TH K TURN K R TRIBUNE By Mas Oh! oh! think this over, the state legislators have or, are going to, put a tax on all malt syrup», approxi­ mately 25c per gallon. ----- O - If they do this the property tax, road tax, school tax and all other tax should diminish to almost nothing, and how! The proposer o f the bill estimates that approximately $100,000 to $200,000 will be collected as revenue, W e’ll bet he forgot to figure that 50,000 people in one city o f Oregon use a gallon o f malt every 4 or 5 days and he probably didn’t figure'on the 7 gallons annually at Sublimity or Mt. Angel. ------O----- Homer Brew, the author o f Howdy- Folks in the Portland News, says a German scientist has discovered a phosphate preparation that enables man to do much more work. — VII. „ J Dnv . and f w . t l . , Davie M V . V . W , V . S W . % W . W A V D. L. C Notification No 53. in tow nship 9, South Rung«- I. Wiwt i HAMM AN STAGE LINKS o f the Willamette Meridian in j.n iion County, Oregon; thence North 40 00 chains to th. centel j, , ,,.|V(. S j!, m f,„. Aum-wll.« o f the Stayton and Aumsville £ (t:80 A.M. County Road: thence South 73 10:80 A M degrees 1.» minutes Käst II 13 l 15 P.M. chains; thence South ;l» chains; l.euvi Xumaville for Sab in thence West I0.H7 chains to the 8:10 A M. place o f beginning, containing I ;2<> I’ M 12.15 acres o f land. 6:10 P.M. The property herein last described ¡ being 21.075 acres of land. Leave Aumsvdle for Mill City Said sale shall be made for cash, j 7:25 A M, McKay to the highest bidder and subject to 5:25 P.M. streets will kill a man for a ilonut. the order o f confirmation o f the above court. Leave Snh-ni for Turner That’s gettin’ bad. D. F KASTBURN. 10:80 A M. Administrator of the Kstute o f Mary 4:4 . P.M. A darn cheap guy, Fastburn, D sceased. Is Harry Tuff, J a n 2 !* Feb5-12 -19 2«! Leave Turner for Salem He put in a dime. S :20 A M And took out u half. 1:30 P.M. ■ m O 5:20 P.M. By -gosh, Don Riches told us he # * • * * * ♦ * # # « e * * * » ■ » * # * * * * # * # • » bought a brand new pair o f pants the Leave Turn« r for Mill City 5:15 P.M. other day but he’d be darned if he’d . * * I * wear ’em. i „ _ ° . Well. Don, just go ahead and wear Jo». Ha mina o. Prop. the old holy ones, we don't gi\e a jit * * , Í i darn. l v W.VWASVLVJVWANVA* . 1 But don’t forget that there’s a law < ¿V \ * ^ ’ j *'ov' rnm*; deciiic>. Now that the new cannery is prac­ tically assured, we think the people ought to start preparing to plant pumpkins and beans, etc. Î 3 jV .* .- ,V A '.V .’ / . W / . <.V .‘ .,.V O r o R o n % U o a t i l y S h o p 12* Oregon Budding Telephone 290 £ PERMANENT WAVE 94 00 .50 •! FINGER W A V E Shampoo and Finger Wave 1.00 Marcel Shampoo 75 .50 ........ Eyebrow Arch ... .35 Print 50 Hot Oil Shumpoo . .75 Long Hair Shumpoo .75 Henna Pack ........................1.00 Henna Itinse ........... Manicure — . .. Water Wave b >m 50 ,50 ,60 Salem, Oregon V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V . A V V .S N W S W ft W V V V V W W y W ill hire Rob V om S NEW LOCATION O f Your llotn ef fwm pet ihr« I« « iaaa.l 6 m 4 Car dw The city council might even plant a couple pumpkins at the two or three j ♦ * We fully agree with you Homer, ba«l turns in town. That would inspire ▼ * » people to grow b-gger an«l b ttcr * old boy, that someone who wants to * • I ♦ ones. " * i do the world a lot o f good should I* * • * w d u re i « « h » M li — A M » I.VM H I * * invent some form o f work to «io, yes ADlAJi A 1 U . f l Besides, when some reckless Bo- J * sir. » F. P. R O W LE Y . A ie n t hunk knocks a chip or peeling o(T a J General Inaurane* : < Work is what we nec«l and you corner pumpkin the city offio-r couhl 41 know work and money are so scarce take it over to the cannery and h v«> Turner, Oregon down at Frisco that the gents o f the it cunn< d. ♦ o************************ 5$ .1 MORRIS Optical Co's. New Type Deeper Bf«l for Better Vision I>r. Scofield •lit State Street X R A Y C if IR O P P R A C T O K ... O - Curved Lens Lady Attendant SALEM ,O REG O N » i • • 4 ¡W J W / U W W / / W d W A W W Nut Trees-Fruit Trees PLANTING SEASON IS HERE n $30.00 to $50.00 Per 100 Grafted Franquette Walnut Trees 50c Up V A V A V .W .V W .V A W .'A W i j 1ÍM T1 « M I 50c 1 Across from Montgomery-Ward Storiij | | ; j NOTICE OF SALE No. 7669 ■ — j IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MARION COUNTY. > A - A V V .W /r t W Y b % W V W V W M u rre] mid I'iiM»r r W aves PEARCY BROS. NURSERY 210 Liberty Street Salem, Oregon L. H. McMahan, judge o f the above entitled court. The date o f the first publication o f this summons is Jan u -' ary 22, 1931, and the last «late o f the publication thereof wil be the 26th day o f February, 1931. II. B. HAYDEN. Attorney for Paintiff. Salem. Oregon Jan22-29Feb5-12-19-26 SHOPPE Ì HANDICAPS OF I) I S E A S E j; All Types of Beauty Work Complete Line Fruit Trees and Berry Bushes Shruls— Never Before So Low in Price and Probably Never Again as Low EXECU TOR S NOTICE .■ .V .V .V .V .'A W W .V A W .W .' ! First Nat I Bank Bld'g., Phone 2PM Jal cm, .O reg on Filbert Trees— Both Transplanted and Tip-layered In the Matter o f the Estate of Amelia E. Stockton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the 21st day o f January, 1931, by order o f the Honorable J. C. Siegmund, County Judge o f Marion County, Ore­ gon, Mr. S B. Elliott was appointed executor of the above named estate and letters testamentery issued to him. Notice is hereby given that any an«l all persons having any claims against -ai«l estate will present the same r when you deal with ua— clean "gn s,” f u l l measure--.t’ lean oil, the brand y o it r motor likes le st,—and cheerful ih-rvl« I« bring you burk. FREE AIR and WATER W E FIX FLATS A» you travrl Ihrough life you wil! find many handicapa, but nonr rom parrd to thr handicap« of diaraae. Ila ve thewr rlim in atrd by C h i­ ropractie Adjuatmenta givra arrnrding to a Neurocalomrter reading. Krm rm ber thr Neurocalom rter Im-atea nerve prraaure. Chl- roprateie Adjuatmenta removr nerve prraaure. Neuritcalome- >er rradinga b* appointment only. i Facial and Scalp T rea tm en ts All Work Guaranteed Over SteusioIT Market Salem, Oregon Phone 47J 4 j ■ .v .v .v .v .v .v .\ v .v .v .v .v .v . AUMSVILLE S T A T E DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street B A N K AUMSVILLE. OREGON I In the Matter o f the Estate of Mary Fastburn, Deceased. Paid on Time Deposits Notice is hereby given that the RED CROWN OAS undersigned as administrator o f the estate o f Mary Fastburn, deceased, Th« Place for Home People to Bank will from and after the 28th day o f F> bruary, 1931, sell, at private sale, at the law office o f Guy O. Smith, in SUMMONS Salem, Marion County, Oregon, all , o f the following described real prop- In the Circuit Court o f the State erty, to-wit: o f Oregon, for County o f Marion. Beginning at a point in the cen­ Dept. No. 2. I ter o f Cleveland Avenue in Merri- Edna M. Reeder, Plaintiff, ficld’s Ad'lition to the Town of vs. Aumsville in Marion County, Ore­ Harry J. Reader, Defendant. gon, which said point is 11.967 To Harry J. Reader, Defendant: ehains W est o f the Northeast cor­ In th<- n me o f the State o f Ore- j ner o f said Merr’field’s A«idition G A R D E N gon, you are hereby required to ap- j to the Town o f Aumsville; running C R Y S T A L pea rand answer the complaint filed ! thence West along the center o f SALEM , OREG O N against you in the above entitled : said Cleveland Avenue 3.39 chains ----- o----- court and cause on or before four j to the center o f Fifth Street in weeks from th'- date o f the first pub- I the Town o f Aumsville; thence Every W ednesday and Saturday Strictly O ld-Tim e Dancing lication o f this mmmons, namely on North on a direct line with the A t C.30, p. m. nr before the 26th «lay o f February, center o f saitl Fifth Street 2.99 chains; thenc«- East 3.31 chains to 1931, an«l if you so fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff a 16 foot right o f way heretofore ; M O D E R N D A N C E will apply to the court for the relief granted to JR. L. Randall, and now C R Y S T A L GARDEN ANNEX prayed for in the complaint, viz: owneil by Ch« flings; thence South Every W ednesday and Saturday For a decree dissolving the bonds along the'ft-t- t si«!e o f said right Strictly M odern Music o f matrimony now existing between o f way 2.99 chains to the place and Dancing o f beginning, containing one acre, yourself an«l the plaintiff and a