TH E TU R N E R TR IB U NE The Turner Tribune .V .V / . V . ’ .V .V J linn r< I ut tli i'oxlolficf ut Turner, u.. M cotxl class mutt' r, under •he Art o f Minch 3, 1879. every Tliur■■■«lay ut Turner, M iiion, County, Oregon. MUS. ( HAS. 8. Cl.AUK I CHAS S r C l.AR K Editors 137 S. Commercial St. // e V e V .W - V W .W .V e W e V .V W V W K and M U S T IIA V K O re g o n B eau ty Shop L ave Sab m for Aumaville 6 4 0 A M. 10 :30 A M. 4:46 P.M. Leave Aumsvillc for Salem 8:10 A M. 1:20 P.M. 6:10 P.M. Leave Aumaville for Mill City 7:26 A M. 5:25 P.M. Salent, Oregon M O N E Y It will pay you to borrow money and buy goods at these priées : 428 Oregon Building Telephone 290 PERM ANENT W AVE $4.00 FINGER W AVE .................50 Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A M Chujiter III 1:30 P.M. Copeland &. Ryder’s 12-inch $1 1.50 Loggers Calk­ At* the thoughts were runnuiK 5:20 P.M. ed Shoes, now ...................... 9.75 through hiii henil he saw unother trup- p< r not 60 yards away whom he rec­ Copeland At Ryders 10-inch $17.50 Loggers Shoes, Leave Turner for Mill City ognised um Red Mike. 5:15 P.M. now ............................................ 12.00 Red Mike wuh mo called on uccount of bln red huir umi red complexion. W e carry Cttrrin’s, Copeland & Ryders, North Coast He W.I i u nliort heavy net Irishman. Jot. Mammari, Prop. % Loggers Shoes. W e are closing out our entire stock of lie mu iiI to Timberlick, "Them shav- Loggers Shoes. Better borrow the money and buy a pair; W . V W W W W J 'A V W W . ' age# were Mure ufler your aklep that you will not have such low prices as these again. W e t.llie." carry sizes ."> to 12. (let hold of these goods at these prices "Yea,” Maid Timle rlick " i f it hadn't before some one beats you to it. No more when these are A V V J W ^ J W A V .V J W J W W W been for you they would o f hud u gone. The crowds are coming. pretty good chance." Í NEW LOCATION Í " I Maw they had Home white mun K . ». I I I L L l ’ O T ut bay,” «aid Red Mike. "I wax out for Mome fretdi meat for my break­ .VW.W.VVV.VV.V.W.W.VVV«VW.W.VVV.V.VV.VV.WrV.W fast, and um I came up over the bill I ace» them savages.” "W ell, you'd beetter come over to my «hack for breakfast,” Maid Timber Ink. "N ot toduy, Timberlick. I will have MORRIS to puck in Home groceriea, mo I will Optical Co’s. have to Mturt out early.” New Type Deeper "A ll right," Haul Timberlick. “ We Curved Lens will go and get break find mo we cun Best for Better Vision get over our trap line." "I went over my line twice yester­ m 444 State Street day, m o they will be ull right until I get back from town." SALEM , OREGON "W ell, don't forget my tobacco.” ^ A V ,W J W ^ A V .W W W J W b "N o eh' nee, Timberlick, for I need , >tne tobacco myaelf.” "W ill, ro long Mike." V . V . V . V / . '. V . '. V W A ’ / . V W ‘ iso long, Timberlick.” "W t II,” naiil Timberlick to Hudge, ' thnt boy Ri <1 Mike saved our I ivi - m elid thut'a Martin.” A m Timberlick Walked on toward £ All Types of Beauty Work h * Hback he «till hail his mind on fresh ne at for breukfust and u I mo to watch for Indians, which was the one M a r c e l and they always had to do. He Finger finally got a shot at a wild turkey, W ave« winch he knew would be plenty for Liiii". !f ami Iiudge. V.;, <•> Aft'-r their morning meal w u over Facial and Scalp l.e Maid, "W ell, Hudge, We’ll get Old & Calamity and get to our traps. We T reatm en ts * might get another Injun or two ami M E R I C A ’ S famous March maybe a pell or two.” i King and Bandmaster, John All Work Guaranteed They started out after they hud Philip Sousa, says: Over Steusloff Market locki I the hou «■, which waa their cus­ “ Conn irtsfrimumts have been used tom on account o f Indiana. Salem, Oregon in my hand for thirty years and Their first trap had u large lynx in Phone 47J more, simtrly because we have It. Timberlick had u good catch that considered them best. I consider .v .v v v v v v v v v v .v v v v v v v v v .v v . «lay. that complete Ci{uifnnent o f Conn A fter I um lust trap had been curc- inst rument s enhances t he musical fully r. t, he returned to his shuck value o f any band at least 50 AUMSVILLE and began to take the skins ofT the percent.” varmints. Hudge was outside testing Come In and See O u r Line of up aft. r hia trip. Timberlick was in These Cjreat Instruments the shack. AUM SVILLE, OREGON He lutd u fire started in his htove, when Hudge growled. .% Whut diil Hudge growl at? (Continued) SALEM Í I ! BEAUTY Ml SHOPPE 50c Chooses Conn Instrum ents A STATE B A N K Sill HU'S OREGON W h . l ! T ra d e out of Tu rn er? N o ! N ever! Then why not bring located in Mrs. B r ig s ’ * bouse, in T u r ­ Also furniture repair­ ing. NOTICE TO CREDITORS > Salem, Oregon Á V A V / / W A V V W .V V .V .V V .’ Time Deposits Dr. S c o fie ld X - R A Y C H IR O P P R A C T O R Lady Attendant First N'at’l Rank Bld'g., Phone 2194 Salem, .O regon W JW YW YW JW W W W W W HANDICAPS OF D I S E A S E As you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to (he handicaps of disease. Have these eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Neurocalometer reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Cht- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalome- ier readings by appointment only. DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON ÄV A W A1 The Place for Home People to Bank ■,*1v , V . W i Y i W r t V A ,1V V W J your • hoe« to be repaired to E. Robinson, ner, Oregon. Paid on Print ..................................... 50 Hot Oil Shampoo....................75 Long Hair Shampoo ........... 75 Henna Pack ..................... 1.00 Henna Rinse ..........................50 Manicure ............................... 50 Water Wave ..........................50 ! Í SOUSA ! Shampoo and Finger Wave 1.00 Marcel ................................... 75 Shampoo ............................... 50 Eyebrow Arch ......................35 Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A..M. 4:45 P.M. Our best regular $0.50 Rain test Coats, now ...... $ 4.50 Our best regular $5.60 Raintest Rants, n o w ......... 3.75 Our new regular $5.00 Raintest Pants, now.......... 2.98 (A b o v e are guaranteed waterproof) 1 W .V W .V .V .V V .V A V V V A V V .V IIA M M AN STAGE LINES Art* ruttine pricus on le g g e r ’» Shoes and ail kiiid« of liain l’roof Stag Co.ita and I’anU. In fact, everything they hâve in stock must he sold at some prie«*. I Pu higher» Tim beri ick Or The Two Girl Hunters . V . '. V / W HI LLPOT’S SI 'IS* UIPTJON ?! .2. I*KH YE AR I ■ -• W GULL B R O S. O reg o n G row n S e e d s Notice ia hereby given that the — — '■ ' O- -- - underxigm-d, by an order of the coun­ ty court o f Marion County, State of Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill Oregon, duly made and entered on Bros, seeds and fertilize with Lillys Morcrop and see the 27th day o f February, 1931, was the results. appointed administratrix o f the estate W e buy and sell Fieid and Grain Seeds of every o f John Hoedigheimer and that she has duly qualified as such. All persons description. See us before buying or selling. having claims against said estate are ■■■ o — hereby notified to present the same, Mail Orders Filled Promptly duly verified as required by law, at the offices o f S. M. Endicott, in the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date o f this notice, to-wit: March 5, 1931. JESSIE BOEDIGHEIMER, 178 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Administratrix o f the Estate o f John Bo •digheimer. V A V V V V W A A W M W i W V W A \ Y W A V A W .V W A W i V W V A W Mar5-12-19-21 Apr2 S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o .