TH E TU R N E R The Turner Tribune SU BSC RI I T I ON $125 PER YE AR Entered at the at Turner, Oregon, a* sccond-claa* matter, uiuler U m Act o f March S, 18T».______ i ,, ,i «ve r) Thureday i t Turner. Marion, County, Oregon. MRS CHAS 8 CI UUC ! CHAS. S. CLARK Editora and J Publisher* 't The Corn Cob Goes To Town As far as most o f us are concerned, there are few waste products from the farm have been considered more useless than corn cobs. They would do in a pinch for kindling if they were dry enough, but beyond that, they have never had any monetary value at all; have been hauled out to trash piles and burned, or maybe dumped into muddy places in the roads in order to get riel o f them. Smiling with tolerant amusement, we have watched the fervent efforts of scientists for years, as they have struggled vainly to find some great and crying need for what represented such a large portion of the farmer’s crop after it was hauled in from the field and shucked. By the latest re­ ports from scientific headquarters, it seems as though th 1 scientists in ques­ tion are on the road to success for already a trail has been broken from tiie corn cob pile to the manufactur­ ing world, and it is predicted that during the next few years, this will increase to unprecedented lengths. TRIHUNK EXECUTOR S NOTICE Oregon Beauty In the Matter ot the Estate of Amelia E. Stockton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on Die 21st day o f January, 1931, by order o f the Honorable J. C. Sicgmund, County Judge o f Marion County, Ore go», Mr. S. U. Elliott was appointed executor o f the above named »state and letters tostamontery issued to him. Notice is hereby given that any and all persons having any claims against said estate will present th»> same tluly verified according to law to the sai«l S. B. Elliott, executor o f said estate, at the First National Bank. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, duted at Salem, Oregon, January 22, 1931. S. B. E1XIOTT, Executor of Saul Estate. M. B. HAYDEN. Attorney for Estate. Salem, Oregon. S h o p •12« Oregon Building Telephone 296 PERM ANENT W AVE . . . to say nothing o f automobile tires end telephone receivers. V- far as the g-neral public is con- . r • 1, the coming o f the corn cob •ito its own trill be vastly satisfying « r a .- i the prouuets thus manufac- v.sred will be cheaper. And at for the corn farmer— perhaps the traffic in •»b.- may help to bring the industry out o f the doldrums in which it has been sunk these last several years. $1 00 FINGER W AVE Shumpoo and Finger Wav- .50 1.00 .75 Marcel Shumpoo ............... Eyebrow Arch I’i i nt Hot Oil Shampoo Long Huir Shampoo.. Henna Pack ... Henna Rinse ............ ■ »* * » • * # # * * * * ■ * • * * • * * * * * * # * • » • »* » SUMMONS In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, for County o f Marion. Dept. No. 2. Ednu M. Reader, Plaintiff, vs. Harry J. Rentier, Defendant. To Harry J. Reader, Defendant: In the name o f the State of Ore­ gon, you are hereby required to ap- pea rand answer the complaint filed j against you in the above entitle«!! , ! court and cause on or b«'fore four J Will Fire Rob V om weeks from the »late o f the first pub- ! * Of Your Home? lication of this summons, namely on * : or before the 26th day of February, X 1 1931, and if you so fail to appear and ♦ r— -V.«» ■« • , i »•■» r » « a* — —«a., I.a n ai ..laa, yourself and the plaintiff and a «li- I i — V■>■» — AM) LWIXS vorse therefrom on the grountls of AllLqi ATXLtl desertion; nn«t for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and F. P. ROWLEY. Agent equituble in the premises. Cenerai tniurance This summons is served upon you Turner, Oregon * by publication thereof for four con- When tin plate is being manufac­ | secutive weeks in the Turner Tribun«}, * « » * * * * * « a **# *-****« * * * * * * tured, for instance, one step requires pursuant to an order mail«- on the 21st »lav of January, 1931, !>.' H __________ the use o f great quantities o f bran L. H. McMahan, judge o f the abov» ■ - to soak up the layers o f oil witn which entitled court. The »late o f the first - they are coated. It has been recently publication of this summons is J.inu- / / l S *i% S S W »,iW > V » ,»"»V »V «V A ^ discovered tnat corn cobs ground into arv 22. 1931, and the last date o f the .......................... - ‘ be the ‘ ?6th - publication thereof wil Hour, serve better for this purpose, day of February, 1931. I k . .lies o ing much cheaper. M. B. HAYDEN. Attorney for Paintiff. In the making of concrete doors, Salem. Oregon sawdust ,s spread over the surface to prevent a too rapid drying. This is Jan22-29Fob5-12-19-28 expensive because only clean white sawdust can be used, the darker kinds leaving ugiy stains. With the advent o f vorn cob Hour, this is no longer a factor to be considered. Corn cobs coated with iron rust are u>kd in the gas industry. In the elec­ trical world, a nurd rubbery substance known as manolith and serving as a high grade insulating material, is made from corn cobs. In seine forms t h i i s much like artificial rubber and with special treatment, makes fair automobile tires. A strong and very cin ,.p giue is now eing manufactured from corn cobs, as well as a sugar known as xylose. This has no food value but it in demand for diabetic patients. Artificial silk or rayon, acetic acid, wood alcohol, oxalic acid, tar, and the cork substance in linoleum, arc other products made from the lowly corn cob. Even the doll industry is invad­ ed, the hard rubbery materia! of which unbreakable dolls are made, being quite as satisfactory when com­ pounded from corn cob flour as from the highly expensive imported wood fiber used heretofore. With twenty million tons o f corn cobs available each year, all that is needed to put the industry on a sound paying basis, is the erection o f fac­ tories and adequate education of the public. The time is not far distant when corn cob products will play a leading role in our industrial life, is the pre­ diction o f the Iowa Slate College which has been performing much o f th ' experimental work. One's imagination has to stretch considerably to envision dresses, un­ derwear. stockings, sugar, dolls, lino­ leum, electrical fixtures and glue be- ng made from ordinary old corn cobs ~zrr A W .W .S V .S W .W .V .V .V A V NOTICE OF SALE No. 7669 .75 .75 . I 00 .60 Manicar« Water Wave .50 .60 Salem, Oregon ’. V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V A ^V V V W A W bW W A W A V V W NEW LOCATION .M o u rn s O ptical Co*.«. New Type Deeper Curved Len» Best for Better Vision ? J Î J ; *1 444 State Street ÿ SALEM, ORECON Ï iW W W W V W W W W iV W W Dr. Scofield X -R A Y C I'IR O P P H A C T O K Lady Attendant First N’ at’l Salem, Bank Bldg.. Phone 2191 . Oregon ■ .■ .V A V .V .V .V .’ .’ . V . V A ’ . V . V I BEAUTY MAIS SHOPPE ¡ • ‘ :: All Types of Beauty Work IN TH E COUNTY COURT OF THE S TA TE OF OREGON. FOR MARION COUNTY. .50 .35 .50 Mit reel it nil Fingi* r 50c W h ves In the Matter o f the Estate of Mary Eastburn, Deceased. Notice is hen by g n that undersigne«! as administrator o f the Facial and Scalp estate o f Mary Eastburn, deceased, will from and aft«-r the 28th day of T reatm ents February, 1931, sell, at private sale, at the law office o f Guy O. Smith, in Salem, Marion County, On g->n. al! j All Work Guaranteed o f the following described n>al prop­ Over Steusloff »Market erty. to-wit: R-'ginning at a point in th-* e*-n Salem, Oregon ler o f Clevelan»! Avenue in Merri- ' Phone I7J field’s Addition to the Town of Y«»u always g it a litt I«* more AumsrUlcJn M-Ition County Or - than you pay for w hen you »teal v .v .v .v .w .v .v .v .v .w , gon, which said point is 11.9671 with ua—Clean •‘gna,” f u l l chains West o f the Northeast cor­ iiienaote»—Cl* an oil, the brand ner of said M»*rr field’s Addition I y » » u r motor lik»» last,—anil to the Town o f Aumsville: running AUMSVILLE thence West alone the cent, r of cheerful **• r V i ce t»» bring you said Cleveland Av -nu 3.39 chains hack. , to the center o f Fifth Street in the Town o f Aumsville; thence AUMSVILLE. OREGON North on a direct line with the F R E E A IK and W A T E R center o f sai»l Fifth Street 2.99 W E FIX F L A T S chains: thence 3.31 chains to a 16 foot right o f way heretofore 4 % granted to R. L. Randall, and now owned by Che flings; thence South Paid on Time Deposits RED C RO W N Ü AS along the w.*st side of said right of way 2 99 chains to the place of beginning, containing one acre, • Tbe (Mace for Home People to Hank more or less, situated in Section 25, T. 8 South Rang* 2 West of the Willamette Meridian in Marion W / J V .W V .V A W A V W , County, Oregon. A’ so the East one-half o f the fol- V . W W W / W Ä W W V lowing described premises, to-wit' Beginning at a point 20.08 chains north an