TH K T U R N E R The Turner Tribune SUBSCRIPTION $1.2.» PF R VEAU it r< il at the IVsiorthv at Turner, i)»t»(ron, as si comi ciu.-s mutter, ululer i .o Act o f March 3, ISTI*. l--ur«l every Thursday ut Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK CHAS. S. C LA R K Editer.«» \ and J Publishers The Next War Speaking to a large Lorn.on audi­ ence« British Foreign Secretary Ar­ thur Henderson implor* i support for plans to reduce military and naval armament. He painted a terrible pic­ ture o f what the next war would be­ like. “ The next war will not be hk the last,” he declared. “ It will be incom­ parably worse. A great military ex­ pert has said that in the last war we were killing by re-tail but next tinv> we shall do it by wholesale. The next war, if it ever should come, will be fought by aircraft and by aircraft us­ ing poison gas. “ Every year our air force carries out maneuvers over Lonelon. Have you ever thought what those maneu­ vers means? They mean that our staff, like every other staff, is now expecting that the operations o f the next war will be ai attacks against great centers o f industry and civilian populations. “ It is useless to protest that such warfare would be international crime. We have surely learnt d that it is be­ T R IB U N E T yond our powi to .n.mnnixc the con­ Allen J. Davie and Cynthia Davie .W .V . V .W .V .W .V . W .W . V .' 1*. !.. C. Hot ideation No. 511, in duct of modern war. Once war be­ township !», South Range l, West HAM M AN ST At'. F LINKS gins no man and no government can of the Willamette Meridian in ' control it The only way to stop uch Marion County, Oregon; thence North 10.00 chains to tin- c< liter barbarities i- to .«top war itself.” Leave Sali in for Aumsville of tin- Stuyton and Aumsville While some o f these details can 1» n \ M County Road; thence South 73 10:30 A M. < xuggerated, all thinking people agree degrees 16 minutes East I I . -13 4:45 I' M. that the next war will be horribl • in chains; thence South 36.84 chains; its effect upon entire populations. The la-avo Aunis\ ill.- for Salem • . ne« Wait 10.97 chaina to the « : I It \ M. plan- o f beginning, containing recognition of this should add 1:20 P.M. 12.16 acres of lami. strength to any movement to avoid 5:10 P.M. The property herein last des.-ritred war. being 21.076 acres of land. Leave Aumsville for Mill City Said sale shall he made for cash, — ------- ----------------------- - 1 1 ■ 7:25 A M. to the high «t liidd- r and subject to , 5:25 P.M. So far as we have been able to the order o f continuation o f the 1 observe the modern dappers arc able ab > \< cou it s la-ave Salem for Turner I). F. KASTBURN, % to take care o f themselves, and, at 10:30 A M. 1 the same time, two or three time as Administrator of the Estati o f Mary aj 4:45 P.M. East burn. Deceased. i ¡5 many men. Ian29F< b6 12 t:* 20 > —--- ---- o- ————— Leave Turner for Salem Every once in u while a newspap r 8 :20 A M l :30 P.M. editor finds a sensible subscriber, for 5:20 P.M. example, the one that wrote us In: '. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # ) > • ï* week that The Turner Tribune w. L.-uvu Turner for Mill Citv better than ever. 5:15 P.M. •i :j O r e g o n . . - - 0 - r . .. . ----------- * Maybe the reason the city dweller, are moving into the rural sections i because they have been reading Un- big bankers, who declare that tlur is “ plenty of money in the country.” _ r —V if- C „2 ‘ '4 s » a • 3 • a • « l « a t s e a » > i *ai s C * Filbert Trees $30 to $45 per 100, Tip-layered r.nd ¡2 Nurseried Trees Grafted Walnuts, 75c U p Chestnuts, 40c Mazzard Cherry Seedlings, 10c-15c-20c A Full Line cf Trees, Roses and Shrubs [' P Z A R C Y BROS. NURSERY i £ (Across from Montgomery-Ward Store) A,A,.V V /M W .,.V.V/AV/.VAV.V.VW .V.V.V.V,V.V.VAV EXECUTOR’S NOTICE PF.RMANKNl ÿ WAVE FINGER W A V E SI inn. i > ir ' I . $4 00 % W ve I 00 - Mara i 75 Shampoo .60 Eyebrow Arch l'-int Hot Oil Shampoo Long Hair Sh imp * Jot. Ilamman, Prep. .50 . .35 .50 .75 .75 1.00 .50 .50 .60 Salem, 0 ; eg on I ? \ V V . V - V .W . W . ’ / A W A W f t _ A V .W W W W W V W w w w w NEW L O C A T IO N "" Î - . ' MORRIS Optical Co’s . New Type Deeper Curved Lens Be*it for llrttcr Ylaloil D r. S o o t i e l d X-R AY C !: r.'.c : ” RACTOR 444 State Street — u - « Lady Atte - i v t t SALEM , OREGON 4 S N u t T ree s-F ru it Trees «; *1 I* 2 * .• Telephone 200 I* Water Wuve ^ 4 ! i The high st compliment that ¡. business man can pay an individual W ill bue Unit You is to sell on credit; if some Turn «r merchant has done this with you, O f Your Home! why not strain a point and make hi:u *"•«“ I « ™» U.'»«. ... ... a payment on the account? He prob­ V -« I*«.* I k - « « • . . . . . I kuV. fa r l U * ably needs it. * * U— h I n The Coco Cola company report: St * a*k* '«■ yrup««, nf. k, bu .1 li»g, t’ •; biggest earnings in history and * •"T»'"*« m a -Hi, In n * t1 n r. rrates that it spent an e::tra * -AM» l.VMk» d lid o lla r s on advertising in 1930. * uu.ll * ■■ — - -O' ■ ■ ■ — ■s F. P. ROWLEY. Agent Personally, we regret to see by tin * Cenerai iniurance papers that people an« still dropping + * Turner, Oregon a into cold water through thin ice. * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > ^>- * * * * * * * 5 »28 OlegOII lluililillg Î < ¿ !. i; bhop lì ¿vT«** * •: liouuty Henna Puck Henna Kins'- ^ Manicure _________________________ ^ ' a at * a * A V A V .V .% % V .V ,V .V .V .V .V .V *. ■V.WAV.WA'AW.VA'AW.“ .W.VAV.V.'AW.V.W/AV a ' ft First Nat’l Bank Bld’g., Phone 2191 Salem, .Oregon v .v i » • ■ ■»i Ì ■ Î Ì BEIIITI ■ SHOPPE Ail Tv(k;s of licauly Work i V .W .V .V A V .V .W A V i V.WV >, > I I A N I ) 1 CAI*S O F I) I S E A S E —o — 1 L. H. McMahan, judge o f the above entitled court. The date of the first publication o f this summons is Janu­ ary 22, 1931, and the last date o f the publication thereof wil be the 20th day o f February, 1981. M. B. HAYDEN, Attorney for Paintiff. \ Salem, Oregon Jan22-29Feb5-12-19-2G M il re e l m id F iltre r 50c W l l V l»H Service w ith A Sm ile In the Matter o f the Estate of Air lia E. Stockton, Dec-nr d. Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day o f January, 1931. by order o f the Honorable J. C. Siegmund, Y ou h I m iy* get a 111 1 1>- more County- Judge o f Marion County, Ore­ gon, Mr. S. B. Elliott was appointed than you pay for when you deul executor o f the above named estate with ua— Clean “ gaH,M f u l l and htters testamentery ¡.-sued to tnensijr*I'lean oil, the brand him. y i. u r motor Ilk» *« beat,—and Notice is hereby given that any and NOTICE OF SALE cheerful service to I,ring you all persons having any claims against .-•a: ! estate will pr s- nt the same duly buck. No. 7669 ve: fietl according to law to the said S. B Elliott, executor o f said estate, j IN THE CO UN TY COURT OF : t tiie First National Bank, Salem, TH Ii S TA TE OF OREGON, FOR FREE A IR and W ATER Os -on, within s'x months from the i MARION COUNTY. WE FIX FEATS date o f tiiis notice, dated at Salem, Or „-on, January 22, 1931. In the Matter o f the Estate of S. B. E LLIO TT, Mary Eastburn, Deceased. Executor of Said Estate. Notice is hereby given that the RED CROW N O A S M. D. H AYD EN, undersigned as administrator o f the Attorney for Estate. estate o f Mary Eastburn, deceased, I Sa’.em, Oregon. will from and after the 28th day of February, 1931, sell, at private sale,! at the law office o f Guy O. Smith, in j SUMMONS S il'-m, Marion County, Oregon, all . of the following described real prop- j v .V r ‘ v r w / . '. v . v w , In the Circuit Court o f the State erty, to-wit: o f O» -gon, for County o f Marion. Beginning at a point in the cen­ D- pt. No. 2. ter o f Cleveland Avenue in Merri- E-ins M. Reader, Plaintiff, field’s Addition to the Town of vs. Aumsville in Marion County, Ore­ H .i ry J. R- ad r, Defendant. gon, which aid point is 11.967 To H ,ry J. Reader, I) -fondant: chain West o f the Northeast cor­ In tlie name o f the State of Ore­ ner of said Merrifield*» Addition gon, you are hereby required to ap- to the Town o f Aumsville; running C R Y S T A L G A R D E N p i rand answer the complaint filed thence West along the center of SALEM , OREGON ag 'nst you in the above entitled -aid Cleveland Avenue 3.39 chains court and cause on or before four to the center o f F»ff h Street in v.-.-' l: from the date o f the first pub­ the Town o f Aumsville; thence Every Wednesday and Saturday Strictly Old-Time Dancing lication o f this summons, namely on North on a direct line with the or b fore the 2fith day o f February, A t 8:30, p. m. center o f said Fifth Street 2.99 1931, and if you ::o fail to appear and chains; thence East 3.31 chains to sn-w.r, for want thereof, plaintiff a 16 foot right o f way heretofore M O D E R N D A N C E will apply to the court for the relief granted to R. L. Randall, and now C R Y S T A L GARDEN ANNEX pray d for in the complaint, viz: owned by Chf flings; thence South Every Wednesday and Saturday For a decree dissolving the bonds along the west side o f said right Strictly Modern Music o f matrimony now existing between of way 2.99 chain- to the place ‘ and Dancing yeuj 'f and the plaintiff and a di- of beginning, containing one acre, vojv therefrom on the grounds of more or less, situated in Section One Gate and One Price o f Admif d - -.ion; and for such other relief 25, T H South Range i West of sion ctitles you to both styles a to the court may seem meet and the Willamette Meridian in Marion of dancing County, Oregon. <-q-.!'table in the premises. Gents 50c Ladies J5c Tris summons is served upon you Also the East one-half o f the fol­ Roller D REAM LAND Skating by | iblication thereof for four ron- lowing described premises, to-wit- Friday and Saturday secut've weeks in the Turner Tribune, Beginning at a point 20.08 Tuesday, |iUr.:uant to an order m a d e on the 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c chains north and 3.47 chains east 21st day o f January, 1931, by Hon. o f the Southwest corner o f the Ladies FYee. Skates 25c Bones Bros., Turner FAMILY DANCE Facial and Scalp T re a tm e n ts All Work Guaranteed Over SteuslotF Market Salem, Oregon Rhone 47J • a V A V .V .W .m '.V / .V .V .V A A U M S V IL L E STA TE BANK AUM SVILLE. OREGON I Paid on % I)R. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. Hitfh Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON Time Deposits Th« Place for Home People to Hank J W J W J ■ .V U V W A V W W W W W W ^ jjj W.T.Rigdon&Son i As you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to the handicap- of disease. Have these eliminated by Chi- roprartic Adjustments given according to a Nruroealometer reading. Remember the Nruroealometer locates nerve pressure. Cht- rnpratcir Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Nruroealome­ ter readings b f appointment only. UNDERTAKERS ■" ■" • " • " ■ " •"m m ■"m m m* ■ " ■ " THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the relief of Goughs COLDS LLO YD T. RIGDON SPASMODIC County Coroner CROUP W H O O P IN G COUGH HOARSENESS < Salem Oregon B R O N C H IA L COUGHS Contains no Narcotic Only at Schaefer’s W W W JW W M TA V W W W l PAINTING BY D A Y OR CONTRACT Estimates Furnished 1 . S. Talbot Turner W .V W A W W W W V W \ W A fi DRUG STORE Th«i Original Yallow Front and Candy Special Store of Salem 135 N. Commercial PH O N E 197 Pentlar Agency J i