T he T urner T ribune Annual Dairy Meeting Saturday, Feb. 28 VOLUME XVI AND CONTINUATION <>h THE A • MSVILI.E .STAR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, »931 The Annual meeting of the Turner Cooperative Dairyrnen’ 3 Association will l>e held in the Hi^h School Auditorium, Turner, Oregon, on Saturday, February 28, 1901. It will be an all day meeting starting at 11 o ’clock, with a basket dinner at noon, W. W Henry, Manager of the State Cooperative Association and K. W. Clark, Director Marion County Cooperative Association, are the speakers. Come end bring your friends. CANNERY MEETING I L L TURNER BASKETEERS WIN A TTE N D ED -FIN A N C E LAST GAME OP SERIES AND O R G AN IZATIO N -UPS TOD COMMITTEES AP- C. A. Bear, Chairman W. T. Riches, Secy. In the last gome of t!.“ f'aseade Lag e -■ METHODIST CHURCH aeries, the Turuer toy« proved victor*. The game in the «tort looked life an The high school nugr*»«ed the Mill City b«ys esting sermon Sunday morning. In the evening the young men from to talk over the proposed cooperative strengthened and raised the score to 29- 1 cannery which in to hi- built in Tur­ the Y. M. C. A. o f Willamette univer­ 21 lavorol Mill City. sity furnished two fine quartets be- ner. E Gath went into the game in th« 3 I i.id 's the sermon o f the evening and The meeting wan cull* «1 to order by R. Lee Thiewu'it nnu*in< . 1 * ami along C. Fn-ley »as taken out of the game Th • Indies Aid give their monthly what linen they pursued to make a v *t h 3 pet* .nii! fouls. silver tea at the home o f Mrs. Lou KucceKN o f the adventure. Turner nnd Slayton being the two Small, Thursday o f next week, March George Keech, one o f the organ­ izer« and inunagem o f the cannery at highest team* in the league »ill play for 5th, All ladies o f town and surround­ ing communities are very cordially Slayton, told u* o f the growth o f the the champn.nab'p in a three game »efi. invited to come and each one is re­ cannery ami how it wan managed to quested to be prepared to take some bring it up to the present «tundard, 3 part in the program of the afternoon, which 1« claimed a« one of the best o f CRAWFORD if it is no more than telling a funny ti 1 size m the valley. d story or reading a poem that you Tin- Cloveniale district wa, taken have selected and brought along for care o f by L. K. H< nms, who «ai*i that Mrs. Charlie Cummings speni Sat­ the occasion. Please do not forget curly action should he taken so that urday in Salem with relatives. this— here i* your opportunity to get the cunnery could be built and ready — " — — O 1 - to Like cure o f this year’s crop. Other Mrs. FI diet und fumily o f Salem on th? stage. Y’es, more than, that, p< nki r* were C. A. Bear, E. T. spent Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Kunke. this is the price of admirsion, yet so low no one— not even a child— need — O ’1 1 I’agree, T. Y'. McClellan, Fred I'om- Mr. and Mr*. Fred Schiffercr and be barred. Come. »lock, and Mayor Harrison. A iVv .** was taken for ten minutes chldtrefC Mabel and Edith, spent Sun­ «nil »e v e n ! more grower» were signed day ut Macieay with the Fred Meyer i family. up «luring that time. After the reccsa it was moved that n finance committee of five be ap­ point* d by the cluiir to look uftcr the ale o f preferred stock, and L. C. Ball a.« rhuiimun, E. T. Pierce, E. J. Har­ rison, F. C. Call nnd R. E. Tyler were np|*oint<-d as such committee. An organization committee.' wa« also appointed with L. K. Ileiinies, chair­ man; Ira Stone, A. E. Edwards, B. C. McKinnon and J. H. Tcgen. The ie committees will report at an early meeting to be announced lat. r. ■ 1 .itp.i- i.. — Severul case* o f the measles are in the neighborhood, but all patients ' are getting along fine. •——-«► — —- - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook entertained company from Salem, Sunday. NO, NOT ONE Since the election Mr. Hoover has been getting much better support from thp press. Not a single news­ paper denounced the President for his praise o f advertising.— The New T orker. Prof. J. II. Tull, o f Oregon State IT IS College, wa* to have been present A traveler relatea that he recently anil give a talk, but owing to the came across some African natives per­ holiday and other business he was un- forming weird «lances, yelling and able to come. hanging long clubs on the ground. — O — G olf is played almost everywhere Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mayo o f Stay- now.— The Humorist. ton were Sunday evening callers ut -o—— — - Visitors at the home o f Mr. and the home o f Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Mrs. Frank the first o f the week were Miller. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Sturtcvant, Mr. und Mrs. George Peterson anil son, Bobby, all o f Lebanon. Mrs. Ruy is a niece of Mrs. Cook, ami Mrs. Sturtcvant and Mrs. Peterson are grand nieces. Mrs. By ratifying the Kellogg-Briand Cook accompanied the visitors home peace pact nearly ull nations have for several days visit, returning formally condemned “ recourse to Thursday. war,” renounced “ it us an instrument Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarmen enter­ o f national policy” and promised never to nttempt the settlement o f tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and int 'motional dispute "except by pa­ Mrs. Herman Wipper, Ren Wipper, cific means.” If the treaty means any­ Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Cook, daughter, thing, why larger armies and nuvies? Leone Cook, and John Shanks and O f course, every one realises that Marian Cook o f l.ecomb, Oregon. no one nation can disnrm while others retain their weapons— that would be have a show-down on this issue. dangerous and foolish— hence, dis­ Foreign Minister Custius o f Ger­ armament must come as a common many declares that the world disarm­ policy. However, the various confer­ ament conference in 1932 will be the ences for reduction o f armament have “ touchstone o f the efficacy o f the not had any wonderful progress to­ League o f Nations.” This official ex­ wards the desired goals. The League o f Nations has for its pressed the belief that a failure to two prime purposes the increase o f reach this problem and solve it would "international cooperation” ami the threaten the League’s existence. If er< ation o f genernl “ peace and secur­ nations, pledged to peace, insist on ity.” Through the initiation o f the big armies and navies, what do they leagu e, some progress has been made, mainly affecting navies. The want them for, and why will they big armies have not hern curtailed in refuse to cooperate in a general plan the slightest. Soon, the League must for disarmament? THE LEAGUE TEST CIM E M ut CLUB Mrs. Fret! Steiner entertained the Grange Work Club at her home on the highway east o f town Saturday. Nimble fingers spent the day mend­ ing overalls for the boys o f the Boys Home. The usual potluck dinner was served at noon when several o f the ladies' husbands joined the group. Present were Mesdames Helen Butzke, Raster Crum, Stcllu Miller, Maude Bones, A. Edwards, T. T. Pulmer, J. D. Webb, Fred Mitchell. Bert Peebles, Thos. Little and the hostess, Mrs. Fred Steiner, Thelma Peebles, Keith Bones and Frank Steiner. Mrs. Browner and Mrs erts came in for the afternoon. — ....o ........ . — ! Rob­ THE EDITOR j Who’s told about the stork that flies The Editor! Who’s informed first when some one dies? The Editor! 1 Who has to sit through sermons long, And praise some crack-voiced singer’s song— Who has to right all civic wrong? The Editor! Who has to smile when skies are black? The Editor! Who has to walk the narrow track? The Editor! Who listens to the space-hog’ s guff, And never treats him harsh or rough Hut kills his propaganda stuff? The Editor! WI 1 0 , when he dies, should have four wings The Editor! Who’ll pluck his harp while the choir sings? The Editor! Who’ll know the heavenly hosts by name? ¡ W ho’ll help increase fair heaven’s name I By telling folks about hell’s flame? The Editor! — H. R. Merrill in Publisher’s Auxil­ iary. ’ ll CHRISTIAN CHURCH * ------------------------- ■ NVxt Sunday Brother Gilstrap will give another rousing sermon. There wiil be special music. Next Sunday evening’s Christian i Endeavor is expected to be one o f the ! best. Kenneth Hickok is helping the or­ chestra in a fine way. Visitors at hour remark young people they speak o f by all. the morning worship about the number o f in attendance and also the fellowship enjoyed NO. 20 AT SCHOOL 12004457 Of INTEREST A program wa* presented Monday morning, February 23, at the high school auditorium in remembrance o f Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays by the Turner schoo!.:. Characteristic features o f the program were one verse o f “ America” and “ Star Spangled Banner” sang in unison. The primary room presented songs and poems in honor o f our patriotic leaders. The intermediate room gave “ March o f the Tin Soldiers.” Short verses o f Washington and Lincoln were presented by a group from the junior high. The hi^h rchool quartet and Miss Josephine Clistrap and Miss Loleta Skipper presenting readings represented the h.gn school. The pro­ gram was concluded by all singing “ America, the Beautiful.” Following the program the schools were dis­ missed for the remain ler o f the day. -----o------ Turner high school plays their last double header with Stayton high school Friday evening, February 27, at Stayton. Let’s see every' one there rooting fo r Turner. A most charming program o f spe­ cial music, readings, aryl sermon, was given to the delight o f a full house Sunday evening, February 22. The theme was “ The Glory o f the Gar­ den.” 1 ----- 0 ----- Tuesday evening at the close o f the practice the choir members called a A representative from the Kennell- surprise on Dr. Epley. Light refiesh- ments were served in the church par­ Ellis Studio was at school Tuesday mg orders for lors. There were about twenty peo- ^ior the purpose o f securing the senior pictures whicn were taken ! pie present. previously. MIGHT AS WELL A Warsaw woman is seeking vorce on the grounds that her band has eleven sweethearts. wants to sever relations with the netic Pole.— Judge. The senior class rings, purchased from Master Engraving company o f a di­ Portland, arrived last week. hus­ A senior class meeting was held last She mag­ Friday afternoon fo r the purpose o f discussing their announcements, and the commencement speaker. Neither were definitely decided upon. ----- o------ Mrs. Pearcy, with the assistance of the glee club, is working on an oper­ etta, “ Paul Revere,” which will be presented in the high school auditor­ ium in the near future. "WILD GINGER" A THREE ACT C O H O Y DRAMA basketball teams were defeat­ Faturnay evening ed The Friday, February 20. The girls competed against Gervais. The games Febr. the 28, Sur­ were very closely played, the teams being evenly matched. The outcome prise Grange, No. o f the game was 14-11. Tiie boys played a fast game with 233, is sponcering a Gates. They were several points ahead in the third quarter but two o f the 3 act Comedy Dra­ men were fouled out and several bas­ kets were then obtained by the oppos­ ma, “ Wild Ginger” ing team. The score was 35-27. Miss Katherine Schampier ami given by Union Hill Kenneth Fouler, the delegates select­ ed from the student body to attend Grange, at the Hi the exposition held at Corvallis, gave very interesting talks on what they School Auditorium, learned at the exposition at the stu dent body meeting held February' 20, Turner. There are especially for this purpose. Mr. Hickok, who also attended the expo­ 11 characters in the sition, gave an interesting talk to the students. cast and they prom­ Kenneth Bear and Mrs. Fred Brown were visitors at school the ise an evening of first o f this week. They are both fo r­ mer students o f Turner high. laughs. The seniors will have a food sale in There will also be the domestic science room this Fri­ day noon, February 27. Everyone is orchestra music be­ welcome. tween acts and the BLISSFUL IGNORANCE admission will be His uncle was giving him a lecture. You modern boys want too much,” adults 35c and 15c he “ said. “ Do you know what I was when I married your aunt?” for children under getting “ No,” replied the nephew, “ and I’ll bet you didn’t either.” 12 years.