THE TURNER TRIBUNE — pounds o f gluten feed ; 400 pounds of cottonseed m eal; 200 pounds o f Un­ w ed rneal, mid 100 pounds o f gluten meal. W ith mixed clover and timothy tiny and corn silage use a 20 per cent tolul protej.i feed, us: 800 pounds o f ground wheal or hurley; 000 pounds o f ground oats; .TOO pounds o f gluten feed; 200 pounds of cottonseed m ea l; 200 pounds o f linseed m ea:; and 100 pounds o f soy bean meal or gluten uienl. W ith clover hay and corn ul­ lage only 18 per rent total protein Is needed In the grain mixture, made as fo llo w s: 700 pounds o f barley or w h eal; 700 pounds o f oats; 200 pounds o f gluten feed ; 200 pounds of linseed meal, und 200 pounds o f cot­ tonseed meal. With alfa lfa bay and corn silage the grain mixture cun be reduced to 16 per cent total protein, containing: *oo pounds o f ground barley or wheat and b arley; 800 pounds o f ground o afs; 200 pounds o f gluten feed; 100 pounds o f linseed m eal; and 100 pounds of cottonseed meal. Miss Eva Comer wax a Salem visi­ and Betty Jean; Mr. und Mrs. John ter Wednesday. Crum und sons, Hollie and Earnest, • O — -m o f Salem, Mr. und Mrs. Seltner Brown Mr. and Mm. W illard have moved und children, Norlyn, Durici und N o r­ to the Gilbert property. duhl und Merritt Brown, o f Aurns- - e Eugene Richards ami Henry Fen­ viUc. A good time was enjoyed by all. nell spent Wednesday in Salem. ----« - ■ Mr. and Mm. R. M. Kuson have CRAW FORD been having the prevailing colds. — ©- • - ¿lm. E. M. Keith was on the sick list Wednesday. * Mr. and Mm. Bruce and daughter) — » ■ —... Mrs. Margaret Martin *p nt Wed­ Thelma and l.ois, o f Gervais and Mrs. nesday evening at Shaw. Beulah Fisher o f Monitor were Sun­ « - —— • duy visitors at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Murguret Strayer is a guest Mrs. K. O. W itte I. Both Mrs. Fisher Mrs. F. A. Smith o f Kalama, uf Mm. Millie Martin. und Mrs. Bruce huve taught the Wash., visited here Tuesday with her « a 'O - ■ — » « » * Crawford school and have many daughter, Mm. E. M. Keith and fam ­ Aumsville high will play the Mill friends in this community. ily. City basketball team Friday evening — ~o- • — — at Aumsville. Mr. and Mm. P. E. Thomuson ■ * s|e nt Sunday with Mrs. Thomason’s J J. Edward« was a Salem visitor to­ sistem, Mrs. Millie Stimson und Mrs. SURPRISE GRANGE day. Rachel Stewart o f Amity. TURNER S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC T R A IN S E R V IC E No. No. No. No. — - O ing the 4If Club Girl* will serve s ban­ quet to the Hoy Scouts and irieiids. — - No. 233 -- — - — Frank Simpson ami Mrs. Nora Pound were shipping in Salem last Thursday. ■ ' —- 4----- Stayton.— Chas. Olin is here from Portland working as helper for the Shell Oil company. Kenneth W itzel of Longview, Wash., was a visitor ut the home o f his parents, Mr. und Mm. It. O. W it­ zel. i., - Eugene via Cascade Look Ai This Hoofing m a te ria l that we recom m en d f o r y o u r r o o f. q u ality. look*. T e e l it f o r superio.- Judge it fo r b e tte r Com pare it for cott— o rig in a l cost end fu tu re , a n r u I upkeep. L e t o u r e e tim a ’ e »S e w that you m ay h ave thi» better roof your mort- on than bu ilding, other» a»k at no for an o r d in a r y r o o f. U se P io n e e r Roofing. CARLTON PIONEER ROOFING CO Phone 1961 Meets second Saturday in the month in the Grange Hall, Turner. Visitors welcome at the lectu re hour, at 2:00 o’clock. of L in o .) No. d i, 8:45 I'..VI. (R egu lar stop.) Following north bound trains stop to N o r t h Bound detrain passengers com ing from points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due 14, 4:36 A..M. (Stops when 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. tlagged.) Office hours at Turner week day ■ are 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, arid from South Bound 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. 5, I 1 : 10 A.. VI. (Stops when tlagged to pick up passenger» for Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ points at which this train stops.) days. On these days passenger can 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on flag only, pay fare and have baggage checked to pick up passengers fo r points on trains. m l At the P. T A mooting Kridsy even­ south Salem, A. B. Christenson, Manager A U T H O R IZ E D A P P L IC A T IO N A G E N T S 275 State St. Orep'o Mrs. Susan Girurdin o f Turner was a visitor ut the Raymond Titus honm Sunday. ... 0 ........... Mr. und Mm. Thomas Little, Mrs. Muyro McKinney und Mr. und Mrs. Raymond Titus attended Grange in Turner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Miller, Mr. and — ■ O —— Mm. John Crum and sons, Hollis and Helen and Helena W itzel attended Earnest o f Salem visited Sunday with the students conference at Corvallis, Mrs. Johana Brown. Friday and Saturday. ML--« • Mrs. Susie Ransom und son, Wayne with Dr. and Mm. Ransom o f Turner Stayton.— Three churches, Chris­ motored to Is-bnnon, Sunday, where tian, Baptist and Methodist, ure hold­ they spent the day with relatives. ing union meetings this week and n< xt Sunday tin- gathering will be i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keith and ut the Methodist church, when Rev. ■laughter, who ure just out o f quaran­ Lyman will be the speaker o f the tine from mumps, spent Sunduy at day. Special music will be on the pro­ the E. M. Keith home. gram. S I. Q.. ■ — There ore two cases o f diphtheria at laimli n home and two o f scarlet fever at the Albus home, east o f town. Stayton.— W. A. Weddle, local mortician, has just completed u very pretty rock garden on his mortuary property. A fountain and large pool ..■■■ has been constructed and the pool Charles Martin shipped a thorough­ will be Ailed with gold Ash anil lilies. bred Jersey ca lf to Mr. and Mrs. Cur­ Mr. W eddle is to be commended fo r tiss Seely at Alsea the Amt o f the his public spirit. CŸP61ÜRICCRS A d d ititi M arhiiK'H A L L MAKES T H O M A S R O E N 421 Court Salem AW W AW W W W W W VVW VW TRUSSES Akron Spongne Rubber Pads S o f t S a n ita r y , C a n ’ t Slip G u a r a n t e e d to H o ld R eg a rd le s s o f O c c u p a tio n , A g e or Sex A k r o n G r a d u a te F i t t e r H e r e to G i v e Y o u a T r i a l F ittin g FREE o C A P IT A L DRUG STORE S la t « Street Salem Week. —---« -- - The miadon-ry society is ipeeting with Mrs Stnmlley Sr., to lay. e< nfinert to her She h is be-*n l ed lor the pis*, two months following a psmltic stroke ■ ■■■■ O — I In, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicola, who underwent an operation for the r> moval o f go.ter at the Dellas hospital the past week, is slow­ ly recovering. She is a niece o f Mm. M arjory Comer. ■ — The senior class went to Salem Wednesday evening und had their pic­ tures taken at the T ro v er Studio and inter were the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Trover at the Elsinore theatre. ■ ■■■■■■ ■« — Fiv« lades, Mr». Chas Martin, presi­ dent, Mrs. Wiillsce, Mrs. M. McCullough Mr». It. D Pomeroy and Mr« Colson of the P. T with Mr» A. Nir- A. Sewin; Club m.*t OlJi* t i y d i r T uerdsy rnd spent a very pliasu t s(t»rro<>n ---- e Arbic Martin took his mother, Mrs. Martha Fuson, to Salem, Saturday evening, and on Sunday she motored to Oregon City with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutton, where she w ill spend fomc time at the home o f ht r son, Arthur, and fam ily. The Buttons, who are parents o f Mrs. Arthur Fu on, le- turned to their home in Salem, Sun­ day evening. *)— Mrs. Wm. Crum entertained Sat­ urday evening. February 14th, at her I .»in«- on State street in honor o f her ■ms, John und Bert, the event being their birthdays. Those present were Mr. and ” rs. Riley Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum and children, N or­ man, Neld.i and O pal; Mr. and Mrs. Elv.dn Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crum and daughter.«, Mildred, Billie SUGGEST RATIO NS TO LO W ER COSTS Use Wheat, Barley and Oats in Feeding Cows. Dairymen can cut feed costs by ■ubsiMuting wlienl, bnrley, and outs lor corn and liotniny feed In dairy rations, ut present prices, and by feeding it grain mixture with u pro tein content that corresponds to the roughage fed. advises Prof. F. B. Morrison, bend o f tlie department of sniinnl husbandry at the New York State I ’ollege of Agriculture. He sug­ gests formulas for use with various types o f roughage for feeding dairy cows. In these formulas wheat or barley may be used, depending on the local prices. For dairy cowa these grains have substantially the same value, ton for ton Since wlieut Is a heavy, con­ centrated feed. It Is best not to use more than 000 pounds o f ground wheat per ton o f dairy feed. Also some bulky feed, like oats or wheat bran, should be Included In tlie mix­ ture. Ground rye nmy be substituted for wlient or barley In these formulas. Since rye Is usually not quite as (mi­ nt able ns these grulns. It Is best not to use more than 300 to 500 pounds of rye per ton o f feed. When little or no legume liny Is used, feed a 24 per cent total protein mixture, ns: 300 pounds of ground wheat or hnrley; 300 pounds of ground onts; 350 pounds o f wheal bran; 350 SaxaphonE Special $10 down $2 per week $ 38.50 COMPLETE with case This Month Only Save time and avoid bard work..’ fo r 20 cents a week No woman within rrarh of electric current can afford to wear herself out over a wash-board and tub and hand wringer— when an elertrie washer actually cleans better aud cost* only a few cents a w eek to opeiate. Perhaps th: children or the home garden may deserve more of your time. There are so man) things that you really scant to do. An electric ironer will save hours. You can »it at the work while it quickly does the large, straight pieces as well a» the small ones— no carrying of six- pound ad irons. , Or an electric iron will relieve much of the old drudgery. All these time- anil labor-saving device» are inex­ pensive to buy and ready to serve you at the touch of a switch. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY SALEM OREGON STAYTON OREGON