Supplement To Turner Tribune K. W arn « Kmpcy, athletic couch unii teacher In the Aumsvillr high Kchool, went to McMinnville last week where he underwent an operation fo r oppeniliciti» on Kriilay. Warne h«^ been on the mck lint fo r the past month ami although he was taking meiliral attention he found it wa necesaary to make the sacrifice o: • linn* ami have the operation perform- | ei| now. He is recovering nicely ami j will he buck among the student* in a couple o f weeks. Hi* work ut the J WEST STAYTON " Mr. Stahl is down with another s< - ver«- attack o f rheumatism. Mr. and school I* being tuken cure o f by Prof. Mrs. Johnson o f Portland were her«' Mountain, Mr*. Klla Knglaml anil to visit him Sun«lay. Mrs. Johnson Mr*. Rich«* o f the high school fa c­ will be remembered as Mrs. Palm«-r to her friends here. ulty. Mr. an«l Mrs. L. B. McClendon w ire callers at the home o f W. O. Roys«-, Thursday. They were planning on taking Joyce home the next day as she was all over the measles. Saturday evening a farew ell party was given at the home o f Hazel Com­ stock for Dorothy Johnson, who left Sunday fo r their home near Mehama. The evening was spent in playing games an«l some delicious fudge was served. Howdy folk*! It won’t be long now till we all will begin feeling kimla laxy ami be­ come fllleil with that old proverbial “ spring fe ve r." You know how it i*. you just want to drop yourself upon some soft reclining place and sit there watching the birds and bee* ut work, and with but one big thought in mind, why the heck couldn't we’ ve turned out to be a dog instead o f what we are. ■ ■ ■ • ■ Yes sir, that’* our idea o f spring fever. Anyhow, the most o f u* live u dog's life so we should kick. One sure sign that spring has come could be s*-en at the school grounds Sunday afternoon when a group o f men and boys played the first baseball guy in thi* neighborhood that's been gam«- o f the season. No doubt there asking us fo r three or four weeks to were mnny sore arms and backs the put his name in our column, so here next day. This will likely be a very gooi— common occurence from now on. . o ----— There’s a man out in the country, The Women’s Auxiliary Club met And it’s not so far away, at the home o f Mrs. Fred Dickman S. A. K. is the man’s initials, last Thursday. In spite o f the rainy Believe not all he has to say, «lay a nice crow-d was present. All It's because his occupation were working on the new quilt blocks Takes his mind so far astray. and 100 completed blocks were turned No man can out talk or do him, in at the close o f the meeting. The He’s the type that won't give in; next meeting will be at the home o f Raising bulls and little chickens, Mrs. Belle Woosley. Rings him booty and some “ pin.” ’ ■ O Tho to us it seems the pickins, Lunches at Riches’ Confectionery. Still is he the man to blame? When you need our umble help, S. A., LO ST—A red handled jack knife, two Just give your phone n pull; blades, between the creamery and home W e’ll drop our work most any «lay, Speaking o f being the droppin'a— here'* a good one. The comic strip in fhe Journal (Sunday’s paper! give* Finder please return to Keith Bones. T o help you spreud the b— .” the private life o f a potato, us fo l­ ---------- O---------- lows: Mr. Potato was born o f Irish W«' guess that ought to hob! him descent, by u Norwegian fanner, sold Quality candies at Riches Confec­ to a Scotch grocer, bouht by u (ier- fo r awhile, i f not, we cun still write tionery. nian restaurant, cooked by a French more. chef, served by an Itulian waiter, to H ebrew Money By gosh, there ought to be a law The monetary system of the He­ a Spaniard .arid then comes the Swiss aga'nst girl walking home, awful hard brews was based upon the Babylonian bus-boy to clear away the peelings. on the shoes you know. W«- heard a system o f weights. The ratio of the — » — It then goes on to say, Heigh Ho, local girl had to «lo that very thing value of gold to silver was 1 :1S 1-3 no muter where you hail from you all the other nite. Poor Mable, are your and prevailed over all western Asia. feet sore? turn out to be Americans. ■------- o — - - o — We don’t like that so well, although worse things might have happened. The darned potato might have had bluck rot. » By the way we’ re not having so much luck with our investigation into the matter o f the girls lip marks that were le ft upon the cheeks o f a well known lad. W e’ve only had one sus­ Above is a picture o f a well known pect so fa r and if no more applica­ tions come in we’ll sure he* "blue resident, who has just made a start­ again." ling discovery in the field o f science. You see we take ull impressions Thi* royal one has just mi*e«l up n ourselves and then transform them solution thnt wdl cause fly speck* to onto paper fo r comparison. fall down instead o f up. Too«lie-oo By thundern lightning, there’s a folks. Gigantic S t r u c t u r e Herodotus estimated that 100.000 men were encaged for 20 years In bnildin? he Great pyramid. -----«----- Wheat for Cows Durum wheat has been proved to be a very palatable feed for dairy cows and In some cases It bas been possible to use It for as mneb as two-thirds o f the ration. In North Dakota, testa with n basal ration of oats, corn, bran, and alfalfa hay, together with com sllHge, ground wheat compared very favorably with ground barley. It wheat become* too low In price, this will be found to be one satisfactory disposition o f at least a part o f the crop.