The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 05, 1931, Image 1

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    T he T urner T ribune
NO. 21
C om m u n ity C lu b M e e ts M onday N ig h t
Laborday Tradegy County P. T. A.
Fine Program At
Suits Will Come
Will Meet Friday
Community Club
Up In April
At Stayton
Monday Night
The Turner Community club will
Report* from Salem nay thul the
The Marion Parent Teacher Asso­
•lamage nuits filed against the South­ ciation wiil meet with the Stayton meet Monday evening, March 9.
Saturday, th” Turner Dairy Asso­ ern Pacific for the death o f four Tur­ local, on Friday, March 0th. County Rurnor has it that an admission will
ciation met at tin* Turner school in ner women on Lahor Hay, will com • president, Or. H. F. Pound, says the be charged, but this is not on the
meeting will be held in the school books. There will be a play and other
an nil day m union, with the busin«’** up ut the April term of court.
II. M. Barnett, administrator of house and there will be a general dis­ good numbers will be on the program.
me ting mill program being held in
The cast o f the play is sa follows:
t h e high school ;
iiiorium and t ie tin i -itute of Inez Harnett, and A. L. cussion of school alfairs. The speak­
dinner 1 :ng u n i ’ll in the gyninaa- 1 Ui. lie it.on, administrator for th*- • - ers will bo Mrs. William Kletzer of M .< ime De Portment, Mable Tucker;
iuni. A hot water •y.-ttm w; i d< mon I tate of Ayline Robertson, have both Portland, state vice-president; the Mable Frolics, ??; Gertrude Smiles,
-t rated liurini* the noon hour by the filed motions for trial, with the coun- secretary, Mrs. It. L. Wright of Sa­ Helen Pectx; Jennie Slow, ?? ; May
Frhky, Mrs. John Cox; Bridget, Ger­
I'laino peoph on the gymnasium t>#cli r!;, Monday, n. king that tli • lem, and also the president.
ca.>es lx* placed on the April term
A program and refreshments are trude Anderson.
on the bill. An invitation is extended
The afternoon si-ssion was opened calendar.
to all school workers and the public
by u short program which included j
in general.
two numbers by a chorus composed
i* i
t \
o f Jo-ephine Gilstray, l.eona Cook. 1 11Y1 U d ’llC K v_/T
I H (3
Helen Witr.el, Anna Johnson, E monil
s • i r i
A fire drill was held in the school
Turpin und Kenneth Hickok, with
1 vV O vJT 11 1 l l U Y l t d S
la t week.
Mrs. IVarcy at the piano; "The
March of the Wooden Soldiers,” u
Basketball draws to a close.
Chapter II
group of intermediate boys under th<-
Hunky Jim pulled the latch&tring
direction of Mrs. C. Edward*; two
The double header played with
j und came in.
solo numbers by Mrs. !’• urcy.
Stayton, Friday, February 27, was a
C. A. Ib-ur presided at the meet- I “ Hello, Timerlick!”
lug and introduced W. It Henry of I “ Hello, J,m! How’s business?”
The country home o f Lee Sutton,
Portland, who spoke on cooperative I “ Busin«’.’ i is slow now. How is it . outh of Auinsville, was destroyed by
Th” third string of the town team
marketing, explaining in detail the i with you?”
fire Saturday morning. Mr. Sutton p.nd high school played a game Mon­
in.iiketu Ig o f grid C milk und urged
"Wal, not so bad. I caught two was milking in the barn when the fire day, March 2. T: e high school was
the farmer* to pay their dues and wolves, a couple of wild cats and a was discovered and it had gained such victorious with a score of 17-15.
I • Ip to put the cooperative marketing coon today."
headway that it w ub impossible to get
plan over. Mr. Henry also answered
"Huy, that is good! Timberiick.” to the upper story.
Ti. tu. m-r boys will play Gates
many uu itloi * o f vital Interest to : “ Well, I must be gettin’ along. So
Some blankets and a radio were all high school Friday, March 6, which
tii. farm* r and which will help them long and good luck."
that was saved. Fruit in a small build­ will be their last game for the sea­
nt cl<*t . r cooperation.
"Same to you, bo long.”
ing close by was save I but all of Mr. son.
R. w. Clark, of the Marion Co-
"There is u good friend, Budge,” Sutton’s personal belongings and
op ritive uni of Salem, spoke br. f- * aid T.mberlick to his best friend, his keep aukes wer, in th. upper story The boys played a fast game taking
good play*. Th“
ly of the work bd*|> done there.
.dog Budge.
and wer” bunted. The plscc was part- the lead and i»..
f t v.n I T
lacon nue the
Ho sat th« « a long while after 'y cover: d by insurance.
game was played very close through­
Turner C.*i in ter.’ 1 -c ation organ- Hunky Jim left, watching the differ-
out. The outcome was 13-10.
i f i| J r, y,*r« rgo anl b«*com< afTUi- lent pictures the fire made on the logs
West Stayton Community Club met
at- I wtih the count y org mlaatlon.
¡in the fin place and smoked his old at thé hall Tuesday evening. After
The girls were decisively beaten
l.. I). Roberts v. n i lected pri si- pipe nn«l thinking of what the mor- a short business session a very inter-
The outcome was 30-6. This was the
<k n*.; Rob-rt Schaef r, secretary; C. row would bring forth. Then he re- e ting program was given by the la­
A. Bear, Alfred Anderson, Henry tired for the night. But, ns was the dies. The main feuture being a play girls last game of the season, their
Ahrens. I-red Mitchell und Lawrenc« j custom of every trapper and hunter, entitled "The Girls.” Joe Williams practice ended Friday, February 27.
Edwards, directors. C. A. Bear is tie- he was sure Old Calamity was loaded and Mr. Moore, representing the Wil­
retiring president, having held the po­ and oiled, ready for immediate use.
lard Battery company, gave a very i The operetta is now under way.
He arose early (which was also inter sting motion picture show. One | The leading characters have been
sition for the Hi year* and W. T.
th” ir custom). He look Calamity uml reel showed the manufacture of bat­ chosen and practice is held every day
R che is the retiring secretary.
Budge and went to get some fresh teries, the other two being comedies.
in the activity period. The operetta,
for breakfast. There were plen­
Mrs. Ariel« Stieli a ho is post ninety
One was an “ Our Gang” reel.
Revere,” has a very good plot
ty o f different kinds to choose from
yrnrsi’fags, is just a little ahe.i 1 of
and theme. It will be given on the
—deer, quail, pheasant, grouse, tur­
most of th«* matron« about town -d.e keys and many others.
of them savages, Calamity, and I
evening o f March 27 in the high
l-i’S her spring house cleaning d o n e Mr*
!!<• had only walked about u half wor.dcr who shot the first one.”
school auditorium. Reserve seats will
(By F. B. Haworth)
Steele has n-ade two quilts and ll ree mile when Budge b*g;:n to growl. He
be sold at 25c each.
(To be continued)
rugs Curing t h e past wmlir and her looked up to see the meaning of this
flower and vegetable garden dur ng the growl, for he knew it was not a
friendly growl. And not more than
rummer is the envy of many a younger
200 yards away he saw an Indian
with his bow and arrow ready to
- —
f>—- - • - —
shoot him. Ho ducked behind a tree
in time, for the arrow streaked
not over 3 or -1 inches from
Budge growled again and Timber-
‘ A Vi ion of Christ," was the sub­ lick saw another Indian to his left.
ject of the morning discourse. The He got closer to the hig tree in order
pastor had three texts ( I ) They saw- to keep out of sight of the two In­
no tii m hut Jesus only, (3 ) What is dians. They were in readiness to
t it to thee follow thou me, Jesus is
shoot at a second’s notice, so he had
the only perfect pattern. He stands no chance to shoot.
-•I ry test. The unsaved cannot get
The Indians began to separate and
tin r yes off of man, hut to look ut Timberiick hugged close to the trunk
m re man is to get one’s eyes olT the o f the big tree. They hud separated
tract. John Wesley sr-id "Methodists so fur that they could almost see him.
judge them-elv. * not others.” The They still were separating when all of
t t <|in tion for us till is "What think a sudden a shot was fired from some­
where and an Indian dropped. The
m<• of Jesus?” Our attitude toward other one started to run as Old Ca­ determines whether or not we lamity spoke up, which meant a sud­
den stop to Mr. Indian.
are Christians.
— O
Timberiick snid to Budge: "Who
The evening text was •‘Whosoever do you suppose that was Old Pal
If Joan Crawford ever gets tired of from her hat brim wouldn’t cover her
doelh not bear his cross and come Well, we’ll find out. We know it was
acting she can always make a good eyes, she became impatient and push­
after me is not worthy of me." Those a friend any way."
ed her brim back against the crowd,
So they started out to hunt the one living as a fashion creator.
that let business or pleasure take
revealing her face directly to the light
who had saved their lives and scalps.
much to the cameraman’s delight.
chi- f place, we were told, shall not
They started in the direction the
Following release o f the picture,
eat of His supper. Christianity makes report came from to -ee who it was for her original style ideas as for her
off-face hats became ultra-smart and
no armistice with other religions. Our that shot the first Indian. As they clever work in the dramatic field.
Among her other innovations. Miss universally popular!
religion is not a doctrine, creed, or walked along Timberiick was talking
was first to wear the off-
Miss Crawford’s lates fashion nov­
<loK ttn'* Kun ( th°y W(’ re his
b aching hut just Jesus. II.' is the i to
> only housemates and he talked to the-facc hats. The inspiration came
will be seen in ‘ T aid,” her new
< nnstian s all in nl . We had a very
_ .
, . . .
' them
most o f his time). "The one while she was on a picture set. After
int, n t i n g brotherhood meeting Tues- lhat
thllt ahot was not very fnr waiting patiently for the cameraman dramatic vehicle opening Sunday at
day evening.
I away, 1 don’t reckon, but we got one to adjust the lights so that the shadow the Warner Bros. Elsinore theater.
Turner H S. News
Home Destroyed
By Fire Saturday
Some Insurance
A family reunion was held Sunday,
March 1, in honor o f Grandpa Gar­
ner’s 85th birthday anniversary at his
country home in the Cloverdale dis­
trict southwest of Turner. The rooms
were decorated with pansies and daf­
fodils. At noon a bounteous dinner
was served, with a large birthday
cake centering the table. Covers
were placed for the following chil­
dren: James Garner and son, Elmo,
of Hayden Lake, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs.
George Garner, Mr. and Mrs. James
Craig, all of Salem; Mr.;. Mazie Gar­
ner and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Worden,
both of Turner; g .ndchildren and
great grnadchidion, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn .Moored, Mi. and Mrs. Reise
Jones, Mr. Ronald iuyne, Mrs. Ever-
. tt Whelan, Mr. l.awton Girod and
son, Clifford, Orel Garner, all of Sa­
lem; Harold Veisteeg, Glenn, Olga,
Alvin, Rachel and F’ orence, and the
honor guest, Granena Garner.
In the afternoon Sirs. Bergman
called and presented him with a cake
in behalf o f the Daughters of Veter­
ans of Salem.
Late in the afternoon all left wish­
ing Grandpa Garner many more hap­
py birthdays.
Starting Tuesday, Grandpa Garner
will accompany his son, James, to his
home in Idaho by motor for an indefi­
nite Strn
Mr. and Mrs Perkins came from Leb­
anon and sjent Friday with her parents
Dr. and Mrs. Ransom.
■-------------------------------------------------- ■
A splendid large Bible school greet­
ed Superintendent Bates, Sunday
A beautiful anthem was rendered
by the choir at the morning service.
Brother Gilstrap’s sermon was the
climax of a soul stirring service.
The young pepole proved their in­
genuity at their C. E. prayer meeting
with a “ campfire” meeting. There
was a good attendance and a fine
spiritual meeting.
-------- O---------
The pastor will speak on “ Getting
Rid of the Old Man” next Sunday
----- O-----
A large crowd came out to hear Mr.
Noble, Tuesday evening. The lecture
was well worth while. Thanks, Dr.
Epley, for bringing him.
Monday evening the teachers and
officers of the Bible school met at the
home o f Mr. and Mrs. Don Riches in
a workers conference. Among other
important things considered was an
Easter program. It was agreed to
have it Sunday evening on Easter.
The great Marion county campaign
is to start in the Turner church ami
then go to Salem. The Kellems team
is having a wonderful meeting in
Portland. There have been hundreds
of converts.
The Kellems Brothers have beer
giving some wonderful broadcasts
Tune in on KGW at 3:30 next Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. Gilstrap is taking a carload o
young people to Silverton, Thursday
evening, to the educational banque
and conference. Those planning ti
go are Nelly Barber, Sheila Delzell
Ruth Gilstrap, Jim McGowan and Mr