TH E TU R N E R ------- --- -- ■ ■ " ------------------ TR IB U NE ---------- --------------------- ■ — W . W / A ' A V W W M V y V V W A '/ A V A 'A V W r W W / J '- W / A V TURNER STATE BANK P o r ^ O n t ffi CHEM ICALS USED TO CLEAN CANS Chlorinated Lime Is Good in Killing Bacteria. Chemicals may be used Instead o f hot water In sterilising milk utenulla, and innnjr farm er* are fludlng tliia an easy method o f keeping milk rana and other dairy equipment clean and sun- Itary, says I.. II. I'.urgwald, profeaaor o f dairy technology at tha Ohio State university. Chlorinated lime, which may be pro­ cured In 12 ounce cans, la commonly used for thla purpose. In preparing tha chemical for use In sterilising milk utenslla, oua 12 ounce can o f chlori­ nated lime la thoroughly dissolved In a gallon o f water, the clear solution Is syphoned off, stored In a tightly stop­ pered gluss bottle and placed In a cool dark place. In tha presence o f sun­ light tha solution rapidly loses its strength. A fter milking, (lurgwsld states, the utensils are Immediately rinsed with cold water and then washed with hot water containing a washing powder (not a soap powder). A fter the milk utensils have been thoroughly washed with the hottest w ater possible to han­ dle, they are then rinsed with a so­ lution made by adding a half gloss of the rhlorlua solution to live gallons of water. The chemical Is effective to killing bacteria If tha milk cans are clean, but If they are dirty It will do hut little good. Cans returned from tha milk plants or creameries may be rinsed with the chlorinated lime solu­ tion and then drained Just before milking time. Retaining Proven Bull for Future Is Prudent Some years sgo Mr. W. A. Dryden, one o f Die leading breeders o f Short­ horn cattle In Ontario, made a com­ ment that hears Just as directly on dslry entile Improvement as on beef. “ W * will netar make the Improvement we should make," said Mr. Dryden. “ until we have more proven sires. Plenty o f our best sires are sold to the butcher after one or two years' use end before we really know Just wbnt their progeny w ill be." At that time Mr. Dryden had a couple o f bulls Unit he had used In his own herd. Innurd to neighboring breeders. He wus watching their offspring and. should they prove exceptionally good, the sire was right at hnnd to he used to his limit for the Improvement o f the Shorthorn breed. “ Dairymen o f the Scandinavian countries havs long had a system o f sire exchange, that en­ ables them to hold sires until their daughters have been tested In produc­ tion. flood sires are then relulnrd for service as long ns they are active and the result has been a remarkably rap­ id Increase In the average milk pro­ duction per cow In these countries And we. In Canada, continue with the lilt and mlsn plan, or lack o f plan, that hns always been the rule on this continent, nnd every yenr good bull* go to the block." Production Record of Show Bull Proved Good Th e question I* often asked a* to whether dairy hulls which win high honors In the show ring nre ever much good ns sires o f high producing daugh­ ters. Thnt such hulls do get progeny which make good In milk production Is being proved by one o f ('nnndn’s most famous Holstein hulls. Jnhnnnn Itag Apple I'nhst. n black snd w hite bred In the Cnlied Slntes nnd bought by the Mount Vlctorin farm s at Hudson H eigh ts Quo., two or three yours ngo for the stoep price o f $15,000, was never defeated at a m ajor exhibition. Before being re­ tired after Inst year’s Royal W inter fnlr. he had won 25 grand champion­ ships and several times had been named “ All-Am erican” grand cham­ pion. Paid on 6 months Time Deposits Fire—Automobie Insurance Written T h e c a lf enn ba taught to drink by allowing It to suck the fingers and gradually lowering them Into the milk. • • e One cow often enta the profit* made by another. Feed each cow according to her production. A high producing cow need* much more grain than a low producer. S-E-R-V-I-C-E Building Supplies ROUGH A N D DRESSED Wood LUMBER s TURNER L’b’r E M.F.G. CO. E AND Do You Know U W a Try to Ssll You W hat You Need BALL BROS. S NOT Have the only Official Modern Everything W s Can P. O. Box 208 Light Adjusting Station Phone 275 S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N !V V W W V W V W W m V W W V W W W W V W W W W W outside o f Salem ? “ WE DO IT THE WEAVER W AY” Better let us look your lights over California //V W A W A ^ V V W A T /A T A V /A W A W .V W y V A W A W A ’A W w • on your train trip East at no additional cost • - C o a c h a n d tourist fares radically cut Used W IT H A N O .'K . T H A T C O U N T S 1930 Chevrolet Coach, run very little; new car guarantee ........................................................$535.00 1930 Chevrolet Sport Roadster, rumble seat, run only 9000 m iles.......................... .................. 535.00 1929Chevrolet 4-door sedan, new 6 ply tires, very low mileage, best o f care............................... 495.00 1929 Chevrolet Coupe; had the best of care and run very little ................................................. 465.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach, looks like new................ 450.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach, perfect condition.............. 350.00 1928 Chevrolet Coupe ......................................... 350.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach, new tires, new battery, new paint ...................................................... 265.00 1926 Ford pick up ............................................... 115.00 1927 Ford Touring, fine shape.............................. 100.00 1924 Willys-Knight Sedan, good shape............... 150.00 ♦ 5 0 » C H IC A G O M c K A Y ’ S via San Francisco, Los Ange­ les and other winter resorts. 333 CENTER STREET Tickets are good in warm, clean coaches on fast trains. Liberal stopovers at impor­ tant cities en route, suen as San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso— now at the height o f their gay m id -w in ter season. DES MOINES . . $ WASHINGTON . . 77.7« NEW YORK . . . 8 0 .7 0 SALEM . and many olbtrt. Ask about the new tickets good in Tourist Sleepers. This extra comfort costa but little more. Southern Pacific H. S. B O N D , Agent Tv s Cars Southern Pacific has cut coach fares Hast to new low levels. Sec C a lifo r n ia on your way. It costs no more. OREGON aw w aw avaaw aw w w avvw am aw w w w w vw w Spring Field S e e d s W e offer you a complete stock of H IG H G R A D E Field Seeds all recleened in the best possible manner and from selected stocks. E. M. K E IT H , Agent Aumsville SEND US YOUR LIST OR CALL FOR PRICES 4 By all means read The Turner Tribune You will Snd the quality the best the market affords and the prices right for that grade of seeds. D- A. WHITE & SONS 261 State Street, Salem, Oregon AH Join Hands and Circle To The Left w f 'W W W V W V W W V V W W W W V W V W W W W V W V V W W W W V W at the T u r n e r C o n U T lV i n it y D an ce liv ery Saturday Night Dairy Facts I /W W W IA V W A /U W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W V W Let’s Get the Old Community Spirit, Give us your Support. Being your friends to the biggest and best OLD TIME DANCE E v e r y S a tu rd a y NigHt Sponcered by Ball Bros, and the People of the Comnoiity '''w m W. J A Y D ^ E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing . Rout« 3 Turner, Oregon