The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 19, 1931, Image 8

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    land "P oor Married Man,” giv«-n lu-t
Thursday everting ut Shaw by the
ladies of that community wus well at
i tended und caused much amusement
\ for the crowil. The plays wen- couch­
ed by Mrs. Chau. Martin of Aum-
| ville.
--- -O’' «■ -
A large num ber of friends un«l
chool mutes gathered at th«- home of
Mrs. Helen Zub«-r, lust S atunlay ev«
i ning and surprised h* r on h«-r «-igh-
r. mer Colvin c i n « from Carubaldu dancers und the wedding of two of tei-nth birthilay. The evening wu«
the participant*.
pleu. antly spent in conversation and
tor .1 few day« visit.
The youngest son of Mr. und Mrs. playing games. At a late hour the
Mr. and Mr*. Kb Hlghderger are driv- Vernon McAllister of Shaw hus been birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Michels,
ijuite ill for the past several days. I>r. j was cut and oth er refreshm ents were
itij; :j new Podge Sedan.
Uackstrand of Sa!--m wu- culled the erved. Those who helped M m Zub«-r
— o— -
Cal i’atton and Geo. Vick of Salem first of the week und found him s u f­ i njoy the evening were: Honor guest
Helen Zuber, Adaline Riest«-rer,
were in Aumsville on busun.s» Tuesday. fering from a gathering in each ear,
Helen Iici*-11 1 • r . A«l«li<- Fill«*. Virgo
med to be getting along nicely but Bradley, Kill • n Braum-r, Wilfred B it­
Mr*. Klizubath Kirckpatriek ha* re- Wednesday he began to suffer again ter, Bernard Mtri<U-n, Harold Schott,
turned from a several days visit *:th and one car hud to be laneed the Teddy Mindc-n, Ijiurence Ibiedighel*
mer, l»*rt Bradley, Jerom e Bitter,
relative* in Pnrtlrad
•ond time.
— - ■ O--" -
Herman Ru«-ttg«-rs, Clc-ment Zubc-r,
■ "■ O ■—-
Charier Martin and family motored Helen Ric-sterer, Martin Brauner,
Mrs Millie Martin motoral to the L*-b
to Salem, where his niece, Miss Lois |.«-o S u 'b a u e r, Kdwin Zuber, Erm -t
an n country Tuesday with h**r son Plummer join' ll them and they went
Zuber, Krn«-st Ui«-.ster<-r, Is-onord
Arbie of Salem.
to Monmouth where t h 'y were gu-.its Zuber. I.«c»t . Bradley*, Mr. an«l Mrs.
' o ■■—
at Arnold Arms, Sunday afternoon, Antony Micki-ls, Mr. an«l Mrs. Nicky
Miss Sarah Rc ad became suddenly when the young ladies and the hous-
Krem'-r, Mi. Adele Zubi-r an«l Mar
. Tuesday, but ut last report was mother, dre*. -d in colonial costumes,
tin Zuber.
r. -t ig easy.
e rv d teu und prcsenU d a delight*
e ■ -
---- -O------
Mrs. M ountain entertained th«-
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alhus are fu' program. Many guest, wer pres­
Young people’) chlefi of tl.e * iiri'-tlUTI
t'le ....rents of a D's-pound boy, born ent for this enjoyable event.
c h u r r i at h«-r hom* Saturday evc-nlng,
«'• in- iury 24.
Ralph, Jr., r.-ven-months-ofd .-on of honoring three m* mb«-rs, Is ’onard
,, , O-———
and Mrs. U. I). Pomeroy, passed Is e, Waite:- Getchel uml Itob« rt
Harve Carlson has purcha ed th*
S aturday evening, Fi bruary 2b. Mountain on tin ir birthdays. Game
Dave Kastburn home which he has
ii ‘-n occupying for some time In H< had been a d'-lirate child sin c e w< r the diversion for th«- evening
lerth and was unr-.ble to overcome an and be.uiles the honored guests the
/. mm ville.
attack of pneumonia. Besid ■ the following young people w re pr>-*ent:
- — - o ---------
Mr*. Blair, who kept hous • at tlie parent* he is survived by two broth- (iw< :. .M.irtin, Bifrri.-i Nicolson, Alice
e r s , Chari s nnd II n r / , and three Je n n. Myrtle l-icy, Imogene Als-
Sutton home until a few month* ago,
sters, Ida, end La vino. Funeral
lim her household goods in the Suuon services w ere held from th" Bethel mun, T . . y Cupp, George Kadau,
Floyd Nicoi.i, Harold und Kenneth
church Monday, March 2, with Rev. Port r, Leonard, Harvey and John
----- o-- —
1.;. it Thursday afternoon the Aums- Minton officiating. Interm ent was Kavil -r. Mr. and Mrs. Chari« s M.irtin
viile l-fl Cooking Club m et in the mad • in B u ti.r cemetery east of we re also present for the evening.
tt - ■ —
.-chool house under the ledaership of Aunt) ville.
— O
Last wo kh story on the Aumsville
.Mr. . A. K. Bradley. Angel food cake
Tile losing side in th»- membership pc tofflei- • <m. to hav. stirred up a
was the cooking lesson.
driv served u cl licious dinner to the i urnct in t, and the report com < to
winning sid" ;-.nd friend >• ut the Com­ the- editor tin t Elmer Richards was
Wayne Ransom left with hit uncle,
munity Club meeting Tuesday eve­ n pom iblc- for th*- article. W<* wish
Mr. Perkins for Vancouver the yast week ning.
to state that Elmer had nothing to
where Mr. Rerkms has purchased a 1000
Leonard Lee, Mrs. Fred Dennam, do wit! the article and knew nothing
Mr. Drcgnie, Mr . Mountain and of it until Ii- .¡aw it in The Tribune.
acre raneh.
C»v. -n Martin had charge of th.- din- Mr. Richards circulated hi* petition
Mr-*. Harding and daughter Waida ,.-r n ■ 1 • •-.•ed creamed veal and him- If, which v . ■ signed by u big
ch'ck-.-n with hoi biscuits anil all th«- m ajority of the Aumsville postolfld-
m l son Robeat came from Itoseburg
trimmings. Mrs. Fulk«-r on, county putrona nnd it was not circulated with
and spent Sunday and Monday here.
uo Tint« nch-nt of schools, gave a very p.ny malice toward the present man-
int*-r.->:tiog talk on her ea tern trip agi me-it of the po tofflce. Elmer, who
Mrs. Corser and daughter Kva spent •ind Mr. Fulk rson also spoke.
waa the highest in the examination
----------- O -
Vedn sday in Salem shopping. Miss
* held .Mine time ugo took it upon him-
Jefferson high school teams took . elf to .ee where h" stood among the
liva remainen for a longer stay, with
the Aum.-viile boys and girls into patrons und circulated th.- petition.
ermp in a double header gum- at The arlic!- w: s a ro w - item written
- —o ---------
fi fferson last Friday evening in u by the editor.
The Marion county P. T . A. council het’y contested game. The scor«- in
!1 meet in the Slayton school House the girls’, game was 20-24.
Conte**. M akers and
In the boys’ grime it w-us anybody’s
i Fri lay, March 6 at 7:‘J0 in the ev.-n-
g a m e for some tim e , hut owing to
some of the Aumsville regulars not
Foundation Garm ents
being in suit it result« «1 in a victory
Any Style
Mrs. Johanna Brown, Mrs. Lilly
fo r Jefferson. The score being 10-20.
. P h o n e IC30 S .d c m
olvi.n and Holly Crum went to Port-
id, Monday, to see the endurance
Two plays “ Trouble With Ghosts,”
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