THE TU RN ER TRIBUNE r-rrs-rr: = y A V . V W A V / W J ’ A V W . V .« .V A V .V .V .V .V W / W A r W / A V W .V A V A V A V .W M T h e T urn er T ribun e HILLPOTS SUBSCRIPTION |l.2ß I'KR YEA:: hut, I.'.l lit tli<' IWotIU-e ut Turner, Or* iron» •> neon«! elm* mutter, under tlii- At t of March 3, 1871'. 137 S. Commerci.-1 St. HAMMAN STAGE LINES Leave Salem 6:80 10:30 4:45 Salem, Oregon Arc cutting prices on L oj / j r’s Shoes and all kinds of Lain Proof Stag Coats and Pan* t. In fact, everything they have in stock must be »old at .vinte price. D (»•••I every Thursday nt Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MILS. « MAS. S. CLARK I Editor» f and ) Publisher» « HAS. 8. «T.AR K Older Girls Will Meet In Eugene March 6 to 8 * for Aumsville A M. A M. P.M. WE MUST HAVE MONEY Leave Aumsvillc for Salem 8:10 A.M. 1 :20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. it will pay you to borrow money and buy goods at these prices : Leave Aumaville for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. Our best regular $6.50 Hai Coats, now . $ 4.50 O .ir best regular $5.50 Re inteat Pants, n ow ........... 3.75 Our new regular $5.00 It . ntest Pants, now. 2.98 (Above are guaranteed waterproof) Copeland & Uydor's 12-bieh $1 1.50 Loggers Calk­ ed Shoes, n o w .................................................. 9.75 Copeland Ryders 16-in h $17.50 loggers Shoes, now ............................................................... 12.00 Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M 1 :30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. (in In from ull partr. o f the tat- will gather in Eugene, March «> 8, for Leave Turner for Mill City tl.e 19th Older Girl»’ conference of 5:15 P.M. the Oregon Council of Christian edu­ cation, according to M n, Jeun M. W e carry Currin’s, Copeland &. Ryders, North Coast John on, Portland, director. IiOggeis Shoes. W e are closing out our entire stock of Jo*. Hammen, Prop. The Uug< ne conference will le- Log ers Shoes. Letter borrow the money and buy a pair; honed upon findiri of two o f the r.ix you will not have such low prices as these again. We cornmi. onu o f the Toronto Youth carry sizes 5 to 12. (let hold of these goods at these prices council; Worship and Prayer and before som e one beats you to it. No more when these are £ Christian Conduct. gone. The crowds are coming. Mr: IL M. Day of Eugene, «uper- 5 N E W LOCATION intondeiit o f tin» young people’s work for the Oregon Christian Women's Missionary society, will uct as general .V .’ .V V .V .’ .’ .V .V .'.V .V .V .V . .• V .’ . '. ’ .V .V .V .’ .’ .’ .’ .'/ .'.V .’ .’ .’ .’ . V A ' chairman o f the conference. She will be assisted by a number of other Eu­ gene und University o f Oregon worn en. Delegates are to be sent from ull i V .V A V J A V /A 'M W W A '.’ r . W M W W A W . V . W W A W ; Sunday school in tlx- state, two girls MORRIS from each class. They must be over 1 Optical Co’s. 15 ami under 25 years. Delegates will i New Type Deeper be gueats in Eugene hom< s. A num­ Curved Lens ber o f ent«rtainment features are be­ Best for Better Vision ing planned including n large t O re g o n B eau ty > Shop 428 Oregon Building Telephone 296 PER M ANE NT W AVE FINGER W AVE ... $4.00 .50 Shampoo and Finger Wave 1.00 ÿ Marcel .............................. .75 .60 Í Shampoo .......................... Eyebrow Arch ................ .35 Ï Print ................................ .50 ÿ Hot Oil Shampoo.............. .75 ÿ Long Hair Shampoo........... .75 "s \ Henna Pack ....... ............ 1.00 .50 *£ Henna Rinse .................... Manicure .......................... .50 > í Water Wave ...... .............. .50 • s Salem, Oregon K. 1 ». IIIL L P O T Happy Hon o Style Frocks < Snappy Styles Q uality U n excelled § I BEAUTY MHO SHOPPE f ». > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s Ail Types of Beauty Work A $2 Dress for An Illusory Law Tho bank deposit guaranty law In any form it a «nitre mid a delusion, do- < lured a banker In a «tale where it hua lieen tried, udding: "It i* a license and encouragement to irresponsible banka ami banking and penalizes capital sol- vcucy and prudent banking. It creates u sense of security in the minds of the unthinking and uninformed that Is false and Impossible to b« realized on ultimately. To compare It to legitimate Insurance is without reason and ab- surd. It Jeopardizes the solvency of all hanks ami the safety of all depositors for tho theoretical safety of a few. Guaranty schemes always have been, are and nlwnys will ho Impotent, futile end dlsnstrous. It Is not now. Has been tried, failed and discarded at Intervals for more than 100 years In tills coun­ try. No well-informed, honest and In­ telligent mind can accept It 1n prin­ ciple or practice. Competent hank su- pervlslon and restriction of banks to territory that will warrant aufllclent capital Investment and accounts Is the only snno and honest course and will afTord all tho guaranty the depositing public Is entitled to as compared with all other human affairs." 99c j 1 1 ' | i ! M a rc e l and F in g e r W aves 50c Facial and Scalp Rain-test Clothing T reatm en ts ! Warm-wear Shirts Rubber Boots .W .V .V .V .V .W V .V .W .V .W , BELOW A U M S V IL L E ST A T E B A N K 1 . i : I i Harrison’s AUMSVILLE. OREGON General Store OREGON TURNER À A W A W A W .Y liW A Y W A Y V .V b V .V W A W A W iW k W y Y Y W What! Trade out of Turner? No! N-ver! Then why not bring your shoes to be repaired to E. Robinson, lo .it-d in Mrs. Brigg's houae, in Tur­ ner, Oregon. Also furniture repair­ . v a n w / . w ing. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the coun­ ty court o f Marion County, State of Oregon, duly made anil entered on the 27th day of February, 1931, was nppoint'fl administratrix o f the estate o f John Boedigheimer and that she Im duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, at the office» o f S. M. Endicott, in the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date o f Ibis notice, to wit: March 5, 1931. JESSIE BOEDIGHEIMER, Administratrix o f the Estate of John Boedigheimer. Mar3-12-19-2 lApr2 All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone 47J Paid on Time Deposits Tl>« plsc* for Home P m p '« to B,nk : A V Y W W W V k W V W W W M W f l A W W A V V W GULL BROS, O regon G rown S eeds Be assured of success with your garden. Buy Gill Bros, seeds and fertilize with Lillys Morcrop and see the results. W e buy and sell Field and Grain Seeds of every description. See us before buying or selling. ... —... - ■ o ■'■■■ ■ - 1 ■ Mail Orders Filled Promptly S alem S eed & O rchard S upply C o . 178 S. Commercial St. . Salem, Oregon .V W W W A 5 W W W W .5 A W A W F. P. ROWLEY, Agent General Insurance Turner, Oregon ;-* * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * « Dr. S c o fie ld X - R A Y C IIIR O F P R A C T O R Lady Attendant First Nat'l Bank Bld’g., Phone 2194 Salem, .O regon W V sW W A A W W W M W W V W H A N D IC A P S OF D I S E A S E As you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to Ihe handicaps of disease. Have these eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Neurocalometer reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Chl- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalome- ier readings by appointment only. D R . O. L. SCO TT 256 N . High Street Phone 87 S A L E M O R EG O N Â A Y .W W