THE TURNER TRIBUNE M W V V V V SW W W ^W V W V W CHEERO FOLKS Dabs for Dinner By Max McKay Ahoy! folk«, wi > i to chungo th«- num<- o f thi« columh. Of course we took un Australian ballot on it untl vot<* cast for u chung«- were 1, for no change 0. So you ««•<• it wun by ununimuus dcciaion that ah«- wa* ehang«-«l. o Yea, air! a noted weuther authority aya, when the little wild llowera be­ gin to pop up throijph old mother eurth’a cruat that it la a aure sign of pring. Mebliy no. Our conception o f spring la* when two little iron pega aprout out of the ground about twenty-one feet apurt and the boya “ about town" get nerv- oua und atari trying to knock thoae two little pega over with u couple pair o f horaeahoea, that'a a sur«- aign of apring, yea, air. Between “ barn yard go lf” in other worda " h o r a e shoes,” "chcckera” und "whittlin’ " the boya are kept pretty buay. -<► — —— We think the officer o f the law ought to stay right by thoae “ horae ahoe" courta ull the time aa Mine of the boya get their ahoea mixed up und get to uaing profane language at eucli other and drive one unother away f rom the game. Barber and put on with Helen Witzel und Nellie Barber ua vulcntinea und Mra. Nelli«- Barber ua Uritlget. The valentine acencry ua«-d for both Craw­ ford und Turner high waa deaigned uml conatructeil by Nellie Barber, Mr. Ilicock doing the carpenter work. Mayro McKinney w«-nt to S«-uUli- recently for m«-«iical treatment. Mr. und Mra. Kuymond Titua ut- tended the fum-rul o f Mra. Oaburn in Sub-m, Tu«-a«luy. Miaa Fuy Barber o f Salem «pent th«i week-eml with her parenta, Mr. an«l Mra. Chita. Barber. Sunday after­ noon they motor«-«! to llayeaville to visit Mr. un«l Mra. Frank Carlaon, former reai«lenta h«-re, who r«-c«-ntly moved to llayeaville. Owen Thomueon and fri*-n«l und Miaa Mona Walk«-r and a frien«! «pent Sunday with Owen’ - parent«, Mr urnl Mra. I*. E. Thomaaon. Miaa Mary Walker of W« at Stay ton «pent Thuradny with h«-r aiat«-r, Mra. Thomua l.ittle. Kenneth Witz«-I of Longview, Waahington, viait«-«! hia parenta, Mr. and M i I: < > Wit/.- I, recently. Th.- Hummock family o f Clear Lake apent Surnluy with Mr. and Mra. I*. E. Thomaaon. Alice Titua apent W'-dnea«lay night with Turn*-r frmmla. Mra. P. K. Thomaaon ap«?nt a few «lay« the first o f th«- week with her niece, Mra. Love, and family o f Eu­ gene. CLOVERDALE Now, if the cup waa there on duty I k - coultl act aa referee and judge. Mr. ami Mra. John Shilling und son, (i«-ne, spent Sunday ut the home of We »«•«• by the paper« thut there their «laughter und son in law, Mr. wua a big egg rnixup buck in Little un«i Mra. Lloyd Jurtm-n. Itock, Arkanaaa. There waa lota of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wood« and eggaitement ami lota of > gga chang«-«l hand« amongst the politician« an«l daughter, Della, were Sunday dinner • ggehunge men. They even ha«l a gu'-ata at the home of Mr. ami Mra. pitch«-«! battb- throwing many caa«-n 1 Frank Cook. Mr. Cook, who has been o f « gg». Oh, boy! ain’t that aumpin*. I ill m«nt o f the wint«»r, ia very slowly I improving. Too darned ba«l moat o f tho«e eggs Mrs. E. E. Cook and Mrs. Frank well with aome o f thoae eggehange Cook wi-r«- business callers in Salem men ami politician«. last Fri«lay. . — ~ - - Ju .t the «am«- we’ll b«-t there waa a J«»e Morris o f Portland visitv«l over “ «crumble” for the eggs. the week-end with hia parenta, Mr. — I) By gosh, uin’t w- «glad we «lidn't and Mrs. J. C. Morris« I. ■ ■ — go to church last Sunday nite. The Mr«. Glen Port«-r o f Sa!«-m spent preachi-r gave hia congregation a Thur««lay at the home o f Mr. ami handicap in the form o f two huge \ J. Mill. r. boils. Now, wi ’«I have been ju«t ..... O" "" lucky «-nougli to g«-t on«- o f th«-m hu«l Mrs. Anna Jnck, instructor in the we b«-«-n there. Pleaaant View school, spent the week- - ■ - " " Now on«- boil ia handicap enough, alone two. O f course, if he gave the who)«- congregation two huge boil« and, 1« t us soy, there were fifty people there that would be opproximately two fifth«, no one-twenty— oh, what the heck- the us«- o f going into such «le«-;i fv'-'«' o\ -r a mile, Is tin* man worth while, ■ # When he'a down Hut the? man who When hia purse is Is th«- man we’d A dding M itriliiM-s ALL MAKES O M A S R O T H 421 Court E N Salem Subject for th«- Sumlay evening, “ Forgiveness, or the Man Who Prac­ tice«! What He Preached.” When they were crucifying our Lord, H<- could have thrown them all to the pit with METHODIST CHURCH Continued from first page Why Not Deal With A Specialist? the diatrict superintend«-nt for a con­ B U Y R O O F IN G T H A T certed, all tog«.-ther pull o f all the ENDURES churches over the diatrict toward an advance in the c jst- of Christ. One It is the am bition o f e v e r y p r o p ­ o f hia i|uestiona which we may all do e r t y o w n e r to p r o v id e his b u ild ­ well ask ourselves was “ Are we aure ings w ith the r o o fin g m ateria l that w«- are concerned more about that will c o n tr ib u te to the b e a u ­ King«lom progress than any other ty o f the stru ctu re as w e ll as thing?” p r o v e d u r a b le and e con om ical. Sunday morning Bro. Burgoyne’a W e h ave just that t y p e o f r o o f ­ subject wan “ The Drudge.” Aa an in g and b e f o r e you d e cid e on illustration o f what he wished to say a n y kind o f a substtiu te w e he selected the character o f the el«l«-r Hope that you w ill g i v e us the brother in the paruble of the prodigal o p p o r tu n ity to tell you about son. He ahoweil ua how the spirit of ours. Use P i o n e e r R o o fin g both boys had been “ ae|f-«ceking.” While the elder one had not marred CARLTON PIONEER ROOFING CO. his life by 'lissapation— he ha«l stayetl Phone 1961 A. B. Christenson, Manager 275 State St. at home and le«l a clean life, and he Salem, AU THORIZED A P P L IC A T IO N AGENTS was u work«-r, but a religious drudge. Dru«lgery «1« pernls not on the task but - V .W .V .V .V .V .’ .V .’ .V .’ .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .,.V .V « V .V .V .V - V - " « W ffll » LITTLE Nest Job of Printing $ 38.50 COMPLET K with cast- This Month On'y STATIONERY Ciieular? and Posters Handbills and Dodgers Window and Show Cards BILL BRAZEÂU'S SALEM OREGON W e o f f e r you a c o m p le t e itoclc o f H I G H G R A D E F ie ld S e e d * a !l reclean ed in the best possible m a n n e r and fr o m selected stocks. SEND US YOUR LIST OR CALL FOR PRICES \ CYP€UIRIC€R$ Slave Printing Needs... $10 down $2 per week j: S p r i n g F i e l d S e e d s •: % Mr. und Mra. Walter W. Miller apent Sunday ut the horn* of Mra. Miller'« aiater and huxband, Mr. an«l Mra. E. !>. Crab tre«! of Lyon«. S p e c ia l TH ING S WE D L IK E TO SEE H. Briggs cut out thunmpin’ us be- hind the «-ar. -----a— - Don Rich«*« with a pair o f hob'li-ss pants on. *" •" Louie Hennie an«l Miaa Gertrude Amb-raon were Sun«lay viaitora ut the Karl Wipper home. one breath but couhln't «lo that anil save us, so while they were «Iriving the cruel nails through His fl«-sh He, who ha«l preached, “ praye«l for them t who deapitefully use you," plead “ Father, forgive them, they know not wh it they do.” And so shoubi we love our fellowmen, being will to lay down i our very livea for them. Crushc«! flower« give off the most perfume. The women and girls o f the Sunday school have challenged the men and boys to learn more scripture verses this week than they can. A long worker-’ conference o f the Sunday school was hrid at the parson­ age Tues«lay evening after volleyball. Everyone should plan to be in at­ tendance at the Brotherhoo«! ærvic»- next Sunday evening, b«ginning at 7:-i0 o’clock. Will you be there? Aid Society will meet next Thurs­ day, February 19, with the president, .Mrs. Small. Every member please take notice. Visitors welcome. SaxaphonE — - Crawford won ««-cond prize in the live valentine cont«-st at the Commun­ ity club Monday night with an orig­ inal skit compose«! by Mrs. Charles I Ben Wipper ia confined to hia home with un uttuck o f meaalea. Sorry Ben w«- did not know that you were enter­ ing your aeconil childhood. the spirit in which it ia «Ion«-. H<- who ia afraiil he will do something he doesn’t really have too, ia missing the joy o f «loing. The extra touches chung«» «Irudgery to a song. Th«.- m«-asure of our «b-votion for the un- ««< n ia what w«- are willing to «lo for humanity. Some live to destroy; aoim- live to let live; aome live and h«dp otheri to live. Where «lo we belong? Many stay at home and do not go into ain; an«l yet, have no fellowship. A form of religion without th«- spirit i.-