s TRAIN T H E T U R N E R T R IB U N E I by tho public banking departments through Insisting that this function of government shall be kept a* free from political influence ns the judiciary It­ self and shall be manned only by men of the highest ability and chafacter. In still another way can the people themselves contribute to maintaining the ability o f their banks to meet their obligations, and this Is by granting them the fullest possible confidence. As I said, the deposits are not kept as eash but are Invested In loans and se­ curities. Even the soundest assets of this type require some tlrao to recon­ vert at full value Into cash deposits. In many cases of hank troubles the only thing wrong with a bank was an unduly suspicious and apprehensive state of mind in Its customers created by no act or condition of Its own but by baseless tumors which sometime* THE COMMUNITY AND ITS BANKS By ROME C STEPHENSON President American Bankers Assariatien While upon the Individual banker* there rest* without Qualification the di­ rect responsibility for the prudent, hon­ est conduct of their Institutions, nevertheless the s o u n d n e s s of banking as a prac­ tical matter of fact is a commun­ ity p r o b l e m In which the public has a part to play as well as banker* led them to destroy the value of their and government own deposits by demanding them im­ officials charged mediately, forcing a bank to sacrifice with the super­ Its assets and otherwise disrupt Its financial operations. R. C STEHtENSON vision of banks. In t h e first place, the assets of a bank, outside Its government bonds, consist mainly of Bankers Help loans to business men and of Invest­ ments in securities created by corpo­ During the year 1930 the Bankers' rate enterprises. The deposits of a Association of Langlade County, Wis­ bank are not kept in the vaults as consin, worked out the finances for a idle cash but are employed in these cooperative milk plant, which entailed loans and investments to earn the the raising of $100,000, and also spon­ money to pay the expenses of the bank sored an active 4-H-Club campaign so that it can render services to Its that culminated In an “ Achievement customers and also pay them interest on such deposits a3 bear interest. If Day” program, in which upwards of 400 young people participated. The there were no such thing as unsound business men or enterprises there Increase In the number Interested in would be no such thing as unsound this work was yon per cent over the past two year period. assets in a bank. It 13 of course the unquestioned duty of tho banker to choose only sound Dr. B. F. P ou n d p ra ctice limited to loans and investments, but the diffi­ culty of such judgment, and human removal o f teeth, gat or local, and judgment is never infallible, is plainly dental X -ra y . S i w l o c . t i o n 3 0 3 First increased in such times and under such National Bank Bldg., Salem, O reg on . conditions as we have been passing through, with many businesses not making expected earnings and there­ fore hampered in meeting their obliga­ tions. Unfortunately some invest­ Ccrset Melkers und ments and loans created by persons Milliners outside the banks which found their F o u n d a tio n Garm ents way into the banks in a relatively few Instances have reflected the unwise A n y Style business policies and conditions that 4 2 0 C ourt St. P h o n s 1639 Salem became more than usually prevalent in our business activities and contribu­ ted to the difficulty of banking. The vast bulk of bank assets, however, are 100 per cent sound above all ques­ SURPRISE GRANGE tion. Hutcheon Paint Store PAINTS, WALL PAPER 151 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. 421 Court * * V /.V A % BY DAY OR CONTRACT Estimates Furnished 1 . S. Taibut ¡ i I You Too! effective March 15 will have a smilo and Rood-will feeling after you have had a Save money on your short trips. Enjoy the greater comfort, speed and safety o f train travel at these greatly reduced fares. One-way and round trips on sale DAILY between here and southern Oregon s ia the beauti­ ful Siskiyou line. One-way tickets carry 10-day limit; round trips, 60 days. Stopovers permitted within limit. f A ndys llAitm:ii p s h o p » “Tho Wind Blown Export” I Hair Cut 25c Shaving 15c Ladles Hair Cutting a Specialty Next to Elsinore Theatre Salem. Oregon i 182 S. High Street A‘.V .,.V.VA,.,.V .V.*.Y/A '//A V/A W A W /A V//W /.W J,W W. J A Y D E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing S o u t h e r n Route 3 Turner, Oregon IP a ca S Ic H. S. B O N D , A g e n t T u rn e r E M. K E I T H , A g e n t A um sville I TURNER S South Bound 1 1 :1 0 a . m . (S to p s w hen P M. t o 6 500 i STATL D o r /* BANK Î ('eut. •: Paid on 6 months Time Deposits P.M. $5.M E‘- E xp ert W atch and J ew elry Repairing —a - I New J ew elry Mvde to O rder Prices Reasonable Oregon W W .V .V /W .V .V A V ,’ Insurance W ritten S p r in g • — «■----*■-----m —— • • —- .a---- m — m-----a ___« - W e offer you a com p lete stack o f H IG H G R A D E Field Seeds all rcclenned in the best possible m anner and fr o m selected stocks. ,.VAVA*.V.V.,.*AVJ,W ,,.VA sj Ounlity IkillrrirN '• W ? at Some Examples: KRUSE & R Y G H Í í i •t Smooth Shave or Hair Cut outh o f Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. ( Regular stop.) Following north hound trains stop to pat -enger.-i coming from V W W W . V . V A V A V J V / / A , detrain *" > :■ ■" Salem ^ AVAV.,.V.N\V.,.V.V.VA,.V .\\\W .V .,.V.V.V.,.V .W .V .V .,.'jy Southern Oregon 1 :0() Day Your Paint at a Paint Store Bill Durkf e B- ar System o f Wheel Alignment Frame and Axle Straightening 444 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon V J V V k V S V A V A V V V V W W W W A V / . V . V . k Y . V / . ’ .V .V , and roundtrips to :• ~o— Globi Body & Fender Works Phone 27S Fire—Autom obie C A P IT A L DRUG STORE State Street Salem TELEPHONE 3441 S flagged to pick up pa::.-u tigers for point* at which tula train stop.-.) No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops onTtag only, to pick up pas ongers for points .Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ days. On these days passengers can .W .’.V .'/.Y .V A ’.’.VAV.’.V .V .’.V .W .V /.V /A Y.W .V .'.V J’W / pay fare and have baggage checked on train.-:. points south o f Eugene: No. H>, due 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. '»Pice ho.:/« at T irni r week days are 8 A.M. to 12 o ’clock noon, and from FREE 464 N. Liberty St. NOT S New low one-way No. A k r o n G ra d u a te Fitter Here to G iv e Y o u a Trial Fitting Í U Y ou Nead S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N 14, 4 :*iG A.M. (Stops when flagged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) S o f t Sanitary, C an ’ t Slip G u a ra n teed to Hold Regardless o f O c r u p a tio n , A g e or Sex B l ’ R K E L E W a Try to Sell Y o u W hat P. O. Box 208 North Bound II. M.F.G. CO. E verythin g W e Cen ¡N o. E. E AND *» —... o--- — < TURNER L’b’p U TURNER SO U TH ER N PACIFIC T R A IN SER V IC E Akron Spongue Rubber Pads W ood s 1 Turner TRUSSES R s 5 LUMBER Y . V . W W A V A V / . V . V / . '. V W . ' ^ PAINTING Building Supplies ROUGH AND DRESSED T Sah m î /W W /.V .W .V /.V .V , S-E-R-V-I-C-E Ï Roseburg $4.50 Return trip 8 05 M >ets second Saturday in the month in the Grange Hull, Turner. Grants Pass $7.33 Visitors welcome at the Lecture hour, at 2:00 o ’clock. Ret. trip 2 . D O Í A V W A V . V . W . V A V W A V . 1 Medford $8.29 Í;CVP€líJR!C6R$? Ret. trip 14.50 ÿ Addilli* Macliiii4*H ÿ Ashland $8.67 J ALL MAKES ÿ 5 T H O M AS R O E N ÿ Ret. trip 15.30 S W V S V .W .'A V V .S N 'A W A Y A Y A W A k V .Y A W .'.Y % S s No. 233 ‘‘Hard Coiled” vs. “ Easy” Ranker In another aspect the people of the community have a ¡ art to play in main­ taining the soundness of their hanks, and that is through the medium of patronage. The existence of a bank is dependent on public patronage. If only those banks were patronized in which the most careful policies were practiced and the most conscientious and able men in charge, it would go far toward maintaining the standards of banking. If business man In a com­ munity when refused loans by their bank3 for good and sufficient reasona because conditions ara not favorable, thereupon withdraw their business to banks where less careful methods pre­ vail, they clearly contribute to the cre­ ation of a les3 sound banking situation. Also if, in the heat of competition, a banker offers higher interest ratrs or more free service to attract custom­ ers than the earnings of conservative banking justify, and is encouraged by the patronage of the public as against a more conservative bank, obviously the public is again playing a part in bringing about a less sound banking situation. It is an unfortunate fact that the banker who is strict, ‘‘hard boiled” if you please, is liable to be less popular than the “ easy” banker, and by that same token the public lt- sedf has a voice in influencing the char­ acter of banking. Also it is the public in the end which pays the main part of the penalty if unfortunate results follow. Still again the public can exert an influence in shaping the character of banking by supporting the purposes of bankers to maintain Intelligent, inde­ pendent, honest banking supervision ~ZTT If-1 Court St. Salem, Ore .V ., ., .V .V .,. ,.V .* .Y /A V .V .,.V .* / ■: SEND US YOUR LIST OR CALL FOR PRICES I je v ----------- Y ou will find the quality the best the m arket affords and the prices right f o r that grade o f seeds. I D. A. W H IT E