TH E LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK B r ie f I term Concerning the Com ­ ing* and G oing* o f Y o u r*elf and Y o u r N eigh bor*, aa Told to The Tribu ne Reporter*. cipally o f freshmen. In a game play­ ed Thursday night with the National Guard team, the “ freshies" beat 26 to 12. Bear was high point man with 9 points. The game was a prelimi­ nary one to the Albany-Columbia game. The fine new “ gym ” at Albany College is much appreciated. The occasion birthday. TURNER being Mrs. TRIBUNE Crane’s The Community club met Tuesday evening fo r their social time. Owing to bud weather an some sick members the crowd wus rather smull but all present spent a pleasant evening singing. One o f the N ice*t C o u rt«*!** You Can Show to You r Gueat* I* to H ave T h eir V i*its M entioned in Theae Column*. The Tribuue W ill Consider It a Special F avor i f You W ill Help U * Make Thi* Paper M ore Intereating to It* Reader* by Sending in Item* fo r Th i* Column. W rite u*. or, i f C onvenient, Telephone You r N ew * Item * to Thi* Office. H. P. Jensen just reeieved notice that Sunday Mrs. LUtle, Mr. und Mrs. his new Austin was sent bv express so T. Y. McClellan and Oscar Stuhl went he went to get it but it was not there so over to the coast to visit Mr. Thomas McClellan and family. A very nice he wired east and found it was »hipped trip was reported in spite o f frequent by parcel post, going to the postotfiee showers. he asked if it was there. They looked The Womens Auxiliary met at the all over for it and finally located it home o f Mrs. Darley, Thursday. A ll down behind some Montgomery Ward had blocks o f the new quilt they are catalogues. piecing and see mod very much inter­ Waldo Riches came over from ested in the work. The next meeting F. P. Rowley and A. D. Hale made Monmouth Normal to spend the week­ will be February 26 at the home o f a trip to Newberg, Saturday, and on end at home. Mrs. Dickman. the way home car trouble developed Rental library, 3c per day at the and they had to be towed home. Paul 1 Mr. ami Mrs. Firshell o f near has been rebuilding his bus this week Brooks spent Wed asday night with Prather Drug Store, Turner. and now has it in A I shape Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Asche and at­ Vr. and Mrs. Merle Ensley are here Mr. and Mrs. A. W o lf and little Irom Salem visiting relatives and friends. Alma Jensen were here from Port­ land, Monday and Tuesday. They have Ruth Robinson of Mill City nas a just returned from a three months’ guest at the Warne Riches home the trip to Sweden. The party visited with little A lm a’s father and brother first of the week. and sister, Hans Jensen and children. The plank covering over the ce­ ment culvert built late in the fall W h a t! T ra d e out o f Tu rn er? N o ! near the S. A. Riches place was re­ N e v e r! Then wby not bring your moved Monday. shoes to be repaired to E. Rob'.uon, o---- Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to rem oval o f teeth, gas or local, and dental X-ray. N ew location 303 First National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. 0 FOR S A L E — Special cut old fir w ind 1 finch. Turner Lum ber Company. ----- o----- located in Mr*. B r ig g ’ s bouse, in T u r­ ner, O regon. A lso fu rn itu re rep a ir­ ing. Mrs. C. M. Miller was here Wednesay and Thursday Irom Eugene calling on old frinds. Mr. Miller came north with her but stopped in Scio to transact busi­ Pound paper and envelops Both for ness. Mr. and Mr* J M. Bones were called 25c at Prather'» Drug Store, Turner e to Eugene Saturday by the illness of Mrs. Dean Morris aud small daughter their daughter. Miss Hazel, who was Phillis, are among those having the taken suddenly ill while on duty in the measles. surgery at the Christain hospital where Mr. and Mrs. P . S. Bond left Wed­ nesday for a vacation in California she is a student nurse. her relapse Saturday Husky H igrade Baby Cbick*, cata­ was a shock to her relatives and fsiends, logue and prices now ready. Salem's however when her parents left her bed Petland, Salem, Oregon. Phone 656. • — o " — 10cc off on all cooking utensil* AI*o a big reduction in heaters and ranges. Wash tubs at 85c. H. P. Jensen. ner, Oregon. —— o----- Tur­ Mrs. China Bones enjoy a visit with her eldest daughter Mrs. W. J. Winkler and husband, who came for the day Saturday from their home in Vancouver V ash. Mra. 1. H. Small will entertain the ladies o f the Turner Methodist church Aid Society at her home this Thurs­ day afternoon when plans will be per­ fected fo r the March silver tea. Mrs. Small is president o f the society. - — o----- Willard Bear, who was fond o f basketball during his high school days, is on the “ Barb” team at A l­ bany College, which is made up prin- tended the Grower club meeting. Mrs. Arthur Forrette had a quilt­ ing at her home Tuesday. Several ladies braved the rain and helped her. She plans on finishing the quilt Thursday. Those who went out to quilt Tuesday were Mrs. Snoddy, Mrs. Nipple, Mrs. T. Y. and Mrs. Puul Mc­ Clellan and Mrs. Royse. TH IS WEEK ONLY $20.oo to $50.oo in trade for your old range on a new B rid g e B each Fuel R ange S p a rk G as R a n g e OK A U n iv ersal Electric R ange Im p erial i F urn iture Co., i • v .w .v .w v v w v w w The West Stayton Growers club Í met at the school house last Wednes­ n r. day. Mr. J. H. Tull gave a very in­ teresting talk on cooperative market­ ing and organization. R. L. Thiessett o f Turner talked on the cannery to 407 Court Street, Salem, Oregon be built at Turner and William Spiers o f Turner talked and reported a very favorable outlook fo r it. At a recess called by the president, Fred Corn- stock, 53 shares o f stock was signed up in the West Stayton district . Mr.-. L. J. Little and Mrs. T. Y. McClellan were visitors at the home JAvYMW .V.W '.'.W VVAVW JY/W W MV.V; o f Mrs. Gunsaules at Stayton last last week. Mrs. Gunsaules has been quite ill but is improving at the pres­ ent time. will have a smile and good-will feeling r.V.W.V.-.V.V.V.V.V.’.V/.W.V.'.V.-.W.VW.Ww»: You Too! She returned to wurk two weeks ago followinging a se­ vere illness and ___ __ a w v: after you have had a Smooth Shave or Hair Cut Cleanliness Safeguard for Newly Born Calves Cleanliness Is thet>e*l safeguard that we can give the newly bum calf L’ p side Sunday evening to return to their till full the in lie* have le-en arriving home here, she was out ofdanger and on pasture where nntute makes things clean. Trimble» are seldom eiKSiun was slowly improving in health. tered under these roiidllinits But now the calves are arriving In Hie stable. A clean box stall in the preferable W EST STAYTON plaee. It In a giMal precaution to dis­ A infect the navel Immediately, as much trouble enter* hy thi» «oiiree. (liven Miss Adeline Tegen o f Portland a good start, the call »Imuld do well spent Saturday with her parents, re- on good feed -It the feed palls an- kept clean. Dirty feed pulls are the turning to Portland that evening. abomination of the uternge stable and Mrs. Edna McClellan was visiting the cause of more digestive disorder* at the home o f her mother fo r a few than all other causes combined Where the farmer will take the trouble to not days recently. only wash but scald the calf pall* George Hankcl and family spent once dally he will miss a lot of tribu Sunday with Ed Hanked and fam ily latlon In calf rearing. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen. They called at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Feed for Calf Howard Gilbert also. A common fault In feeding calves during the first month is to feed loo Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crane and much milk. This is especially true daughter, Bonnie, were dinner guests during the first few days. The milk at the home o f Mrs. T. Y. McClellan. from the dam Is not yet fit for human consumption. There Is a tot of It. The tendency Is to be liberal with the calf to the c a lf* hurt. The stomach of the little crenture Is adapted to milk little and often. Overfilling brings on Indi gestion and scours. The very largest calf should not get over eight pounds of milk dally for the first week. - at A n d y s liAitmat Snoi* “ T h e W in d -B lo w n E x p e r t” Hair Cut 25c Shaving 15c Ladles hair Cutting a Specially Next to Elsinore Theatre 132 S. High Street Salem. Oregon Warner Bros. A P I T 0 LEGON SAI.KM WEEK DAYS Continuous, 2:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Admission, Matinee, Adults......................... 25c Admission, Evenings, A d u lts ............... 10c SATURDAY Dairy Facts WINNIE UGNTNER’JOE E.BROWN CLA U D IA DELL L O T T I LODER M O BART B O S W O R T H A PAUL GREGORY P O H G EORGE V.’ iin r Br«*». V ita; hone R e duction Directed by Lloyd Bacon Starts Saturday E W ARNER BRO S l s i n o r ■ ---- G Water Is the cheapest and one of the most Important dairy feeds. If we can class If ns a feed. • • • When several small calves are kept together small stanchions sre a grent convenience at feeding time. • • • Where skim milk Is left on the farm the raising of calves Is comparulliely simple If supplemental fe e 's nre nsed. • • • About 87 pe.' cent of milk Is wafer. For plenty of milk, don’t forget to give the eow nil the water she cares to drink • • • Cow* give more milk If milked three times a duy Instead of twice, fn observed cases the Increase has been from 10 to 25 per cent. • • • The life of an average woven wire fence when posts are replaced and the fence Is restretched, Is 18 to 27 years, according to estimates made by 1 td fowa farmers. Continuous 2:00 to 11:00 I’ .M. Adults, 25c till 6:00 I’ .M., after 10c SUNDAY Continuous 2:00 to 11 :00 I’ .M. Adults 10c; Kiddies n Dime ___ _ S n tiirriav, S nm hiv tl ne?»i I