THE B r ie f Item* C o n ce rn in g the C o m ­ ings and G o in g s o f Y o u rs e lf and Y o u r N eig hb ors, as T old to The T r ib u n e R eporters. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards en­ joyed a pleasant visit from their daughter, Mrs. Hazel Hobson, who came from Whitney in eastern Ore­ gon the past week for a few days’ visit. O n e o f the Nicest Courtesies Y ou C an S how to Y o u r Guests Is to [ ' s e e T h e ir Visits M entioned in T hese C olu m n s. The T rib u n e W ill C o n sid e r It a Special F avor if Y o u W ill Help Us Make This P aper M ore Interesting to Its R ea ders by Sen din g in Items for T his C o lu m n . W rite us, o r, if C o n v e n ie n t, T e le p h o n e Your N ew s Items to This Office. T R IR U N E ..— .J. Wall paper, 800 samples to choose from at Prather's Drug Store, Turner. D. B. Psrks went to Portland Tues* LOST A red hanaled jack knife, two blades, between the creamery and homo day where ne entered the Veterans f oe- j pital. He has been u sufferer from neu- ; FinJer please return to Keith Bones. rims of the »pine for some time. Wed’ The children o f Mrs. Ada Spark W e d r a ft patterns for each in divid­ are having the chickenpox. nesday Marion and Ruddy Parks took ual. Let us en d y o u r corset trouble. down with the measles and Mrs. Anna FOK SALE— Special ciu old fir wood A reb a rt & A ld rich , corset makers, Johnson is caring for them during (he M inch. Turner Lumber ('< inpany. 4 2 0 C ou rt Street, Salem. Phone 1639. day. Mrs. Karl W ipper is the second measle victim in the Wiper fam ilj. Qjalit y candies at Rii Its tiouery. — -- Confec- $ Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards and Mrs. Hobson attended Grange at Stayton, Saturday. N e v e r ! Then why not bring y ou r day in celabration of their fourty shoe* to be repaired to E. R obinson, first wedd'ng anniversary. Cover» were located in Mrs. B rigg s bouse, in T u r ­ ner, O reg on . A I»o fu rn itu re repair­ placed for Mr and Mr*. John Ran­ som, of She! burn; Hurve Hanson, ing. Mr. ami Mrs. J. Bryant were here for a short time Tuesday. Mr. Bryunt, Mr. and Mrs. I L- R oh fr's'n arehere who is working on state community work, spent some time at the Chas. for a visit with relativ»« and friends. J Clark home while Mrs. Bryant visited Mrs Jean Pearcv was a dinner with Mrs. R. J. Watson, whom she guest at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. knew when she (Mrs. Bryant) was a small child and live here where the Arthur Edwards, Friday evening. Harrison family now live. Her maid­ --------- O---------- en name was Alchie Jones. Dr. B. F. P ou n d pra ctice limited to Happy Home Style Frocks I Snappy Styles Quality Unexcelled I A $2 Dress for 99c O ------ Ye Editor enjoyed u visit the first of the week from Wm. Stewart of Luncher at Riches' Confectionery. Spokane, Washington. Wdlittm is on There will be no charge when the the carpenter force o f the The measles have also found their young people put on the playlet. ‘ •Mad­ Northern railroad. Stewart's £ Mr. Ste way into the home o f Mr. and Mrs. am DeP^ rtment School", at the Com­ home is near Stephen, Minnesota, John Schifferer. where he and Ye Editor enjoyed life munity Club meeting on March 9. in our younger «lays. It has been 30 J. L. Norris and sons, Stanford and Monday when one o f the ladies and years since we have met and we cer- Joel, are busy putting in several acres tainly enjoyed the visit very much. small son o f the town stepptd from o f strawberries. ------o------ , the Harrison store they narrowly Mr. Stewart was accompanied by Fragrar.e Moth buds repel moths, 25c being run over when some ‘ James Toombs o f Lyons, Oregon, Prathers young man with a well loaded tour- who is also a Minnesotian by having ------o------ ing car cut the corner, which is lather lived there when he was very young. Mrs. Walter Miller is recovering a bjtl habit b>. man>. Dr and Mrs. J. W, Hanson «-nteitain. from a severe case o f poison oak 0 - which has required medical attention. What! T ra d e out o f T u r n e r ? No! pj with a 12 o'clock family dinner to Husky H ig ra de B aby Chicks, ca ta ­ log u e an d price» n ow ready. S a lem ’ » Petland, Salem, O re g o n . Phone 656. ■ , A Mrs. G. W. Hunsaker. When return­ A V . W . % W . V . V . * . V . V . V . W . W . W . V . V . W . V . V . W . " . % W - V . V ing to her home she will stop at Hot s Lake and take her husband, who is a sufferer from rheumatism, to their home. * O Delegates from the vuriou» Granges throughout the county met at North How ell on Wednesday to discuss agri­ cultural and economic questions. Those going from Surprise Grange were Mrs. Stella Miller, president o f the Work Club; Arthur Edwards, master; Raymond Titus uml T. T. Palmer, delegates. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Small ami daughters, Ella May ami Jackie Lou, o f Eugene visited at the homes o f I. H. Small and L. D. Roberts over the week-end. L O C A L ACTIVITIES D U R IN G THE W E E K TURNER Rain-test C lo t llillg Warm-wear Shirts Rubber Boots BELO W H a rris o n ’s General Store TURNER OREGON Lyons; Wayne Bars BEERY Olobj Í I WO of the screen'» g rea teit personalities— Marie Dressier o f > " C a u g h t S h ort” and " A n n a Chris­ Í tie*,” and W a lla ce B eery o f “ The Big Ifo u »e WM L OREGON n ., Kathleen Norris’ Greatest Story P A S S IO N Body & Pender Works Bill Durke« B -ir .Syst'-m of Wheel Alignment Frame and Axle Straightening 411 Ferry St., Sab m, Oregon p i r o TI m r s . 1 6k TELEPHONE 3441 arncr Bros. SALEM s: WALLACE s Salem. Oregon Id II 1S2 S. High Street Buy licenses for your dogs before March 1 an»l avoid payment o f the penalty for delinquency. A license on a male or spayed female dog is now 1*2.00; aft< r March 1, it will $4.00. Until March 1 female dogs will be lic -n, d for $3.00; after that date the lie n .• • vill be $5.00. Mail applications for licenses to U. G. Boyer, County Clerk, Salem, Or gon. Enclose the proper fee and state the breed and sex o f the »log nd your own name and address. Thi notice is ordered published by tin- County Court o f Marion County, Oregon. U. G. BOYER, County Clerk. FLO W ER 46 with Kay Francis — Chas. Bickford Lewis Stone — Kay Johnson StiiHiiii* Sunday 1" end oth e r hit»— corns togeth er now in a talkie that make» Hutcheon Paint Store you roar c n e m om ent, then holds PAINTS, W A L L PAPER you tens* by its drama the next. »I A#»*! Í J S T A R T S S U N D A Y Warner Bros. r^i E L S I N O H 154 S. Commercial, Salem, Ore. Buy Y o u r Paint at a Paint Store L V A V W M W W V W I V A 'W A W A W A Y . W A V W / W / W Corset Makers and Milliners Foundation Garm ents A n y Style 420 C urt St. I'hone 1 639 S*lem Kt m >4 # — Next to Hibinore Theatre DOG O W N E R S OR K E E PE R S BUY D O G L I C E N S E S N O W MÍ • W 1 Warner Bros. Supreme Talking Screen Achievement V IE N N E S E N I G H T S All in Natural ( ’olor v