THE TURNER TRIBUNE 1 TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN SERVICE with Frank Vaughn, a sister-in-law. At 4 o'clock Friday evening the grade boys basket ball team played the Turner P. B. Collins is improving the looks o f the town by cleaning up the late grade term ami lost to the Turner teum Mrs. French's property, the cleaning 11 to 18 up includes the tumbled down house, Charlotte Martin is entertaining the burn and bluckbt rries. 6th grade girls at her home this evening. What a pity Aumsvilie couldn’t 4> have an up and down party this NOTICE FOR WOOD BIDS spring— either clean up and paint up Bids will be received by the Aums­ or tear down. vilie School District No. 11 until Feb­ Prof. Mountain will take delegates ruary 20, I M i , for the delivery o f .’»0 Mable Hall, Rose Darley ami George cords large second growth fir, to be Towle to Corvallis, Friday and Satur­ delivered at school house, Aumsvilie, day. —— by September 1. 1931. The board re­ Mr. and Mrs. Willard and small serves the right to reject any and all child are moving to the John Crum place. Mrs. Willard will be remem­ bids. VIRGIE M. BRADLEY. bered ns Bessie Snyder, a daughter Clerk. o f Mrs. Oillie Snyder and husbuml. Mr». John Ransom entertained the | paring to go back to the homo ot his Aumsvilie Woman’s Club at her Shel- parents as a missionary. He enter- burn horn# Thursday afternoon when tained the crowd for a short time Mr. Margaret Martin. Mrs. Margaret with “ n interesting talk and sang aev- , .. oral Hawaiian, Japanese and Amen- Strayer. Mrs. Irma ''peer, Mrs Mary . . . . 3 ’ * can songs, playing his own accompat- Hein Mrs. Millie Martin and Mrs. | IJH,nt 0|) the uke Gladys Claxton all of Aumsvilie and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant were T. Y. McClellan of West Stayton mot­ here from Eugene, Wednesday eve­ ored there. Miss Daphne Usnsom as­ ning, looking up Community club sisted her mother in entertaining and »lata. Mrs. Bryant, whose maiden serving at the luncheon hour Place cards name was Jones, lived in Turner Mr. and Mr». Richard Cnllinghnn were dainty packets tied with red rib­ when a very small girl but remembers were in from Union Hill where they Mrs. R. J. Watson and Mrs. Davis. bon, which, when opened, were found to are cutting wood. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk contain lovely handkerchieves. A large Harry Prunk and P. B. Collins are Davenport are also there . bowl of pussy willows and sweet peas farming the Johanna Brown place. - - O '" Pug Bradley has just finshed a job Mrs. Ruth Riches will take Gwen | centered the luncheon table. Miss Smith o f plowing for J. S. Lynch— 14 acres Martin, Jack Wadeu, James Taylor was a special guest of the club. in 12 hours running time. and Walter Getchel to Corvallis, Sat­ Mrs. Margaret Martin wi!| entertain M. McCullough has been having a urday. the club on February 19th. . — o f a time with his school bus the The past week Mrs. Susie Ransom last few days. It seems he burned out ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin delightful­ has hail a new composition shingle three beaming and several other roof put on her home. Wayne Ran- i ly entertained with a dinner honoring things to make a man sweat— even som assisted with the work. Mrs. Ruth Riches and their daughter had to be towed in by a milk truck. Misa Gwen on their birthdays. Sunday Mrs. Rosaltha Johnson, who was a ! Christy Johnson and wife were patient in the Stayton hospital for i Covers were placed for Mr and here the first o f the week from Scio. j several days, returned to her home j Mrs. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. T C In a few days they will go to Drain Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. E. Warne Era- where Christy will drive a gravel : Sunday. pey; Mrs Ella England, the Misses Lo- truck for Charles Cledek o f Stayton. t Fred Gustofson, brother o f Mrs. cille England, Gwen and Merle Martin Chris Jensen, is here from Canada j Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hartley motor­ for several days’ visit. the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ -*---•----- tin In the evening the following class ed with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hartley to Sidney, Sunday, where they were din­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Webb and Mrs. mates of Miss Martin came in as a sur­ ner guests at the George Palmer . Morgan are now nicely settled at the prise, Mildred Rauscher, Helen Zuber, , home. Boys Home as overseers. — © — Leota Bradley, Walter Getchell, Jack It is reported Sam Weis is the new- ^ Holly Lewis, aftpr an ¡nth finite so- j Kadau, Geo. Towle. Alva Keene, James ly appointed city marshal and in these journ in Portland, is home again. Taylor, Leanord Lee, I.ear.ord Zuber, days o f dropping prices, hard times, ------o------ Marfon Schumaker. Mrs. Riches is the | etc., our city council up and doubles Mr. and Mrs Keller »nd riiree children Glass Advisor. *the salary, raising it from $10 to $20 have returned to their home In Coo* I per year. county after a six day visit with her W’ m. Cone, o f Eugene Bible Uni­ versity, preached here at the Chris­ Little Alma, daughter o f Hans mother, Mrs. Anna Johnson. tian church Sunday. The special num­ bers o f the day were by Mr. Dregney and his troop o f Boy Scouts. Mr. E»regney spoke on the occasion o f the 21st anniversary o f the organization. There was also a Japanese member of the Eugene Bible University present who was bora in Hawaii and is pre- 14, 4:36 A M . (Stops when lagged. ) No. :12, 3:07 I' M. Regular stop.) South Round No. 5. 11:10 A M. (Stops when flagged to pick up passengers for points at ”diici' this truin stops.) No. 1ft, 9:28 I' M. (Stops on dug only, to pick up passengers for point* south o f Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. ( Regular stop. ) Following north bound trains stop t<> detrain passengers routing from points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due a:86 A. M.; No. 0, due «:0fi P.M. Office hours at Turner week »lays are 8 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon, ami from I 00 P II to 6 <»" P M Station is closed on Sunday ami Itoli days. On these days passengers cun pay fure and have baggage checked m truins. _ _ FMACÀ7INES AND THIS NIW SPA^R FOR ©HLt POR VOIJ C A M H A V E Y O U U C HO I C E OF A N Y FIVE OF THE M A G A Z I N E S LISTED 3CLOW FOR A TULL YEAR (TWELVE MONTHS) quarter, 6-5 in Turner’s favor a half t me, 9-8 for Aumsvilie at the third quarter. Turner won the game in the last two minutes o f play when Zuber and Tripp were removed because of fouls and the substitutes were forced to go in cold and consequently were Why poy mo»* for your magazlnos v, hen you can buy thorn at Iocs than co :t through yout horn* town news­ paper? You con octuc!!y got tivo of America** leading faun and fiedon l ago/inoi at th s amazing price if you order now. If you act quickly you will recoivu j[xjy maqarinot during the next year for just a little more than the price of this newspaper. Don’t hositato to send your order if some of those com e to you now. Re­ newals will b o oxtendod twelve months ahead of your expiration date. 1 unable to keep the fast pace set by the Turner girls. The boys’ game was just as fast ur. ! exciting. Aumsvilie scored first but Turner soon tied the count. Aumsvilie held a 6-4 lead at the end , o f the first quarter but Turner was ahead 12-10 at the half time. Turner forged into a three-point lead early in ’ the third quarter holding a 10-13 lead ¿nd then started to play No. 1 1 ■ " — —O---- — Jensen, who with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W’ olfe, havet been visit­ The local basketcerj divided the ing relatives in Sweden for the past double header game here la.«t week, •ix months, is expected here Sunday, j the girls losing 12-9, in a very close, „ Mrs. Margaret Strayer is preparing fast game, while the boys won 21-1C. to move her household goods to Sil- The girls’ game was exceedingly close verton, where she will make her home standing 4-4 at the end o f the first | » North Bound a stalling ECHAN1C ■ game. In the last five minutes the locals, however, broke up their de- f. nse an»l score»l eight points in quick ->ucces-ion while Turner stood by be- i wildered at the sudden change o f af- ; fairs. Mi rle Johnson was again high 1 l pointer with twelve Electricity brings you Hot and Cold water at a turu o f a faucet If you are already using electririty or if you are within reach of a power line, you can’t afford to waste tune carrying water. Why spend your strength on a hard tank that electricity can do at so small a coat? I'limp. driven by an electric motor, will deliver running water to any part of the house— wherever you want it An electric water heater will A supply all the ».it water you can use— instani ly — any hour of the day or nighL ■ .ci tric dishwasher will save many i. .urs of unpleasant labor during the week. And there are many other ways in which electricity helps and econo mixes on the iirm— thus saving your time and -trength for more profitable work. 99 - 116 $ M ountain S tates P ower C ompany STAYTON OREGON points to his ! credit. The local lineup for both boys i and girls was as follows: Girls I Highberger ( 6 ) ..............................R. F. j Walling ( 4 ) ..................... ...L. F. I Tripp ............... J. C. 1 Bradley ........................... ............ S. C. i Zuber ............. R. G. : Brauner .......................... L. G. 1 Martin .8. I Ruettgers .................... ............... 8 . 1 Boock Boys M. Johnson (1 2 ) R. F. 1 J. I.» e ...................... L. F. L. Zuber ........... .................. c . l 1 E. Hankie ................. ........R. G. ! R. Downer (f>) !.. G. j W. John ton ( 2 ) ............. . a. W. Getchell 11 >.......... 8,1 1 Both team- play ut Stayton this : Friday. 1 G e n tle m e n O der 1 w is h t o t a k e A d v a n t a g e o f y o u r m a y a i l n e b a r g a i n 1 am e n c l o s i n g t h e a b o v e a m o u n t in p a y m e n t (o r a o n e y e a r s u b - s c o p t i o n t o y o u t p a p e r e n d t h e f i v e m a g a r i n e i that 1 h o v e m a r k e d w ith an X b e lo w NAM t S T R U T e r R.F.D TOW N STATI □ A m e r ic a n P o u ltry J o e r n a l C 1 H o u s e h o ld M a g n in e Cl T h e C o u n tr y H e m e C l Illu s tr a te d M a c h o n k s □ E v e r y b o d y 's P o u ltry M a g a i i n e C j P a t h fin d e r ( W e e k l y ) Ci T h e Farm J o u rn a l □ P e e p l e s P o p u la r M o n t h ly □ P o u ltry S l i c e □ S t a n d a r d P o e h r y J cr n n a f . G e n tle w o m a n M a g a t ln e □ G o o d S t e r le e f H e m e C ir c le L i H o m e F rie n d vs ( J S u c c e s s fu l Farrs. r. j C l W o m a n 's W o r ld . V W W A '.W W .V /i V W .V W W / A 'W y /A V . '.V .V .V . V /W