-; For almost any morning, T l i e O n e anti O n l y You can hear him call them out. Charley thought he like to move, To Brownsville, or some place: The b- s r>aid that the snowbird» here Would miss his smiling face. Bo Charley till C on the job, \. ilh car so fine and slick; T ire really ar.' worse jobs you know, With shovel and a pick. W';n n your niail-tot - days are ov r. “Looser Than Loose” Havw you ov-:r thought how m n/ I'm ^ o week yo i nuike toast and haw i> u. h ciftenor you would make it if it weren’t fo- the bother of running out to the kitchen? Tjr. t can be a i!clicio'is and li nlthf. I part of * vi y inc al. A n i ;t cr.n !>o thr a .-.icit part to pro-. I 1 c . M ountain in I N S P I R A T I O N ” W A R N E R BROS ■ ---- L S I N O R b And you know iron M il retire; Fisher th in can te!l you how, To run your car for hire. Fnjov your friends about you here, While you are still below; For in the next world they may not be Where your chosi n to go. A picture here we have for you, I Our esteem it does declare; I A toupe might have «lone as well, For a man without much hair. \ toupe once you had 'tin said. Your fond hope and desire; But accidently or otherw: e Sidney Illackmor S U N I) A V GRETA GARBO A W A ot! can save n l trouble m every piec^ of ton't you mi!io, ii you use r r adern Electric r&astor. It requi i w ch’.n I. < n't h m a single slice, e n d it toasts each p.ccc rxictlv t’:e w a y you wart it— both sides ni once— right nt the tabic. Choose your electric ton-t-r at your t! :a!cr’a “ t’j asl'.r Iieadquartcrj." MC X ) X S T A K T S \.\* Break fa st— I ,u nch— I tinner TOAST IS ALWAYS POPULAR K W Charlie Chase E ■ A W . ’. W A ' / . V . ' . . . V , V Fred Kohler Raymond Hatton Continuous SATUROA 2 to II Matinee 25e till fi p. m. 6 p, rn. to closing time 10c S T A i m > ( i »SUNDAY I The bipge t Comedy event of the season Mcirie Drobalor and Polly M o ra n in 64 REDUCING Vf