o THE TURNER TRIBUNE Dr. C. W. Butler, president of the Dr. Ransom spent Friday, Saturday National Holiness Association, speaks and Sunday at Kiddle on business. Mrs. in Salem at the Highland Friends Susie Ransom of Aumsville stayed with church, March 3 to S, 2:80 und 7:80 Mrs. Hansom while the doctor was away p. m. Everyone who can should plan Frank Porter is here visiting his to hear him. mother, Mrs. Malina Chambers, at the The W. C .T. U. will meet in regu­ Jack Brooks home. lar session with their new president, Mourice. the four year old son of Mrs Harold Briggs came here from Mrs. Wm. Burgoyne, next Wednes­ Ada Sparks and grandson of t ’al Small, Portland, Tuesday, and spent the day afternoon, March 11. was taken to the Willamette Sanatorium day. Wednesday. He ia suffering from pneu­ monia and his condition ia considered H u s k y H i g r s d s B a b y C h i c k s , c a t a ­ l Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bond returned quite serious. l o g u e a n d p r i c e s n o w r e a d y . S a l e m ' s from a two weeka vacation in California P a t l a n d , S a l e m , O r e g o n . P h o n e 6 5 6 . Saturday. Mr. Bond Is back at his post Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks are the ......... O ' — as Southern Paciiie Station Agent. parents of un KV*-pound boy born at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webb have moved the Lee Barber home in Turner, Feb­ to the East burn property. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Harris and Mr. ruary 27, where Mrs. Kirckpatrick is and Mrs. Chompson motored up from caring for Mrs. Brooks and son, who G. A. G. Moore was here from Salem Portland, Sunday, and took dinner has been given the name of Robert the first of the week. with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. They Marion. report many cases of measles and Mrs. China Bones had as her guests Mi. Robinson and his sister, Mrs. As I diphtheria in Portland. quith have purchased the home of Mrs. McKay Sr. .S%%%SSSSSSS%%%%SV%SV.SW.V.SSWS%W.SV.SSW AV.V.*.y > Mrs. Busbee, former Turnerite. and «J Mrs. Wilson were here from Salem on Wednesday to see Mrs J. R. Watson- I LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING TH E W EEK New Spring Models Mr. and Mrs. George Farris, Mr. | and Mrs. Kunke attended the funeral of Mrs. Witxel, age 80, in Salem, , Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Miller was called to Stavton several days ago to be at the bedside of her father, Paul Feh­ len, who is ill with pneumonia. Wort! from D. B. Parks, who is in the veteran's hospital in Portland, states he has slightly improved in health but in all probability will have to undergo an operation. -----o----- FOR ^ALF—Between 20 and 25 sacks of Burbnk seed potatoes at 75c per sack SchifTerer Bros Turner. Oregon, Pnone , 426—526 Turner. Mrs Pelxell, who lias been ill for the greater portion of the winter, was able to walk over to tow a Wednesday after­ noon. She spent the afternoon with Mrs J. M Bones. She also culle I on Mrs C. L. Standley Sr w ho has been confined to her bed since early winter. Dinner guests at the Wm. DrlzHI home Sunday were their son-in-law and two daughter*, Mr. and Mr*. Feleham and Mi*a Thelm, who came from fo r vallia; Alvin Sherman and Mr Diets of. Salem and James Denver. Another of t h o s e popular dunce* that Ball Bros, give every other Sat­ “THRF.F. F ill I. YEARS. 1095 DAYS IN PR ISO N !” W h a t! T ra d * o u t of T u r n a r ? N ol N ever! T h en why nut b rin g y o u r s h o e a to b e r e p a i r e d to F . R o b i n s o n , l o c a t e d in M ra. I l r i g g ’s h o u s e , in T u r ­ n e r , O re g o n . A lso f u r n i t u r e re p a ir- in g . ■■ ■ #■— — B ID S WOOD School District No. 79 will receive bids for 85 to 40 cord* large second growth or old fir and 5 to 10 cords grub ouk to be delived at the school house in Turner by September I, IM 1. The hoard reserve* the right to re­ ject any or nil bid*. By order of the board. W T. RICHES, 2t Clerk. w onder 1 w anted to get even? r Special Attention Given to Fittings jv y w w v w v w w v w y v w u v u v w v w w w w w w u v .v .v w JOAN HOWARD CORSET S H O P B ayard V eiller, B ro a d w a y '* fi n e s t d r a m a t i s t , h as h e re a ta lk ie rv e n g re a te r th an 'T ria l of M ary D u g a n ! ” ^ ......... 165 N. Liberty Street Salem , O regon wins new trium phs as the stage’s most famous heroine, Mary T urner, in W A m W W ^ ^ W W W /A V V V W A V .V W W A V U W W V W m o i? V V V A V W A V A V A V A W A W A V A W A V W W yW V W W W e d r a f t p a tte rn « f o r e ach in d iv id ­ u a l . L e t u> e n d y o u r c o r a e t t r o u b l e . A r e h a r t & A ld rich , c o rse t m a k e rs, 4 2 0 C o u r t S tr e e t, S alem . P h o n e 1639. FOR ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ la “ Do you Your new gowns need the new foundation garments. We have just received new shipments in In quality and fit they are better than ever before. D r . B. F . P o u n d p r a c t i c e l i m i t e d to r e m o v a l o f t e e t h , g a s o r lo c a l , a n d d e n ta l X -ray . N ew lo catio n 303 F ira t N a t i o n a l B a n k B l d g ., S a l e m , O r e g o n . urday night, will he held on Snturduy evening, March 1 4th. This will be un Old Fashioned Hard Time Dance, and prices will be gi\> n for the three best costume*. There i* always a good time ut the Turner dunces. The pub­ lic is invited. on Tuesduy, ber t li ree duugliters, Mrs. Oliver llaaelwood of Woodhurn, Mrs. J. E. Scott and Mrs. Claronco Mun- dinger of Salem, and her three dnugh- tersin-luw, Mrs. Vester Bonea, Mrs. Archie Bones und Mrs. J. M. Bone», ull of Turner; «No Mrs. Mary Barr ami Mrs. II. S. Borni. t) iPM um » ifiËSÎ A U jjjjiM Y o u r Food m y»! W arner Bros. X LSINORC Pay For Your Refrigeration MILK stays sweet and pure so much longer in the steady elec­ tric cold. M EATS keep fresh and whole­ some for days on and in the scientific dry cold of the Elec­ tric R efrigerator. FRU ITS and VEGETABLES need be purchased only once or twice a week . . . their health giving qualities are protected and preserved by the Electric R efrigerator. 'T’S TRUE . . . your Electric Re­ frigerator can pay for itself in the space of a year or two. There’s so much less food waste you see . . . But the mechanically perfect, permanent and ever-silent Elec­ tric Refrigerator is not only a necessity from a convenience and economy standpoint . . . it is an essential health requirement for every modern thinking family. For food, to be absolutely safe from mold and bacteria, must be kept in a temperature constantly below 50 degrees. Go in now and see the beautiful models in Electric Refrigerators. Let the dealer help you choose the one you want. -Y O U R P A R I S E R S Warner A P I SALEM OREGON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Constance Bennett in ‘T he E a s ie s t W a y 4» with Robert Montgomery, Adolph Menjou Anita Page MICKEY M OUSE CLUB MEETS At 10:45 Saturday M orning SPECIAL M IDNIGHT SHO W EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT at 11:30 P. M. «V V r- 1 '* ' Starting S un d a y GRACE MOORE as Jenny Lind in »T II« I S y Mountain States V Power Company ‘ a l a d y ’ s m o r a l s ’ Cast includes W allace Beery and R eginald Denny IN PROCRfcSS COMING REDUCING, fê il