THE TURNER TRIBUNE THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS BANK ■y ROME C. STEPHENSON TURNER S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC T R A IN S E R V IC E ■ » — N orth B ou nd No. 14, 4:36 A.M. (Stops when fla tte d .) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) S o u th B ou nd Pratidan! A mt t a m Bankart Atsaeialian south of Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 81, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers corning from points south of Eugene: No. 16, due o :36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:0 6 P.M. Office hours at Turner week days are 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ days. On these days passengers can pay fare ami huve baggage checked on trains. S s S-E-R-V-I-C-E B uild ing S u p p lie s RO U GH AND D R E S S E D Wood No. 5. 11:10 A.M. (Stops when I J ANKERS recognise that their bust- LUMBER (lugged to pick up passengers for ness carries especially heavy pub­ points at which this train stops.) lic responsibilities and welcome all No. 15, 9:28 P.M. (Stops on flag only, to pick up passengers for points sound measures to aid them meet the duties this im­ AND poses. Unceasing efforts to bring about continually improving meth­ ods to safeguard d e p o s i t o r s in banka of all kinds have long been up­ .V .% W .V .W .V .,A V A S S S % S W .S W .V A W S V b V .W .V .,.W .,.V W e T r y to S e ll Y ou W h a t permost in the plans of bankers' Y o u Need o r g a n i s a - tions throughout R. C STEPHENSON the nation. They are not the outgrowth merely of the E v e r y th i n g W e C en m a l a r i a l that we re co m m en d fo r past year of business adversity, but have been carried on actively for many y o u r r o o f. T e a t it fo r su p e rio r P. O. B o * 2 0 8 P hone 2 7 5 years and have resulted in great prog­ q u a lity . J u d g e it f o r b e t t e r ress along lines of better, safer bank­ ing methods. Although banking along looks. C o m p a r e it f o r co s t— with all business has suffered reverses, o r ig in a l co s t and f u tu r e , an n u al conditions in this field have been far up k eep. L e t o u r e s t im a t e show ~rr a less severe than they would have been -N S W A V V .W .V .V N ^ W .W .V .V .V .’ / .V A V W / A W .' had not bankers been widely success­ th a t you m ay have this b e l t e r ful in their endeavors to develop the r o o f on y o u r b uild in g , a t no . 7 high standards of banking that now m o re th a n o t h e r s ask fo r an generally prevail. The American Bankers Association o r d in a r y ro o f. r -y / if, •. and bankers' organisations in every U s e P io n e e r Roofing. l '/ /.V s,A V A \ W A N \ % V A W A V A W A V A ’A V .,.,.W V A ,A W . ,.V Y state actively support the principle of government supervision of banking. CARLTON PIONEER ROOFING CO. The national banks, which receive their charters to do business from the Phone 1961 A. B. Christenson, Manager 275 State St. federal government, are under the su­ pervision of the Comptroller of the Salem, AUTHORIZED APPLICATION AGENTS O reg o n Currency at Washington. Through his efficient staffs of expert bank examiners . ' V . V . V . V . V . V . W . V . W . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . - . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V .".7 In every section he has the duty and powers to keep watch of the way every national bank is being conducted, to suggest desirable changes in its poli­ Corset Makers and cies or methods and even to step In Milliners and take control for the protection of F o u n d a tio n G a r m e n t s the depositors if such action is war­ PAINTS, WALL PAPER Any S ty le ranted. The state banks, also, which 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. 4 2 0 C o u r t S t. P h o n e 1 6 3 9 Sale are chartered by the various state gov­ ernments, are subject to simi’-r su­ B u y Y o u r P a i n t a t a P a in t S t o r e pervision and control by state bank officials. In addition banks in many places bave long maintained voluntary SURPRISE GRANGE clearing house associations which en­ No. 233 force even closer supervision over their TELEPHONE 3441 members. Globe Bod) & Fender W orks Meets second Saturday in the Bankers Favor Public Supervision month in the Grange Hall, Turner. Bii! Durkee Visitors welcome at the Lecture Present laws adequately enforced B ar System of Wheel Alignment hour, at 2:00 o’clock. Frame rnd Axle Straightening contain ample provisions for govern­ 444 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon ment supervision. Bankers univer­ sally believe in strong, capable banking departments manned by officials with . w . v A W A v / . m v w w . v the discretion and courage to enforce these laws and act under them as the common welfare demands. They be­ Adding M achine* lieve that these public officials should A L L M AKES be paid sufficient salaries to command the services of n. _n of character, ability T H O M A S R OEN and a resolute spirit of public service. 421 Court Salem They believe aLo that the banking de­ partments should be kept free from V W W W A W A V A ’ A W W / / all political or other special Influence in order to be eble to act at all times .V A W .V .’.V .V .V .V A ’ .V M V / with single-minded independence solely for the benefit of the public Interest. Although banks In the United States BY D A Y OH CONTRACT operating under etate or national char­ Estimates Furnished ters are thus subject to supervision of - ' ■ t / * . ■ public authority, they are strictly pri­ H - • », li. S. Talbot Tomer vate business enterprises. They are owned by their stockholders and ad­ P o r /fl O n t ministered by officials chosen through the boards of directors which their etockholders elect. No bank is owned or operated by the United States Gov­ ernment, nor, with one small exception Akron Spongue Rubber Pads in a western state, by any state gov­ S o f t S a n i t a r y , C a n ’t Slip ernment The function of government in banking is to promote and enforce G u a r a n t e e d to Hold R e g a rd le ss o f You don’t really have to careful banking administration through O c c u p a t io n , A g e or S e x wait the turn o f the calen­ ’. '.Y W .V W A V .V .V / A W .’A V W A W A * . Y .’A Y W V W A W V the system of examination and super­ dar for your vacation.Take A k . o n G r a d u a t e F i t t e r H e re to vision which I have described. This, it now, when you need it G iv e Y o u a T r ia l F i t t i n g however, does not relieve the individu- ; most. Board a Southern al depositor from the necessity of j FREE Pacific tr-in to California. judging and choosing carefully as to his banking relations, just as in his T o San Francisco, Los C A P IT A L DRUG S T O R E other business or professional rela­ Angeles, Hollywood . . . S tate S treet S a le m tions. He must inquire for himself into perl, ps to Agtia Caliente the character and type of institution or Palm Springs. Some­ 5 and men he shall do business with, where down South you'll satisfying himself as to their reputa W » o f fe r you a c o m p le te stock o f H IG H G R A D E F ield Seetls all find the carefree fun you tlon. reliability and capability. These l e c l e a n e d in thè b e . l poasible m a n n e r and fro m sele ctad stock#. qualities are essential to complete the need to fit you for the year E. H. B V R R E L •• element of safety and dependability in ahead. any human institution. 4C4 N. Liberty St. Any Sou th ern P acific agent will help you plan SEND US YOUR LIST OR CALL FOR PRICES the trip. L a r ~ e f l e w r - - - r C o iic c 'io n T TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. R By all means read The Turner Tribune Y u s Look At This Hoofing s Vs E E U NOT S-A-T-I-S-F- A-C-T-I-ON S s Hutcheon Paint Store CVP€IUR!€6PS W hy w ish fo r Su m m er? r PAINTING ' vacation NOW in BANK Î ? Paid on 6 months Time Deposits TURNER TRUSSES California I STATE F ire—Automobie Insurance Written S p r in g r ie ld (S e e d s IVhat U r^dd to be »be largest col- lt-. ion of no» ,in pnper from the middle of last century. (¿utility It.iKcri«** S o u th e rn S3.95 E‘ \ Salem Oregon k W .'A V A V .V / .W A , . W . , ,% Pacific H. it. B O N D , A g e n t T u r n e r E. M. KEITH, A g e n t A u m sville Y ou will find the q u ality the best the m a r k e t affords and lita prices rig ht f o r th at g ra d a o f seeds D. A. WHITE & SONS 261 S t a t e S t r e e t , S a l e m , O r e g o n W V aV sV W A iV JV sW JV U W V W V N V V W V A A fW dV V W A dV V V V V V V V V V V